Lincoln . County Leader. CHARLES F. 80ULE, - . . ADA E. SOULE, , f Pnorsiarroa.. Official County Paper. Kntrl at tha poatoftle at Toledo, Oregon, u aeeond-elaaa mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year . - - $1 60 Six. Months - - - 75 Three Months - - , - 50 A CHANGE. . With tbii number the Yaquina Pott is consolidated with The IvKadkk. Coll Van Cleve, who has for many years been known to the newspaper readers of Lincoln county, retires from the business to engage in some more healthful and lucrative work. -Reader of the Post will receive Tub Leader on the terms and agreements made with Mr. Van Cleve. The consoli dation will soon result in a better and larger paper than has ever be fore been published in the county. The great North went is filled with gloom ' Since Tracy disappeared ; Almost as silent us a tomb Since Tracy dibappearnd; The bloody chime the outlaw led 1.-ended but he isn't dead; The Oregouiau isn't read Since Tracy disappeared. THE MAN WITH A DRILL. "The Man with a Hoe," "The Man with an Axe," "The Woman with a Broom," and "The Man with a Drill" Are all themes Hint attract the attention of thinking people. And this is true the world over. Uod pity them all; for they have a time of it aw they labor and pweat for their dutly broad. But more to be pitied are they who look not up to honest labor; for honest labor is tho jewel every good workman be queaths to the world as his handiwork. Professor W. S. Walker, many years president of Philomath College, has re cently written for the Spokesman-Review the followiug meritorious tribute to "The Mau with it Prill," whioh is bu- iug published very exleuhlvely by the prens of the north went. Tdk" LfcXbibit borrowed a copy of the little poem of u laboror who hud it pasted in bis hat, where it is probable many of our read em mf pfae. It (or reference. Honor to thtimii who speaks out in his best li no-firrVWioruble labor. The mn with eanrtlo Rreaaa upon ht bat, With dlnuttr pail and candtaatlrk in hand. And grliuey, bnlmailed ahnMSfon bla fuet, la aoldlur to the tuarru, undnratand. Ilia fuumaii la thttawarl, unlealliiK tovY; ilia armament the ahovul, pick and drill; Ilia mualc UthenUint puwder'i ahoi'k; Ilia mnqueit la the gold Id yonder hill, lie aharca aaoldlur'a peril every hour, lint Urea th roarhtK volley of hln drill anatuat the laat retreat nl atony power. And bendaautimittlitg iiionntaiiia to hla will. Hta lurking toe of drlpiiliiK, cold Iwault, In wily wall la lying lor hla lite: A tHiuldurrrawla along a hlddun fault, Aaaaaatn, with a catapult or knlfn. The tunnel bvnda to grip him an he atanda: The heavy gaa la throttling hla breath: The froealug atr bua parulyavd hla lianda; I'lteunionla hreiMla In diirkneaa for hla death. Ilia vli-torlva that heap of rnliblah tolls. Thallium that emulate the mountain nigh; Kai'h atubliorn rot'k uua vapliirvil In the holla of turunda, atojwa and cliamliera, deep and high. Ilia leaning thrual ot palpitating ateol Will Hud hla ancient foemnn'a tllnty core; That frowning mrk will totter down ami line 1 Aud at the victor' feet bla treaauri pour; l.aeh aero of our country, rich and grand, la hallowed by libation ot a life; l .aeh rool tree t an in peeee and honor atand, llvraiiae conllrmed by beroca lu a atrlfe. lain fortune of our patrimony groat la aacred for tht eaerllireit etu; I aeb dollar la a laurel to the atate. Made holy by the preeinua tlvua it toat. The prize-fight between Jeffries and Pitzsimuions came off at San Francisco last Friday night, accord ing to plans and specifications, and the fcrmer won in the eighth round. With 11 its brutal features, prtze figbtiu is a peculiarly fascinating jjaiue for the ipectators or even lor newspaper readers who would not be guilty of witnessing one. Science, strength and grit , arc bound to win the admiration of a t ea) A wet ice n, although he may despise the man who fould put the great blestings to to base a ue. I'ititmrnotii tayi he prayed that he might whip Jeffries. What a hpectaclel a great big, healthy uun, possessing wonderful physical powers, praying to tht Giver of all good that he might overcome his opponent, in a brutal fist fight, and A Sadden Twinge Of pain is generally the first warning of an attack of rheumatism. It feels as if the disease were in the bones or muscles, but the real cause of rheumatism is found in impure blood. In order to cure rheumatism the blood must be