Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 12, 1903, Image 3

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    I I -fefr.-. 1 - - .
If will
India's Area Not Large.
India's area is a little more than
e-hair of the United States.
local applications, ai thev cannot reach the
teased portion oi tbe eur. There is onl v one
iy to cure deafness, and that ia by constttu
pnal remedies. Deafness is caused by an In
lined condition of the mucous lie lgofthe
ssiacnian 'June, vtcen tuts tube sets in-
med yon have a rumbling sound or iinper
ithciriiie. and when It Is entirely closed
lufiiess ig thn result, and unless the inflamma-
! in van be tnken out and this tuba restored to
i normal condition, heari k will be destroyed
rever; nine coses out ot ten are caused by
larrh, which 1m nothing but an inflamed
Indltlon of the mucous surfaces.
iWewlllcive One Hundred Dollars for env
!ieof Deainess (caused by cntarrh) that can
t be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Bend lor
culars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
old by Druggists, 76c
pain family ruis are tee beat.
Best Time for Literary Work.
The best time for litemrv wnrk. v
rding to Tolptoi, ia between the hours
a. m. and 3 p. m.
The mirror never flnttM-e- if tf11
fath, no matter how tniirh it tnav tinrt
fide or how humiliating and disagreeable
Pe reflections. A red. roue-h skin
puty, and blackheads. blotche3 and
'e ruinous to the complexion, and no wonder such
operate efforts are made to hide these blemishes, and
ver over the defects, and some never stop to consider
ie danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves
aa powders, but apply them vigorously and often with
it regard to consequences, and many complexions
(e 2?me. ky the chemicals and poisons contained In these cosmetics.
Skin diseases are due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the
7' anc to attempt a cure by exter
ai treatment is an endless, hopeless
St. Some simple wash or ointment
1 often beneficial when the skin i3
'uca inflamed or itches, but you can't
cPend upon local remedies for penna
nt relief, for the blood is continually
"owing off impurities which irritate
id clog the gland3 and pores of
skin, and as long as the blood re
jams unhealthy, just so long will the
UptlOnS last. Tr ffroffi11w anA w.r-
anently cure skin troubles the blood
Pust be purified and the system
wougmy cleansed and built up, and
. O.. the nra.11 U.
"4 tonic, Is acknowledged superior to
11 other rptnpfUoo ,..,
P the only guaranteed' strictly vegeta-
lr Bloa remedy. It never deranges
Pe System or itnna.'ra t- AielTnn
Pke Potash a: j j. i
, ; macule auu U1UK9 Ul LUia uui.n.i( -o-t;-
ua assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier
m . pvi 1
L. K yon have any skin trouble send for our free book, "The Skin and Ibj
aMe., No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case.
A Bsaatiful Young Soaisty
Woman's LeKsr.
St. IAur,, Mrss.)
n, ir 521 Waliiishu St.
Dr. Hartmun, Columbus, 0.,
l'eur Sir:
"I totft Peruna last sum
mer wnon I was all run down,
and had a headache and back
ache, an J no ambition fjr
anything. I now ieil as well
as I ever did la all my life,
and ail thanks is,due to your
excellent Peruna." Bess F.
The symptoms of summer ca
tarrh are quite unlike in different
oases, but tho most common ones
lira general lassitude, phived-out,
tired-out. .i
ixluif.i, combined with more or i
loss heavy, stupid, listless, ment- I
al condition, lldisli for food
and the ability to digest food I
i,u ue lost.
Skin eruptions, fallow com
plexion, biliousness, co:itd
tongue, fitful, irregular sleep,
help to complete the picture
which is so common at this
l'eruna ro . exactly meets all
these conditions that the demand
is so great for this remedy at this
season of the year that it is near
ly liiipoMaiiiie to supply it.
If you donot receivepronipt and
satisfactory results from the use
of l'eruna, write at once to Dr.
Hartmun, giving a full statement
ji your case, and he will be plead
ed to give you his valuable ud vice
Address Dr. Hartmun, Presi
dent of The Hartmun Sanitarium
Columbus, Ohio.
Modern Warfare."
Bess What would you do if you
were in my shoes?
Tess Well, I think it would be me
to go to the shoemaker and have them
cut down to my size.
Alfalfa Seed from Russia.
G. 6. MftDD, of Portland, Oregon,
has received from the Russian govern
ment a quantity of the famous Turke
stan alfalfa seed, and expects to im
port more, as the farmers and stock
men of Oregon and the Northwest be
come acquainted with the great pro
ductiveness and splendid food value of
this alfalfa. Those interested should
address Mr. Mann at his Portland
store, 188 Front Street.
A Possible Obstacle.
Clara Of course you will be at
church Easter morning?
Alice Yes, unless the cook wantti
to go. Detroit Free Press.
is fatal
Oartersrllle, Go., B. K. No. 2.
