Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 10, 1901, Image 6

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Are 2400
Disorders incident to the human frame,
of which a majority are caused or pro
moted by impure blood.
The remedy is simple.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That this medicine radically and
effectively purifies the blood is known
to every druggist, known to hundreds
of thousands of people who themselves
or by their friends have experienced
its curative powers.
The worst cases of scrofula, the
most agonizing sufferings from salt
rheum and other virulent blood dis
eases, are conquered by it, while
those cured of boils, pimples, dys
peptic and bilious symptoms and that
tired feeling are numbered by millions.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Will do you good. Begin to take It today.
As It Seemed to Her.
Mr. Clubman I never was a jury
man but once, and then the Jury was
out all night.
Mrs. Clubman How you must have
enjoyed It! Iioston Courier.
Tbla signature is on every box of the genulno
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
tb remedy that cures a cold in one day
A Reminiscence.
"One time," remarked Wragson
Tatters, "I got into a soft snap."
"Did yer, honest?" inquired Perry
Patetlck, "what was it?"
"A poor olo watchdog dat hadn't no
teeth left." Philadelphia Press.
Of Particular Interest to Threshermen and
Kiihhi-11 & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
InrgcKt doHlers iu miiohiuery ou the
Pacillc Count, have just issued at con
siderable expense a neat and very com
plete account book for up-to-date
throHliemicn, eto. The hcoks are tor
free distribution, and all people who
want them should write immediately
to KuHhell & Co., Portland, Ore. t
Choice of Letters.
"I think I shall adopt letters as a
profession," observed the party with
the bulging brow.
"Typewriting or sign painting?" in
quired the sardonic person. Balti
more American.
When von take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic,
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui
niuo In a taatolesa form. No Cure, No Pay. &uc.
Kitchen Necessities.
"Cook, do we need any necessities
for the kitchen?" '
"Yes'm. I'd like a Roman chair, one
of them Venlshun lanterns an" some
more pillars for th' cozy corner." In
dlanupolts Journal.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood
Foison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by cither will see iu the
i i .1. - .
i-uini me same uiseitse -C7V
iiiauucsiitig u sell in
the form of swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, wink
eye, offensive sores
and abscesses and of
tentimes white swell
in Ruri nirrtia tit
ficrofular fherrmnydV
be no external sijjns for
a long time, for the disease develops slowly
in some cases, birt the poison is in thr
blood and will break out nt the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast
liitf, destructive disease by first purifying
and building up the blood and stimulating
and iuvigoiuting the whole system.
J. M. Seats, 115 Puhlle Square. Nsshvllle.Tenn.,
says : ' 1 rn ycnt ago my ilauiihtrr felt and cut
her itirehea.l. I'rom this wouml the glands on
the side of hrr face became swollen ami tiurstmt.
""', ,,1,c doctors here outl elsewhere
attended her without any benefit, We decided
to try 8. t. 8., and a few bottle cured her entirely."
makes new and pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
and is a positive and
safe cure for Scrofula.
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If you have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood taint, take 8. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease doing further damage.
Send for our free look and write our
physicians about your case. We make no
charge whatever for medical advice.
All list UitS. "
float t'ouiih Hymn. Tamp Hood. Use
in time, miiii t nriiKKl-m.
He Ta Possessed of Great Will Powei
ana Many Ace miiiUhmenta,
From one who was intimately con
nected with him In his youth I learn
that his chief characteristic Is earnest
ness, added to great will power. What
ever he does, no matter how trivial, is
attacked (I use the word advisedly) with
such force and such determination that
it Is invariably carried to a successful
issue. For instance, all the world
knows of his collection of coins, but
few have heard of Its origin. One day
when a small boy he was playing In
the garden of the Qulrinal, and found
a Plus IX. penny, with which he rush
ed delighted to Queen Margherlta. She
explained what It was, and incidentally
told him about others more Important.
From that moment he began to collect,
and he has now become one of the
greatest numismatists in the world. It
is the same with swimming. He learn
ed quickly, and reached such perfection
that it was his custom to jump from a
man-of-war into the open sea, have his
swim, and return without help.
