Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 10, 1901, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader.
ADA E. SOULE, 1'wipriwm.
Official County Paper.
J;ntnrel at tbo pntuf?!fp At 'J'olfl, Oregon, ax
itm:riirt-clos mail unittwr.
0r; Year - - - fl 50
fiix MonU'm - . - 75
Three MonthH - - - rjO
Tlie editor of the Polk County
Itemizer was in ftun Francisco re
cently and, among other points of
'interest, visited the United States
mint. He saw piles and piles of
K'jod money bushels of $20 gold
pieces coming right from the ma
chine, but says, with a tear in his
voice', a strict watch is kept and it
is impossible to carry awny any of
the coin. Snomrage ! There really
seems to be no chance for an honest
editor in this world.
A few of our contemporaries who
are evidently not well posted are
advancing the opinion that Presi
dent McKiuley is fishing for a third
term. Such chatter is as idle as
that which places Mark Ilanna in
the next presidential race.
A New York syndicate is reported
to have cornered the whisky mar
ket, and a big jump in prices is ex
pected. To the consumer, this
probably means only a little more
water, which is really a good thing.
This year's clip of mohair in Or
egon is supposed to have been about
275,000 pounds. Most of it has
ulready been sold. Local buyers
paid 20 cents per pound lor the
greater part of it.
The crown priuce of Germany is
learning the printer's trade. There
is no longer any doubt about it.
The an preservative is surely on
the toboggan.
Lincoln county, Oregon, is a big
"beauty spot" on the face of the
earth just now. llomeseekers
should drop in and take a good
look at it.
liy the way, don't forget "Where
Rolls the Oregon."
What It Will Cost.
One beauty of the Seaside Nor
mal School and Lecture Course is
the feature of economy. The ma
triculation fees have been made
very reasonable, as compared with
the same grade of instruction in
other states; the uiilway companies
will offer reduced rates; hotels will
giant concessions to our people;
and piivate families will furnish
board ami rooms nt rates same as
i haigcd by inlet iur toivns. How
ever, tenting, which is much cheap
vi , will be one ot the principal
.ittiaciions to the easidc. Accoul
ingly arrangements niv being made
to .iccommhite colonics, if neces
sary, with choice tenting grounds,
wlivie there there will be no cx save the Miiall lee paid the
ground Manager lor keeping the preuiies neat and in
i'lepaialions have been made to
enable ladies deviling 10 tent hv
llit m selves to have tlie protectirn
; ti.e home. A No by writing 1:1
t::ue:oMr. Sant'iclG. lrvi:i, m.iyoi
"I Newport, tents, poles, stakes,
shelves, and tables may be vented;
jr. I a 1:1 .in to put tents in order tu.iv
he M-ruicd. Ordeis ior grocnies,
wy.eUb'.cs. meats, wood and. otlu 1
tu.saiit-s may be taken at the
l :il, thus i:l:.ading the conven
i. iuv:oi nuMtopolitnn l:le to tho.s,;
a i-o .'.isae to live, cheaply iu con-
K .aeniber thai if Yaijuina is
-:... litly itsii.;u!cd she is still in tlie
, mi l Lugger ; Tiuelt have
too .l.ejpest UV gOoii.s, clothing
and u. rauliiug hotv-e in tin. county.
mi eoitiiuui:iou wit'.i Nitu:ei;i
in 1 In .toi ic uinasiou a: the bouud
ing !ca.
- . " ' tf
uM'y-:'''t'-''r '- kS."'.'---.'.fi; '-; "
11 ..'vV-' . K. :iif-' !'.-..:.'.' -1-' i-.-'t
W?&. UrM?.Vk ir. -! J" '"H fit
fpyfto 9!tV
Piit;?Z i
Iliikv Ir-iMS:'--: :
A ti:uiy women are sulijc-et V
fip-jlls of di.zini ss, spots before the eyes
find a riiitrint; noisj in the liw.d. 'Jla ;
hV!ii!)toi!i:; ir.'c eonnnonlv associated v. it;
liver nr-uik-" as the result of a li..-:i:.l ;
eor.r.moii o; Kiuianea ami ot;r: or
gans of (liiji'st-.G.i and nutrition.