X anffered lor a number off years
with a eevera Nettle-raah.
About twelve year a ago I atartea
01117 B. S S., and after taking- three
bottle I felt myaelf cured and have
since taken a bottle oecaeionally,
and had little or no trouble alonar
that line. My general health ha
been better alnoe. I recommend
8. 8. B. as a good blood medicine and
all round tonio, Yours truly,
. Some two years ago X suffered a
rreat deal, caused on account or bad
blood. Small rash or pimples broke
out over my body and kept gettlnf
worse day by day for over a year.
Seeing- 8. B. 8. advertised In the pa
pers and having- heard also it had
cured several people in this city,
oonoludsd to give it a fair trial.
After using the mediolne for soma
time, taking in all six bottles, Z wag
entirely cured.
1030 Clay Street, Paduoah,K.y.
oida In the ditrestlon
to 52 i , nu wtfrn
ana ionic cwiuwcu,
eons are counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, and at the sam time the
general health and system is rapidly built
up and good health is established, and
this, after all, is the secret of a smooth,
ft crin ,! t,aiififnl rnmnlexion.
In ttitt Arrr urtU f f fcrvn Vftt CI !
Elliot Smith finds the bi-utus of most
uon-uiumllied bodies of the cemeteries
have been naturally preserved even
from predynastlc times. The convolu
tions may be mapped, and an account
is soon to be given of tbe brain struc
ture of Egyptians of different periods.
A file specially designed for work
ins on gun metal Is being used in
French machine shops. It has shallow j
dlagoual channels, at Intervals of half
an Inch, the teeth being on the raised
portions between the channels. It is
claimed that these ulos. clogging much
less rapidly than others, increase the
work done by about fifty per cent. ,
No white pigments have been found
in feathers, and the whiteness of white
feathers is ascribed to total reflection
of light from their exposed surfaces.
Some have supposed the reflection to
be from air spaces, or bubbles, in the
feather structue, but It. M. Strong, of
Ilaverford College, says that the white
effect Is powdered glass, upon the
small size of tbe structural elements.
These have a large number of surfaces
so placed for any puhliluu of the eye
that there Is a maximum reflection to
the eye, and almost no absorption by
the unplgmented feather substance.
To get the eggs of a new species of
mosquito Inhabiting a South Carolina
swamp, Dr. W. C. Coker, of the Uni
versity of North Carolina, had to bor
row the aid of a horse. The horse was
driven Into the low ground haunted by
the mosquitoes, and when he came out
the insects were found drilling through
his skin. They were carefully re
moved, put In a tin bucket, fed daily
with blood from tbe band, and after
about five days, to tbe doctor's great
delight, they laid their eggs in the
water. It was to procure and study
these eggs that he bad taken all bis
trouble. In such homely ways science
sometimes makes its advances.
Astonishing effects as a tonic and
blood-former are claimed by Dr. Nau
gler, of Paris, for balloon ascensions,
lie states that an air trip of two hours
gives a marked increase In the red
corpuscles of the blood, this Increase
continuing to be noticeable for at least
ten days afterward, and that five as
censions within six or seven weeks
impart more benefit to an anaemic per
son than three months in the moun
tains. The good results begin almost
Immediately, prol6nged stay In the
upper air being of no advantage and
possibly harmful. He urges that the
city should give poor people the bene
fits of a change of climate by provid
ing a large balloon capable of taking
fifty patients daily on an aerial out
ing. A remarkable example of tbe power
of mimicry possessed by some persons,
but altogether lacking in others, was
furnished by the late Professor
Roberts-Austen, of England. Ills
friend. Prof. T. E. Thorpe, recalls
many interesting Instances of Roberts
Austen's singular gift, which was pur
posely exercised only occasionally for
tbe entertainment of his scientific con
freres at a club meeting. But wbat
lends special interest to the case wa9
the fact that Roberts-Austen frequent
ly exercised his power without being
aware of It. "I have heard him, to my
terror." says Professor Thorpe, "in the
course of a conversation gradually
copy tbe tones and Inflections of a
man's voice, and have seen blm re
produce his manner to his very face."
In such cases there was no conscious
ness of what was being done In the
mind of the mimic, or on the part of
the person Imitated, and Professor
Thorpe believes the origin of tbe un
intended mimicry was sympathy alone.
Cold Water Absorbs Poison.
In connection with tbe subject of
water there Is one peculiar property of
that liquid with which everyone
should be made acquainted, and that is
its capacity for absorbing impurities,
which Increases proportionately the
colder It -gets. Hence water that has
stood In an Insufficiently ventilated
sleeping chamber all night Is not only
unpleasant, but positively Injurious to
drink, since It readily absorbs tbe poi
sonous gases given off by respiration
and action of tbe skin. An ordinary
pitcher of water, under such conditions,
at a temperature of sixty degrees will
be found to have absorbed during the
nlgbt from a pint to a pint and a half
of carbonic acid gas, and an Increase
of ammonia. Ice water Is an objection
able drink at all times, but If It Is In
dulged In, the vessel containing It
should never be left uncovered In sleep
ing or sitting rooms, because at freez
ing point Its capacity for absorbing
these deleterious substances Is nearly
If a fool possesses tact and assur
ance be will distance the wise guy who
possesses neither.
