Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 12, 1903, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader,
i Pjiopkietoes.
Official County Paper.
JCntored at the pnstoffiae at Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mall matter.
One Year - - - . $1 50
Six Month." - - 75
'i'lirei' Months - - - ' 50
& Rio Grande are given the privilege of
returijiiiK via a different route.
, For rate to the point yon wish to go,
and for dates of sale and other particu
lars, as well aa for illustrated pamph
lets, write
W. C. McBride, General Agent,
! 124 Third St., Portland, Or.
Land Ofllce at Oregon city, Oregon,
May 7-, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the net cf Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevadu and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
August 4, 1S92, Mrs. Evalyn A. Wellmiin of San
Francisco, county of San Francisco, state of
California, has this day filed In this ofllce her
sworn statement No. 6130, for the purchase of
the Bei of nwj4 and nel, of sw4 and njj of
se)i of section 15 in township 12 south, range
10 west and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timbe.
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before Ira
Wade, County Clerk of Lincoln county, at To
ledo, Oregon, on Thursday, the 6th day of
August, 1903. ,
She names as witnesses:
Charles B. Wellinan and Benjamin Lent
both of Needles, California, I'. A. Correll of
Albanj , Oregon, and William J. Ilcidy of Tole
do, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claim in this ofllce on or before said 6th
day of August, 1903.
AI.OEKNON 8. Dresser, Register.
extended to all public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Endre 8, Oakland, of Bay View
County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, has this
day tiled in this orllco his sworn statement No.
6073, for the purchase of lot 26 of section No. 5
in tOA-ulolp 14 8, range 11 w, and will offer
proof to show that tho land sought is mom
valuable for its timber or stone than agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim be
foro County Clerk of Lincoln County, ut
Toledo Oregon on Saturday the 25th day of
July, 1903.
He names as witnesses: Gustav U. llolmen,
of Toledo Orcgen, W. T. Crocker and Edgar
Crocker, both of Waldport Oregon and E. S.
Barnes of Bay View Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversly the
above-described lands are requested to iile
their claims, in this ofllce on or before snid 25
day of July, 1903. J. T. Bmnues, Register.
Tho Yarjuina Bay Newsance, with its
customary disregard for truth and de
Cfiuiy,' tries to make its 11 renders be
lieve that many of the Republicans of
Toledo precinct were disloyal to Bin
ger Hermann. The insult is hardly
worthy of notice, but as Matthews is
overlooked like a blade of grass save
when he says something mean, we refer
to the matter, purely in a spirit of
philanthropy. As all sensible men in
the community know, not, only the Re
publican vote of Toledo precinct, but
the Democratic and Socialist votes as
well, were considerably less than one
year ago. The average Republican vote
on st'ite officers last year in Toledo pre
cinct was 104; Hermann's vote June 1
wan 01 only 10 less. Ihe average
Democratic vote on state officers was
tibout 42, and the average Socialist vote
")5. in the recent election Rearues
(detn.) got 15 votes and Ingle (soc.) 38
lie re was a gain of 3 Oemocratio votes
ami a loss of 17 Socialist. It is knowu
that at least 3 Democratic votes were
polled by residents of Newport pre
dnet. A number of Toledo Republic
ans were unavoidably absent on elec
tion day and cast their votes in Booie
other precinct or county. In this con
nection it may do no harm to mention
the fact that Toledo gave Hermann a
larger vote thnn it gave Tongue; and
iilso that Newport gave Weatherford
(ilem.) a majority over Tongue. Why
didn't Matthews bellyache a little over
Ihe latter calamity? Oh, but Republi
cans do enjoy being criticised by a man
who has for years been a barnacle on
the parly!
X 7
The blessed east has opened up un
usually promising this season. Not in
years perhaps never before have the
cyclones, tornadoes and floods found bo
many victims before August 1. Ne
braska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and
other "peerless" states have crape on
their doors and large lisis of property
Ioshbh, '"Oregon, sweet Oregon," is
til ill wide open and bids the hill ic ted
easterners a hearty welcome.
In Honolulu.
The Honolulu Advertiser of May 24
lias an interesting account of the ar
rival of the battleship Wisconsin, the
first huge warship to reach tho naval
docks at that port. Shcdd Rosobrook,
who is a musician on the Wisconsin,
has sent a copy of tho Advertiser to his
father, Austin Rosebrook of this city.
A few extracts from tho articlo are
appended :
The battleship had n fine trip of nine
and a half days from Bremerton, only
tho fu st c'ay out being rough, hut even
then tho battleship va9 ho steady that
the crew did not nolico tho rough Feas.
