Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 17, 1900, Image 3

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Clara Kopp Wrote for Mrs. Pinkham's Ad.
vice end Tells what it did for Her.
" Dkau Mrs. Pinkham : I have seen
bo many letters from ladies who were
cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies
that I thought I would ask your advice
m regard to my condition.
I have been doctoring: for
four years and have
taken different pat
ent medicines, but
received very little
benefit. I am
l troubled with back
ache, in fact mv
whole body aches,
stomach feels sore,
by spells get short
of breath and am
very nervous. Men
struation is Tery ir
regular with, severe
bearing- down pains.
cramps and back
ache. I hope to hear
from you at once."
Clara Korr Rock port.
Ind., Sept. 27, 1893.
Iff I
H i
"I think it is my duty to write a
letter to you in regard to what Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did
for me. I wrote yon some time ago,
describing my symptoms and asking
your advice, which you very kindly
gave. I am now healthy and cannot
begin to praise your remedy enough.
1 would say to all suffering women,
' Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, for a wo- I
man best understands a woman's suf- '
ferings, and Mrs. Pinkham, from her I
rast experience in treating female ills,
can give you advice that you can get
from no other source.' " Clara. Kopp.
Rockport, Ind., April 13, 1899.
Malvern Hill.
The union and confederate troops en
gaged in a severe battle on this hill on
July 1, 186L', resulting in the defeat ol
the confederates. The hill is located
about 11 miles from Richmond, Va.,
and one mile from the James river.
Ve're weary a-walking the highway of
We're fretted and flustered with worry
and strife.
Let us drop by the wayside the heavy
old load.
And rest at the inn at the turn of the
Let us tarry a while
At the "Sign of the Smile." .
Ho, the "Sign of the Smile" is a jolly inn,
With gargoyles about it that do naught
but grin.
There's always a lnugh and a shoulder
to whack,
And an echo that ever will answer us
Let us tarry a while
At the "Sign of the Smile."
At the "Sign of the Smile" we will linger
long there
For the strictest of rules is the ban upon
care, .
And the guests must forget there are
such things as yeanv
And never shed any but laughter-brought
Let us tarry a while
At the "Sign of the Smile." .
There'll be flagons of jollity for us to sip,
And many and many a rollicking quip,
Though the jokes may be old like the
juice of the vine,
They mellow with age to the richest of
Let us tarry a while
At the "Sign of the Smile."
Let us tarry a while at the "Sign of the
Forget all our griefs in the joys that be
b ii lie.
Let ns pleasure the noon till it changes to
Then up with our loads and we'll find
they are light
If we tarry a while
At the "Sign of the Smile."
Baltimore American.
Try Alton's Foot Kane,
A, powder to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your feet feel nwollen, nervous
atid hot, anil get tired easily. If you liav
smarting feel or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Kane. It cools the feet and makes
walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails,
swnolen and sweating feet, blisters ami
callous spots. Relieves corns and bunion.
of all pain and gives rest and comfort. We
have 30,000 testimonials. Try it today.
Bold nv all druggists and shoe'dealers fu
25c. Trial package JfliEK. Address Allen
B. Olmstead, LeKoy, Is'. V.
Mot 1 iivoluntry.
Mrs. Brown Did everybody in your
society have to contribute to that fund 5
Mrs. Malaprop Ol ao, it was made
up altogether of vulnerable contribu
tions. HOWS TIHS'.'
Little Marjorie's Mission.
in ' her luxurious home
thinking over the past sev
en years of her life, and, if
one may judge by the ex
pression iiiion her face,
then her' 8 were no pleasant
Yet they were not all sad
memories, for her face
would brighten up with an
almost holy love light in her eyes, as if
the dark clouds were almost dispelled
by the stroug rays of golden sunlight.
And It was so. Hers was the not un
familiar story of old a life begun uu
der the most promising conditions, do
mestic happiness and wedded unity.
