A , kt :mih Wmder: ; Volume VIII. LOCAL In nrcmi 85 William Ewart Gladstone Con- Toy,' aged 2 years, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Conroy, is the victim of a budding young surgeon in the person of the 4-year-old son of L. Mickelson. Tuesday after noon the children were playing in the Conroy woodshed, when the little Mickelson boy took an axe and nearly severed one of William Ewart Gladstone's best fingers. When questioned by his father, the chopper said he told his little play mate two or three times to take his finger out of the way, but he wouldn't do it. However, the digit was stuck back into place and will probably . iii time become just as good as anybody's finger. The Toledo schools will give an entertainment in the circuit court room next Friday uight for the purpose of raisings funds for a library. Tickets representing stock in the library will be offered for sale by the pupils next week and these will admit purchasers to the entertainment. It is hardly neces sary to say this effort deserves the hearty support of every citizen. Those who do qot have an oppor tunity to secure tickets before may get them at the door Friday eveu - ' ing. Everybody will be there. A new road is being constructed tthis week over the first point on beach north of tbe Hghihouse, J vitnch will obviate the danger and trouble of passing that place. Wild Bill Smith, the Bear Killer of Bald Knob, is superintending the work and has a force of skillful shovelers consisting of Lee Williams, Frank Priest, Dr. Hendry and other lead ing citizens of Newport and vicin ity. It is an important improve ment. . Dr. S. S. Thayer, C. M. Reyn olds and The Leader drove down to Otter Rock last Saturday, return ing Monday. Dr. Thayer has a fine homestead about a mile back from the beach at that point which is rapidly being devastated by deer. He is planning to return with a few brave and able-bodied assistants and protect his property. Frank Hyde of Eddyville had business in Toledo the latter part ot last week. He has purchased a "varmint" dog of S. J. Stewart of Drift creek which has a reputation second only to that of his famous old Jog which was recently killed by a bear. Andrew Charles Arrived on the steamer Robarts last Friday from the Siuslaw and went over to the Agency next day. Andy says he got plenty seasick on the' trip up. To insure publication correspond ence should reach this office not later than Thursday forenoon. This explains why contributions are oc casionally crowded out. Mrl and Mrs. Frank Mohlfeld are occupying the Graham residence. Mrs. Mohlfeld arrived last Saturday evening. Dr. F. M. Carter of Elk City went to Yaquiua Wednesday uight on professional business. An up-to-date ' dustpan gratis with each broom you buy at the Y. B. M. Co.'s store. Lester Waugh made a business trip to Albany yesterday. Hvry Reed of Siletz was in To lSo Wednesday., Note the change in the Y. B. M. Co.'s ad. Get your lime, coal tar, etc., at Scheuck & Co's. S.amuel Center of Siletz was in the city yesterday. Take your eggs and chickens to Conroy, Son & Co. Moses Gregson is counted with the sick this week. For rubber boots and oil clothing go to Conroy, Son & Co. Just arrived. Ladies wrappers galore. Conroy, Son & Co. B. F. Hahn of Yaquina was a comity seat visitor Monday. Only a few pieces of malting left, at cost. Conroy, Son & Co. S. P. Conroy made a business trip to Newport Tuesday night. See those popular Tarns at Schenck & Co.'s, at popular prices. Gust Forssell of Pioneer visited his Toledo Neighbors last Friday night. You can buy beef in Toledo at your own prices. But we undersell them in clothing. Y. B. M. Co. Brother Matthews of the New port News made bis customary Tuesday call on the county seat. Get your children suits arid all sizes of men's and youth's suits at Lugger & Pruett's. Rock-bottom prices. George Landreth was laid up for repairs Wednesday. He is feeling better since the Oregon mist ar rived. For holidays if 3-011 want ta il luminate your friend's countenance, go to Y. B. M.