Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 13, 1900, Image 3

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About This
In addressing Mrs,
Plnkham you are com
municating with
M Woman
A woman whoso expe
rience In treating female
Ills Is greater than that
of any living person, male
or female.
She has fifty thousand
such testimonial letters
as wo are constantly pub
lishing showing that Lyd.
E, Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound Is dallv re
lieving hundreds of suf- J
faring women, j
Every woman , knows
somo woman Mrs, Pink
ham has restored to
11198 MILTON.
Mrs. Plnkham makes
no statements sho cannot '
prove. Her advice Is !
fMA. Lvdlai B. Plnkham
rwat Med. Co., Lynn. Mass.
Two Old Growlers.
The One Now, you know well
enough all women are artificial. They
are never natural.
The Other But you must remember
that it is natural for them to J be artifi
cial, so your assertion does not hold.
Indianapolis Press.
Try Allen' Foot. Knae,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your feet feel Mvollen, nervous?
and hot, and get tired easily. If you have
f martins feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It cools the feet uiid makes
walking easy. Cures ingrowing naiis.
swoolen and' seating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves eoms and bunions
of all pain and (fives rest and comfort. We
have 30,000 testimonial. Try it today.
Sold bv all druggists and shoe dealers for
25c. Trial package FKKK. Address Allen
8. Olmstead, Lelioy, N. Y.
The most northerly city in the world
is Reykjavik, Iceland, which has 8,900
In the Tussle Between Them ih T.t.
ter Got the Worst of It.
Miss Millie Milton Is probably the
only woman who can tell how it feels
to be carried In the arms of a cyclone.
When the recent tor
n a d o passed over
Denlson, Texas, it
picked up the girl
and carried her a
quarter of a mile and
gently set her down
In an orchard, in the
midst of Btorm deb
ris. She was with
out a scratch. Many
persons were injured,
and the storm that had carried her to"
safety brought destruction to men and
women throughout the town.
After the tornado had passed Miss
Milton was picked up by some neigh
bors in an apparently lifeless condi
tion. Her body was limp and flaccid,
her respiration was labored, her pulse
was slow. Medical assistance was im
mediately procured, and, although re
storatives were applied, they availed
nothing. Three days after her experi
ence she began to regain her senses.
Miss Milton says that her sensations
while sailing through the air were
pleasurable rather than otherwise.
When Miss Milton was first found an
examination made by a physician fail
ed to show a bruise or scratch on the
entire body. She showed all the symp
toms, he states, of a nervous shock, and
it la ltl!ttd by iuuii.v iliiit lin8 I'oiiui-
tlon was superinduced by the electrical
. I xl .1 1.1.1- L ll. I
l uneuis iu Lue air, wuicu st'ui lueir
surplus of electromotive force Into and
through her body. This theory seems
in line with the generally accepted idea
No other aid so great to the housewife,
no other agent so useful and certain in
making delicious, pure and wholesome
foods, has ever been devised.
There are imitation baking powders, sold cheap, by
many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison
ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health
Aa Interview With at Well Knows Ctl
A well-known oil expert has the fol
lowing to gay about the California oil
The oil production of California is
now about 4,500,000 bairels annually.
This output is being increased very
materially each month by the product
of the new wells drilled to oil in the
different districts.
The qnehtion most frequently a skid
me, especially by capitalists and those
interested or likely to be interested iu
oil investments is: "Is there not a
possibility of overproduction of oil iu
There are two main belts extendiug
through the atate, located on the east
ern and western shores of ancient, pre
historic seas. One of these produces a
black and essentially fuel oil, and thu
other a green or gas oil.
The black or heavy oil makes an
ideal fuel, as has been proven by 20
vcais of experience in Russia and iu
this count) y.
In using oil as a fuel it is necessary
to exercise considerable judgment, and
to know what kind of oil as well as
what kind of a burner to use.
The two oils, the black and the
green, lie almost in two parallel belts
in California extending on the west
side of the San Joaquin valley and run
ning north and south' into northern and
soul hern California. There is likewise
a similar condition on the east side ot
the San Joaquin more or less in evi
dence as is shown by the ontcroppiugs
and geological formation. The east
side of the valley, however, has not yet
been prospected for oil as has the west
side, where developments have already
been, and where by far the largest
amount of the oil output of California
is at present obtained.