cleansed of the poisonous impurities which are the cause of the disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been very successful in the cure of rneumausm, o e -cause it entirely1 cleanses the blood from the poison ous substances which are the cause of the dis ease. It not only Eurifies the blood ut by increasing the activity of the blood-making glands, it increases the supply of pure, rich blood which adds to the vigor of every1 physical organ. Mr. R. A.McKnlght, of Cadea. Williams burg Co., 8. C. write : I And been troubled with rheumatism for twelve vears. so bad at times I cmikl not leave my bed. I was badly crippled. Tried many doctora and two of them gave me up to die. None of them did me much good. Tlie paina In my back, hips and legs (and at tinu-A in my head), would nearly kill me. My appetite was very lad. Everybody who Raw me said I must die. I took five bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and four viala of ' Pellet,' and to-day my health is good alter suffering twelve years with rheumatism." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make tlie little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains ; you lose. Therefore accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver. thereby secure a large sura of mon ey and a peculiar kind of glory, which would place him beyond the reach of honest labor during the re mainder of his life! What an ad mirable, low-down brute the prize fighter is! What a paradox! Keep History Straight. Of course we need better schools Everyone Baytno and "What everyone suys must be true." A district which is financially able to employ the very best of teachers may have a school that defies criticism, and yet be far from perfect. The one grave fault lies in our text-books or, to be more explicit, lies in the. lies in our text-books. -For instance: Pupils in American schools are taught that old Ethan Allen demanded the Uritish commandor'g surrmidur,"In the uameof the Great Jehovah and tho Continental Congress." True, these time-worn words have a .patriotic ring, but to tho average tulnd they are quite unnatural, and it is not surprising that a bit of careful historical research re veals their fictitious character. It is now known that brave and blunt old HiliHii simply said to tho British com- ntauder: "Come out of there, youd dold ratt" How truly American is the new aud correct version, uud how easily compro' bended by the rising generation! Hun dreds of proper changes such us this might be made in American history. and they would furuish spico for many a dull page. There is no doubt about it. We need hotter schools. Wanted Information. ('tin a saw-buck? Keokuk Gate City. Can a chimney swallow? St. Joe News. Well, while your interrogation points are Inserted in this great theme, "Can it monkey-wrench t" Dailv Iowa Cup Hal. While thoughts dwell ou such elevat ing subjects duty ootnools us to say that a man hero "ttia cattish." But "can a horsu fly?' Dallas (Iowa) Center Tune. While those interesting questions are under diHcusnion we would like to ask, Can u mill-race? Casey (Iowa) Vindi cator. Of course. Say, enn a bullrush or a oowsllp? Britt Bally thus rentiers his opinion ot women: "There is gladnutt in her gladness when she's glad there is sad ness, in her sadness when she's sad but the gladness of her gladness nor the utduesa ot her sadness is nothing U her madness wheu site's mad. There Ts kicking lu her kickuess when she kicks there is licking la ber lickness when she lioke but the kicking of her kickuess nor tha lk-kingot her lickness is nothing to her nixuoM when she's nix. There is croNtitesa in her crossness when she's cross there Is glossitut in the gloasne ( her gloss bet the crossness of her crobsuoM nor the glossncss of her glossing it nothing tohcr tossing when (he's b.. THE SILETZ BUDGET. The last sad rites were administered over the remains of John Gamier at thecbapel Sunday morning at 11 o'clock . A large number of people were present and it was one of the saddest occasions In our history. John was a good man, a good husband, and had such a courte ous kind way that every one loved him. The choir's appropriate songs, the kind hands that covered his grave with crosses, wreaths and bouquets of flowers were deeply appreciated. His parents, wife and brother unite in thanking all who so. willingly aided tbem during John's sickness. Prof. Pierre