Other accomplishments are music
and painting. Queen Margherlta, who
Is exceptionally fond of music, seeing
her husband so indifferent to It, de
cided that her son must play at least
the plauo, If he had any talent at all.
Masters were procured when he was a
small boy, with the result that he Is a
very fair pianist, and satisfies even
the critical taste of his mother. Of
painting he knows less, but can dash
off a very respectable sketch, showing
verve, but a lack of knowledge of color.
But, above all and before all, the
king Is a man of will, and, try as he
may, no one can turn him once his
mind Is made up. Rome Correspon
dence Tall Mall Gazette.
Succeeds Kins; Kdward as Grnn 1 Mas
ter of the Freemasons.
King Edward VII. has ceased to be
Grand Master of the Order of Freema
sons, which office he held as the
Prince of Wales. This Is in conform
ity with the course adopted by the
last Prince of Wales on his becoming
Uegcnt and afterwards George IV. An
especial Grand Lodge has elected the
rUKK of coxNAUonr.
Duke of Connaught as his Majesty's
It Is Interesting to note that only
throe predecessors have stood between
the Into Grand Master n-iid the last
Prince of Wales who filled that office,
namely, Lord Ulpon, who held the po
sition from 1S70 to 1S74; the Earl of
Kctlmul, who occupied It from 1844 to
1S70; and the Duke of Sussex, 1813 to
1813, who succeeded the Prince Regent.
His Prophecy Came True.
I'd ward Wiggles worth, "llollls pro
fessor of divinity at Cambridge," in a
little pamphlet published In the porten
tous year of i77."i, must have had a cor
rect Idea of the prosperity of this coun
try during the century just closing, ns
he predicted that the population of the
"Hiltlsh American colonies" in 1900
would lie 80,000,000.
Included In this estimate was Nova
Scotia, now the Dominion of Canada,
which with Its last recorded census re
sult of 4,800,000 added to the 70,000,000
or the United States fulfills almost to
the letter the accuracy of the Wiggles
worth prophecy. And this somewhat
remarkable forecast was not based up
on any species of guess work, but upon
a well defined and clearly constructed
mathematical theory, which, reduced
to plain words, can be best described in
the language of Its author:
"The British-Americans have doubled
their numbers In every period of
twenty-live years from their first plan
tation." Taking this statistical fact as a basis
for his calculations the Harvard divin
ity professor constructed a system of
reckoning the Increase of a country's
population which history has shown to
be as correct as his method was simple.
Assuming that the 1775 population
was 2.r00,000 Mr. Wigglesworth esti
mated 5.000.000 for 1S00, 10,000,000 for
1825, 20.0lX,000 for 1850, 40,000.000 for
1875 and 80.000.000 for 1000, and the
record of the United States census since
its Initial taking In 1700 shows sub
stantially these figures, as follows:
Census of 1S00, B.30S.000; 1S25 (1S20),
0,033.000; 1S50, 23.191.0tX); 1S73 (1870).
38.1158,000; HUH), with Canada, 81,000,
000. National Magazine.
Love never finds a burden too heavy
for it to tackle.
Passing of Yellowstone Park.
It is said that the peysers which have
Blade this park famous.' are gradually de
clining. Tiiis brings to mind the fact, that
decline is the law of the world. Henlih is
the most previous possession in the world,
and too great care cannot be given to it.
In the stiring. you should renew your
strength, revitalize your blood and uerves
with the best of all medicines, Hostecter's
Stomach Bitters. It also cures stomuch
disorders. Try it.
Late Realization.
"I now realize," said the pig, as
they loaded him into the wagon,
bound for the butcher's, "I now realize
that overeating tends to shorten life."
Indianapolis Press.
There are a great manv remedies
but there in one Cl KK for a
poor complexion; that is Garfield
Tea, which cures by pnril'j ing the
blood, thus removing the cause.
Tables Turned.
"The first time 1 tried to smoke a
cigarette it made me awfully sick."
"You are getting even now."
"I don't see how."
"Why now they make everybody else
sick when you smoke them. The
Be Beautiful t
A clear, clean complexion is the foundation
of all beauty. -Cascarets Candy Cathurtie make
and keep the sklu soft and velvety. All drug
gists 10c, 2,'ie, 50c.
