i 1 Volume VIII. A FATAL ACCIDENT. Mr; and Mrs. M. D. Weltin and son Karl, Mrs. L. A. S- Luckey, mother of Mrs. Weltin, and Roy Robins, the lalter's son, relurned last Friday from Corvallis to their home near Kddyville. They were Crossing the bridge 'over the Ya quiua, about 400 yards north of C. C McBridc's store, when it collapsed" and precipitated them into the water, twenty-four feet below. Mr. McBride heard the crash, immediately followed by Mr. Weltin's calls tor help. Hastening to the scene, he lent his assistance to Mr. Wei till and Roy Robins in getting the less fortunate members of the family from the wafer, which at that point is 5 feet deep. The body of Mrs. Luckey came to the surface, limp and lifeless. ' . She c t tvjiiii.j . uctu iusiamiy Klueil by a blow on the head from one , of the broken bridge stringers. Earl, the 3-year-old son, was un conscious when rescued by Roy Robins, but by prompt action the little fellow was resuscitated.. He was not much injured'. by the fall, but; narrowly escaped drowning. Mrs. Weltin sustained many painful bruises, and these combined with the nervous shock make her condi tion very scriousv' Mr. Weltin w-as but slightly .injured, while Roy Robins came out of the awful mis hap unharmed. The -horses were not much injured and the wagon and harness but slightly damaged. Coroner Carter was summoned to . the scene of the accident and etn paneled a jury, which returned the following VERDICT : Euiyviu,k, Or.. August 4, 1900. Ve, 1 lie jury empaneled to inquire into tlie cause of tho death of Mrs. L. A. 8. Luckey, find deceased came to her death by the breaking down of a bridge across the Yaquina river at a point near Eddyville, Lincoln county, Oregon, a piece of the bridge timber striking de ceased on tho head, which, in our opin ion, caused instant death. We further find, upon examination, that the main cords of .the bridge were rotten and totally unlit foe use. s F. 31. Carter, Coroner. A I?. Hunt, . ' Z. T. 3IcGuiuk, F. C. Houck, Jurymen. Chari.ks Batsoii, 1UVIN JIAOKK, ) Careful inquiry by The Leauer develops the following facts regard ing the collapse'd bridge: It had a 60-foot span; its stringers or main cordswere about fitteen years old, and' we: first used in a temporary railroad bridge; the upper parts were rebuilt about five years ago, under the direction of Commissioner Bristow. One stringer broke first at the southeast end of the bridge, followed by the parting of the other near the center. The wagon had passed over both points of breakage and was about two-thirds of the way across when the bridge went down. Other particulars of minor importance might be given, but it i unnecessary to say more re . garding the .ad affair. The funeral of Mrs. Luckey oc curred at Kddyville Sunday, Rev. C. M. Brown of Toiedo conducting the service. The unfortunate fam ily has the earnest sympathy of a large circle of neighbors and other friends'. ' Speaking of Mrs. Luckey, the Corvallis Times says: "The pre vious day the lady had been in Corvallis. Here she contracted for the William house and nine lots in Jobs addition, and this week she was to have returned with the money to close the deal and to get the deed to the property. The transaction was made with Frank Klgin, to whom Mrs. Luckey said she desired the property as a home for herself, and that she expected to occupy it in a short lime. A son and daughter in Nebraska, to gether with others of her family, were to come to Corvallis to reside with her." . --- - W. li. Ball of Johnson drove in S.aturaay evening. Clerk Brown of the Agency was over on business last Saturday. James Doty of Yamuna made a brief business call on Toledo Wednesday. . Dr. Daniel and Miss E. M. Dyer of the Agency were over on busi ness Wednesday evening. Justice Collins will - hold down Attorney Hawkins office during the latter's absence." 'way down in pi' Arkansaw." D. A, Hodsre of Indent ndpnP representing the Oreeou Fire Relief I Association, was transacting ness in Toledo Wednesday. Jv. Blower and J. H. May of Mill 4 were up among us yesterday. .The former left some samples of his fine apples and peaches on exhibition at Lewis' store. ' -C. M. Brown came down from the cascara fields in the vicinity of Nottons the fore part of the week, t - 1 " . losing just as well as a man who has been having a good time. . Irviu McGee of Kddyville was down Wednesday on business be fore the county court. He called at this office and got in-on The Leader and Pacific Homested proposition. Assessor and Mrs. F. M. Wads worth returned last Friday evening from a ten-days' stay at the beach, where they made their headquarters while Mr. Wadsworth performed his official duties in Newport and vicinity. S- A. Sanfo'rd, cashier of Ladd & Bush's bank at Salem, returned to his home Wednesday.