The Wisconsin curries a crow of about
70l),iind it was noticeable that most of
the sailors were young fellows. They
urn apprentices, having served on the
training ships to get their sea-les, and
are now taking their first voyugo ou a
real lighting machine. Tho majority
of the boys came from inhind states,
and are ruddy-faced, sturdy-framed
types of the real American youth.
"If unite remarkable," said an olh
cor, "that most of our crow is Ameri
can, and you can say that it is practi
cally an all-Anierh'Hii crow."
' And thoy can phiy baseball, too,"
sunge.-ted a young midshipman, who
looked us if ho was something of a fan.
The Wisconsin carries four 13-inch
guns in her forward and aft turrets,
and this main battery is augmented
lv a dozen eight inch guns, besides a
secondary battery of eix and three
pounders and, machine guus. I , notick fou
' I fulled stale I.iuul OIIU-o Oregon City. Or
Notice I will lake butter and eggs in j May l-jth v.m.
VM'hatlgd for goods at my btoro. Notice is hereby given that In compliance
Mas Wv.- iv r I V'"; ""' ',rov,,m act of CmiKiiM
' ' ""ANr- - June :J, is,-, entitled "An act for the sale .
iiini'.-l minis 111 nut S ll l-S of I' '., .,
. . . . ......... 1,1.,, Wl-
uon. .M-vaHii Hint Washington Territory,'
Land Offlco at Oregon City, Oregon.
May 2, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hiB intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at Oregon City Oregon,
on June 16, 1903, viz:
Roscoe B Winslow, II E No. 13.r38, for tho ne
iisenl, tp9s, r9w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said-land, viz:
G 1 Reynolds, Sumner T Merrill. Mrs C F
Hughes, all of Rocca, Or., E L Ingallsof Dal
las, Oregon. Aloebnon S.Dkesbek, Register.
cactr corm
jfl . umi mmtn mmmu iMWMWMW'iwifiiinMgiwfcwMWWWiiiiBii mBm'
Land Office at Oregou City, Oregon,
May 2, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on
Juno IB, l'.io:!. viz:
Theodore Farington, II E No. 13512 for the se
J-4 see 1, tp 9 s, r 9w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
G 1' Reynolds, S T Merrill, C F Ilughes.'all of
Rocca, Or., K L Ingalls of Dallas. Or. '
Ai-osiiNON S. DiiEssEii, Register.
Land Oilice at Oregon City, Ore.,
April 21, 1'JO.l.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states ot California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
eAleauad lo all the public land states hy act
of August 4, 1892, Benjamin II. Lent of Needles,
county of San Bernardino, state of California,
United States Laud Oilice, Roseburgore.
May 4 W03.
Notice Is herebv sriven that In compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress 0f i ha this day liled in this oilice his sworn state
June 3,1878, entitled -'An act for the sale of j 1,,eilt No. 610L for tho purchase or the n of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-j ,,0?4 antl 8W4 of ne,i o section 27 and u
gon, Nevada, and Washington Teiritory." as i of Iiwl of action 26 In township 12 south
range 10 west, and will offer proof to show that
Ihe laud sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and o establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 21st day of July, 1903.
He names as witnesses:
Ueorgo E. Swarthout and Peter Mahan both
of Neodles, California, Jesse E. Miller of Albu
querque, New 'Mexico, and P. A. Correll of Al
bany, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claim in this ollico oa or before said 21st
day of July 1903.
Chas. 11. Mookes, Register.
f nited Slates Land Oilice. Roseburg, Ore.
May 4. 1903.
Notice is hereby given thai la compliance
with I ho provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "An net for tho sale of
timber lands in tho Stales of California, Or
egon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as i
extended to all the public Land Slates by act
of August 4, lSIK.tJustav B. Holnien, of To
ledo, County ot Lincoln, State of Oregon, has
tills day llleil In this office Ills sworn statement
No. S074, for the purchaso of Lot No. 18, of sec.
5, in township 14 s. rnngo 11 w., and will offer
proof lo show that tho land sought is mora
valuable for Its timber or stono than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before County Clerk of
Lincoln County at Toledo Oregon on Satur
day the 2o day of July 1903.
Ho niinies as witnesses: Kndro S. Oakland,
K. S. Barnes both ol Bay View Oregou, mid W.
T. Crocker and Edgar Crocker both of Wuld
port Oregon.