- Co. for aluminum goods. . VV. E. Wann,.the well-known Yahats stockman, is in the city to day. He will go to the valley to morrow. , . ' Lugger & Pruett have received a large assortment of men's kip and calf boots, as well as shoes for ladies and gents, in all grades and prices. Ed Walden of Albany and County Clerk Lutz returned Tuesday from a pleasure trip to their homesteads in the big woods near the source of Spencer creek. Frank Mohlfeld, the meat artist at Waugh's market, invites you to call and inspect his st ck of fancy sausages, pickled pig's feet and other luxuries in that line. W. W. Tajt of the firm o f Gaither & Tait returned last night from a business trip to Portlaud. This firm is putting in a good stock and respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. Read its ad on another page. If you would have an anoetite like a bear and a relish for your meals, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regu late the liver and bowels. Price 2s cents. Samples free, at Krogstad's drugstore. The first annual convention of the Western Division of the Oregon Mate Teachers' association will be held at Albany December 26 to 29 inclusive. Unusually good pro grams have been prepared for the session, including an address by Governor Geer Thursday evening, December 27. The Corvallis & Eastern has made a rate of oue and one-third fare for the round trip. The Albany hotels have also made reduced rates to teachers on that occasion., Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, County Court, December Term. claims allowed: Wni. Matthews, public notice, $4.50. Helen Pygall, care of pauper, Novem ber and December, $24. Valentine Thiel, vault door in sheriff's office, $50, continued. A. A. Ilolmgreeo, lumber and spikes for S. Beaver bridge, $ . Geo. Bothers, salary for October and November, $85.30. The White Stamp & Seal Co.. for county seal, $0. A. W. Webber, rent for polling place, $3, allowed $2. School district No. 1, rent for Nov. G, 1900, $5, not allowed. County courtroom, rent Nov. 6, $2, allowed $1. Thos. Ulsaker, interpreter in case of Mrs. Anderson, $2. W. II. Daniels, petition for road of public easement, continued. Chas. Reed, salary as road supervisor ot district. No 17 25. Josiah Gideon, for surveying, mileage, making map and report on Grier road, $35.70. D. M. Rosa, E. S. rriiulel, Frank Vader, Chris Hansen and Bennet Olson, mileage, etc , on Grier road, $14 each. Chas. Allen, canvassing election re turns and mileage, 84.80. II. E. Collins, canvassing election re turns, $3. John Lootnis, merchandise for Mc Cullum family, $3.20. Scalp bounties were allowed as fol lows: For wildcats, T. D. Mason 1, Chas. Hatch 2, Ben Grier 7, Jos. Lud wick 1, John A. Reed 1, II. A. Bowman 2, R. H. Warnock 1, G. G. Davenport 1, F. B. Oram 11, II. S.Porter 2; A..T. Goodman 1. Cougars, G. G. Davenport 1, II. S. Porter 1. Jos. Goeser, pauper $14. Oren Ruperts, pauper, $10. ' H. Lewis, rope and nails for county, $425. C. F.SouIe, printing for county ,$40. 15. Glass & Prudhomme, 2 warrant and 1 commissioners' docket, $40; election supplies, $19.50; registration blanks, $2.50; sheriff's returns, 12 ; total, $74, allowed $34. Corbett, Failing & Robertson, prepaid freight on material to Eddyville bridge, $4.30. J. L. Hyde, witness in Gaar case,. $2, not allowed. M. I). Welton, claim of dam;it?o for falling of Little Elk bridge. $550. To avoid litigation and expense to the county, and to-set tie said matter, and without admitting liability in the mat ter, it is agreed to allow said claim in sum of 8500, to compromise said demand and claim.; J. L. Hyde, treasurer's eatary for October and November, 800,00. Yaquiua Bay Mercantile Company, merchandise for Mrs. Homeland and nails for county, $9. F. M. Stanton, commissioner's salary, $21.20. W. It. Wakefield, commissioner's