- While here he located a homestead under ' the guidance of Ade Crosno, who also showed him some good trout fish ing up on Depoe slough. Mesdames D. P. Blue, C. K. Hout and George Hoeflein and Misses Precilla Hoeflein and Gertie Litchfield walked over from Ya quina Tuesday just for fun. The former two returned on the evening train; the others going earlier by the celebrated "short line." Rite Dedrick, accompanied by Al Hall, Georg Baumann, George Schenck and George McCluskey, left Saturday afternoon with a scow load of lumber for the bridge across the Big Elk at Ramsdell's place, under tow of the steamer Ruth George McCluskey came down to atteiid the teachers' examination which begau Wednesday, but will return tomorrow and remain until the bridge is completed. Mrs. Ktta Jones, district superin tendent of the Oregon Children's Home society, the object of which is to take all neglected, orphaned or abused children and place ihem in good family homes, without the expense of an institution. This is generally believed to be better for the children, as they do not come in contact with the bad influences to be found in the institutions. Mrs. Jones is meeting with encour agement at all points. She went down the bay Wednesday evening Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, August 10, 1900. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Common council met in regular session. Absent: Mayor H. W. Vincent. Present: Aldermen J. Ofstedahl, William Alexander, K. F. Gaar.C C. Kubler, Beal Gaither, A. T. Peterson. Moved by "Alderman Peterson that in the absence of the mayor, Alderman Ofstedahl act as chair man. Seconded by Alderman Gaither and unanimously carried. Minutes of last meeting read by recorder. At this time Mayor Vin cent entered the council chamber and presided during the remainder of the session. On motion minutes as readfwere approved. Petition of certain property own ers, signed by J. Anderson, V Tlnel, J. C. Allree and J. Ofstedahl, pray ing that the council cause the grad ing on Hill street from intersection of Hill and Fifth streets to junction of Hill and Seventh streets to be fi,1,slled at once before the rainy busi-iseison set in read by the recorder. Moved by Councilman Alexander that petition be referred to commit tee on streets. ' No second. Motion withdrawn. Moved by Council man Peterson that the petition be accepted and placed on file. Sec- oneded by Councilman Gaar and unanimously carried. Moved by Councilman Alexander that the grading . referred to in above-mentioned petition be com pleted within 60 days, and that re coider notify all property owners abutting on said streets. Seconded by Councilman Kubler and unani mously carried. Report of ways and means com mittee on status of city hall lot read by recorder, h: which it was re ported that the city of Toledo had paid $200 for said lot; that said lot had been sold thereafter by certain judgment creditors of original own er; that said sale had been confirmed and time for redemption had ex pired; that the city of Toledo had been damaged in the sum of $200 by reason of said purchase by said city, with interest thereon at the ra,te of 6 per cent from date of said transfer, and recommended that the city demand said sum and said in terest from said original owner through the city recorder, and if same is not paid, that city recover .judgment therefor. Moved by Councilman Alexander that report be adopted as read and placed on file. Seconded bv Councilman O:- stedahl and unanimously carried. The claim of George Toole, re ferred to committee 011 claims at last meeting, was presented by said committee to the recorder with the recommendation that it be reduced to $2 and allowed. Moved by Coun cilman Kubler that claims be al lowed a3 recommended and warrant lrawn for same. Seconded by Couneilman Peterson and unani mously carried. Councilman Gaar reported that the committee on streets was unable to do anything toward ascertaining costs of grading aud. laying side walk by the city on Third street, and asked for further time in which to investigate and report. Moved by Councilman Peterson that such time be allowed and the committee have until next meeting in which to report. Seconded by Councilman Alexander and unanimously carried. The committees on ordinances and elections had no reports. The committee 011 fire and police reported through Councilman Of- stedahl that considerable corre spondence of great length had taken place between the committee and certain parties, and read a cer tain letter from R. S. Chapman of San Francisco. Moved by Coun cilman Peterson that reading of other letters be omitted at this time, as the matter needed further inves tigation, and said committee be given further time. Seconded by Councilman Ofstedahl and unani mously carried. Claims' of C. H. Young, J. A. Hall, B. F. Swope, F. T. Horning aud II- R. Font were, 0:1 motion of Councilman Ofstedahl, referred to committee on claims. Moved by Councilman Ofstedahl that council adjouru to meet Aug ust 20, 1900. Seconded by Coun cilman Alexander and unanimously City Recorder. Dr. Darnell killed a big two-point buck Monday on the tide-land just this side of the Olalla bridge. Sec tion Foreman Gannon and his crew happened to be working near the spot and discovered the .animal. Mr. Gannon got some salt from his dinner pail and slipped up aud sprinkled it on the buck's tail, thus keeping him quiet until the doctor and John Olstedahl arrived with their artillery. The doctor's first shot happened to be enough. Being well up in sportsmen'j.eiquette, he divided with several otiier nimrods, and his name is now on the roll of honor. The Ladies Aid society met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Wil liam Marshall and accomplished more than at any previous meeting this season. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. F. Stewart one week from next Tuesday, when the question of holding weekly meetings will be decided. It is hoped every member will be pres ent and have a'voiceiti the matter. The Cissie Kelton company played to light houses in Toledo the fore part of the week. The company is at Newport now, but will return and try it again at Tlieil hall next Thursday night. The price has been put down to 25 and 15 cents. According to the Albany Demo crat, George Myers recently passed through that place en route from Cape Nome to his home at Morri- json. this county He is glad to be Nome the usual back, and gives hard name. County Judge Stewart and Com missioners Stanton and Wakefield went up to Kddyville yesterday to inspect Ihe collapsed biidge. County court is still in session, .Proceed ings will be given next week. Our stock of clothing is complete in every respect. We have an im mense assortment to select from aud our prices are always correct Y. B. M. Co. ihe worms which have been doing so much damage are said to be dying of old age and other dis orders. Important if true. ' Dick Casteel relurned to Yaquina Wednesday from the east end where lie had been rcleaving a sick fireman for a few days. If you want bargains in harness buggies or wagons, you may find them at G. R. Schenck & Co's. -Harry Jvyer went up to-Jilk City Tuesday for a visit "with friends. Smoke the General Steed man 5c cigar, at LandreUi's Number 23. Proposals for . . . Sale of School Bonds. CHALET) BIDS, addressed to .Tony Ofstkdahl, Chairman of the Hoard' of Directors of School District No. 2f Lincoln county, Oregon, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope : ''Bids for the Purchase of School Bonds," will be received at his store at Toledo, Or egon, until Saturday, September 15, 1900, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for tho purchase of $2,000 worth of School Bonds of said District, said bonds to bo come due in ten years from date and to bar 5 per cent interest, payable an nually. For further particulars address John Ofstedahl, Chairman Board of Directors, Toledo, Oregon. The right to reject any and all bids or' to call for new bids is expressly reserved by tho Board of Directors. JOHN OFSTEDAHL, Chairman Board Directors.-- Hoxie Simmons of Siletz was in town yesterday. Jack .Allphin made a business; trip to Kddyville Monday. Kd Meaker of Yaquiua had busi-' ness in Toledo Wednesday. Harry Davis of Yaquina was a passenger for the valley Wednes- . day. Just take a little time and see that elegant line of roasters' at Schenck & Co..'s. .Attorney B. F. Swope departed Tuesday to join his family in their outing at Otter Rock. The farm home . isn't Complete without the Pacific Homestead. If you want a good offer, let us know. G. A. Landis returned from New port yesterday. He reports tha.t the work of removing the channel rock has commenced. Commissioner Wakefield arrived from Waldport Wednesday morn ing to make connection with the August session of county court. Henry Maine, 'the C. & IC painter, came through from Ya quina Tuesday morning under or ders for work along the line in the valley. Lugger & Pruett have a very large assortment of clothing, dry goods and furnishings. New goods, are constantly arriving. Come and. see them. The rising generation of Hon. C. B. Crosno's household, accompanied by their cousin, Miss Jennie King, departed at - an early hour this. morning for Otter Rock. Lester Waugh was up from his-' ranch the fore part of the week and pui chased Cy Copeland's cattle and hogs. We are informed that Mr.. Copeland will go to California sootv and enter the Soldiers' Home. The teachers examination is in. progress. The only teachers taking the examination are Misses Mamie Wakefield of Kddyville, Anna L. Goodwin of Tidewater, -Fay and Kdith Norton of Yaquina. George McCluskey and Kli Gaither are ci gaged in examining the papers. Attorney C. K Hawkins nndf family departed yesterday morning ifora summer vacation "abroad."' Mrs. Hawkins will attend the grand session of the Women of Wood cralt at Salt Lake, Utah, and the children will visit friends in Albany during her absence, or about three weeks.' Mr. II. will visit at his. old home, Morrilton, Ark., and will be'abcnt about six weeks. Naturally, he expects to enjoy him self, and it is safe to c,".y that he, will have no trouble in s'sikinj; "a hot time" down there hi August. 1 . : 1 " ..-i-' .- r-..