11 8 All BBOS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE A Fine 9 Hat s, Lino of Sprin Men's and Boys' Boots a n d Clothing S h o 0 s LOWEST CASH PRICES LSiletz, Oregon ! Petition for Liquor License. Lutjens, Oregon, Juno S, 1903. To the Honorable County Court ol Lincoln County, State of Oregon: We, the undersigned legal voters of Beaver Creek preelnct do hereby petition your honor able body that a liquor llcenso for one year be issued to James Anderson to sell vinous, mult and spirituous liquors in less quantities than ono gallon at Lutjens, in said precinct, and your petitioners will ever pray. J. M. Bowers S. A. Holmgreen K. S. Barnes N. L. Guilllams Thomas Harrison George M. Little John Guilliams A. W. Cox K.S.Oakland J.Gatens A. Gallagher Burt Twombly A. Rowin Carl Carlson Adolph Peterson Archie McGinley II. Twombly Sam IUU S. Sagendorf J. A. Peterson J. F. Russell J. c Daugh rty W. H. Simmons v. H. l! J. T. Hanlon John W. Hall G. P. Lyons U. S. Holgate E. G. Sbarratt . E. II. Baldwin Fred Green NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I, James Ander Bon, will apply to the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, at an adjourned term thereof, on the 3d day of July, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for a license to soil vinous, spirituous and malt liquors in less quantifies than one gallon at Lutjens, Lincoln County, State of Oregon. JAMKS ANDERSON." the Old Reliable Given Away. Commencing Monday, March 23, I will give with each cash dollar's worth of goods purchased ut my store a ticket entitling the holder to a chance In a drawing for a new sewing machine. The drawing will take place July .4. The machine may be seen in tho store. The White House (II. Lewis.) M. WYGANT, SURVEYOR Real Estate Agent INSURANCE If you have a farm or town lot to sell, or if you wish to buy one, call on me. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitod Stales Lund Oftlco, Oregon City, Or. ' Slay 15, IOCS. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled -An act for the sale of timber kinds in theStutcsof California. Oregon, Nevada mid Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the public land States by net of August 4, 1892, James l Ilunter.of Silverton, County of Marion, Stale of Oregon lias this day tiled in this olllce his sworn statenient No. C13S, for the purchase of tho so of section No. 32 In township No. 13 s, runpre No. 9 w, and will oiler proof to show that tho land sought is inoro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, unci to establish his claim to said laud lefoiD Register and Re ceiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 11th day of August, 1903. Ho names ns witnesses: LcRoy Browne, of Silverton, Orogon, George Hodges, of Saludo, Oregon, Alex Okane, Silverton, Oregon, mid S. Y. Cook, of rortlaud, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ndveisley the above-doscrllicd lands are requested to (Ho their clalnA in this ofllee on or before said 11th day of August, 1903. Algkunon's. Dresser Register. ' ' 1 , ix ,r- r i f . 1 r ii . r f - It 1 v ' 8 P S i l . V' fcsBJWWBWieSB-. . 8SW SENDS GIIDETIlSraS: g F. SVVOPE, I Attorncy-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney ; for Lincoln County y Will stale. tiotiH practice in all courts in the Probnte matters and collec promptly attended to. Office in Courthouse, Upstairs, TOLEDO, OREGON. B. F. JONES, Attorn ey-at-La w, Notary Public. TOLEDO, - OREGON. Will practice in all the courts of Oregon. Five and one-hall years clerk of Probate and Circuit courts. Has compleie up-to-date Abstract of Lincoln County. George A. Landrcth, The Barber. A neat hair-cut in any style desired ' . and an easy shave. PAllKElt HOUSE, TOLEDO, OR. On the Water Front, ono block south of Depot. Accommodations ns cood as can be fouud iu Lincoln county. RATES REASONABLE. The traveling public cordially invited to give this bouse a trial. NOTICE FOR TCBLICATION. United States Land Olllce, Oregon City, Or, April 29th l!)03. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ISTfi, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Or egon, .cvada ana Washington Territory," as extended to all the public Land Statos by act of August 4, 1KU2, George E. Butler of Needles, County of Pan rcrnardlno. State of California, has this day tiled in this olllce his sworn statement No. C109, for the purchase of the se4 of nv4, and Vt of ne) and ne,1 se of section No. 20 in Township 12 s, range 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its tintber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Oregon City Oregon, on Saturday, the 18 day of July, 1W3. Ho names as witnesses; v. . Correll of Albany, Oregon, Harry P. Baldwin of Needles, California, Ira Wade of Toledo, Oregon, and Fred W. Tway of Needles, California. Any and all perscng claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claim in this olllce on or before said 18th day of July, 1903. Ai-okknonS. Dkf.ssek, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, May 2, 190.1. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho County Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Or., on June 16, 1903, viz: Clclly F. Hughes, II. E. No. 13J43, for the ne J4' see 11, tp 9 s. r 9 w. lie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous rcsidenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: O P Reynolds, U II Window, Thoo Farington, all of Rocca, Or., E L Ingalls of Pallas, Or. Alueknon S. DttKSHKK, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Olllce, Oiegon City Or. Adril 29, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in complience with thp prnvqtnn of the H?t Of Cof.rCS Cf June 3, 18"i5, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Harry C. Baldwin, of Needles. County of San Bernardino, State of California, has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn statenient No. C10S, for the purohase of the nci of section 25 in township 12 , range 10 w, and will ofl'or proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before Register and Receiver at Oregon City Oregon, on Saturday, tho 18 day of July 1903. He names as witnesses: George E. Butler of Needles, California, P. A. Correll, Albany, Oregon, Ira Wade, Toledo.Oregon, and Fred W. Tway of Needles, California. j Any and all persons clasming adversely the. above-described lands are requested to file : their claim in this office on or before said is day of July, 1903 Algf.bnon 8. Dr.ESriF.H, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Olllce, Oregon City, Or., April 2, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 8,1878, cntitlod "An Act for the salo of Timber Lands in the States of California, Or egon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us extended to all the public land Sates by net of Angust4, 1892, James W. Burke of Winslow, Territory of Arizona, has this day tiled in this ofllee his sworn statement No C069 for the purchase of the nl4 of the sjij of section iNo. 13 in Township io. 12 South o 1 Range 10 w. and will offer proof to show that i the land sought is more valuable for its tlm-1 beror stone than for agricultural purposes,! and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ofllco at Oregon City Or., on Tuesday tho 23d day of June, 1903. He names as witnesses: Mrs. Georgia A. Burke of Winslow, Ariz. Ter., Mrs, Katherine Tway and P. A. Carrell both of Albany, Ore., and Fred W. Tway of Needles, California. Any and all persons clalmlnsr adversely the above described hinds arc requested to file 1 their clainiB in this ofllee on or before said 23d day of June, 1903. (.has. u. .uooREs, uegisier. w E heartily thank all our last year's customers for their liberal! patronage, a,nti we wish to say that we are in much better pusiliuii lu oiTcr a laiucl' and tuuie COuiuicic SlOck. lliHii. waar ever placed before the people of Lincoln County. Respectfully, The Y. B. Merc. Co. McCAULOU & PLUMLEE GENERAL Special Tailoring Department We guarantee satisfaction in every line. Call and see us NEXT DOOR TO BARBER SHOP Toledo, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, April 2, l!K)i. Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78. entitled "An act for the sule of I nnd will otl'er proof NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllco at Oregon City, Oregon. April 24, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tho states of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Jess E. Miller of Albuquerque, county of Bernalillo, Terrftorfy of New Mexico, has this day (lied in this ofllee his sworn state ment No. 0105, for the purchase of the nw'.,' of Fectiou 27 in township 12 south, range 10 west to show that the laud V ALLEX PARKER, Proprietor. CITY Restaurant and IBakerv WILLIAM ENOS, Proprietor ables supplied with the best the Nkel affords. Fresh bread, oies nd cakes always on hand. Crater "Front. TMn nr. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Lincoln County. Lewis C. Beck, Plaluilfr, vs. Anna Ileck, Pefendant. To Anna Beck, the above-named Pcfcndnnt In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and answer to the complaint filed therein on or before tho 10th day of July, 1903, that being the last day of the timo pre scribed in tho order for publication of this summons upou you. And you are further no tified that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint and summons, as by law re quired, tho said plaint III' will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In hlscomplalnt on file herein, towlt: For n decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between said plnintlir and aid defendant, and for such other and further relief ns to equity seemclh Just. The period of time prescribed for tho publication of this summons upon you is six wocks from tho dato of its firs, publication, towlt: Friday, the 29th day of May, 190.1. Tho date of tho last publication is Friday, tho 10th day of Julv, 1903. The date of first publica tion Is the 29th day of May, 19n3. The date for the order of this publication' of thU summons t the 2Cth iisy of Muv, lwa This summons Is nubllshed in tho Lincoln County Leader bv aid order of the lion. C. M. Brown, Judge of the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon. ' ' 11. F. 8WOPE, Attorney for said rtulptlff. timber lards In the states of California, Oie gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1S92, Georgia a. Burke of Winslow, Territory of Arizona, has this day filed in this olllce her sworn statement No. (008,for the pur chase of the sVi of sw.. of Keetlon 13 and n4 of nw!4 of suction 24 in township 12 south, range 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish her cloiin to said land before tiio Register and Receiver of this ollice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 23rd day of June 1993. She names as witnesses: Mrs. Kathrine Tway and P. A. Carrell both of Albany, Oregon, and rrcd v. 