Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 03, 1903, Image 8

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A tnotorman in Chicago ran bis car
into the approach of an open bridge but
stopped it with the fender actually over
hanging the gulf below. He wouldn't
want to repeat the experiment because
-the chances are that he'd never again
lave the same good fortune.
Once in a
while some one
who has travel
ed to the very
dge of the
danger line of
stomach d i s -
ease stops just
in tim tn kavp
bis health. But
the majority of
people go across
the line, and slight
symptoms of indiges
tion grow to disease of the
stomach, involving the other
organs of digestion and nutrition.
The first symptom of indiges
tion should receive prompt atten
tion. Indigestion and other forms of
stomach "trouble" are perfectly and per
manently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It strength
ens the whole body by enabling the per
fect digestion and assimilation of food.
"I have been suffering for aboul eight veari,'
wites Mm. H. Pierce, of Millsprins. Kv. "Have
had several doctor to treat me some for female
weakness and others for stomach trouble, but
received no relief. When I wrote you for advice
I was hardly able to work, and you advised me
-What to do. I began to take your medicine and
he effects have been good. I was under the
doctor's care every summer before this. I took
nine bottles, five of ' Golden Medical Discovery,'
four of 'Favorite Prescription,' also two vials
of the ' rellets.' Dr. Pierce's medicines will do
nil that you claim for them. Believe I would
uuvc uccu iu my grave ti 1 had not taken them.
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach.
FREE. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser
is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send 21 on
cent stamps for the book in paper covers,
or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume.
Address Dr. X.. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
VPrw M
Our Good Neighbors
1 1 n 1 1 1 1 I
Newport Notes.
Manager Edwin Stone and wife re
turned to Albany Sunday.
D. C. Minto and Jeannette Brown
flpent Sunday at Newport.
Miss 'Winnie Davis was in the city
Mrs. Thos. Espy of Toledo is visiting
Mrs. R. A. Bensell.
M. M. Davis of Corvallis spent a part
of the week in the city.
TIarry Wilson, Engineer of the Man
zanita, returned to Aetoiiti Saturday.
Fred Booth lias rented rooms in the
building recently occupied by Mrs.
Wood worth mid will soon move his
etock of jewelry to that location.
Waldport Waves.
W. K. HoKford left Tuesday for Van
couver, Wash., where he has a position
in the Governuieut employ.
Miss Nellie Graff closes her term of
nchool Friday, after which eIiu will pre
bide as teucher in the l',ay View dis
trict. Died In this city, March .10, 1903, R.
A. lioboll, of paralysis, aged 88 years.
Interment iu the Alder Grove ceme
tery. Mrs. E. E. White und children left
Tuesday for her home in Corvallis,
lifter a week's visit with relatives aud
Mrs. Maud Harrison expects to leave
Boon for Portland, where she goes to
Jiuvo treatment for her littlo bou.
W. II. Harrison has sold bis house
nud lot in Waldport to Manford SeitB
on Drift creek.
Fielding Goiu left Tuesday for a po
rtion with the Life Saving crew Ht
Routh DeHch.
Assessor Henry Howell returned Sat
urday from a tour of tho Yachats
Mr. Powell and family have moved
into our littlo village, and iUls nimore
that lie intends putting up a saloon.
Charles Swatman bus retraced bis
footsteps toward Five Rivers on
"dear" hunt.
It was reported that Charles Bobell
was very ill with tin attack of tlm
but further investigation finds that
Charles is suffering with Intlammatorv
Dr. Carter nindo a quick trip to the
Alsett couutry last Monday.
Sileta Sittings.
Mr. Carey, engineer at the sawmill, is
with us again.
Mrs. Urysnt Is again filling a vacancy
at tho Indian training school.
A Hoclal at tho homo of tho Hull
family Saturday evening was greatly
enjoyed by those present.
. Tho mail man tipped over Tuesday
with a big load of freight and had to
Jiuatle to get tho mall In on timo.
Jim Gaither's friends are trying hard
lokeep his face la its natural position.
A moment's meditation, and it is ex
Vresslve of louollness and misery. A
whole load of sympathy does not re
lieve him. Nothing bnt wife and chil
dren will restore the old look of con
tentment. Hall Bros, have orders for lomber for
two new houses. Jim Rosa will build
on his place two miles north of town
and U. 8. Grant near the old mill.
George Chambers and wife, nfter a
good visit with the former's mother and
anioug friends here, have returned to
L. D. Wood of Kernville has been
with us a few days looking after his in
terests here. Losses do not seem to
dampen bi- ardor. He is the same
cheerful associate.
Attorney Hawkins has been fishing
and attending to legal matters here
this week. Attorney Swope made his
atiearai.ce at the Butler Fairchild
trial. The latter was bound over to
the higher court by Justice Grant.
Mrs. Arthur Bensell, seamstress at
the Indian training school, has attained
a high degree of proficiency in several
lines of embroidery work. She hHs
studied under some of ihe best teacb
nr A class bs organized about Jan.
