Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 17, 1900, Image 8

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    Schenck & Co.,
It is time well spent to get our prices. We will make it pay
you to trade with us, and make it pay you in
See our line of Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Flour, Tea,
Coffee, etc. We can suit you in goods' and prices.
G. 11. SCHENCK & CO.,
The Cash Hardware Store,
Toledo, Oregon
The White House
H. LEWIS, Proprietor.
New Bui ding,
New Goods,
New Bargains.
General Merchandise
Large Stock of Choice Groceries
(LADIES: We have the Handsomest and Best stock
of Dress Goods in the County.
Don't buy anything in our line before visiting
Lugger & Pruett
I The Only Exclusive
' In the County.
A Large and Varied Stock
at Hock-Bottom Prices ::
Shoes a Specialty-"
All Sizes, Grades and Styles .
Constantly on hand, at prices which defy competition.
The Vincent House
fTTables always supplied with tb very best in the markefJj:J
Special attention given to the accommodation of Commercial Travelers
Jf.Sy Livery Barn in connection
II. W.
Oregon :
with the hotel. Good rigs, V
VINCENT, Proprietor,
Toledo, Oregon.
Mrs. Susan Russell left Monday
for a trip to Seattle.
Miss Alice Booth of Grants Pass
is a guest of Miss Jessie Hume.
The army worms must have had
'orders to move, as they are quietly
Mrs. Shindler and children re
turned Thursday to their home at i
Salem. j
Mrs. D. P. Blue is at Eddyville
for a few days, visiting Miss Mamie
Wakefield. '
Mrs. W. Q. Hoeflein of Albany
is spending a few days with Ya
quina friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. March of Salem
were the guests' of Mrs. Stevens on
the west side.
The steamer Robarts came in
Saturday to exchange passengers
and freight.
William Toner and family re
turned Tuesday from their outing
at Rock creek.
C. E. Litchfield and sister Cora,
accompanied by Miss Helen Pygall,
visited the life-saving station Tues
day. The Kelton Opera company gave
entertainments Thursday and Fri
day eveuings which were well at
D. F. Scott caught eight sharks
in his net Monday night. He says
they are not very careful about de
stroying a net.
Prevented A Tragedy. .
Timely information given Mrs.
George Long, of New Straitsville,
Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful
cough had long kept her awake
every night. She had tried many
remedies and doctors, but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle
wholly cured her; and she writes,
this marvelous medicine also cured
Mr. Long of a severe attack ot
Pneumonia. Such cures are posi
tive proof of its power to cure all
throat, chest and lung troubles.
Only 50c and $100. Guaranteed.
Trial bottles free at O.O. Krogstad's
drug store.
John Turner, C. & E. agent, ac
companied by his family, returned
yesterday from a week's outing in
the Coast mountains, near Ya
quina. Mr. Turner brings back
with him a cub bear and a spotted
fawn as trophies of his prowess as a
mighty hunter. The cub, it is said,
he captured in a peculiar way, and
rather surprising to himself. While
out hunting he was seated on a log
watching for developments, when
without warning two full grown
bears put in an appearance, one cn
either end of the log. In trying to
get away from both of them at the
same time, he actually executed one
of his beautiful cakewalks up and
down the log. This performance
frightened the bears away, and he
then discovered that the little cub
had hidden itself away in the ferns,
and he captured it easily and
brought it to camp in his hunting
coat pocket. Albany Herald.
For boots and shoes, hats and
caps at clearance prices go to Cou-
roy, Son & Co.
. - - .
Story op a Slave
To be bound hand and foot for
years by the chains of disease is the
worst form of slavery. George D.
Williams, of Manchester, Mich.,
says: My wife has been so help
less for five years that she could not
turn over in bed alone. After using
two bottles of Electric Bitters she
is wonderfully improved and able to
do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly
cures nervousness,
headache backache
neauatne, uatKucnc,
fainting and dizzy spells.
It is a
rrnAcAnA In weak fiicklv run-down! Any.and all persons claimlnx adversely the
gOOSena lO wea, siticiy, iuh-uuwh Rboveiierihe,l mll, nra requested to tile
people. Cuie guaranteed. Only 50c. I J,1,'!? fto "lc 0D or bc,or" "4ld 'Xltx
Sold bv O. O. Krotstad, drupeist, ''' ' uus n. moores, Renter.
on Yaquina Bay- devoted exclusively to Groceries. Our low
prices bring a steady patronage, and this makes it possible for us
to carry constanty a fresh and clean stock.
If you want the best, call on
J. BLASER, The Grocer.
You assume no risk when you
buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. O. O.
