Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 19, 1900, Image 5

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For 1 year to your address for
and one selection of any of the
McCall Patterns
We have a complete line of
at Eastern Prices.
. W. B. STEVENS & CO.,
, " Agents for McCall Patterns,
-of any kind, call on-
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Sweetest Candies,
fhe Freshest Nuts,
Nobbiest Stationery.
Attorn ey-a t-La w,
.Nrtnrv Puihlic.
Will practice in all the courts of
Oregon. Five and one-half years
clerk of Probate and Circuit
courts. Has complete up-to-date
Abstract of Lincoln County.
Miss E. M. CROSNO,
Stenographer,. Typewriter
and Notary "Public.
Legal papers of all kinds prepared
correctly, neatly and promptly.
OHk-e in the Ofntchthl building.
a Specialty
lints tritumed; tipselcanod audcurled
AH work guariuiieed.
MRS. G. E. B All MANN.
V'lrlor at residence opposite the Toledo
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch nud description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patc'iitnlr.lity of same. " How to Obtain a
I'ntent " tent upon request, l'atcjit secured
through us advertised fur sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive ;cen?
Voticr, without charge, in This 1'atent Rkcobd,
an illustrated and widely circulated iouiual,
consulted t y Manufacturer? and Investor..
Scud for Vuiuple copy fREE. Addreu,
( iCOi' Attorneys,)
tps Buiid n wapm'motow.
Say, I've got a little brotlier,
Never teased to have him, nutlier,
But lie's here ;
They just went ahead and bought him,
And last week the doctor brought him.
Wa'ut that queer?
When I heard the news from Molly
Why, I thought at first 'twas jolly.
' For, you see,
1 s' posed I could go and get him
And mamma of course would let him
Flay with me.
But when I'd once looked at him,
I says, My sakes, is that him?
Just that mite?
They said, "Yes; ain't he cunnin'?"
I thought they must be funnin'
lie's a sight.
lie's so small, it's just amazin'
And you'd think that he was bhizin',
lie's po red ;
And bis nose is like a berry,
And bo's as bald as tTncle Jerry
On his head.
Why, he isn't worth a dollar!
Ah he does is cry and holler
. More and more ;
Won't sit up, you can't arrange him
I don't see why pa don't exchange him
At the store.
Now we've got to dress and feed him,
And we really did't need him
More'n a. frog;
Why'd they buy a baby brother
When they know I'd great deal ruther
Have a dog?
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of
Annie E. Springer, of Philadelphia,
when Dr. King's New Discovery
cured her of a hacking cough that
for many years had made life a
burden. She says: "After all other
remedies and docjors failed it soon
removed the pain in my chest and I
can now sleep soundly, something
I can scarcely remember doing be
fore. I feel like sounding its praises
throughout the Uuiverse " Dr.
King's New Discovery is guaran
teed to cure all troubles of the
Throat, Chest or lungs. Price 56c
and $1. Trial bottles free at O. O.
Krogstad's drug store.
You assume no risk when you
buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. O. O.
Krogstad, druggist will refund your
money ifyou are not satisfied after
using it. It is everywhere admitted
to be the most successful remedy in
use for bowel complaints and the
lonly otK thnt never faiK Itj;
pleasant ci:.' ar, reliable.
ffipy' ARE. TEMPLESy
You believe that
statement. But vou SSf
onlv realize in tiart the 7TSi'i
obligations implied by V
Do you keep that temple
of the Iwdy clean? If not, the
defilement attaches to every
service of the temple. Dis
ease of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutri
tion, affects the mind as well
as the body. The dull mind
stupified by poisonous gasses,
enters on its service without
desire, and accomplishes it
without delight. A healthy
body and a clear mind result
from the use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
It removes the clogging and
poisonous impurities from the
stomach, stimulates the flow
of the juices necessary to
digestion and increases the
blood supply in quality and
quantity. The "Discovery"
is strictly a temperance medi
cine and contains no alcohol
or whisky, neither opium,
cocaine, nor other narcotic.
"I had suffered from indi
gestion and only those who
have suffered ftpm it know
what it reallv is." writes Mrs.
M. J. Fagan, of i6ij Hast Genesee Street,
Syracuse, N. Y.' " I had had severe attacks
of headache and dizziness with cold hands
and feet; everything I ate distressed nie,
bowels were constipated and I was crowing
very thin and nervous. I cannot half ex
press the bad feelings I had when I com
menced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery.OI took nine bottles of the ' Dis
covery.' I commenced feeling better with
the first bet.1.? T.r.i V" nn imnrovimr. Now
I am so greatly improved in health my
friends often speak of it."
Children- should not study at
home, says Edward Bok in the Oc
tober Ladies' Home Journal. No
tify your child's teacher that 110
more study will be permmitted in
your home. See to it that your
is allowed to come home from
school with the same satisfactory
feeling that the business man feels
when he comes home; that his day's
work is done. It is over. It is be
hind him. He is ready to give his
thoughts to other things; to clear
his mind of the day's work; to calm
his brain for a refreshing night's
rest, to which he finally goes with
thoughts of other things than busi
ness. So should it be with the
child. His studies should not be
the last thine on his mind. He
should go to sleep after hours of
play and fresh air. Then his sleep
will be quiet and refreshing, and
his mind, when he awakens, will
be clear and fresh for a new day's
Ill the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of the estate of James
McCaffery, deceased.
