Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 13, 1900, Image 5

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-of any kind, call cn-
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Sweetest Candies,
The Freshest Nuts,
Nobbiest Stationery.
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the courts of
Oregon. Five and one-ha;t" years
clerk of Probate and Circuit
courts. Has complete up-to-date
Abstract of Lincoln County.
Miss E. M. CROSNO,
Stenographer, Ty pcv i iter
and Notary Public.
Ltgal papers of all kinds prepared
correctly, neatly and promptly.
Office in the Ofstedahl building.
George A. Landreth,
The 13arbei
A neat hair-cut it) any style desired
and an easy shave.
First door south
meat market, TOLEDO, OR.
yjtiysicittn and Siiryeim,
a Specialty
Hats trimmed; tips cleaned and curled
All work guaranteed.
MRS. G. E. B All MANN.
Fnrlor at residence opposite the Toledo
Jewelry a Staple.
Look at the next ten people you
meet and see how much is worn of
the now called jevvelery. From a
$500 00 watch chain to a five cent
slick pin. Yes, jevvelery has come
to be a staple article of dress.
You will buy more or less of it;
Sie that you get what you pay for
when you buy. You can be sure
of this if you buy of HENRY
LEWIS, Toledo, Ore., who has full
assortment of the W. F. Main Co.
goods. Every article of these goods
is fully warranted to be exactly as
represented. A printed guaranty
to this affect is given with each ar
ticle of these goods purchased at
their store.
W. F. Main Co.,
Eastern Factory cor. of Friend
ship and Eddy Sts.. Western Fac
tory (Largest Jewelery FaVtoryin
the world) under process of con
struction In East Iowa City, Iowa.
Over 52,000 feet of floor space.
Real Estate Cheop.
I have for sale the following
property: 1 91 acres; 3160
acres; 3 7 acres; 4 40 acres;
5 160 acres; 6 2S0 acres. Also
a number, ol lots and houses in
Fredricksburg and Olsson's addi
tion to Newport.
John A. Olsson,
Newport, Ore.
County Court July Term.
Judye? and Clerks of Election : 0. W.
Gaby, 7.X0; R. A. Abbey, fit; II. J.
Levins, rf(i; J. C. Dixon, ; 1 J.
George Bethers, salary for month of
June, $41.(i3
M.Gregson, lumber foreounty, $1004.
Glass A Prudhonime, books and
stationery for county, !?;?.
C. 1 Kevins, guard of election, l C.
II Young, guard of election ami work I
for county $1.
Allen Purser, canvassing election return.-',
$4.ti0. Ya.jnina Ray News, print
ing fur county, $17.50.
U.K. Darnell, freight on lumber to
Klk City, $7.
City of Toledo,, jail rent to date, $8.
Allowed in sum of $ti, a credit of $2- be
ing claimed for supplies bought for jail.
lu the matter of the reports of all
supervisors whose terms expired on July
1, 15KH). Ordered that Clerk notify ail
such supervisors to make reports in
time to pass upon at August term.
In the matter of the etlieial bond of
the county school superintendent. Or
dered that said bond be fixed at $101K.
In the matter of letting of contract
for rebuilding Ramsdell bridge across
Dig Klk. All bids) rejected us too high,
and, ordered that Coniniissoner Stanton
be authorized to employ a competent
builder and proceed to construct said
In the matter of rebuilding Reaver
creek bridge on Big Klk road. Ordered
that contract for rebuilding said bridge
be let to George Gaby for the sum of $17.
In the matter of the official bond of
(Jeorgo Bethers, county school superin
tendent. Bond approved.
In the matter of the official bond of
J. L Hyde, county treasurer. Bond ap
proved. In the matter of the oflicial bond of
J. II. Ross, Rheriff. Bond approved.
In the matter of the official bond of
J. II. Lutz, county clerk. Continued
for term.
W 111TE Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by
the friends of M. A. Hogarty of
Lexington, Ky., when they saw he
was turning yellow. His skin slowly
changed color, also his eyes, and he
suffered terribly. His malady was
Yellow Jaundice. He was treated
by the best doctors, but without
benefit. Then he was advised to
try Electric Bitters, ' the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, and he
writes: "After taking two bottles
I was wholly cured." A trial proves
its matchless merit for all stomach,
liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c.
Sold by O. O. Krogstad, druggist.
School Report.
Report of Salmon River school, Dis
trict No. 40, for the eight months be
ginning Nov. 21, 185)0, and ending June
Number of pupils enrolled, 10; Av
erage Number belonging, 12; Average
daily attendance, 1 1.