It is true that many far-seoing capi
talists have entered into the oil busi
ness and have reaped rich financial re
turns already, others have been too
conservative and are losing opportuni
ties which are fast being taken up by
Eastern capitalists, who arejapidly ap
preciating the chance California gives
for investments.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell anil completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous siir.
faces. Such articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as thedxniage they will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manutitctured by F. J.
Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O., contains mjmercurv,
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney fc Co. Test
uonials free.
Bold by Druggists, price 7.ric. per bottle.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
When aphides attack trees the best
remedy is strong soapsuds made of
whale oil soap. Strong tobacco water
is aslo said to be excellent. The use of
kerosene emulsion is a sure remedy,
but it should be sprayed on the trees,
eo as to saturate all the branches, twigs
and leaves. In winter painting of the
trunks and limbs with crude petrol
eum has given excellent results.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See FaoSlmlle Wrapper Below.
Tary small and aa easy
to take as angar.
I oanviini must tutn stcwuet. .
JcSfitt I Purely YeffetMevfe
Best Cough byrup. Tastes Good. Cse
in lime. rom ny anisiri.
that tornadoes owe their setrength and
being to electrical currents, and Is
borne out apparently by the length of
ber unconsciousness, and the fact of
her being without a bruise or scratch
seems to be still further proof.
i Personality.
j Much is said about the supreme need
of personalities in our day, instead of
abstractions, theories and inanimate
scholarship. It is even hinted that
theological study is of secondary im
portance, the personal factor being the
essence in the preacher. But the im
perative demand of. .the age in enlight
ened personalities embodying the re
sults of past achievements and the best
thought and scholarship of the present.
i We need profound thought and rich
, learning sanctified into personality.
Hotmletic Reivew.
Uncle Satn lines the bet of everything:
Uncle Sam uses Carter's Ink. He knows.
Japanese Wit.
Oriental wit of a kind to be better
appreciated than enjoyed in France is
credited to the members of a Japanese
embassy once sent to Farls to arrange
for three free ports to be opened in
Japan and France respectively. The
French officials after long deliberation
announced that they would be content
with the opening of Yokohama, Yeddo,
and Han-Yang. The Japanese listen
ed gravely, and, after they had deliber
ated In turn, nald they wanted Havre,
Marseilles, and Southampton. There
upon the Frenchman Indulged in su
perior smiles, and called attention to
the fact that Southampton was In En
gland. "Yes," replied the Eastern
diplomats, maintaining the utmost
gravity, "and Han-Yang is in Corea."
This story, which Is said to be so old
as to be new, has been revived in con
nection with the visit of the Japanese
Ambassadors to the Paris exposition,
and it Is supposed in England to worry
the Frenchmen a lot. New York
A Great Glacier.
The largest glacier In Europe is the
Josledaisbroe, in Norway. With its
numerous ramifications it covers an
area of 350 square miles, just half as
big again as the county of Middlesex.
This enormous field of ice wends its
branches down the valleys in all direc
tions, often coming into close proxim
ity to the cornfields. One of the most
accessible of its branches is the Brigs
dalbroe. From a distance its effect is
extremely grand, surrounded as it is
with dark, bare ' mountains, fringed
with birch trees a perfect setting for
the mighty mass of snow and ice.
Life is made up, not of great sacri
fices or duties, but of little things in
which smiles and kindnesses and small
obligations, given habitually, are what
win and preserve the heart. Sir
Humphrey Davy.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the. best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Street cars in Germany have con
spicuously displayed the number of
passengers which they are permitted
to carry. When the stated nnmber is
on the car, no other passenger will be
permitted to enter.
Terrible Ravages of Opium Trade.
The terrible ravages of the opium
trade in , China are indicated by the
number of sucides. Iu Yunnan prov
ince there are on an average of 1,000
attempted opium suicides per month.
The average for the whole of China
is not If ss than 000,000 per year. Dr.
William Park says theie are over 800,
000, and that the number of deaths
from opium poisoning is not less than
200,000 a vear.
Menlo Park, Sail Mateo County, Cal.,
with its new buildings, newly furnished
and complete laboratories, beautiful sur
roundings and home influences, is one of
the best equipped schools ior the training
of boys and young men on the coast. It
is in charge of Dr. IraO. Hoitt and is ac
credited at the universities. Send for cat
alog, Tenth year begins August 6, 1900.