Dr. l'ieroe's Golden Judical Pi.-vov-c'rv
cures diseases of tin; stomach raid ths
allied org;'.!is of digestion And m:tr;tio:i.
It cures thror.fdi the stomach diseases
wnaii'jly -remote from that or '.ran, but
which have their, origin' in a disi:a.-.ed
condition of llio stomach and digestive
and nutritive system. Hence, cures of
heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and other j
organs are constantly ry the.
ase of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. There is no alcohol in the " Discovery"
raid it is free from opium, cocaine, and
all other narcotics.
Some dealers may offer a substitute as
"just as rood" as Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. There's more profit
in substitutes for the dealer. There's
more health in the ''Discovery" for you.
Don't be imposed (in.
"It is with tin; pn :itc;t pleasure I write yon
tilt! lM.-m.-llt 111 v mutlK-r 1ms receivi.-il IV'iin yim
'Oolilon M'-ilic-.-il I)i ry,' " says ::i-.s Qirrio
Johnson, nf I.ou-csvilic, Amiit-rst Co.. Viwnia.
She sufTiTcl untold i:iis:.-ry with uterine (HscT-e
n.,.i ,w.r..'niinF. nnti a i:onst'.uit loariu;
unci riiH'.iiiK noise in her head. Alter unon-.;
six bottles of Dr. l'i'-rce's Cohli-n Jleilicnl D;s
corery lilie was entire!- cured."
When a laxative is required use Di
tierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Land OOice tit Oregon City. Oropon, )
May 4, I'.IOl. J
A sufllcient contest afDduvit huving
bcmi filed Nov. 22, 1001, in this ollioe by
Piotr Ivobielski, contestant, against
homestead entry No. 1210i, made July
1, ISO", for lots 4 and 5, Section (!, Town
ship '.) S., Kongo 10 W. by Kasinus
Kasniussrn Contesteo, in which it is
alleged that Contestant "knows tho
present condition of tlie same; also that
said Rasmus Kasuiusweu' has not lived
upon said land to exceed one year aud
thai ho has not boen upon the laud for
more than one year last past, and that
said alleged absenco from ttio said hind
was not due to his employment iu the
Army, Navy, or Marine Corp? of the
United States as a private soldier, of
llcer, seaman or marine during the war
with Spain, or during any other war iu
which tho United States may bo en
gaged." Said parties ure hereby noti
fied to uppoar, rospoua and offer evi
dence touching said" allegation ut 10
o'clock a. m. on Juno 12, 1901, beforo
the County '.'lork of Lincoln County,
Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, aud t hat
Ibial hoaring will ho held at 10 o'clock
a. iu. on Juno 31, lfiol, before the lleg
ister and Receiver at the United States
Land Oltieo in Oregon City, Oregon.
The' said contestant having, in a
pra or ullldavit, iiled April III), 1001, set
forth fails which show that after duo
diligence iersontd .service of this notice
can bo made, it is hereby or lored and
directed that, such notieo bo 'given by
duo und (iropor publication.
Wk. ti.w.unvAY, Ryciever.
Skin HflVctions will readily disappear
liy using D.AVitt's Witch llael Salve.
Ijunk out. for counterfeits. If you get
De Wilt's you will get good results. It, is
t 10 quick and positive cure for piles
Krogstad tho Druggist.
ealed bids b, received by the
county court up In 1 1 u'elocl; a. 111. of
Wednesday, .lii'ic.'i, i;)l, for to cords
of ine maple i'f cherry wood, I feet
long, and " cord t i lir wood, 1 ici t
lo:i;.r, l'oriii'-r 10 bo of good td.'.o no
.-i lall wood and I. liter to bo good,
sound, green !';r. The court loserves
ti e rLdit to 1 eject iliiv or all bids.
J.M.I a- iv.,
Coiinly Clerk.
