"Lincoln County Leader. CHARLES F. POULE. r ADA IS. -80 U LIS, Phupkictoiw. Official County Paper. .Entered at the pnstoflice at Toledo, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year - - - $1 50 Six Months - - 75 Three Montlm - f0 UlirUJiLH'A X TICKET. Ton PRKMDJJXT William MeKi nlei For Vice Pukkidknt Theodore Ilooserelt After an interesting struggle, the democrats at Kansas City placed Adlai Stevenson on the ticket with Bryan. Adlai, it will be remem bered, was elected vice president on the ticket with Cleveland, and therefore there can be no doubt about the biand. He is a good democrat. The choice of the pop ulists, Charles Towne, will probably withdraw. The only difference, apparently, between populists and Bryan democrats is that while both arc willing to suppuii Bryan, the Bryan democrats are unwilling to give a place on the ticket to any man who does not call himself a democrat. The object is to com plete the job of absorbiug the pop ulist party, began in 1896, and it will probably be accomplished. The Leader hopes so, as it will do away with much of the unnec essary confusion and unpleasantness of presidential campaigns. As the populists are unable to swallow the democrats, the latter seem ambitious to show their ability in that line. Here's luck Just listen! Doesn't it sound like 1896? Democratic orators are now appealing to the people to rise up in their might, elect Bryan and Stevenson and save the country. J.11 1896 they got right upon tiptoe and warned the people that our blessed country would go to the everlasting 'bow-wows if McKinley was elected and the gold standard adopted. Remember it? Of course you do! Well, McKinley was elected, and we have the gold standard, and if present conditions are what they meant by a country going "to the dogs," let's contiuue it. The dogs are all right. When the democratic editors and orators are harpooning the ungodly trusts during the present campaign, it is to t.e hoped they will not for get to take a poke at the gigantic ice trust of New York, fathered by Tammany, Bryan's strongest organized element of support in the nation. The only l'ennoyer of. Oregon thiuks Bryan would stand a better chance of winning if he wouldn't talk so much. As Mr. l'ennoyer js one of Bryan's "wahm" support ers, this may be regarded as a bit of unsolicited advice, which, of course, Mr. Bryan will ignore. In a speech at his home in Lin coln Neb., the other day, V. J, Bryan said; "We live in a land where the people determine the policy." Correct! "The people" declared against 16 to 1 in 1896, but Mr. Bryan seems to think they didn't mean it. Majshficld failed to have fire works on the glotious Fourth be cause vhe steamer on which they had been shipped failed to arrive on time. If that isn't good ground for a damage suit, where '11 yon find it? Adlai Stevenson wus a candidate for a place on the Illinois delegation to the national democratic conven tion tit Kansas City, but was turned down, He st.tyed at hottie and was chosen as Bryan's running! mate. Another proof that "dis-i tance lends enchantment." ' JURORS FOR JULY. j Following is the panel of jurors for j the term of circuit court -for Lincoln J county commencing July 23, 1900, at 9 ! o'clock a. in. : . Names. Occupation. Address. John Crier, Farmer Box J Toh 11 Fogarty ..... " ...... Newport i E. "W. Kyniston. .. " Toledo! Jonathan liters. . . " Eddyvilie ' I. J. Pepin " Chitwood 1 A. k Shcrk .' " Notions j J. E. WilHon " Chitwood! Carl Schimiiiel . " Lutjens : JohnTurkos " Waldport 1 Oscar Olssoii Laborer Newport j J. C. Altree.,:... " Toledo! F. A. Godwin... . .Farmer Nashville ! Antone llredcpon. " Toledo L. E. Davia. " Waldport Tlios. llobertson.. " Chitwood !. A. Landis ' Toledo Hugh Carr " .l'.ox Carl Kroeger " Waldport! Emil Tracksel " Summit ! llenry.Kirsch " Newport! II. K. Stuidevant. " Toledo ! M. (.Jregson, Capitalist Toledo ; J. W. l'arrish Farmer Toledo : Beal (iaither " Toledo : Josiah Gideon. .Surveyor Waldjmrt ; W. E. Wann Farmer Waldport i John Stinipson .Capitalist Newport W. A. Iladden Farmer Eddyvilie Ole Knudson " Yaquina Joseph Blower " Toledo C.U.Gillette " Nashville Was it a Miracle? "The marvellous cure of Mrs. RenaJ. Stout of Consumption has created intense excitement in Cam mack, Ind," writes Marion Stuart, a leading druggist of Muncie, Ind. "She only weighed 90 pounds when her doctor in Yorklown said she must soon die. Then she began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained 37 pounds in weight and was completely cured." It hascured thousands of hopeless cases, and is positively guaranteed to cure all throat, chest and lung diseases. 