Harold Worthlngton, the trusted and
trustworthy cashier in a large banking
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any
ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Mali's
Catarrh Cure.
IT J rnr.VITV ff) . Prnns . Tolfifln. O.
We the undersienud. have known F.J. Cheney . institution, hud welcomed his bride to
lor the paBt 15 years, and believe him perfectly , pWanriv annolnted home It'or threo
honorable in all busin ss transactions and fin-j eie.aullJ Hppoimeu uoiue. V or turee
years meirs was a me or meal uappi
ness, and when little Marjorie came to
aucialW able to carry out any obligntioua made
by their linn.
WIST & Truax,
Wholesale Uruxirlsta, Toledo,, Kinnan & Marvin,'
Vnoleale Druggists, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure is t: ken .nt mally, acting
Cirectly on the. blood and m. cous surfaces ol
the system. Pri :e 7c per bo' Ue. o.d by aU
drugHttts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Puis r'tuibest.
A little salt added to an egg cools it,
and the egg consequently beats into a
froth more quickly.
bless their union they felt as If their
happiness had' Indeed been crowned.
Then came the time when that demon
jealousy had entered, the breast of liar
old Worthlngton, unfounded, It Is true,
and sowed by the poisonous tongue of
an envious club man. But the little
seed so cunningly planted grew until
its thorns rankled and cut deep; and
as time wore on a coldness sprang up
between the once united hearts. Kacli
was too proud to make humble conces
sion, and Harold remained oftencr and
longer at his club, until finally, after
credited at the universities. Send for cat
alog. Tenth year begins August 6, 1900.
He I believe I'll go to church witL
you this tnoriiiujjt, Clara. She Indeed
you won't; you've go your new suit,
and mine hasn't comi home vet.
Porcupine "I'm little, but 'if you
think vou cau sit on me, you'd bottei
If you would make time fly. "iva
your nute p:iynblin 00 days.
"My wife bed planplee on her fere, but
he has been taking CASCARETS end they
have all disappeared. I had been troubled
with constipation (or some time, but after taking-
the first Casoaret I have .bad ho trouble
with this ailment. We cannot apeak too high
ly of Casoareta." Fred Warthaw.
6708 Uermantown Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa.
The almost heartbroken mother could
bear no more and quietly withdrew,
leaving them together.
"Yes, darling."'
"Where have you been' so long? We
have been so lonesome. It made mam
ma cry, and when I said my prayers,
mamma said if I prayed hard God
would keep you safe and bring you
home, and oh, papa, He has, He has!
You will never go away again, will
you?" And she twined her little arms
around his neck and kissed him with
childish fervor.
The strong man shook with emotion,
and a great sob burst from him as he
bowed his head upon little Marjorie's
neck and asked:
"And mamma would she wish it?"
"Oh, yes! She will not cry any more
If you stay mamma! mamma! Where
are you?"
"Here, dear," responded May, as she
entered the room.
'Tapa Is never going away again,
and we shall have him all of the time.
Oh, aren't we glad, mamma?"
May, remembering her husband's
words when he came in, looked at him
"Shall! stay, May?"
"Say yes, mammaoh, say yes,
quick!" cried the child.
"Harold," she said, and her voice rang
with truth, "as my heavenly father
bears me witness, your suspicions were
most unjust unfounded. From the
day that I met you at the altar your
honor has been as dear to me as my
own, and I have been faithful to you in
thought, word and deed. I can only
answer your question by asking an
other: My husband, can you trust
"Yes, May, my own true wife. My
eyes have been opened, and I have
longed, oh, how I have longed for this
hour! Take me back to your heart,
my darling one, and let us begin agaia.
Come, May, cottie to me."
Half an hour later the young wife,
with a happy smle upon her sweet face,
pointed to little Marjorie, as she lay
sleeping In her father's arms.
"Yes," said the father as he ga2ed
upon the upturned face, "the little
peacemaker's mission is finished, and
she sleeps."