I 1 To!i-i',o, i ire.:o!i, April 1, pun.
I. I '.a v; i r of North DrooU, N. V.
- i - he snlfered with piles for lifteen
e.l-. lb-trie,! m.Uiy reliie.lies with no
n-alts until b - u-.ed D.-Wjit's Witch
li e 1 Salvo uu.l that iiuickly .cure 1
htm. fro':
t ho l)rng,'i-1.
l..rii'.) limy be tiile.l
u;ul with.'iu 1 'c-iiv-
!'ll v I
moved. C an and cxari.ite them, a!
Schcnck Cv Co.
(1 jither T.iit .rc acnt lor th.e
Salv ia Woi'lcu Mills. It' yen want
a fin-.- suit of I'liitlu s at i tcisjiuible
pij;e, oil ami inspect "J.iinpL'.s.
All tho latc.-.t styles in MilliiK'ty
At Schtuck & Co's.
Rhododendron Excursion.
The beautiful weather we are
now having is productive of spring!
fever, and our people, watching the :
swelling buds, many of which hivej
burst into blossoms and leaves, are;
asking when the most beautiful oft
Oregon's wild flowers, the rhodo-l
clendroii, will bloom again. To get j
this information we were obliged to!
call at the Corvallis & Eastern rail- j
, ioaa oince. Knccouenarons attain !
! perfection at Newport and Nye!
i Creek between the 10th and 20th ot j
May, depending on the weather, j
Usually the C. & E.
run a Sunday
excursion which inaugurates tne!
seaside season at the
he coast. Mr.
the C & E- in-
Stone, manager of
forms us that one day excursions to
the Bay will be generally discoutin-!
tied this year, but that on Salurday.j
May nth, or a week later, May I
iSth, owing to the advancement of
the flowers, the company will make
a low rate, good for Saturday, Sun
Jay and Monday. This will give
passengers all of Sunday on the
bech or gathering all they can
carry of nature's most, beautiful
flowers, which nowhere flourish as
at Yaquina bay.
Just Vv'iiut You Waui.
We have just received a select
stock of Summer Underwear, Ho
siery, Ties, etc. Call and see it.
Gaitiier & Tait.
We have some record-breaking
clubbing combinations with many
leading periodicals. Come in and
learn about them.
Get your children suits and all
sizes of men's and youth's suits at
Lugger & Pruett's. Rock-bottom
In the County Court of the State of Or
egon, for bineoln County.
In the matter of the estate of Charley
Porter, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the county
court of the State of Oregon for the
county of Lincoln, administrator of the
estate of Charley Porter, deceased. All
persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby notified to present thorn
to me at my residence in Toledo, Or.,
within six mdnlhs from date hereof .duly
verilied as by law required.
InA Wade,
Administrator of the estate of Charlev
Porter, deceased.
Dated this 3d day of. April, 1901.
I the title of "Light-Running White." Elegantly embossed wood
ier best boots, slices and dryworkf -smooth band ironwoik, easily kept clean, the finest set of at
Roods see (.aither ct 1 ait. j tachments, automatic tension indicator and releaser, oil cups and needle-
, bar these are only a few of the many labor-saving devices applied to
Any school boy or girl- the Wihtb.
can make good pic-' Tb Whit,i Dic"cfe s,a,,ds " t own merits. Uaring the past few
H 'years its reputation has been maintained as the most durable, beautiful
tures with one of the and light-running wheel. The White holds all racific Coast records
Eastman Kodak Co.'s
O L L A R.
T'tt i'r 'rrr,
tiny fawr;-.;..
C M .' .r i' n t n
j:ficat , t ,V ,
r i :e -.inn,.':.,
If ll&ifi
KASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y.
Is 1 ." J 1 I ' J - V
lyspepsia Oure
Digests what yew cat.