To all Heirs, known and unknown, in
and to the above-named estate
In the Name of the Stato of Oregon:
You are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Lincoln; at
the court-room thereof, at Toledo, in the
County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 4th day of December, l!)00,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if any
exists, why the'followinjr-described real
property, to-wit: The east half of the
southeast one-fourth of section Twenty,
the northeast one-fourth of the north
east one-fourth of section Twenty-nine,
and the 'northwest one-fourth of the
northwest one-fourth of section Twenty
eight, township Ten south of range Ten
west, Willamette meridian, in Lincoln
couuty, Oregon, containing one hundred
and sixty acres, should not bo sold to
pay the debts and claims allowed and
outstanding against said estate and for
the expenses of the administration of
said estate.
Witness the Hon. J. F. Stewart, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County jf Lincoln,
with the seal of said Court affixed
this 10th day of October, 1900.
Attest: J. II. LUTZ, Clerk.
By K. W. Oaitiikh, Deputy Clerk.
The Pacific Homestead is the best
farmers' paper published on the
Pacific coast. If you are not al
ready a subscriber call at this oflke
ret our clubbing off;r. Best
Lincoln County
Bargain House!
We are still in the swim, doing business
at the old stand. Our bright, shining blade
is without a blemish. We will cut any
competitor's prices in two.
A full and complete stock of Rubber Goods and Oil Clothing.
We are prepared to give Bargains in All Lines
Bargains in Groceries
Bargains in Boots and Shoes
Bargains in Hats and Caps
Bargains in Crockery
Bargains in Woodenware
Bargains in Dry Goods x
Bargains in Furnishing Goods
Bargains in Hardware
Bargaius in Tin and Graniteware
The balance of our Floor Matting at Cost. Flour and Feed at Bed
rock. Special inducements to parties buying in quantities.
Competition from Any and All Sources Defied.
Cosiroy, Son & Co.
All Goods Marked in
Plaiu Figures
Mail Orders Given .
Prompt Attention
Sealed bids will be .received hy the
county judge up to 10 o'clock a. in. of
October 22, 11)00, for opening a road 12
feet wide on the following survey : Be
ginning at a stake in center of county
road marked "J I," 3S rods west of Hayes
creek, thence in a southeasterly direc
tion along north side of railroad 'as near
right-of-way as practicable to a stake
marked "V in center of county road,
proposed road being all in section 3.',
township 10 south, range i) west. The
right is reserved to reject any and all
bids. .J. H. LUTZ, County 'Clerk.
By order of the court.
Portrait Artist.
Enlarges Portraits in Crayon and
Pastel. Good' work; Reasonable
Frames furnished if desired
0. 13. UKOWN,
General Shop and Upalr work of all kind done
At reasonable prloen. IIOHHKHIIOEIMS and
WAGON WOKK asucdult
George A. Landreth,
The Barber.
A neat hair-cut in any style desired
and an easy shave.
Dr. C.'idy'rJ Coi.ilition IVmut vs, are
jnsc whut n horsci needs when hi bud
condition. To'do, blood pwvifirr r.nd
vcnin.'no. Tiy nro not food Imfc
jie?Ueino and tins best fn nit, 10 ;.i t a
br- in -v 'n condii;i. Vi. 23
Toledo, Oregon.
Wiater Front,
Ifyou want the best cigar in the
world, you will find it at George
Landreth 's place.
Rubber boots and oil clothing of
all descriptions at Lugger & Pru
ett's. Fishermen, come and see
them, if in need of that line, and
and get our prices.
Just take a little time and, see
that elegant line of roasters at
Schenck & Co. 's.
For SALE-t-The southwest of
section 32, tounship 11 south, range
9 west, Lincoln county, situated on
Klk river, and known as the Owen
Simpson place. Address B. S. Har
ris, 515 Pine St., San Francisco, "
Cal., or J. II. Harris, Corvallis, Or.
I have for sale the following
property: 1 91 acres; 2160
acres; 37 acres; 440 acres;
5160 acres; 6280 acres. Also
a number ol lots and houses in
Fredricksburg and Olsson's addi
tion to Newport.
John A. Olsson,
8-11 Newport, Ore.
Have four Pieturs
I have born In the enlniyiiiK ltiMn!M twelve
,r,... unu wi jiimniiMi m MiyliiH 1 imllev!
1 ..1 '"oiimiuiMi 111 1 rnyon or raxtel.
Minnie A, Owram,
Totter, SaU.r.hoinn and Kczemix.
Tim intense itching :md emnrtlm:, hiol
(lent to M)uwdi;c;iKi.!t luinrtntillv i.l'.
by Rnulvinar Oliii'ulHivlnin 'o k..'" 1
Y - - . -J .'..... tlllll
oK.'o otntni "Ml. Mmy vt'iy had case
hava be?n rtrunnently enrod hy it It
is cniif.llt llicio'it- !Y,,. it, Mr.- . :i,.u n..A
i. 1
' k. . .'ire u,