Any nail all persons claiming adversly the
nliove-ilescrlbod lands are requested to lllo
their claims in this ollico on orbeforo said 251 li
day of July, 1903. J. T. Bkiimii .s Register.
t -
It is easy to make any kind of a statement if
your conscience is flexible, but square talk wins
You may Rake the World
over, but you'll never find a
rake quite as good as the
This Machine gives J
Satisfaction . and Service it
other on the Coast
Toledo, Lincoln Coxirity, Oregc
FACTS COUNT Do not make a mistake :
Buy an QSBO&NE Mower
and bU
1'nited States Land Oilice Oregon City Or.
April 24 1903.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878,entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public Land States by act
of August 4 1S92, Petor Mihmi, of Needles,
County of San Rernardino, State of Oa'.ifornin,
has this day tiled la thie ollllco his sworn
stutement No. C113, for the purchase of the neJi
n w 4 hoc. 35. tpl2s. range 10 w; oi of the
swj and nwj-i of the so of section 26 twp 12 s,
rango 10 w. and will offer proof to show that
tho land sought is more valuable for its tlm-1
bcr or stono than for agricultural purposes.!
and to establish his claim, to said land before I
Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, !
on Tuesday, tho 21 day of July, 19U3.
Ho names as witnesses- Jess E. Miller, of
Albuquerque N. M., George E. Swarthout, of
Needles, Callornia, Benjamin H. Lout, of!
Needles California and P. A. Correll of Albany j
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the,'
above-described lands are requested to tile ;
their claims in this ofllce on or before said 21'
day of July, 1903.
Alokhnon S. Iiiiks?kii, Register.
Untied States Land Ollico, Oregon 'Jily, Or. I
I May 1.-., 1903. !
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the net of Congress of
Junes. 1S78-entitled "An act, for fie sale of'
timber lands 1n tho Stales of California, 0 j
egon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as '
extended lo nil tho public Land States by act '
of August 4, ISM, LoRoy Browne of Silvei-ton, j
County of Marion. State of Oregoiv, has this i
(lay lllod in thisotllce his sworn statement No.
U139 for the purchase of tho owJT of seel ion No.
32 in township No. 12 south, range No. u west!
and will offer proof to show that, iiw.
Vice President.
Responsibility $75,000
(ju iransacta a uenerai lianniDg unsmesa
n Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Exchange Sold oa All Points
State, County and School Warrants Bought!
Principal Correspondents :
(JiJ PORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, London and San Fran-1
J cisco uatik, Ltd.
(a baj i' KA.MJlhoU-L.oi.iiou una San Prancisco JLiank, Lid.
K NEW YORK-. I. P. Morgan & Co.
Y CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd.
Land oilice at Oregou City, Ore.
April 24, l!X:;s.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June il, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oio
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us
extended to all tho public land states by act of
August 4, 18ii2, CeorgoE. Swarthout of Needles,
county of (iaii Ilernardlno, state of California!
has this day filed In this oilice his sworn stale'
taunt No. iilil3, for the purchase of tho sw' : f
section 27 In township 12 south, ruiiiru 111 west ;
I and will effor proof to show that tho bind I
sought is ...ore valuable for lis timber or I I, !. " u U,,HV
than for agricultural purposes, and ,0 cstab- , , "f ,cum,,;,L' ("" poses, and to estab
lish hi- claim to said 'land before the Reg l r " ' ' "1 ' ""'l "lw
and Reccn er at Oregon City, Oregon, o l ues- I ' 'TT' Vm' " 'Mny
day. the 21st day of Julv, IWtt H o Hlh day of August, l!KU.
lie lmtnos as witnesses- 1 nu,,u'9 tx" wl,"'' J. P. Hunter of Sll-
lieujatnin H. I.e.: and Peler Mshan both of ' t .'"witam nfT f S,"1U,'
Needles, l allfmala, Jesse E. Miller of VIM, i ,, , ' ' hlk tl,y' S- r- l',,k
.uer.Uf, New Mexico, P. A. Correll of Albanv "1',la"'''01;-
Oregon. iiMiii),j Anyan.lallpeisons cliiliuing adversely Ibo
Any and alt persons claiming adversdv the ''IT' ,r'l':!JCl1, l,,n,U ",0 rB1,w" l
above described lands are reque, V ' M "' " or '0 1i:h
their claim In this olllce on or ,cfo re s ' 't ' "f X""?' ,m ' c ,
day of .Inly, vm. j Aloku.non 8. DarssKu, Register.
Ciias. II. MooitKs. Register. " "
Hall & Anderson
Toledo Livery and Feed Stable
Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Soecial attenticl
giveu to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by day, week or mofittl
Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a.m.
Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p.m. I
"'"S"' " iiiuro vuiuanie lor us t tin her or stone
Call for City Warrants.