Olive Burton was neither absent nor
tardy during the entire eight, months,
though roads and weather were very bad
The directors purchased some very
useful apparatus, including nil the sup
plementary book required in the State
Course of .Study.
' Among the fifty-eight visitors were the
following gentlemen and wives: P. W.
Ryan, Chas. Read, Win. It. Calkins,
May Burton ; ulso Miss Fannie Read,
Mrs. John Whiteman, Melvin Burton,
J. D. Chitwood and Hugh Gardner.
M. L. Hami'Ton, teacher.
It Saved His Leo.
P. A. Dauforth of LaGrange, G.i.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but
writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve
wholly cured it in five days. For
ulcers, wounds, piles, it's the bes
salve in the world- Cure guaran
teed. Only 25c. Sold by O. O.
Krogstad, druggist.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay city warrants
Nos. 210, 235 and 240, and that no
interest on the same will be paid
after this date.
R, K. Daknem., '
City Treasurer,
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this
6th day of July, 1900.
The farm home isn't complete
without the Pacific Homestead. If
you want a good offer, let us know.
Additional Local.
Get your groceries at Schenck &
C. M. Brown is on the sick list
this week.
Andrew Smith of SiieU was in
Toledo Wednesday .
Oliver Alirce was over from
Drift creek Wednesday.
Postoffice Inspector Clements
was in Toledo Wednesday night.
George L. Boone and son Al of
Mill 4 were Toledo visitorv yester
d.iy. Miss Eva Rad'er left last Saturday
to accept a position at the Mon
terey hotel.
Billy Metcalf was over from Siletz
yesterday after goods for Mrs. C.
G. Copeland.
For boots and shoes, hats and
caps at clearance prices go to Con
voy, Son & Co.
Just take a little time and see
that elegant line ol roasters at
Schenck & Co. 's.
It will do you good to look thro'
the stock of new spring goods at
the Y. B. M. Co.'s store.
Lugger & Truett have no special
leaders, but all their goods aie
leaders, new, up-to-date and cheap.
Rev. C R. Ellsworth of Newport
was up last Friday night to attend
quarterly meeting, returning next
Rev. C. M- Brown returned yes
terday from a trip to the woods ad
jacent to the Agency. lie is now
a happy homesteader.
F. M. Wadsworth, jr., of Port
land came down last Saturday for
a visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs F. M. Wadsworth.
Walter Bailey came up from Oys
ter City last Saturday with his
aunt, Mrs. Eva Shakspere, who had
been visiting with the lamily.
Divine service will be held in St.
Johns church on Sunday evening
next, July 15. There will be no
morning service. Sunday school
as usual.
Miss1 Nannie Blower came
through from Ccrvallis last Friday
for a visit at the home of her
parents at Mill 4. She returned to
Corvallis this morning.
Sheriff Ross left this morning for
Portland in charge of Clara and
Hannah Thomas of Drift creek,
whom he will place in the children's
home at that place by order of the
couit. This action was result of
alleged improper relations between
one Chebloski, stepfather of the
girls, and the 14-year-old Clara,
the mother making the complaint.
It is reported , however, that said
complaint was not made until Che
bloski had hiked into the. moun
tains, where he is supposed to be in
hiding. The mother, it seems, was
willing to part wilh the elder child,
Clara, but became very hysterical
when the train left Toledo with her
offspring. If the mother has told
the tru;h, Chebloski needs hanging
and .she herself needs something
besides sympathy.
. . . -
The Appetite ok a Goat.
Is envied by all whose stomach
and liver are out of order. But such
should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, give a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health
and great energy. O.ily 25c at O.
O. Krogstad, druggist.
- v
Mr. A. E. Cooper, G- A. P. D.,
C. R. I. & P. Ry., 250 Alder St.,
Portland, Or., advises me that his
company wjll run four specially
cheap excursions to the east, leav
ing Denver, Colorado Springs and
Pueblo June 23, July 12 and 20th
and August 4. He will be pleased
to answer any inquiries.
A. II. Hampton, P. M.,
Lincoln County
argain House!
- cuss;
find our stock complete and all goods sold at lowest possible prices
consistent with good business methods.
eggs; 200 tons chittim bark; also all the chickens we can get for
which we will pay the highest market prices. We keep a full stock
of flour and feed at carload rates. Call and see our large assortment
of floor mattings very pretty and cheap.
Watch the Other Fellows!
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures
Mail Orders Given
Prompt Attention
On the Water Front.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all county war
rants drawn on the general fund and
endorsed "Not paid for want of funds"
up to and including August 2, 185)7.