Jarring Mrs. Von B.
Mrs. Von Bliimer My children have
been to school now two terms and
have made scarcely any progress.
Mrs. Witherby How sad! And It's
such a good , school, too! Detroit
Free Press.
CITG Permanently Cured. No fits or norvousnesi
I I I O after nrsroftv'iuirpof lr, Kline'sljreat Nerve
Bestoivr. Send lor Fit EK 9-1.00 trial hottloaud treat
fas. Pn.R.H Kl.iit ,VM An-hSt., Philarii.lphU.Pa.
Disgusted Passenger.
. "No, sir," saia a passenger on a
steamship to the captain, "I am not
sea sick, but I am disgusted x with
the motion of the vessel." Ohio
State Journal.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds, John F. IBovkr, Trinity 'Springs,
I nd., Feb. 15. WOO.
But It Is Worry All Around.
As a rule a woman's dress worries
other women more than It pleases the
man who has to pay for it. Kansas
City Times.
A Prosperous and Popular San Francisco
Among the Institutions identified with the
growth and development of San Francisco,
Hculd's liuslness College holds a conspicuous
place. Both as a business enterprise uud uu
educational Institution, it lias been ever since
Its orgaulxutlou, nearly forty years ago, ex
tremely popular and eminently successful. It
Is in the class of those Build and substantial In
stitutions In which u city takes pi-lde. Citizens
point to it as one of the old reliable and thor
oughly progressive establishments, on Institu
tion with a dellnltu purpose ami an unques
tioned status.
in connection with commercial education
the name of Ileald's Is a household word on tba
1'acltiu Coast and throughout the country at
largo. In Us own field of effort it Is as widely
known ns Stanford or Derkeley, for It enrolls
students from the four quarters of the globe,
in IMlll every county In California hut four had
students In Ileald's Business College. The four
not represented were Del Norte, Lassen, Orange
Slid Ventura. 1lie register of the college shows
that In 1000 students were enrolled from the
following States uud Trritorles outside of Cal
ifornia; In many cases there were several rep
resentatives from each: Nevada. Iowa, Wash
ington, Oregon, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Idaho,
Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, f eiiusylvanla, New
Jersey, Vermont. Vlrginiu and New Mexico. In
1UO0 students came directly to the school from
Mexico, Canada, Japan, the Uawallau Islands,
Yukon Territory, Siberia and Central America,
enrollments were also made from Engluud uud
Its large body of alumni constitute a most
formidable promoting force, and the steady
growth of the college cuu be attributed lurgeiy
to the couimiidlng voice of these thoiiHunds of
graduates, who know whereof they speak.
For full Information write to the college for
the K0-pai catalogue and conege journals.
Address K. 1". Henld, President, 24 Post
street, Sun Francisco, Cut.
The Secrst of It.
Ann Eliza There goes Mary Ma
loney. She's in' stylishest dressed
girl of any of us.
Maria Jane An' small wonder. Her
missus Is th' same size 's her, n em
ploys th' best modalst in th' city
Philadelphia Bulletin.
The r.est Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price 50c.
Accommodating Old Man.
He I asked you father's consent
by telephone .
She What was his answer?
He He said: "I don't know who
you are, but it's alt right," Harvard
$ Two Big Pains
seem to be the heritage of the
human family everywhere, vn:
but there la one sure and
prompt cur for both, via:
St. Jacobs Oil
Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Coughs, Colds, Grip and
Catarrhal Diseases.
Mra. Belva A. Lockwood. Li t Candidate for
the Presidency.
Mrs. Belva A Lockwood, late candi
date for the Presidency.
Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, the emi
nent barrister, of Washington, D. C,
is the only woman who has ever
been a candidate for the presidency
of the United States. She is the best
known woman In America. As the
pioneer of her sex in the legal pro
fession she has gathered fame and
fortune. In a letter to the Peruna
TVT Oioino (Crr norTr eVin ce
w v- Isujm,u uuv iuj a
"I have vs id your Perjna both
for myself and my mother, Mrs.
Hannah J. Bennett, now in ter
88th year, and I find it an inval
uable remsdy for cold, catarrh,
hay fever ard kindred diseases;
also a good tonic for feeble and
old people, or those run down,
and with nerves unstrung."