sal bry, $31. J. II. Lutz, clerk's salary, 210.83. J. F.Stewart, judge's salary, 100. J. II. Ross, sheriff 'a salary, 300. J. II. Ross, stamps, etc., 14.12. Coll Van Cleve, printing, 1 50, B. F. Hahn, board of Smith children, $2; allowed $1. Mrs. Osness, care of Anderson chil dren, 16. In the matter of tho tax levy for year 1900. Continued till January term Petition of Z. T. MeGuire for county road; continued. Claims for compensation for judges and clei ks of election : A. Reynolds, 812; W. C. Monroe, 80; J. Holgate, 6; J. M. Bowers, 89.20; A. W. Webbnr, $0 ; W. II. Hulae, 80 ; W. A. Ridenour, $0 ; F. A. Thompson, $12; B. F. Grant, $0; J.R.Mays, $7.80 II. J. Itevens, $0; Jas. McDonald, 6; Silas Howell, $0; D. M. Ross, ft; J. E. Giier, $G; B. Beers, $0 ; II. A." Bowman, $10; M. J. Whitney, $9; M. Burton, 80;. John Micek, $10.00; Clms. Reed, $0 ; W. A. Jones, $0 ; J. H. Yantis, $0 ; N. i p. Ed wards, 812.00 ; W. 8. Ingalbj, 85; W. 8. Whitten. $0: Geo r ire Kvlvnuta taon. 8. Center, $7.80 j K. Lane, $0 ; John Wil-! nam, f( ; X: J. Goodmao, $0 ; I), W. Cout.sil, $G; F. B. Carm, $15.G0j J. M. K. Butler, $0; II. Owen, $0; W. II. Alexander, $0 ; E. J. Norton;$7.80 ; Allen Tarker, 80; Geo. King, 80; Wm. R Wakefield, $0 ; E. M. Baldwin, $6 ; John Andrew, $0; Thos. Harrison, $; W. W. January, $0; J. E. Davis, $0; K, A. December U, 1000. Abbey, $6 ; A. B. Clark, $G; S. Seits. 810.80; C. S. Hansen, $0; Z. M. Derrick, $0 ; C. C. McBride, $0 ; A. S. Thompson, 80; N.Anderson, $0; A. K. Shirk, $0; C. R. Gillett, $6; John Loomis, $0 ; L. O Olsen, 80 ; W. II. Brown, $0 ; A. T. Good man, $0; V. A. Vidito. $0; L. Stout, $0; L. M. Starr, $0; Chas. Litchfield, $6; E. M. Logan, $0 ; Wni. Towner, 80. Bond of county assessor passed. L. E. Davis, rebate of taxes, dismissed In the matter of the assignment of the tax certificates held by Lincoln county for the b)4 of sw. of "section 29, and n) of n of section 32, town 12, range 11, owned by Chas. Bond. Or dered that county clerk assign certifi cates of sale of said land to Rachel E. Guilliams upon the payment of the sum of $20.50. In the matter of bids for rebuilding span of Dundon bridger across Dejiot slough. Ordered that clerk advertise for bids for rebuilding said briduo. and Services morning and evening on Sunday next at St. John church. Ten per ceht discount on all clothing for the holidays. Y. B. M. Co. As further evidence that Toledo is growing, we point to the re opening of At Meaker's meat mar ket Monday. The Angle Lamp may be filled while lighted and without being moved. Call and examine them, at Schenck & Co. Jack Allpin was digging drain ditches along the main business street Wednesday. We didn't learn what his offense was. A Christmas sock loaded to the muzzle with Y.B. M. Co.'schoicest of sweets and nicest of nuts given to all our customers on Saturday and Monday, Dec. 22 and 24. Eeland Collins returned last Fri day evening from Portland, where he had been making himself useful for several weeks. Like the famous eat, Leland "came back 'cause he couldn't stay away." The Angle Lamp is a perfect substitute for gas or electricity, as easy to operate as gas and bums less oil than any other lamp. It will save the price of the lamp in oil in a short lime. For sale by Schenck & Co. Mrs. George A. Landreth was greeting friends on the street Mon day afternoon and enjoying the summer-like weather for the first time in several months. . Her im provement during the past few weeks has been a pleasant surprise. The Dime social advertised for Wednesday night by ihe Ladies Aid society was postponed indefin itely owing to the sickness of sev eral members. Mesdames Hyde, Kubler, Dedrick and Bethers were unable to participate in the work on that day. W. N. Cook of ChitwooJ was in town yesterday. Mr. Cook and family recently returned from a year's absence in Illinois, Indiana aud Ohio. Mr. Cook reports good times in the east the best ever knownbut he