Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 24, 1903, Image 2

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All that now remains Is for
trusts to begin busting.
Shakspeare wasn't much of a man.
He raised a very small family.
But when the north pole is discov
ered Mr. Carnegie will insist on giving
it a library. .
Mav It be considered significant that
the latest Van Vorst literary produc
tion is dedicated to Mark Twain?
The formalin cure is said to have
petered out in New York. The trouble
seems to have been a minor one the
patients who tried it died.
If Teary can't wait for the raisin.v
of that fund of $150,000 the Ice ought
to be solid enough now to make walk
ing possible most of the way.
A minister recently prayed that the
mayor of his town might either be con
verted or killed, as the Lord might see
fit. It is always well to give the Lord
a choice in these matters.
V,e are pleased to learn that William
pnokpfl'r b" b"d p's nsHPssmpnt re
duced from $1,000,000 to $300,000. We
are opposed to grinding the poor by
taxation or nny other method.
Kansas women are again denied the
privilege or saved from the burden
some responsibility, whichever way
you prefer to look at it of helping
elect the country's Presidents.
Marie Van Vorst snys there Is no
chance for an unmarried woman to
win fame. In view of the fact that
Marie is reaching after fame, the in
ference should be very simple.
A new edition of W. II. r. Phyfe's
"Seven Thousand Words Often Mis
pronounced" has just been issued. It
Las one serious fault, In that It doesn't
tell how to pronounce the author's
name or why he spells it that way.
Emperor William's favorite poet has
written a book In which he urges Ger
many to Join the United States In en
forcing the Monroe doctrine. Are the
Germans foolish enough to believe that
Uncle Sam needs help in this business?
Alr-shlps are not new, for when a
Conostoga wagon cnrrled freight and
passengers from New York to Phila
delphia in three days, in the early part
of ,the last century, the vehicle was
fulled a "flying machine," so unpre
cedented was Its speed.
The lady of fashion keeps longer
hours than any worklngwoman, has
absolutely no regular periods of rest
and gets In the social "rush" season
no day off in seven. Her meals are
not well timed, her food Is too rich,
her wardrobe Is a burden and her fe
verish hunt for fresh entertainment
to arouse senses dulled by monotony
involves a constant mental strain, not
to mention moral risk.
"A great struggle arises in a wom
an's mind when she Is asked what her
new gown cost. She is always in
doubt whether to cut the price in half
and make you envy her the bargain or
double It and make you envy her alllu
ence." This Is Hunting around credit
Mi to the Ixuidon Spare Moments, but
It has a distinctly American flavor. No
London editor, either In his spare mo
ments or any other moments, ever orig
inated that Idea.
immediately, there would possibly be
less sinning and suffering. Possibly
not. Would there also be less man
hood and womanhood? Did tobacco
make boys sick all their lives would
tobacco be stolen? Maybe you agree
with Elbert Hubbard who thinks no
man can be deeply religious who has
not deeply sinned and deeply repented.
"Sow your wild oats," say these advo
cates of necessary evil. That is a dan
gerous doctrine, young man. You may
not reform and be obliged to reap the
crop. You may not be caught, as those
boys were caught. Don't do a mean
thing, but If you are determined
to do wrong pray you may be caught
In the first act. Like the boys you
may be so sick and so sorry you will
Six million two hundred thousand
farmers' bulletins on a hundred and
forty different subjects were printed
for the Department of Agriculture dur
ing the past fiscal year. As there are
about six million farmers, exclusive of
agricultural laborers, In the United
States, this Is one pamphlet for each
one. If any farmer did not get his
copy, it was because he did not apply
for It, for they are nearly all turned
over to the members of Congress for
free distribution. There is hardly a
subject In which farmers are Inter
ested that is not discussed In some one
of the various bulletins. Information
is contained in them about the feed
ing of farm nnlmnls, hng-oholovn, how
to kill weeds, the care and feeding of
chickens, butter-making and the care
of milk, the vegetable garden, good
roads, breeds of dairy cattle, bread
making, how to raise apples, rice-culture,
tomato-growing, sugar as food,
insects affecting tobacco, cotton and
grapes; diseases of potatoes and ap
ples, how to detect oleomargarine and
renovated butter, tree-planting on ru
ral school grounds, the Angora goat,
and scores of other things. It would
be difficult to estimate with any de
gree of accuracy the financial benefit
which has accrued to the farmers from
the perusal of these bulletins. Such
men as believe they must be continual
ly studying to keep abreast of the
times and to understand the possibili
ties of their business have been the
most diligent readers of the publica
tions of the Department of Agricul
ture. It is the benefit which these
men have derived that justifies the
continued expenditure of money by the
government for free education of this
kind, an education almost as necessary
to national prosperity as that provided
for the children In the public schools.