IWIi!) in here iv rnn t 1 -""en ki a,i l ne nun He ami Sint,.. i.-.....
... ' ' " .""'An,.,-t4.1.Flo,vm-e it. v,r...V f ugavt 4, 1. uu iiano. to my ail outstanding , .,,.., s,,,. ,, ' . 1 county of
Hr.-,.t.--.l... il l.- iv-i .j . ",N,M """"""'"'.SbiteolCalil'
, , V l" ill) lm-.Uils.lay tiled 111 till-olllce blsswoni -le. . v ,7
U and ilicllldlllij Nil. .VJo. .late,! (let.. I.,.r incut No.11137. for H. .,,,,,.1...... ... ., ' ' "u'lU No- M
l'.Hll. Iutorest Oil satno ceases iiftur ' si'ctuiii No, 14 in township No. 12 . inn.,,. v i
,i.: i t ry ! lUw. and will tni-nnw.r i. .i...... .i '. r ''ro'
uiini.itie. VI. u. ViltAY, i reiiKuror. ' -" mm ino mini i,,,,..,.-
Keeps constantly on hand all
the Standard Varieties of
Fruit Trees
Vines and
Ciiitwood", Oregon.
Date.1 JuiieTi, lixi;!.
!sougntis inoi-e valuable for lis tlmi,
. suuie limn lot- agileiiltninl purposes, ,im l0 hit claim to said land blMllu,
) Ira Wade.counlyeleik, at Toledo, Oregon, n
SKAL1-J1) nips
ilestt e.l for tliO(onstruetioii of a proper Krlday. the 7th .lay of Augunt, px't,
ura te at, intersection of Hill and JUL 1 ' William liei.u-v
streets, Toledo, Oregon; s.ii.l erado to yfr' ,,nJ Kv"ly" Al w,,'"'"oi,a!l of
i'itiifiil-1,1 i, l,r,ltlit !.!..!. ....... .
' " " on it ina v uu recil i ),..,, on
at eity reconler'H ulUw, I'.ids to l0 Any and nil claiming a.iversley ihu
v i ;.h i. ui., JllIlO JU. HI . 1. nun. umivwiem-niien lillius nru ii.,m,.t.i ,.. ,.. - . .. . . '"ni-r-H-iy
ofbelmv ,.!,. T.i. ..... .. : n'amWfU to file
'on orbeforo wild Glli
United states Land Oilice, Origon City, Or.
. . , t May7,lW3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
j line ... is.s.entitlcil "An n;-t for the sale of
' timber lands in the states of California. orc.
' lion. Veviul.l nml WnwM,,... ',-
,.u . '""S"'" icrruory," as
"N ix tnil,.,l til fill tfcn ,.,,1.11.. . ... .
-"v mini siiiies oy act of
I'hiirlov 11 IV.. M
' - v ..inn ui .eea'o.
-Sin Ilernardlno, stateol Calimrula, JAriltb MCDONALD
. !.. in mis omee his sworn stato
28, for the purchase of the ni : nf
township l'Js. ranga low, and will
w snow ti-.nt tho limit sought i.
alunble for Its umber or Bt.nin iii,.., f...
au'ilcultiuiil pui-ioses, u,i to CsiablNi his
claim to said land U-loro Im Wade, County
Cleik at Toledo, Oi egon, on Thursday, the dtii
day of August, lw:l.
lie names as witnesses:
l.'i-..lf. a w... .. ..
... ..v.i.iuiii oi .-an nnnclseo, Ciil.
'"iToleilo.Otvgon.nnd P. A. c.,,,.n r V.""" "'". r-gon. Wii'.lam
-H-11 ' ore no... ' '"''lily or loleilo, Oregon and lienl,,,,..,, l.,.,.t
of Needles, California. ,
i .....
- """ f iwiisciainiing ndver-ely tho
Cil reserves tl.a riulit to roj-ot ry and rtl w0" f uW 7,h Otto KiiouSTAii, lUvordor. I auikknons . . " r Augnsi, lmi;).
cCfSf viLr
Tlooma 1 nnrl 2, ) Oro?'OXl Cityi
Weinhard Bldy, ) OreOJ
mnn t cown
U. S. Land Oilice Bus in el
a Specialty,
Chitwood, Lincoln Qocntt, Oheqqn
Twenty vearb' experience befo-ie
Local and tlie General Land O'M
and tlie Interior Department
at Wtiuliington, D. C.
OfTler! Rnnin i
Lund Oilice Bldg OrCffOll Cit)'
This Means You!
And don't you forget that we
Stdyton flour tor sale. V. B. M...