prefers the glorious; climate of Lincoln county rain aud all and is here to stay. Donations of fruit and vezetables are asked for the Good Sauiaritan Hospital, Portland. The railroads will carry all such free of charge. The hospital needs contributions on account of its extensive charity work. The poor are always received and treated well. It is hoped all citizens will respond to this appeal. If all help a little a large donation will be sent. Send in what you can. Rev. Isaac Dawson will for ward all gifts, Number 41. Council Proceedings. Council Chambers, Toledo, Or., ) Dec. 10, 1900. J The common council of the city of ' Toledo met in adjourned session. Prea---' ent: Mayor Vincent, Aldermen Ofste dahl, Alexander, Peterson, Gaither and : Gaar; absent: Alderman Kublor. Minutes of last meeting read, and on 1 motion were amended so as to show that the special committee directed by the council to employ an attorney in the city hall matter was to make its report at this meeting, Ofstodahl voting "No." ) .The mayor declared said minutes ap- proved as amended. The ways and means comhiittce re ported on the proposed city charter,,, stating it found tho same ttcceptivblex--cept a few typographical errors. On 1 motion report was accepted, . placed on . file and committee discharged. On motion said proposed city charter was reported back to committee on wny and means for the purpose of correcting typographical errors. Tho committee on claims reported, baok the claim of the Yaquina Bay ' Mercantile Co., recommending that . same bo allowed in full, via., $5.10. On motion roport was accepted and recorder directed to draw a warrant on city treasurer for said amount. On motion tho rules were suspended and the following claims allowed: C. . A. Dick, judge of city election Dec. 4, . 1900, $3 ; E. W. Gaither, ditto, $3 ; J. II. McNeil, ditto, $3; Lester Waugh, work with team on hill street, 90 cents. Tho special committee in the city hall matter reported it had done nothing toward consulting or employing an at torney in said matter. On motion re port was accepted and committee dis charged. On motion C. E. IlawkinH was ap pointed city attorney to prosecuto the city hall matter. On motion the city attorney's fees iu said city 'hall matter were placed at not ' to exceed 10 per ccut of claim Bued for. Report of the canvassing board of tho city eloction of Dec. 4, 1900, showed tho election of R. S. Van Cleve, A. E. Altreo and O. O. Krogstad as aldermen for the full term of two years and the election of II. Lewis as alderman for tho term of - ' one year. On motion report was ao ceptcd and placed on file. On motion council adjourned. B. F. Swoir, City Recorder.". RIBBON SALE. Ladies I will have a ribbon sale next Tuesday. Call and get bar gains. Mrs. T. P. Fish. . Conroy, Sou & Co. have a new ad this week. George Chambers of Siletz Tues day nighted in Toledo. The Angle lamp is absolutely non-explosive.- Try one-.. What is more appropriate for your boy a Christmas gift thaii oue. of our nobby suits? Y. B. M.Co. The local Woodmen's member-'-ship contest closed last Friday., Arnold's side won over Gaither's . by the small margin of i. 11 new- membtrs being added to the Camp. Ihe Circle contest ends today. The - result is in doubt, but the total, score will be large. Agent Uuford of Siletz received , a telegram yesterday afternoon con- veying the sad news that bis brother George had been killed by a train, at Los Angeles, Cal. No particulars. were seceived. Mr. Buford was in Toledo last uight, but stated it would be impossible for him to Co. to Los Angeles. A number ot our youne Deoole assembled at Thiel hall Tuesday a i ' nignt in honor of Misses Mae. Lewis, Matilda Rache and Mary- iamar, wuo departed next morn ing for Portland. Rosebrooks or chestra furnished the music and the good-bye dance was a very pleasant affair. The young ladies have -hosts of friends to welcome them, when they icturn, 3 i it"? )