50c and 1. 00. Trial bottles free at O. O. Kiogstad's drug store. mmmm r? arwsispss The Key ' to Wealth If her hostess does her own work the girl guest who is thought ful may piope;ly give a helping hand in washing the dishes, or dust ing' the parlor, but this help must be tactfully offered and not in trusively urged; some women are averse to assistance from their guests. July Ladies' Home Journal. Everybody's proud of this sort of Grandpa, and he's proud of himself; proud of his clear brain and active body." There are other kinds of grandparents that we can't be proud of. Weak of body and feeble of mind, we can only pity them. They no wore live ; they only exist. What makes the difference between these two classes of old men? A sound stomach and a plentiful sup- Ely of pure, rich blood. Dr. Pierce's (olden Medical Discovery strength ens the stomach, purifies the blood, and increases the activity of the blood making glands. It won't make old wen young, but it will enable old men to assimilate the food they eat, and so strengthen them for a life of rea sonable exertion. "I Buffered for six years with constipation nnd indigestion, during which time I employed several physicians, but they could not reach "my case." writes Mr. G. I'opplewetl. of Kurck'a Springs. Carroll Co., Ark. "I felt that there was no help for me; could not retain food on mv stomach; had vertigo and would fall helpless to the floor. Two years ago I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and little 'Pellets,' and improved from the start. After taking twelve bottles of the ' Discovery ' I was able to do V.V.t wo;k, and hecu imiimiiiK ever since. I am now in pood health for one ot ray age 60 years. I owe it all to Dr. Fierce' medicines." Old people often need a laxative medicine. The best for them is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. ie mm. The Yaqxiinu Bay Mercantile Co. desires to call the attention of residents of Toledo and vicinity to the New Spring Goods now arriving, consisting of 3 Have Your Urn I have been in the enlsi-Kln business twelve years, and f;el Justified in saving I believe 1 en do work that will suit you if you can be suited. Portraits enlarged in Crayon or Pastel. I also copy landscapes, animals, etc. and furn ish frames if desired. Hinnie A. Owram, jlkho. oitriox. 0. 1J. IJKOWX, liLACKSMITHING S1I.KTZ, UKKtiOX. tiencriil Shop and Kopair work of all kind done at reasonable prices. IIOKSi:sI)i:iX; anil WAliON WOKK a speclalt Ribbons, Laces, Kmbroidery, In--- sertions and Edgings. Our large assortment of Ready-Ci made Shirt Waists and Crash Skirts will be a feature. 5 Remember our hue of Footwear if you need any. We have the largest, finest, newest, nobbiest, j best and neatest in town. The eg celebrated Mayer Shoe best-fitting; shoe made. jj Dress Goods and Fancy Linings. $ ' We have them in the latest designs j and colors. . We have just received & a large assortment of the latest in c Xerk.fnr. I'ancv Sliirta ino- 'g , J w.fi.., IJ 1 11 and Hats at prices to suit all. J Respectfully, Y. B. Merc. Co. Cedar Mill and Fixture Company 0. . ALTREE, Manager. Dealers in i JULY AItGAIXS. Cireatest Clubbing Offer of the Year. During this month only we will make the following clubbing rates: Tin; IyHADKR and Weekly Oregonian $2.oc Tun l.KADiiK and ladies'" Home Journal 2.00 TliK Lkadkr and New York 1.50 Tribune 1,50 Tun I.KAimu and McCall's Magazine 1.50 Tin; Licadkr and Pacific " Ilomestsad . . . . 