Yours truly,
Belva A. Lockwood.
Peruna cures catarrh by removing
the cause, Inflamed mucous mem
branes. Dr. Hartman, the compounder of
Peruna, once said, in a lecture to
women: "A great number of women
consult me every year. I often have
occasion to say to these patients:
'I fear you have catarrh, madam.'
They will generally reply, Oh, no, I
never had catarrh. My nose is per
fectly clear, and my breath is not bad.
I am not troubled with coughing or
spitting, or any other disagreeable
symptom of catarrn.' 'But, my dear
madam, you may have catarrh all the
same. Catarrh is not always located
in the head. Yon
may have catarrh of
the lungs, or stom
ach, or liver, or kid
neys and especially
you may have catarrh
of the pelvic organs."
The doctor went on .
to say: "I have been
preaching this doc- Mrs. T. J. Ballard,
trine hv the last fortv ?Veka JBP.r,n8
.. .... .t. '""'J Ark., cured of a se-
years, but there are a vere Vae of catarrh
vast mu'titnde of by Tenia,
women who have never heard it yet.
Catarrh may attack any organ of the
body. Women are especially liable to
catarrh of the pelvic organs. There
are one hundred cases of catarrh of
the pelvic . organs to one of catarrh
of the head. Most people think, be
cause they have not catarrh of the
head, they ' have not catarrh at all.
This is a great mistake, and is the
cause of many cases of sickness and
Mrs. T. Pelton, 562 St. Anthony ave
nue, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "Peruna
lias done wonders
for me. It has
cured my headache
and palpitation of
the heart; has
built up my whole
system. I cheer
fully recommend
Peruna to all suf
ferers afflicted with
catarrh. My moth
er is ni-ver without
Peruna. When
one is tired and
generally out of
HO'-ts. u t'ornna is
taken it immediately removes that
tired feeling."
factory results from the use of Peru
an, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
the Hartman Sanitarium, Colum
bus, Ohio.
Mrs. T. Pelton.
Becoming Personal.
Mr. Saphed Aw do you believe
thawt monkeys talk, Miss Smawt?
Miss Smart I know they talk I
have heard them. Ohio State Journal.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature ison each box. 25c.
Too "I rue.
Nodd How do you like your
country home?
Todd It's a great place. The
only drawback is that I can't sell it.
Harper's Bazaar.
If yon haven't a regular, healthy movement of the
bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your
bowels open, and bo well. Force, in the stiapo of
violent physio or pill poison. Is dangerous. The
'.mootbest, easiest, most perfect way uf keeping the
sew lis clear and clean is to take
For Catalogues
WZtfor You
you're planting
when you plant
Ferry's Seeds. It you
buy cheap seeds you can't
be sure. Take no chances
gat Kerry'a. Dealers' every-
wncre sen mem. Write
for 1901 Seed Annual
mailed free.
0. M. FERRY A CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
. A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
" mVmV mT 1 . I consumption. i.oo. d Lock. Box 145.
KEEP YOUB BLOOD CLEAN1- SMITH & CO., Buffalo, H.Y.. Prop's
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tiatinvu rmrsnnA
Never Sloken, Weaken, or Urine. 10c. Wo Writs
tor free sample and booklet on health. Address I 7 ' T , rT , , r t T JTk .
Bee Line Buggies
$65.00 AND UP.
HENNEY, $90.00 and up.
Iron corners on bodies of all our Henney and
13ee Una Buggies. Send for Catalog,
First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon.
Northwest POULTRY News
if you keep poultry ,nA 10c. for i mo.
trtnltothrOr t'ii( irr. Montli'v,
Hia. It. r..rtl l.r. Tells where
togel bed poultry lu.N.W. Sample free.
IM.1 BT Rutsm CO.
.1 L-LE?.
The "Russell" Compound
Is here to stay. It b the Most Economical
am4 f.,1 TT: L.;ia
Vrite us for full particulars,
Buy from the manufacturer. Price In full rolla
2 feet hie, 1 0 feet long 11 M
4 hh m " ; -J
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
149 rroas t., Portland, Oregosu