25, 1903, and adopted the title of Re
beccas. J hey meet lor stuay juouaay,
Tuesday and Thursday eveuings. A
visit Mondav eveuine well repaid your
correspondent. Ethel Logan, Malinda
fjo!itil Riiip LHtHyette tir.d Caroline
WaBhingtou were engaged on llanton
lace work. Mrs. Bensell is coaching
them in some special work 'for tho Bos
ton Indian Institute this fall. At the
writer's Buzcestion that the class pre
pare work for the Lincoln County Fair
they seemed favorably impressed, and
we predict a fine display that will do
our girls credit.
Arthur Bensell and wife and Mrs.
Wm. Towner accompanied Mrs. Will
iams to Toledo Sunday, where she took
the train Monday for Chemawa. Her
health is very poor and she has the
sympathy of all who had the pleasure
or her pleasure during her short stay
at the Agency.
John Spencer and Billy Metcalf, with
their wives and three children, were
thrown into the deep water of the
Slletz river last Fridav forenoon bv the
capsizing of a boat. It was a very nar
row escape for Mr. Spencer and family.
Billy Metcalf's swimming Qualities
saved them.
Died Coquille Jim. at the home of
Coquille Thompson, three miles north
of town, Friday, March 27, at 3 a.m.
lie bus left behind a legacy of a good
name. He was a consistent member of
the M. E. church for several years up
to the time of his death. A large num
ber of people were present Saturday
afternoon, when his body was laid at
rest in the Siletz cemetery.
The government employes are rush
ing the spring work and aro ahead of
everyone else with gardens. Charlie
Ruhl, Charles Montgomery, William
Alexander, E. II. Bryant and Hall Bros.
will follow suit with better gardens this
year than ever. Hall Bros, will put in
nearly 40 acroa of oats.
A letter from T.J. Buford savs him
self and wife are enjoying life at Lo
Augcles. His description, of flowers
and scenery are calculated to make
some envious not us. Oregon is all
Clerk Warren Brown of Yakima and
the numerous 'other parties who have
been transferred from here are, we
imagine, dreaming about this time of
the trout-fishing facilities they have
enjoyed at Siletz. We pity them, and
live in hope of meeting them again.
An old building occupied bv the
laundress, Mrs. David Adams, caught
tire Tuesday and created 6ome excite
incut for a few momenta. The blaze
was soon extinguished and peaee
reigned agiiiu. It is well the boys have
their fire drili. The school is tbor-
oughly equipped for fighting fire.
Wolverton Orton had one of tho best
gardens here lust year and manv said :
"Wait uutil next year; be isjustmr.
lied now." From tho preparations
arouuci his place we believe ho will
surpass us all again this vear. Ho nl
has the best breed of bog's the O.I.C.
in tuts part of the county, and is work
ing into a superb stock of cattle.
"Oregon Literature" is appreciated by
Tub Lkadku readers in Siletz.
A meeting of the school board of di
rectors has been railed for Monday at 4
p. m. at 51 rs. C. G. Conelan.1V ah
interested aro earnestly solicited to be
Mink and other furs ore being col
looted by Hall Bros.
Harry Wlnsor drove up to the land
ing in front of Hall Bros, store Wednes
day forenoon, deposited the mall and
was about to unload some freight when
oue of the horses became frightened
and attempted, to run away. One of
the Hues caught in one of the cross
rings, but Harry Is to be highly com
uieuded for banging on to the horses
and keeping them going in a circle un
til freed from the back-board, help ar
rived and the animals conquered Re
pairs we quickly made by our black
smith and the mail departed on time.
Tom Jackson is boiling on his neck.
Joseph Kosidor has equipped himself
with a good saddle horse purchased for
650 of Tenas Charlie.
In vital ions were issued Wednesday
by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bensell . to all
residents of Siletz to attend an April
social in the girls' parlors at the Indian
training school. Those responding were:
Mis. Delaurie, Messrs. Warren and
Walter Hall, Misses Pearl Hall, Esther
Copeland and Gay Spencer, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Towner, Major McKoin,
Prof. Gates, Mesdames Haller. Cope
land and Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. E.H.
Bryant. The liost and hostess bad a
multiplicity of ways devised for the
entertainment of their guests: Arrang
ing a seutence from a heterogeneous
mass of letters, the key to which bung
on a wall in the form of a highly dec
orated motto: "Who enters here leaves
sense behind ;" quartet and tune con
tests; fifteen minutes to obtain a prize
winning record of April fools, music,
sculpture work out of chewing gum,
song contest from drawings illustrating
songs these were some of the features
of the entertainment. Mrs. Haller won
tirst prize for sentence work, a pictur
esque dunce cap; Maj. McKoin, second
prize in a song contest, a comic placard
as an adornment for the back; Mrs.
Towner, third, a sheet of music; Mrs.
Bryant, fourth, a piece of instrumental
music. Candy, doctored and undoc
tored, was served. Miss Pearl Hall
and Mr. Gctes got alopithio doses of
pepper. Selecting toes from under
neath a curtain by the gentlemen to se
cure partners for the abundant refresh
ments and Bingo terminated a very
pleasant social affair and ushered in
April 2.
Johnson Jottings.
W. E. Ball and J. F. Stephens are im'J
proving the looks of the upper Drift
river country by slashing the brush
from the rich soil and seeding it.