Then they bore her to her little white
bed, kissed her closed eyes, and hand
In hand they knelt down in silent
thauksghing.-Boston Post.
Menlo Park. San Mateo County, Cnl..
with its new buildings, newly furnished
and complete laboratories, beautiful stir- ml i ti irti mill lliimia i 11 !l llfMipptt I mm ill
the best equipped schools tor the traiiiina ; "I'" dissension, ho remained away
ol hoys and young men on t tie const, it ; altogether.
is in charge of Dr. lraH. Hoitt and is ait- ,,, .,..,, i,.,., i ,..,. .i, i.i
iiuui i j caul nau tuugtru ivi i uc uiu
happy days of sweet, sweet home, but
pride that barrier to so many happy
liresides pride forbade.
Ou this particular evening May had
put little Marjorie to bed, and then she
sat dow n, and, relaxing her self-control,
threw her arms upon the table, and,
burying her white face in them, cried
"Oh, Harold, Harold, if It had not
been for your unreasonable jealousy,
we might have been so happy."
So absorbed was she that she did not
hear the ring at the door bell, nor the
footsteps In the hall.
' The man who bad just entered start
til back us he aw the bowed form,
then advancing he said gently:
She started to her feet, and for cn
instant the old glad look of welcomei
spiling into her eyes; then, suddenly re
membering, she drew herself up proud
ly and coldly said:
"Harold! You here? I don't under
stand. It has been so long."
"Yes," he replied. In an equally cold
tone. "I am going away for a year,
two years, ten years I cannot tell and
I have come to make settlements for
jour support and Marjorie's education
before leaving forever "
"Hush. She must not hear.
He paused, and his glance followed
that of his wife. There, between the
parted curtains, stood a little, white-
robed figure, almost -angelic In its purl
ty. Then she sprang forward with a
glad cry of 'Tapa! Tapa! I knew It
was my papa's yolce!"
Straight Into his arms she sprang,
and was clasped close to the father's
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tatte Good. Do
Bead, Never HicMu, Weaken, or Gripe. Wc. Ke.&Vc.
ntwuaf liartr Cmut, ctiaa. "Miml, f e. lit
MTfl RIP Bold an fiiaranteed by all drag-
I U-DAU (.M to ClJKETobaoeo Uablk
wnTt. Iff -iwtswup q Plug -em B
Every year there are picked up in the
gutters of London, or taken from pawn
brokers' shops, jewels amounting in
value from fifteen to twenty thousand
pounds. These are duly advertised; but
for many reasons even people who rec
ognize the description of their own
property In the advertisements do not
care to claim It, and it thus comes
about that the proportion of property
left unclaimed js a large one. It is the
rule, Indeed, that where such valu
ables have not previously been report
ed to the police by their owners as
missing they are seldom claimed after
wards. The Loudon police keep all
such property for twelve months, ad
vertising It In three dally papers dur
ing that period. If no one claims It,
and the account of the finder seems rea
sonable, it Is handed over to the latter,
the police deducting the cost of the ad
vertisements only. If a pawnbroker has
detained the article and no one claims
it, the police at the end of twelve
months give the pawnbroker a reward;
and here let it be said that these re
wards often amount In a year to a large
sum. In this latter case the article U
sold, aud the surplus money, after the
reward bus ben paid, Is handed over,
not to the police funds, as most people
Imagine, but to the relief and mainten
ance of discharged prisoners. It has
been put ns a paradox that h thief may
In this way ultimately be led to a new
way of life by his own original theft.
Ttie Fltneae of Things.
"See, the sheriff is asleep," said the
first convict. "Let us jump from the
"No, we cannot jump now," object
ed the second convict. "The train is
not yet running till miles an hour."
This shows that even the criminal
classes read the newspapers, and have
an ide;i of the propriety of conforming
to conventionalities.
iod Is There.
