QALUSHA A. GROW, OLDEST MAN IN CONGRESS. Ready to Use. Wife "Why do you buy such a lot of stamps at once?" Husband "So there'll be a few that won't get stuck together." What Will Become of China? None can foresee the outcome of the quarrel between foreign powers over the division of China. I t is iiitcsestiug to watch the going to pieces of this ancient bur. unprogressive race. Many people in America are also going to pieces because of dyspepsia, eonstiiiaiion, blood, liver and stomach diseases." We are living too fust, but strength, vigor and pood health can be retained if we keep nti'mid cure the above diseases with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. At this season the housekeeper must look specially after the baking powder. As she cannot make good cake with bad eggs, no more can she make cake that is light, delicious and dainty with inferior baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for the preparation of the finest food. It imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. ' The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook " containing over 800 most practical mid valuable cooking re ceiptsfree to every patron. Send Mjiai cuiii wiiii your lull address. There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but thrv are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing ounlfties add a dangerous element to food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Danish Thrift. Denmark leads the world for thrlft- Idcss. Her Inhabitants have on an av erage $50 in the savings banks. N. Y, Sun. (JftEGONfflOODpUFtflER Cultured. "She's from 13oston." "I thought you told me you never saw her before this minute?" "True, but I Just now heard her call those mountains in Asia the He-mol-yows." Judge. WA Tbii signature la on every box of the genuino Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet the remedy that cures n cold In one day He Was Emphatic. "I am Informed that your husband Is a professor of language, and I called to And out what his terms are." "Well, when he's excited, they are unlit for publication." Richmond Dispatch. Silk Worm In America. There are from eight to ten species of Bilk worms In this country. Slop tho Cough and Work Oft tho Cold. Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. Mo cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. A Treasure. Cynic What makes you have such unlimited confidence in you wife? Cheerful I gave her $10 to pay a bill of $4.69 for me, and she brought back all of the change. Detroit Free Press. Good, Live Agents Wanted In all unoccupied terrltorv, for the Best Wheels on Earth, the 1901 Ideal AND $20 - $25 - $35 - $40 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 105-111 Sixth Street. PORTLAND, Ore. TlUl IVIIIfl Villi I5:V AllVIVO ",. tvl-. l,ra 1...- .., ture ot Ch:is. 11. Fletcher, n:l has boon made under his personal supervision for over CO years. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and. " Just-as-pootl are, but Experiment, and endanger tho lieullh of Children Hxperieneo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par. Korle, lrops ami Soothing (Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JUorpliino nor other Knreotio Mihstniiee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms iind allays IVverlshness. It eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ami Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy ami natural hlcen. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. WANTED LIVE AGENTS In all towne of Oregon, Wai-bliigtou and Idaho, LE ROY Modal 50, $35,00. PORTLAND DELIVIRT. LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. P0RTLAN J DELIVERY. TO SELL LE ROY BICYCLES LI8TKI) AT IW.OO, $S -i.00 AND 110.00. GUARANTEED TO JASl'ARY 1 1)02. CT WK1TK KOK CATALOGUE, DISCOUNTS AND TERMS. ' HENRY GOODMAN & COMPANY, ....128 riRST STREET. . . . Jobber of LVoyolo Sundries. Portland, Oregon. Congressman Galusha A. Groir, the oldest member of Congress, celebrated a golden jubilee the other day. It is just fifty years ago since he first became a member of the national legislative body. In the last half century he has been elected and re-elected to Congress twelve times, being defeated once in 180"', when a gerrymander threw him Into a new and strange district. Previous to that he had served six terms, three as a Free Soil Democrat and three as a Re publican. At one of these elections previous to his one defeat he received every vote cast in his district, there being no opposition, lie was Speaker of the House during the first two years of the Civil War. When he entered Congress in 1851 he was the youngest member. In his third and fifth terms he was chairman of the important committee on territories. In 1804 he was chosen one of the two m!mbers-at-lurge for the State, and has since been re-elected with increasing pluralities, once with a plurality of 297,440, the largest ever given a candidate for any office in any State. Mr. Grow was born in 1823 in Susquehanna County, Pa. His father died when he was 3, and his primary education was received at winter school after the farm labor of the summer was done with. Later he was enabled to attend Amherst College, and graduated from that institution in 1844. His aome is at Glenwood. From 1871 to 1876 he was president of the International and Great Northern Railroad. SETTLER'S CABIN STILL STANDS Built of Loots In 1845, It Shelters To day Ita Hrt Occupant. A quarter of a block from the IMatt County Courthouse In Montlcello, 111., In the ceuter of a bustling city of 5,000 people stands a quaint old log cabin. It was built when there were but three houses lu the towif and la to-day the home of a woman who moved Into It while wolves and bears were plentiful In the wilderness around. The cablu was built lu 1845. Aunt Anna Honseliuan lives in it and It has been her borne since 1847. All the furniture Is the same as when she moved In. There Is a bed with cords In place of a spring mattress, an open flre- comlng Inhabitants of the new colonies of Peru and Chile. The object of these laws was frankly stated as the preser vation of the new countries from the strife and trouble wblcb would certain ly follow their advent. Up to 1871 there