Krogstad, druggist will refund your
money if you are not satisfied after
using it. It is everywhere admitted
to be the most successful remedy in
use for bowel .complaints and the
only one that never fails. It is
pleasant safe and reliable. 10
Just received at Lugger & Pru-
ett's, a very large assortment of
fall and winter clothing. Come
and see us.
In the County Court of the State ot Or
egon, tor tiie County ot Lincoln!
In the matter of the estate of Royal
Chetco, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has becrr appointed by the county
court of the State of Oregon for the
county of Lincoln, administrator of the
estate of Royal Chetco,. deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present them to
me at the office of the county judge at
Toledo, Oregon, within six months from
date hereof, duly verified as by law re
quired. Andy Chktco,
Administrator of the estate of Royal
Chetco, deceased.
Dated this 3d day of July, 1900.
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, )
June 30, 1900. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in. support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the county clerk of Lincoln
county at Toledo, Oregon, on August 18,
1900, viz :
Swan A. Holmgren, II. E. No. 10154,
for the s of Be '4 ne of se and seM
of ne sec 17 tp 12 south r 11 west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation cf said land, viz :
Andrew Gallegar, Ona, Oregon ; J. M.
Bowers, Charlie Carlson, Adolph Peter
son, all of Yaquina, Oregon.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, .
July" 1900.
Notice is hereby given that, the following-named
settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the county clerk of
Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on
August 24, 1000, viz:
Arthur W. Cox, II. E. No. 11507, for
the of sw,l4 sej of sw J sw'i of sej
sec 27 1 12 a range 11 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
James Oourlev, Sam Hill. William
Hulse, Thomas N. Coombs, all of Ona,
. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
United States Land Cilice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
. May , I'M.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tha act of Congress of
June 3. 187X, entitled "An act for the Kale of
timber lands in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ,'' as
extended to all the Public Land States by Act
of August 4, 1SU2, Peter Johnson oi Aberdeen,
county of chahalls, State of Washington, hits
this day tiled in this otllce his sworn statement
So. for the purchase of the lots li and 7. sec.
6, in tp No. Us, r No. 8 w, and will oiler proof
to show that the laud sought is mote valuablo
for its timber or stone than for Agricultural
purposes, and lo establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
otllce at Oregon City , Oregon, on Monday,
the 20th day ot August, 1900.
lie names as witnesses:
liily fmtth, .Abraham Jones, Joseph A.
Uritts. all of Portland, Multnomah county.
Or.; John Jeldness ot Aberdeen, Chahalls
county, Wash.
Any Biid all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this olliee on or before said 20th
day of August, I'.'ik.
CHAS. It. MOOKES, Register.
United States Land Olliee.
Oregon City, Orcion,
May 1I0.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuneS, 1S78, entitled "An act for themloof
timber lands Jn the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada and Washington Tejritory.-' as
extended to all the Public bind States bv act
of August 4, 1892, John .leldness, of Aberdeen,
county of Chahalls, Hate of Washington, has
this day (tied in this oillee his sworn statement
No. ftsai, for the purchase of the mv, ne1. se'i
nw'i and e'.jj sw1., of sec 0 tp 9 s, r 8 vj and will
offer proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Ho-'
I celver of this otllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on
He names as w itnesses:
Kilv Smith. Abraliam Jones. Joseph A. Brltts.
Portland, Multnomah county, Or.; l'eter
i Johnson, of Aberdeen. Chahalls county. Wash.
: . : Oregon.
No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p.. m.
" . Corvallis 1:40 p. m.
Arrive Yaquina, 5:55 p. m.
No. 1, Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. m.
" Corvallis 11:20 a. m.
Arrive Albany i2:iop...m
No. 3. For Detroit:
Leases Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arrive Detroit 11:20 a.m.
No. 4. Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:20 p.m.
Arrives Albany 5:45 p. m.
No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al
bany and Corvallis with Southern
Pacfiic trains giving direct service
to and from Newport and adjacent
Train for the mountains at rive at
Detroit at noon giving ample time
to reach camping grounds on the
Breitenbush .ind Santiara rivers
same day.
H. L. WAhvxx, Edwin Stonb,
T. F. & P. A. - Manager.
and call and r
new ,
stock of
Fashion is not an expense; it is
simply a question cf where you
buy. Call and see our line of
Attorney-at-Law. .
Deputy District Attorney-
for Lincoln County.
Will practice in all courts in the
state. Probate matters and collec
tions promptly attended to.
Y.B. M. CO. Building,
The Yaquina House,
The leading hotel of Yaquina.
Special attention given to Commer
cial Travelers. -
-- !' '. "I. . 'J
Miss Pygall-
a Specialty
The only Tailoress in the county.
Prices and Work
Onarantwl ttf-Ylw