The world Is waiting for a multi
millionaire who Is willing to lessen bis
burdensome income by Increasing the
pay of thoso who are the Instruments
of his success. Let him do what he
pleases with his surplus accumulations.
It would not be In every sense agree
nble to see him bestow It as a gratuity
on his employes, for such n course
would have the appearance of charity.
Hut let him recognize the past and pres
ent services of his helpers by such nn
increase In wages as would be com
mensurote with the great value of those
wrvlces and would also serve to de
crease the embarrassment of riches.
Tour small Imys stole tobacco from
a car. The quantity was small but
sufficient to make them sick A police
man noting the 111 effect of their ini
tial Indulgence arrested the boys on
suspicion. Being lu a repentant mood,
the iKiys confessed. Lucky boys. For
It Is luck ludeed to be caught lu your
llrst meanness! If you put your fluger
lu the tire it Is burned. The peunlty
follows promptly. You learn liv n.
perlenee to keep your linger out of the
lire. Were the penalties following the
inirucuou or all laws. D ivalent i.,.ntnl
moral Immediately applied we might
not nvo so long, but wo would get ex
perlenee rapidly. Because
is In the future we sin nnd hope to
dodge the punishment, lln.l ih
added to that divine warning. "lie sure
your am win Hud you out," the word
Who that has noted the tide of immi
grants which pours into the United
States every year has not asked him
self how the stream becomes merged
In the current, of Rational life; how
these strangers are transmuted into
Amerlcnn citizens? AVlthout doubt
the most important agency is the pub
lic schools. A college settlement which
has been studying the matter closely
has brought to light some most inter
esting nnd encouraging details. "A
little girl of foreign birth and stam
mering tongue, In one of the lower
grades, tells a visitor that the beauti
ful portrait of the Father of Ills Coun
try, which hangs upon the schoolroom
wall, Is a picture of Buffalo Bill. This
is the beginning. A few grades higher
up a group of boys of foreign birth are
celebrating Washington's birthday. In
mimic scene they reproduce the pro
ceedings of the Continental Congress.
Statesman after statesman answers
as his name Is called. The gentleman
from Virginia can hardy wait his turn
to deliver himself of his great utter
ances; the gentleman from Pennsylva
nia protests In vain. All at last acree
to hang together or to hang separate
ly, and they affix their names to an
imaginary Declaration of Independ
ence. Jlieir audience cheers witii nr.
citement. and joins with the patriots
in singing fervently and unmiestlon-
Ingly "Land where my fathers died."
All this may seem an artificial means
of stimulating loyalty'to a new father
land, iet could a better n. 1m
vised? These boys are at the age
when Imagination plays Its most Im
portant part. Their contemporaries of
Amerlcnn birth nre playing Indian and
train robber. This does not mean that
they will become savages or bandits,
nor Is It expected that the young Im
migrants will grow Into Patrick lieu
rys or Uobert Morrises. But the Ideas
which these names set up for them are
provocations to the best citizenship.
The public schools which guide their
pupils into exercises of this sort are
doing an important service. Our com
posite population needs every unifying
Tea Services of British lloyalty.
Among the many beautiful seta of
tea services In the possession of the
King and Queen of England is one
which was given to them on the occa
sion of their stiver wedding, In 188S,
by the King nnd Queen of Denmark,
and which Is loth for tea nnd coffee.