Some men's Idea of a brilliant leader
la a partner who leads trumps opportunely.
Methodist University Is Planned.
Bishop McCabe, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, has stlicited the aid
of Pierpont Morgan in the erection of
the proposed American university at
Washington. It is said that Mr.
Morgan views the project with favor.
"The Klean, Kool Kitchen Kind" of stoves
keep you clean and cool. Economical and al
ways ready. Bold at good stove stores.
With True Feminine Aim.
She I killed two birds with one
stone yesterday.
He Indeed? I suppose you threw it
at a dog?'
Chicken, Duck and Geese feath-
ers. Address
H 10thandDvlSta.,Portland,Of
"ITIy wife bad pimples on her face, but
she has been tiiking CASCAKETS and they
have all disappeared. I had been troubled
with constipation (or some time, but after tak
ing the first Cascaret I have had no trouble
with this ailment. We cannot speak too high
ly of Cascarets." Fricd Wakiuan,
6708 Qermantown Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa
Pleasaat. Pulat&bln. Potent. Titti flnnA Tin
Bood, Never Sieken, Weaken, or Gripe. lOo, 36o,e0ft
... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Cnpaaj, Cbltif. Naatnil, Saw rk. SU
lin.Tfl.RMf! Sold and guaranteed by all drug'
SU" I WBAU jlats to eOltJC Tobaooo Habit.
P. N. U.
No. 21-1903.
HEN writing- to advertisers pleas
mention this paper.
c m tr - - m. - i in i
V.m o I mash aioisTtieo
It makes Hens Lay and Keeps them Laying, it cures Roup, Cholera and All
Diseases. It strengthens young chicks, and makes them grow. Price 25c and 50c.
Mr vounfr ontokons eotnmenced
chared a uock&xe of your PKUKUiAM
from dying and 1 bave constantly kept it on band ever since I can recommend
It as uat wbat is needed in raising poultry. 0. U. H1UGIN, Latah, Wah.
Scarcely a Day.
Passes bnt we are
tVttNiw-' J V w
quickly and at
y.i vAr'i I 1,011,0 uimcuit nentai operation that Is
V7w.4,i If-''' ,he dlreet result of neglecting the teeta.
vfoy-&FV We tiMot urge too strongly the benelit
h'ti'iS.''' and economy of consulting a dentist at
tois!:&'i-?3.d i-y-Vf f the very first aiim of tooth traiibla. At
r'i the start these troubles are corrected
ate painless and our work guaranteed
Moth 'phones: Oregon Suuth 'JXUl;
Columbia 8M. Open evenings till v.
6uudaya from to li
A. n is
WISB BROS., Dentists.
cos! ol operation
very mn
Ho Expense wnen
hoi Runnina
loncy Earner
First and Stark Sis.
JTJII-t.l'l J Jl.
it Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.
13 time. Hold dt arntrirints.
(Successors to John Poole)
Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon
With us for 8aw Mill and Shingle Mill Mav
chinery. Wind Mill and Kains Pump, Eta
Cream Separators, regular price 9;, now 60.
Spring wagons 39. Buggy shafts .i.50.
Write for f
Bast artONrooncRYSfs
Using t
Portland, tee,
Telephone MninJ91-
Thin wnnrtorfnl Chi
nese doctor Is cnlled
great because he cures
people without opera
tion thai are given up
to die. He cures wltb.
?jk tnoae wonaeriut t;ui
uese herbs, routs, buds.
$P 111 vcjteluoles
iCl known to niertli-'nl ant.
etice In tins country. Throunh tile uieot those
hnrmlesK remedies tbls famous doctor knows
the action ol over &00 different remedies, which
he successful iy uses lu different diseases, lie
gauruntees to cure raturrh. asthma, lung,
throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver, kidneys, etc. : has hundreds of testtmon
tols. Charges moderate. - full and see him.
Patients out of tbe city write lor blanks and
circulars. Send 4 cents in stumps. CV.NSUir
132J, Third St.. Portland, Oregon.
ST Mention paper.
dvlnir. and alter loslnir four dosen I nti
POULTRY FOOD, which stopped the!
CO., Portland, Oregon, Coast Agents.
called upon to perform
small cost. Our methods
208, 209, 2M, Ml, Hi, ilj, r'aiuu AiX
Cor. Third and Washington ritA
can B3 sianea in
o second
in o second
A loncy sever
Ever Ready
-nniigff lip if.
A r
- - i nisi ( sf i latum
Ur. f. P.
310 Market Strait 138 So. Los Angelas SL