W. E. Ball lost a fine cow recently.
School opened March 26 in district
No. 50, Chesley Rones teacher. School
is held in Mr. Gordy's house.
Parmele brothers lost a fine cow last
week, drowned in a tide slough, making
two year.
G. S. Parmele made Squiro Chatter
ton a business visit last Wednesday.
Mrs. Parmele and Miss Keefer accom
panied him, making Mrs. Cliatterton a
visit. Thev reDort the new rnnA inct
fine, with tne exception of one creek
which needs a bridge.
T. J. Flavin of Portland, the post of
fice inspector, visited Johnson last
week, lie said everything was all
right but what a road ! He could not
get out of here too quick. He went
back by way of Newport. He said Mr.
Lyne, the Kernville postmaster was a
fine old man and kept bis books all
right. The Johnson postmaster wishes
to say that Mr. Flavin understands his
business, and if the least error on the
books occurs it catches his eye in an in
stant. He also is a perfect gentleman,
and worthy all tho honors of bis office.
Chitwood Chips.
The cake social was well attended last
Tuesday night, and the
fine. Bingo und Ruth and Jacob were
too principal amusement. .
R. W. Pepin received a letter one
day this week which announced his
wedding day-May 1. The bride's
namo we Have not learned, but suppose
she is a blonde, as Ralph is a fair young
April Fool's day has been well played
by some of the young folks.
Harry Eyre is going to discharge the
railroad aud start a dray line of his
own if they do not haul in a car of hay
once in a while.
Miss Millie Gear started Tuesday for
Portland to take a course in musing.
For Sale Pure bred Barred Plymouth
Rock eggs, 15 for 50c ; good hatch guar
tt'iteed. Aiu E. Soule,
Toledo, Ore.
The White Hou
HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor,
Leader in
Low Prices
Yours with Bargains
Toledo, On
james Mcdonald
CaiiwooD, Lincoln County, Ohkqon
must 1
tttese (
j lilshbd
I rts
J :k w
j I ultr
Highest Market Price in Cash for Hi!
Demands Careful
There are two kinds of education practical and ornamental. TheW
should be secured by everyone, because it may be put to use ciuicklv in tat
a living. Therefore secure the former first ; the latter afterward. if yoni
tne time ana money, me courses or me
are arranged with a view to usefulness. We do not dabble in a little of v
thine, but devote our cuereies to conducting a first-class business school. Ii
exDenses cheaD, Students admitted at any time. Our graduates are sum? 's
Send for catalogue. r T' 3
zu!zzi ' 1 nnciPal QMjt yl i
0 8
t 01
at u . ,ri rwM twia
A Day in the City of the Saints
A Mountain-Walkd Track Through Colo
rado and the Grandest Scenery on
tbc American Continent
Dining Cars on All Trains
Service a la Carte
Popular Personally Conducted Tourist
Excursions to All Eastern Points
For information as to rate, and for Illustrated
booklets, address
W. C. ncBRlDE
124 Third St. Portland, Or.
No. 3.
7:00 a
12:05 p
Real Estate
In All Parts oi the County
Iti Toledo and Newport
Jpryi have some bargains to offer in
city property iu Toledo ; also in
ranches nearby.
fjSril you wish to buy or sell, write
me, or see me at my office at the
Courthouse, .
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and Btnartinfr, incl
aeut to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
t favorite medv for sore nipples,
chapped bands, chilblains, frost bite
W chronic sors tTOS. 23 eta. per box
No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Alb.tuy 12:4s &
Corvallis 2:00 jf
Arrive Yaquina, 6:25;
No. 1. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 '
Corvallis imoal
... 5
Arrive AiDany 12:15 p
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany
Arrive Detroit
No. 4. Returning;
Leaves Detroit 12:45 P
Arrives Albany 5:35 a
Train No. 1 arrives in Alb
in time to connect with the Sf
southbound train, as well as givf
two or three hours iu Albany
fore departure of S. P. northbc
train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with
S. P. trains at Cntvalli nn.i
bany, giving direct service to Kf
port and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitent
and other mountain resorts les
Albany at 1:00 p. ra., after the
rival of S. P. southbound t:
from Portland, reaching Detro
7:00 p. m.
For further information apply
Edwin Stonb,
J. E. Franklin, Agent. Tole
n. li.CROvisB, Agent, Corval
n 0
(your own Mlrctioai to evert tub
Only SO ceniR yvr.
A cn; beamilul colored ptaict; III tit
l..hioni drcMmakinK Monormm j
work j houitkold limn j ficuon, 1e. Sub
tcrlb icmIkv, or. und w. for Inert eop.
Lady Kenit winlMl. Send (or Html.
Stylljb, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date,'
tcciiK.nikal and Ahuolulol;
Perfect-Flulu l'apcr Pauorai.
r 1
As turn Allowed f rerferttkm ikw
tkt iMtfei ms ((who llnet.
Ooly 10 tnt ii. ctnia tach-non hi(t.
A" lor Ihtm SoUl in newly iw tlrf
and lowa, or by nail liom
3-in.ti7 wart aiu g.. mw roa.