were statutes In force which pro hibited lawyers from sitting In the British House of Commons, but they had long become obsolete and were re pealed In that year. The Straight Ticket. The professor's eyes twinkled above his evening paper. "My dear," be said to his wife, "I fear that habit Is strong er than principle with you suffragists." "What do you mean?" demanded Mrs. Professor. HOME OF MRS. UOXSLLMAN IN MONTICELLO, BUILT IN 1845. place with and Irons und a crane for cooking, all just as the settlers had them when Illinois was still a frontier State. Mrs. Honselman Is as remarkable as her borne. Nlnety-tlve years old, she still does all the work of the house. She prepares the meals for herself, two sons and a grandson and seems as well and strong as the average woman of 50. Her two sons have a fruit farm Just outside of Montlcello and could provide a much better home for their mother than the cabin, but she wants to stay where she has lived so long and so they all live there, in the style of fifty-flve years ago. Rich business blocks have grown up around the cabin. Ijiwycra Barred trom These Countries When Yucatan was first colonized by the Spaniards Charles V., in the ordin ance which accompanied the appoint ment of the first Governor, explicitly stated that no lawyers were to be per mitted to land from Spain or anywhere else. This law was dated 1520. Three years later an equally stringent pro vision was made pjjaUst lawyers be- "Why, here Is an Item from a West ern paper which asserts that a recent local election in Colorado, where, as you may know, equal suffrage rights prevail, the tellers found a dozen or more cookery recipes lu a ballot-box." "They were voted by mistake, I'm sure!" returned Mrs. Professor, stoutly. "They ought to count Just the Baine. Tuesday Is an awfully busy day, any way. And I am Just as sure as I care to be that when men first began to go to the pools they made mistakes in the ticket, too!" The professor's eyes twinkled behind his paper, but be replied with the per fect gravity of one who has been thrice refined In domestic flres, "Without doubt, my dear." A Forehanded Lover. "Shan't we elope, George?" "Yes If you think it will plense your father. Financially I'm not prepared to get blm down on me." Retribution Is slow but sure: The gooseberry, made up of part grit and part sand, Is becoming a rare product and may be wiped out of existence. Plenty of Time. He And now, darling, when do you think we would better announce our engagement? She Oh, there is no hurry, dear. Any time within the next 24 hours. Harper's Bazar. SAW DARK SPOTS A Victim of Biliousness and Inflama tory Rheumatism Tells How He Became Free From Disease. A recommendation that is not based upon experience is without value but in the following interview the reader will at once recognize the fcrce of ad vice that is the result of personal knowledge. Mr. Ned Yerkes Hawley is a travel ing man whose home is at 1926 W. Boon. Ave., Spokane, Wash. He has recently had an experience of more tuan general Interest and in an in terview with a representative of the Spokesman-Review, of Spokane, he said: "In June, 1899, I became bilious and subject to dizzy spells. I had no ap petite, my heart seemed to flutter at times and beat irregularly, and dark spots seemed to float before my eyes. This continued for about six months. During that time I was troubled with lameness in my back and pains over my kidneys. I was under a physi cian's care and he told me my trouble was biliousness and inflammatory rheumatism. I was in bed for over four weeks and did not seem to be getting any better. "One day I saw an advertisement In which it was stated that a case simi lar to mine had been cured by Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People. I procured some of the pills and with in two weeks the Inflammatory rheu matism which had become very ao cute and caused me the most intense suffering, was entirely cured. "You will therefore realize tnat I am a firm oeliever in Dr. William's Pink Pills. They cured .me and I am so sure that they will prove equally valuable in otter cases that I have recommended them to a great many people." NED YERKES HAWLEY. Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, after-effects of the grip; pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weak ness either in malo or female!" Sold by all dealers, or sent direct, from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 50 cents per box, or six boxes for 2.50. Costly. The Duke of Manchester Is a fine Investment for a father-in-law. At lanta Constitution. IOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and Qui nine In a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c. She Was Reassured. Teddy Won't you come and see our new baby? Old Maid Taacher Yes, dear, when your aunt Is better. Teddy Oh, but it ain't catching! Smart Set. In the spring tnke Garfield Tea. This wonderful Herb M-dicine pur ifies the blood and given new and vigorous life to systems deplet ed by the trying winter season. A Matter of Hearing. Suburbanite You've got a new baby at your house, I hear. Townite Great Scott! can you hear it away out there in the suburbs? De troit Free Press. I sm sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three vears iieo. Mrs Thos. Kobbis, Maple street, Norwich, N. Y.. Feb. 17, 1900. Avoiding the Rush. Politician Tell me the best way' to get out of politics. Turn prohibitionist. "Oh, that's very sudden; I want to get out gradua..y." Smart Set. The Best Prescription for Malaria man! Feer. 11 f b0,ttle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine In S tasteless form. lo Onre, No Pay. Price 60c. Just the Patient for Him. Young Dr. Fresh Here comes that Mrs. Towler. Positively there isn't the first thing that alls her. Old Dr. Sage Evidently you are Just the man for her case. Boston Transcript. Now that the winter season is past. It Is well to clean e the system and purifv the blood with GarfleM Tea an Herb Medtc8ne that briiiKS good health. Albert EJward't Cigars. The Prince of Wales pays rt tr rate of $1,750 rer iooo for his cl tire. These precious weeas are rvca Inches Ion;. x. r. n. o. So. 14-lMill. w HEX writ. tiff t fed rentiers i mwumwu inn pupcr