Prlnco Wnldemnr of Denmark sravo at
tho same tlmo a caae of antique spoons
which are also frequently In use. The
King is quite a connoisseur In coffee,
and hna his own coffee-maker fmm
Turkey, always preferring to drink the
oevcrago m tho real Turkish waj.
Charles Marriott, the author of "The
Column," Is now finishing a new novel
which is entitled "The House on the
"Old Paths and Legends of New En
gland," by Katharine M. Abbott, is
shortly to appear with the imprint of
- P. Putnam's Sous.
Dr. Lyman Abbott is now at work
on a oiography of Henry Ward Beech
er, which Houghton, Mifflin & Co. ex
pect to publish next September.
Mark Twain Is making haste to put
the finishing touches to his papers on
Christian Science that a book may be
made of them for early publication.
Miss Alice Brown, the author of
"Meadow Grass," has written a third
novel, "The Mnnnerings." The action
passes in a country house and includes
a double love story.
The author of "The Story of Mary
McLane" Is at work upon a new book.
It Is said to be quite different in char
acter from the first one, and to be
written with more reserve. It Is diffi
cult to imagine what form the girl's
ideas will take now that she is two
years older and bus seen more of tha
Henry Holt & Co. have In press for
Immediate publication a handbook on
"Money and Banking," by Professor
William A. Scott, of the University of
Wisconsin. While intended primarily
for educational use, It will be service
able also to the busy general reader
who wishes a clear statement In com
pendious form of the first principles of
inouern currency.
The little magazine which the Scrlb-
ners have published for so many years
under the title of the Bookbuyer, has
-een transformed and given the title
of the Lamp. It has been made a lit
tle weightier, leading off with an ar
ticle on "Macaulay's First Essay," by
Professor Wilbur L. Cross, and the
department called "The Kambler" has
been relegated to the pages at the
John Lane will soon publish a novel
by Mrs. Wilfrid Ward called "The
Light Behind." Mrs. Ward is ft niece
of the Duke of Norfolk, the premier
British Duke. Her father was James
Robert Hope Scott, the parliamentary
barrister, and a close friend of Glad
stone. He came into possesion of Sir
v alter Scott's home, Abbotsford, by
nis marriage with the romancer's
granddaughter and sole descendant.
Miss Lockhart Mrs. Ward's childhood
was passed at Sir Walter's home. She
published an earlier novel some time
ago, called "One Poor Sample."
tsfnctorv In a financial way as a very
large proportion of the better-paid po
sitions ashore. There is also the possi
bility of securing a commission as en
sign, a possibility that has been real
ized within the past year by an ex
apprentlce." Washington Post
liecent geological research bus un
covered a series of wonderful fossil
fishes among the shale deposits of Wyo
ming. Their original forms have been
somewhat flattened and changed. They
measured from 20 to 30 feet long, and
were in life exceedingly ravenous and
dangerous. That they fought among
themselves is almost positively known,
for a specimen has been taken from
the rock the stout back plate of which
had been completely crushed in two,
bearing In Its solid bone deep imprints
and gashes which fit the Jawtips of
this species, which had Jaws set with
a bristling row of teeth. These for
mllnhl crentiirpfl pre fovmd p.lonjr with
others in what are known as the "Bad
Lands" or fossil beds of the West.
This whole section was, ages ago, a
great lake, which, through changed
geological conditions, was drained,
leaving the mighty monsters of the
deep to sink and bec6me burled deep,
away from the destructive elements
of the air and flesh eating animals. By
piling up successive layers of sediment
nature has thoroughly embalmed and
preserved their remains these millions
of years, until the pick of the fossil
hunter has cut and chiseled out their,
petrified forms.
Secretary Moody Points Oat Its Op
portauities for Young Men.
"Not only the man behind the gun.
but the man behind the coal shovel, the
man behind the wheel, the man in
front of the engine, and, not by any
means least of all, the man in front of
the galley range each of these is the
subject of solicitous thought by men
who are distinguished as brilliant com
inauders of ships and of squadrons,"
saia feecretary of the Navy Moody.
apropos of the departure of enlisting
parties Tor the navy, to cover the Mid
die West and Southwest.