Tb.i-J rrT::r:it!nti contain-? all r.f the
rin;c-.;.!!i,s ::...! dljcst3 all kiiuU of
food. ) t i s inst u nt relief and never
ia;! t(-'iu-.. It :di;ws you to cat .U
tli.; 1i'd on
i. i nutsu scu.-ii i ve
-oilCIS i';i. (aKo i . y its uo ini.i.y
' li i-.i lici--. r dyspci't ii' have been
cuivii after ' in else tailed. H
is uueou tor iilt.-ti.niacll troubles.
but do yotl qcod
S'r -pn r.'il i niv l v 1". v". 1 Wm-.v fo., riii.u:o
Tlio il.''t'.l. voulullisU'i IUIA m.i
.tb O. Klo-:.t.ld.
I- w
; (014-1 ti,1.1v,. T!.,,L.
f(;S ; Blankets iinvtlims: you want and if
' . . 0
YOU tlOIl't Call bofoiXi bliyillg olsO wlid'O YOU
doii't deSCTVC Bai'gaillS tliat'S all.
. . '
Ladies, sec
can't mention all
but just, call, and we'll show them.
Choice Groceries, too.
Mi lm
The application' of ball bearings to our sewing machines has re
duced friction to n minimum and emphasizes more strongly than ever
I "ora a ouarter of a mile to a century, as well as the world's mile record,
and in the International Six-Day Tournament held in San Francisco
j last year, the White won four out of eight prizes, no other make of
; wheel taking more than one of the rest. We have dealers in sewing
mrchiues and bicycles almost everywhere. If there is none in your
town, write for catalogue and prices.
White Sewing Machine Co.,
30-3ofi Post St.. San Francisco, Cub, cor. of Stockton St., facing
! Pacific Union Club. C. A. HAWKINS, General Manager,
j Agents wanted. Catalogues and price lists sent lor the askin.
FiPLii wm
AND Till:
tlll-AI'r.ST U.VDWN
'livinji the Intent ik-wm on days oi
is-e.e ii hi I I'lVi'i-'ni,: new oi the other
three. It eoiit ii:!" all' iiniiorlant
foiei;;!! i';i 11- nee s v. ideh a;ears in
'llie l'.iily 'i' il'iiii'- of miiiim date:
:bo 1 . . in. -stir mi,! 'orei;:n Coi T''
"I'lMideiice. Sheri Storicx. l-'le;.'ant
Half -Tone lllii-ti-.uioiiH, Ibunoroiw
Iteiii.-i, !n !n; Infiir:t;.itioii,
'.'afhi'Di Note.-), Acrietiltural Mat
teis and l'oniorrh .i.-ilile and Ui-li-ai
le I'iiianeial and Market i:tuitji.
If v,;'i'r -r.l'Serii'tion priee,
U.'-o l'KK YMAi:.
Y- :iu:ii.-h it vith Tin: 1. i:aih u fur
$2.W l'llU YMAK.
Send all orders to THE
our Capes. '
our Bargains here,
Sewing Machines
and Bicycles
mm wmim
and known fur iir;:!
v li'.l
-iw in fverv ! ;;rt of lii"
I'l.Iird f-'tat"H a-- a National I'ainily
.Neu,-jiaM-i' of iho h;,.jh".-t ela---- for
fanner.-' and illa'ei- . h i-o;:;aii:.-
:d! the inot i ti 1 1 Hi)-; a ti t i new s
of The baily Tl'itiillie ili t i !iur,i-of
::ein,' to iri an Auiieiiltmal 1 -i
1 1 in.-i.t of tin- hi-h '.-t or h-r, iui.,
eliti-rtainil'.v r.-adiui: for ee;-y lneii:
her of tin- family, ol.l and vu'ii-,
laiket Ki'jiorls, whii-h arc !ii'i':-'teil
aurhoi ity by fanneri and count : v
in 'ii'l.aiit, and i.- lea: nji-'.n-d i?e"
inti-re-'ibi nnd instnirtive.
Ktvuiar siihsi-riitiiii .ri.-e,
tt ." v:n v..u.
V.'e it wlili Tin: I.h.m i:h f.jr
ti.Vii iM'i: yi:.i;.
LEADER, Toledo, Oregon