1.50 , Samples of above papers can be seen at this office. If there is any paper you wish not mentioned here, call and see us. Till-: IlKST RliMKOY j?OR STOMACH and Howki. TKOUlUvS. "I have been in the drug busi ness for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medi cines of any note. Among the en tire list I have never found any thing to eijual Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles." saysO. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Oa. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recanimetuied and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my cus tomers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pjeasaut form." For sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. . Our stock of clptjijng U complete in every respect. have an im mense assortment to peject from, and our prices are ahvnvs correct. V, U, M. Co. BE W ABE. 1 of Poisonous FJa- Don't experiment witli adulterated food 1 stuffs when yon ean buy at the same price! pure, wholesome and! extra strong j FLAVORING EXTRACTS ill bulk (bring yourj i bottle); also chemu ally pure Cream of Tartar, at i Cedar Lumber, SASH, DOOES, MOULDINS, SHINGLES JSA Lowest Prices. T. 1 FISH, Agent, Toledo, Oregon F011 Nearly Sixty Ykahs Tug Lkadino National Family News l'Al'EK Kon Pkoqrkshivk Farmkrs and Villagers Krcgsiad-Ths Erupt, A Good Cough Mkdicixk. Many thousands have been re stored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If afflicted with any J throat or lung trouble, give it a triajj for it is certain to prove beneficial, ! Coughs that have resisted all other j treatment for years, have yielded loj this remedy and perfect health been restored. C.ics that set mud hope-! less, that the climate ot famous health resorts failed to benefit, havej been permanently cured by its use. J'pr sale by O.O. Krogstad,dntggist. ' I NEW-YORK I WEEKLY TRIBUXE An old stanch, tried and truo friend of the American People, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the pioneer in every movemont calculated to ad VUU0.6 the interests and increase the prosperity of country people in every sate in the Union. For over hull' a century farmers have followed its instruc tions in raising their crops, and in converting thorn into cash have been guided liy its market reports, which have been Nutiou;il authority. If you are inter ested in Scieuce nnd Mechanics" that department will please and instruot 'Short Stories will entertain old and yountf. "Fashion Articles' will oaten the fancy of the ladies, and "Humorous Illustrations" and items will brimr sun shine to your household. 6 TIIK WKKKLY TJUHUXE is "The People's Paper" for the entire United States, nnd contums all important no.vs of the Nation and World. Koffnhir subscription price 1. 00 per year, but we furnish it as a trial sub scription With The Leader i Year for $1,50. New York Published Monday, Wednesday and Tri-Weekly Tribune, Friday. A complete, up-to-date, daily newspaper three tiroes a week for busy people who receive their mail ot tenor than once a week. Contains all striking news features ot the Daily Inhune up to hour of KoinK to press; and is profusely ll.istrnted. l'eKulnr Mibscnptiou price 61.50 per year, but wo furnish it as a trial Kulisonptum With The Loader 1 Year for 82. Send all orders to THE LEADER, Toledo, Oresorf ' L VC1XDA JA CKSOX, Portrait Artist. SILKTZ, OR KG ON, Enlarges Portraits in Crayon and Pastel. Good work; Reasonable Prices. Frame- furnished if desired. pm i m aw mm i am m w . m - m u . i i . . v Our It' ritur,i.t if . .1 . i j j . rtuy one sending sketch and dcwnptiun of any invention will proini.tly receive our opinion free concerning l ie piileutabihty of name, "How lo Obtain S l atent sent upon request, ratrutu secured throKh Us advertised for snlc nt our expens, lateuts taken out throuch us receivecurctal notice, without charge, in fun Patbnt Record. 21 ill.ust.rB,cd "d wMely circulated Journal, consulted by Mutiufacturers nnd Investors. beud for sample cupy f REE. Address, VICTOR si. EVANS & CO, (Patent Attorneys,) Cyan Building, WASMiNOTON. f. O. The Tacific Homestead is the best farmers' paper published on the Pacific coast. If you are not al ready a subscriber call at this office nnd get our clubbing offer. "Best tiling yet.