County Treasurer.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 13th day
of June, 15)00,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a decree, execution and order of pale
issued out. of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for Lincoln count v,.
beaiing date of May 15, 15)00, undern
decree and order of sale in favor of Aron
Dabler and against J. O Carter and
Marv Carter for the sum of One Hun
dred Dollars ($100) Udited States (iold
Coin ami interest, and for a further
sum of Twenty Dollars attorney's
fees and costs and disbursements of tins
suit, taxed at $2(5.80 ami accruing costs
and expenses, which decree was duly
entered and docketed in said court oh
the l!(it.h day of July, 185)!), in a suit
wherein A rou Dabler was plaintiff ami
J. O. Carter and Mary Carter wen; de
fendants, said decree, execution and or
der of sale to me directed and delivered,
commanding me as sheriff of Lincoln
couniy, Oregon, to sell, in the manner
provided by law for the sale of real
property on execution, all the following
real property, to-wit : Beginning at the
J a-mile. corner of wet ion line between
sections 10 and 15 in township 11 south
range 10 west of Willamette meridian,
thence south 40 rods, thence due west to
Yuquina river, thence northerly along
the meanders of said river to the inter
section of the said section line between
sections 10 and 15 with said river, thence
due east to place of beginning, contain
ing liJfj. acres, in Lincoln countv, Or
egon, together with all and singular the
tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in any
way appertaining, and all the right,
title, interest and estate of said defend
ants in and to the same. And in obedi
ence to tie- command of said decree, ex
ecution and order of sale, I have levied
upon tin; said real property above
described, and on Saturdav, the )4th
day of July, t!)(H), at, the" hour of I
o'clock p. m., of said day last uforecaid,
I will sell at public auction, at the
courthouse door in Toledo, in Lincoln
county, Oregon, to the highest bidder,
for I'nited Slates (iold Coin, cash in
hand, all the right, tide, interest and
estate of said defendants in and to said
leal property from the !)th day of Mav,
lsiM), to satisfy the amount due said
plaintiff on said decree;, execution iind
order of saie, and costs and accruing
costs, uihI the surplus, if any remain, bo
brought iutocourt to bedisburscd among
the defendants necording to tin; priority
of their respective liens against said
premises. J. 11. ROSS,
Sheriff of Lincoln Countv, Oregon.
Dated June 14, 15)00.
Ladies, buy Defiance baking pow
der absolutely pure and get a
handsome prize with each car, :.t
Son & Co.
Toledo, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stute of Oi
egon, for Lincoln County.
R. A. Stratford, Plaintiff,
M. A. Fullmore, Defendant.
To M. A. Fullmore, the above-named
defendant: In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby notified and re
quired to appeor in the above-entitled
court in said action and answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff filed therein on
or before the 2:id day of July, 15)00, that
being the dated prescribed in the order,
of publication of this summons, and on'
w hich you are required to appearand
answer the complaint herein ; and vou
are further notified that if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint, as
herein required, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take a decree und judg
ment against you for the relief demand
ed in the complaint, to-wit: For a judg
ment against you for the sum of $22!
and the further mini of $4li.(WS, and for
costs and disbursements of this action
to be taxed. This summons is served
upon you by publication in the Lincoln
County Leader by order of the Honor
able J. F. Stewart, county judge of Lin
coln county, Oregon.
Made and done at Toledo, Lincoln
county, Oregon, the Hist dav of Mav,
The date of thu first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is Fri
day, June 1, 15)00. B. F. JONES,
Attorney for I'laintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Of
egon, for Lincoln County,
Charles Johnson, Plaintiff,
Mollie Johnson, Defendant.
To Mollie Johnson, the above-named
In the Name of the Slate of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear in
the above-entitled court ami answer t.'io
complaint of the above-named plain tilt
on file therein 011 or before the first day
of the regular term of said court next
following the expiration of the time pre
scribed in the order of publication of
this summons, to-wit: on or before tho
2:jd day of July, 1000, and you are fur
ther notified Unit if you fail to appear
and answer said comiilaint and sum
mons, as required by (aw, the plaintiff
will apply to tin; court for the relief
prayed for in his complaint, to-wit; fon
a decree dissolving the bunds of mutrW
mony now existing between plaintiff
and defendant. The period of time pre
scribed for the publication of this sum
mons upon you is more than six weeks,
front the date of the first publication,
to-wit: Monday, the SM day of July,
15)00. The date of the last publication
is Friday, July 20, 15)00, and the date of
the first publication theieof js Friday,
June 15, 15I0U. This summons its pub,
bsiied in the Lincoln Vouuty Leader by
order of .the Hon. J. F. Stewart, county
judge of Lincoln county, Oregon.
Done at Toledo, Lincoln count v, Ore,
gun, this 15th day of June, l'.HW.
Attorney for Plaintiff,