'lway of Needles, California, and James W. Burke of Winslow, Ariz. Ter. Any and all persons clniming adversely the abovo dcscriiied lands are requested to tile their claims lu thisotllceon or beforo said 23d day of June, 19C3. CIIAS. B. MOOI1ES. Register. sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land bef re the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tues day, tho 21et Cay of July, 19i:3. lie names as witnesses: Potcr Mahan, Benjamin Tl. Lent and George E. Swarthout all of Needles, California and P. A. Correll of Albany, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above decciibed lands are requested to tile their claims in this olllcq on or befuro said 21st day of July, 1903. CIIAS. B. MOORHS, Register. Hedges & Galloway, tho well-known Oregon City attorneys, can furnish you. with up-to-date blue prints of this dis trict, i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Olllce, Oregon City, Or., April 2, 1903. Notli!te is hereby given, that in compliance with tho provisions of tho act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of Callfornit, Or egon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as . extended to all the Public Lnnd States by act of August 4, 1S92, Fred V. Tway of Needles. county of San lidcno, Stato of California, nasi this day H'.ed in this ofllee his sworn statement j No. 0070forthe purchase of the nwjt-4 ol sec. 2a, Township No. 12 South of Kongo No. 10 w. and ! will otl'er proof to show that tho land sought is uiort) valuable for its timber or stone than! for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this ofllco at Oregon City, Ore., on T.iesdav tho 23rd day u! Juno, 19U3. lie names as witnesses: NO Trespassing. NTS. ijeorgia.. mime aim jo.nea ) . i.uikoi lit norfl.s ar t,,.wiiir tnvh rMoti in both of Winslow, Aria. Ter., and Mrs. Kat her-' ' ' ne Tway ana P. A. Carrell both of Albany, nunt or uuhijuhb uij uiv t..uiuirCB, Oregon. Known us me uoMjuruuK piiiuo. mt-o Any'and all person clairalnx adversely tho i pnripy cone.unmu are wnrnuit ngtinsi abovo described lands are requested to Mo uriving my caiuo iroui uie nr.i range NOTICE FOR PUBI.ICATUN. United States Loud Olllco, Kosehnrg, Ore., March 18,1901. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for tho salo of Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho publie land states by act of August 4, 1892, Lawrence S. Ainsworth of 859 Hawthorne Avo. Portland, county of Multno mah, mate of Oregon, has this day HNsd in this olllce his sworn statement No. 40.V2 for the pur chase of the Lots fi, 7, H and 9 of section No. 10 In Tow nship No. 14 south of range 11 west and will oiler proof to f how tint tho land sought is more valuablo for its Umber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this olllco at Koseburc, Oregon, on Thursday the 23rd day of July, 1C03. lie names as witnesses: ( A. Tuvlor, Kdwln Mays and Henry Gray nil of Portland, Oregon, and J. M. Kindred of Waldport, Oro. v Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to iilo their claims in this olltci on or beforo said 23d day of July, 1903. .). T. Nuidoes, Register. their claims in this ofllee on or before said 23d day of June, 1903, CPAS. B.,MqoBBS.,Ke(istQr.l uutil my lines have boon established and feDces coustr.uctod. GABiilELvLHlU. Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under Execution Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an -execution, decree and order of sale issued out . of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln and under the seal, thereof, bearing dute of May 19, 1903, upon a . judgment rendered on the Cthdayof Decem ber, 1902, in a matter therein pending, wherein the State Hchool Bard is pi a In till' and Albert . Mcakcr, Haltlo Mcakcr and Moses Gregson are defendants, and wherein ihe said plaintiff re covered judgment against said defendants for -the sum of six hundred and six (C.0f.) dollars,., with Interest thereon from the Olh day of De cember, 1902, at the rate of eight per cent per annum and fifty (SO) dollars attorneys' fues,, and the further sum of fifty (.10) dollars, costsi Riid disbursements. Bald execution, decree-., and order of sale was to me directed and do-, livcred, commanding mo to make the abovev anmH tf tnnliav Kir lnvv anil sain .if tVia rnal - ' " j .v.j " ' property herein described, belonging to said. defendants, towit: The southeast ono-quaiter (J) of section thirty-three (33), township k. eleven (11) south of rango ten (10) west of Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty (1G0) acres, iu Lincoln County, Stuto , of Orogon. Now, therefore, in obedience to the said coin mand, I will Bull, on Friday, the .'Id day of July, 1903, at tho hour of :) o .clock p. m., at tho-, courthouse door In Toledo, in taid county and stato, at public auction, to the highest bidder for eiifh, all tho right, title and lntecst of tho . above-named defendants, each and severally, In and to tho above-described land, together with tho tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining, in order to make the Rev ersl sums abovo stated, together with tho. costs and accruing costs. J. II. ROSS, Sheriff of Lincoln Comity, Oieg..n. Dated at Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, June . 6, 1903. Administrators Sale of Personal Property. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, fur the County of Lincoln.. In the matter of the estateof A. .11. Lutjou, deceased. f Notice Is hereby given that on the Gth day of June, 1903, at tho hour of 10 o'clock la the fo'onoon of snld day, at the poxtofllce at Lut Jons in Lincoln County, Oregon, I will offer for sale at public auction for rash In hand, nil tho remainder of the personal property be longing '.otheerftato of A. II Lutjens, deceased and will continue tho salo thereof until tho whole thereof is sold for a period of tun days from the said Olh day of Juno, 19C3. By order of C. M. Brown, County Judge of Lincoln County. Jacob Houiatk, Administrator of tho estate of. A. Jl. I.utjenc, , deceased,,.