Try to realize God's presence; the
realizing it ever so little has a wonder
fully soothing and calming influence
on the heart. Say secretly: "The
Lord is in His holy temple (His tem
ple of the inner man); keep silence, ()
my heart, before Him." The mind
wants steadying many times a day.
World to Knd Thla Year.
This is the recent decision of one of the
societies of the world, aud while there ure
few people who believe this prediction,
there are thousands of others who not only
believe, but know that Hosteller's Stom
ach Hitlers will cure dyspepsia, indiges
tion, constipation or liver and kidney trou
bles. A trial will certainly convince.
The Purest
and Best
Articles known to medical science are used
in preparing Hood's Sursupurilla. Kvery
ingredient is carefully selected, person
ally examined, and only the best returned.
It i prepared by a eomhinnl ion. propor
tion and process peculiar to itself and
known to no other medicine, and by which
the full medicinal power of all ingredients
used is retained. It euros when a cure ii
possible, tietonly Hood's, because
Hood's Sarsapariiia
Is the ltest Medicine Money Can VUiy.
White grapes, asparagus tips aud
English walnuts, with whipped cream
dressing, make a novel aud dainty
Potato salad is "much more savory if
mixed with the salad dressing while
K More Cannon Hull rills.
Science has retired the pill. A toothsome,
fragrant, medicated tablet tills Hie need of the
hour- Csscareta Candy t'athauiu. Druggists,
100, 2oc, 50c.
"And now, chihheu," said the
teacher, who had been talking about
military fortifications, "can any of you
toll me what in a bnt.trwisV"
ma'am," cried little Willie, snapping
his fingers, "it's a nanny goatl" .
1 am sure Tiso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. -.M ks. Titos,
lionmxs. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, lttOO.
A substituted fore linger, was shown
by a Koenigsberg doctor at a surgical
congress in. Berlin, lie had cut off
the patients seoond toe and sewed it to
the stump of the missing finger.
Primary nmou followed, and the new
finger could be moved by its owner.
Mothers will find Mrs. AVinslow's Sooth
ing Kyrnp the best remedy to use for the't
Dhildreu during the teething period. .
There is more need of common sense
in culinary science than is ordinarily
supposed, for we cannot become a
strong people mentally unless onr phys
ical beings are well nourished.
:.!., .
.vf.u ft", yuU VVUAJt,
to be a Christian, don't you? Ethel
No sir, I'd ruther sing in the choir.
Sarcasm About riie Clergy.
"Lighter Mouieut" Is the title of a
modest little book, chiefly anecdotes of
thee lergy, recently published In Lon
don by the executors of the late Bishop
Wnlshnni How. He relates a couple of
anecdotes of Archbishop Magee. When
that dignitary was Dlshop of Peter
borough he was walking with the Bish
op of Hereford by the Wye, and said:
"If you will give me your river I will
give you uiy see." There is this other
story also In Bishop How's collection:
"A lady who was a great admirer of a
certain preacher took Bishop Magee
with her to hear him. and asked hlru
afterward what lie thought of the ser
mou. 'It was very long,' the Bishop
said. 'Y'es,' said the lady, 'but there
was a saint in the pulpit.' 'Ami a mar
tyr in the pew,' rejoined the Bishop."
Dr. How had the following definition:
"Dr. B of Oswestry has three
horses, which he has named 'High
Church,' 'I)w Church' and 'Broad
Church.' The reason he gives is that
the first Is always on his knees, the sec
ond never, and as for the third you
never know what he will do next"
Can Obliterate Itself.
The sea cucumber, one of the curious
jelly bodies that Inhabit the ocean, can
practically efface Itself when la danger
by squeezing the water out of Its body
and forcing Itself Into a crack so nar
row at not to be risible to the naked
(The Famous German Hood Preserver)
fffiT'One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following: distributing- agents Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; "Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cat.
Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It stands
without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address
320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
Mitchell Wagons
Are the best that can be made. Nothing
is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon,
because it is made of the besl material
by experienced workmen which, cou
pled with 65 years' experience in building
wagons, during which time the manu
facturers have had but one aim, and that
to produce the best possible to build, is a
guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be made.
AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, we wUl sell to you direct.
Send for circular.
Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnville,
Medford and La Grande.
Mention thin papir.
InOHIO who had hra
If madn ciiitnvft Willi a
:)! Well Drilling Om
ni UKik our NdTlt'o and
liiHiKhl oiib of our mod
Dayton's Fly Killer
I'hciI a fi'W mlntili'i evfii
Inks, Hill rid your lionc
ni Klli'a anil Mii!iiiitoi".
, No murk ur Main left on
llin I'l'lliiiK" or wnlN.
Work likis Mingle. I'rli'e
'Jiciiiiln. Wrlli! for limik
I Illy Ion Hardware
Co., l'ortliiiiil,OriKon.
ONI FOR A DOSE. Rum Bin V n.ilu.h. nm.
I popda, ltin A l'lniia,l'iirirjr the Wood, Aid Digiti.
ttn,l'rflveninilliiana. ftonoMJrlpoorHli'keii. To
'il'i,' IT. ""Jl JTli.' u'Hmi i f rM f nil IwiJSa. DR.
BOQANKOCO.iPkllUdiihla.ra. Hold lijr UruKKlaU.
J. i ft . viu
will mall you a llr of our
Well Machines,
and did 7.H0 worth if drill. n with .Hunt yar.
'Hjhto 'i v ini'i who ri'f l'i IhkhjmhmI mlvti-f whn
tt H ofTctvd t tin in tut k ni I vtr Dlmirr' CtnMilH r I rft.
Here's a Proposition DR. GUNFI'SlPILLS
IV i year en piTli-ni'p I'oulil cell you ilir hpul '
In K''l kimi.I value (or your minify? Jf yon ant
ma k i I ik iiiiproviiiinln In your lioua, or builil
iiiu a ii"w lious, no niaitT lnw mll or laiKf
Ihf von uixli lo rppinl in clntlriral or tan
lixiup'f, HivplHWH, inniiii'l luriiiiurr, ph, ynu
ill mivi- nionev anil lie well kuUi'iI If j oil con- !
ull. I'll K JOll N KAItltKTl' 0.,9l Mr.t!
Nlrtxl, Portia ml, Oregon.
hardTvo'rking women !
can II nd quick nnti trtitatii!!it tvlirf '
for utIoiih ami itri-iiili demro) lug !
uouiMfi in
Moore's Revealed Remedy
TliniinaiwW liavH uci'd it anil lliiuianiiilK
mm pi !. it. I; cMiri'a .nniiiu inl) . $1'
jut bottlu at your ilnnumt',.
BICKFUN". Waihlngtan, U. C. they will ri
ll cireqiWi'k r-ill B. .Mil N. H. Vol.. Plaff
3'U C ftukeuuliur ulaiies aim U7I.
W will mall ion a uali
4 sold spminutlfM or yrirl
and cm, warranted ton your.
Will, Ml, H.lMlln. MiiklH.
niMn warranted to (It your ey or money rvfundrd.
Ouraluwia will parmannnlly tun hnulauha, ncrvou
nrm, lunamrd , Mym, antlirnMtUio, takawrlnklaa
mil nt your fan, croii ith inula lo mhi atralKbt. N oik)
TWori'iHtM. HwtiBlll! '.. HI Hert m ar.u,a.T.
JOHN POOLE. PortLasd, . Ouook,
chii Kive you the bent ImrKalns In general
iiiuitlilnery, engine, boilers, Una, tiunipa.
lovvs. belts ami windmills. The new
teel I X L windmill, sold by him, il un
equalled, y
N. I. N. V.
Mo. 3I-1HOO.
MEN wrltlnff to aJ vrtfar Ut
, i ,