"I mean by that to convey forcibly
that each of the many trades, callings
and occupations which constitute the
Industrial life of a modern warship Is
oeing scrutinized for avenues of im
provement; that there is a consistent
and comprehensive 'effort being made
to improve the conditions surroundlmr
the enlisted men afloat, an effort which
has already borne such fruit that
think I am Justified in saying that in
no navy are the conditions of comfort
which surround the men of the navy
or tne united States approached.
The system under which the navv
aepartment Is training material for
crews Is, I believe, if continued along
me present lines and with the Improve
inents that experience will enforce, cer
tain to give us the finest nian-o'-wars-
men the world has ever seen. A bov
from 15 to 17 years of age who enters
the navy as an apprentice at $9 a month
receives a good English education and
a thorough training in seamanshln. He
has certain preferences In the matter
or rating, and may easily, by irood enn
duct and continuous service, work his
way up through successive rutin
which will give him from $30 to $05 a
montn; the latter pay, .with the auar
ters and rations, equivalent to at least
$85 a mouth In shore emploment. Ho
is anted at all times, If he winces an
ambition to perfect himself in his pro
fession, by Instruction on board ship
and In special schools established for
tue instruction of petty officers and d
vanced seamen, and Is eligible under
certain requirements to take the exam
ination for warrant officers, positions
ranking next after ensigns, and with
pay ranging from $1,200 In the first five
years of service to $1,800 after twenty
years of service, with allowances and
permanence or position and employ
ment that makes the rank quite as sat
Beanvoir Mansion to Become a Retreat
for Confederate Soldiers.
In all the fair southland there la not
a place dearer to the hearts of the
Southern people than Beauvolr, the
late home of Jefferson Davis, Presldpnt
of the Confederate States. This home
was recently purchased by the sons of
Confederate veterans and will soon be
come a home for Impoverished Confed.
erate veteran soldiers.
Beauvolr is the most beautiful ani
Imposing place on the Gulf coast, it
was settled and Improved by James
Brown, a wealthy planter, who was lav.
ish in th'e expenditure of his abundant
means in building and beautifying his
home. Oaks, cedars and magnolias vie
with each other in adding charm, ana
the long, gray moss fills in any little
details that are lacking. The mnnsion
as it was termed, is as good as It was
the day it was built, over 00 years ago.
A gnllery 80 feet long and 14 feet
wide borders the building in front and
on the sides, and ends in wings that
li ii si ifr i j' i
Ways of People 2
Who Steal -Dogs. $
Dog stealing in London has Increased
to a very large extent latterly, and the
professional dog stealers, of whom
there are many, are having a very pros
perous time. A well-known West End
veterinary surgeon explained some of
the methods of the dog stealers.
"These men," said he, "are by no
means ragged loafers, but well-dressed
persons of some address, many of them
well off," says the London Express.
"They find out that a well-known so
ciety lady or gentleman has a dog
which is taken for a walk daily. They
cultivate that dog's acquaintance with
surreptitious feeds, and then one day
the man finds himself round a corner
alone with the dog, and the theft is
"Sometimes a decoy dog is taken out,
especially In case where it is desired
to Bteal an animal of the larger kind.
Kensington Gardens are the happy
hunting grounds of the dog thief and
scores of pets are there stolen from
their owners. I should say from my
knowledge that at least fifty dogs a
month are stolen In the West End
Generally speaking, a lost dog can al
ways be recovered if one goes the right
way about it. For instance, I got to
know a dog dealer who, though he
would never steal a dog on his own ac
count, must, I am morally certain, be
In touch with those who do. A client
comes to me with a tale of a lost dog
and prepared to spend money to get It
"I go to the dog dealer, describe the
animal, and ask him to keep his eyes
open for it. Very shortly he comes to
me and tells me for what sum he will
be able to produce the dog. Sometimes
negotiations go on for months. Where
rewards are not forthcoming, or where
the police are hot on the track, the
stolen dogs are sent down to Club Row
In Bethnal Green, where there Is a sale
every Sunday morning."
are entered through tall Venetian doors.