E. F. Perldes, B. S., Lon don, F. L. S., has been with us a few days making a scientific analysis of the chittim plant. We have enjoyed accompanying him into the fields. He has been sent out by a London company to investigate the ohittim industry on the Pacific slope. His advice is to hold on to your chittim. The saw mill is now in the hands of the Hall Bros'. They began sawing last Monday. Walter Hall visited Toledo, Thursday to set up a wagon sold to Charlie John son. , Will some reader of ( The Lkadeb tell us how to tin a soldering-iron? Mr. Harlan of Chitwood was over ne gotiating the sale of some horses. Superintendent MeArthur aud wife have returned from Newport. Warren Hall is in the valley to pur chase come draft horses. - Miss Kruger is away enjoying her va cation. Jim Hall is on the sick list. ELK CITY EVENTS. The following resot ters are at the Hotel Elk : Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sanger aud Mr. uud Mrs. John Council. Port land; S. F. Micklin, Junction City; C. a. weuer, Creswell. Lancuster and Williams have lost six head of yonn cattle, and more are ail ing. They think some weed or root In the pasture is responsible for the loss. Deputy Fish Commissioner Smith is here looking for a suitable place for a salmon butchery. Master Arthur Allen of Tallman is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Clark. Mrs. May Mays is the proud mother of a fine boy baby. Mother and child doing well. . i C. P. Bevens made a business trip to Portland this week. JOHNSON ITEMS. W. E. Bull has built an addition to his tmrn and u. S. Parmele is building a large barn. They Intend to bavs room for nil of their hay this year. Parmele brothers and M. C. Duel helped Messrs. West and Davenpor't'to put their hsy iu the OsoaV Wood barn (the one . 8. Parmele built) on drift creek. Two Gibbs brothers and families alid Will Soles came in over that Salmon Kiver road. They broke down twice aud bud un awful time, and arrived here with four front wheels ou their wagon, fvo wheels being wide tracked and two narrow. They got here all the same, aud want some claims. C. & E. SUMMER RATES. From Lincoln County Sta tions to Newport and Return. Tickets will be sold at below named points until September 30, good for return until October 10, at the following rates: ' Nashville, Nortons and Eddy ville, $2.50.' Chitwood, Morrison, Kilt City and Slorrs, $1.50. Toledo, $1.10. Tickets' good goiug Saturdays and returning the following Mon day only: Nashville, Nortons, Kddyville and Chitwood, $1.50. Morrison, Elk City, Storrs and Toledo, $100. ' i I am advertising the ' Road Lands" extensively in the East, and in response have received many inquiries for improved' Lincoln county lands. I have therefore de cided to handle them also, and have the best opportunities for dis posing of property to advantage. List your property with me and I will sell it for you. Address me at Yaquina or Cor vaUvs, M. M. DAVIS, GKORGB HALL LESTBR WAUGH Hall&Waugh ivery, Feed and Sale Sialils GOODS RIGS . - and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention given to Travel ing Men. . Horses boarded by the day, week or month ::::::: DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM SILETZ Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m. . . . Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m . : Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a. tn. . . Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p. m. The Old Reliable; We have the largest and best-assorted stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in the county and will not be undersold by anybody. , A LITTLE CASH Has a Long Reach in our store. Come in ami investigate. That is the only sensible way. Learn prices and quality .before you buy. That's Business. Respectfully, Tho Y. B. Merc. Co. A Complete Line of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, t' 1 Wallpaper, Window Shades, Etc. AT... J. D. flann & Co.'s Corvallis, Oregon Special Attention Given to Mail Orders CHITWOOD NURSERY Keeps constantly on hand all the Standard Varieties of . Fruit Trees . Vines and . Shrubbery J. E. WILSON Chitwood, Oregon E. E. BAIL3CY DENTIST housed Toledo, On Selling out our stock of dry g;ooda at, cost. T, P. Fi&u. Crown Bridge and Plate Work a Specialty Fine, Gold and Amalgam. , Fillings AU Work Guaranteed U: vou wish anything in the jewelry line Schenck & Co. have iust vbt vqu. wa,0.U