The hall is 16 feet wide and opens at
the rear on a wide gallery, on which
the wings also open. The room to the
right as the hall is entered from the
front was Miss Winnie's room. What
a Mecca this room will be for the veter
ans, and how they will cherish every
thing that belonged to the "Daughter
of the Confederacy."
Equally distant from the mansion,
east and west, are quaint little cot
tages. Originally there was only one
room In each, surrounded on the four
sides by wide galleries. Later one and!
two sides have been Inclosed, giving
two additional rooms. It is about the
east cottage that the principal interest
centers, for it was in this that Mr. Da
vis studied and wrote, and where Miss
Winnie did much of her early literary
work. The main room of this cottage
was Mr. Davis' private library. ,The
walls are lined with book shelves, and
a little gallery runs along the upper
shelves. This was reached by a small
ladder. Near the fireplace is where Mr.
Davis desk stood, and the door beside
it is spattered with Ink thrown from
his pen when he was writing his book.
"The Rise and Fall of the Confederate
Government." The east room has been
enclosed, and in this room the chieftain
was wont to recline and rest on a sofa.
Back of this was a tiny room where
Miss Winnie wrote. It is a real girl's
den, and is yet quite characteristic of
.the former fair occupant.
The west cottage was occupied by
Mrs. Hayes, the older daughter, and
her children when visiting her parents.
The Beauvolr home was bequeathed"
by will to Jefferson Davis by Mrs.
Sarah Anna Dorsey, of Louisiana.
The Medicinal
Value of Water.
The Power of Imagination.
An English physician made an Inter
esting experiment not Iwig ago for the
purpose of determining the relative
power of Imagination of the sexes. He
dosed 100 of his hospital patients with
sweetened water, and Boon afterward
entered the room, In great apparent
agitation, saying that by mistake he
had administered a powerful medicine.
In a few minutes four-flfths of the pa
tients, mainly men, responded to the
supposed emetic. Not woman was
Something of Real Valnn.
, "I notice in tho horrid newspapers
nun some person ovan on the conti
nent has dlscovahed the microbe of
hydrophobia, don't you know."
"Deah me, how stwangel But, weal
ly, that doesn't concern me nearly so
much as would the discovery of some
means to counteract, don't you know,
the effect that Is pwoduced on a blood'
ed dog by biting common persons. My
little Fido was quite ill the last time
he bit an ordinary child on the street,
don't you know." Cleveland Plain
The, human body is constantly un-
flfM'frnlnr t Itsciio nhnnrra Ym Atif
particles are cast aside and eliminated
from the system, while the new are
ever being formed, from the inception"
of. life to its close.
Water has the power, of Increasing
these tissue changes, which multiplies
the waste products, but at the same
time they are renewed by its agency,
giving rise to increased appetite, which
in turn provides fresh nutriment (Per
sons but little accustomed to drinking
water are liable to have wasted prod
ucts formed faster than they are re
moved. Any obstruction to the free
working of natural laws at once pro
duces disease, which, If once firmly
Beated, requires both time and money
to cure.
People accustomed to rise l the
morning weak and languid will find
the cause In Imperfect secretion of
wastes, which many times may be
remedied by drinking a tumbler of wa
ter before retiring. This very material
ly assists In the process during the
night, and leaves the tissue fresh and
strong ready for the active work of
the day.
Hot water Is one of our best reme
dial agents.
A hot bath on going to bed, even in
the hot nights of summer, is a better
reliever of insomnia than many drugs.
Inflamed parts will subside under
the "continual poulticing of real hot
Very hot water, as we all know, la
a prompt checker of bleeding, and be
side, if it Is clean, as it should be, it
aids In sterilizing wounds.
British Trade Returns.
British trade returns for 1902 show
an Increase in exports of 3,517,604, and
In Imports of 6,870,080.
Most men can stand a disappoint
ment In love better than the loss of a