An epidemic of dyspepsia has attack
ed the silkworms in Italy and France.
Food disagrees with them, many of
them refuse to eat, and they are dying
by millions on the trees.
A Civil War Heroine.
A few days ago Miss Lizzie Vanlew,
who rendered such conspicuous services
to the federal cause duriug the civil
war, died at Richmond, Va. For the
aid she gave to General Grant the lat
ter when elected president made Miss
Vanlew postmistress of Richmond.
Miss Vanlew also cave substantial aid
to officers .who effected , their escape
from Libby prison just before the close
of the war. Chicago Record.
Journeymen plumbers in Halifax,
N. S., struck because they were refused
$2.25 a day.
World to KikI this Vear.
This is the recent. nleeisioirof One of the
prominent societies of the world, but the ex
act day has not yet been fixed upon, and
while there are very few people who be
lieve tli is prediction', there are thousands
of others who not only believe, but know
that Hosteller's Stomach Kilters is the best
medicine to cure dyspepsia, indigestion,
eonstipation, biliousness or liver and kid
ney troubles. A fair trial will certainly
convince you of its value.
Some dairymen have a measure and
give each cow the same quantity of
food. There can be no uniform ty in
the allowance of food. Home cows con
sume more than others, and cows that
are in full flow of milk require more
food than the non-producers. The only
rulq to follow is to give each animal as
much as it will eat up clean if it is a
We Are Direct Importers of
The Famous German Wood Preserver)
One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Price, 50 cents
per quart. Write for circulars and information
FISHER, THORSEN & CO., Portland, Oregon
A Corinthian Antique,
A marble block has just been un
earthed at Corinth, Greece, on which is
a mutilated inscription, only the equiv
alent Greek letters "agogehebr" being
left. It is supposed that these letters
are a portion of the two words, "Syna
goge Hebralon," which mean lu Eng
lish "Synagogue of Hebrews," and that
the stone may have been a part of the
very synagogue In which the Apostle
Paul, when in Corinth, "reasoned every
Sabbath and persuaded the Jews and
It will be interesting on Resurrec
tion morn to see If Gabriel has as much
trouble in getting everyone out of bed
as the mothers have always had.
A man may outgrow bis illusions,
but he nbver gets too old to avoid be
ing taken in by an occasional delusion.
A postal Sild routed to F. O. Box 41, Port) a ml,
Oregon, will bring you a ImndHome Ko-Nut
Cook Hook. Ko-NiU is the latest lard siil'Sli.
tute; and purer, cheaper and more economical.
For Sale by all Grocers.
Always has a McCORMICK.
.. Best On Earth...
Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls
on the long: spokes when doing- the hardest
work, which is compressing- the bundle, ty
ing the knot and discharging the bundle.
We guarantee a gain of power of 16 2-3
per cent at this time.
Call on the Agent, or address A. H. Boy-
! Ian, General Agent, 321 Hawthorne Ave.,
Portland, Or., for Catalogue.
i JOHN POOLE, Portland, Omtoow.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers. Units, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is uti-
Force Feed Elevator, warranted
to waste less grain than any other.
Send for Catalogue.
First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon
Branches: Salem, McMinnville,
La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spokane.
Can find quick and permanent relief
fur serious and strength destroying
troubles in
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thonxanris bare impel it and thotinand
now prslke it. It cures permanently. SI
per buttle at your di tigg-lst's.
Biilldlnt- or remodellni residence, and I LJCL IUU aPlUU
Building or remodeling residences and
stores. We carry a complete line of Mantels,
Grates and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tile Wain
scoting. Andirons, Fenders, Hcreciis, Klectrlc,
(ins and Combination Chandeliers, and all sup
plies pertaining to Klecirlc and Gas Lighting.
We also carry all kinds of Iiaiterie, Hells and
Indicators. Photographs cheerfully sent on
application, fkank iiokohii o.
845 Vf asblufteu ot., Portland, Or.
That If you write us your name and address, we
will aeud yon a photograph and mil description nl
I what you will perceive lu hn the fluent, mom eco
; mimical and pleafutnlly KervlceRhle Are grate ever
i known, it In entirely new. has a new system of
draughts, burn a purs whin, Heme, no mnok. In
; ths room, but all the heal lu th room Inntcml ol
'. up the chimney. If you write us for IntoruiHilon
you'll be glad of It. TIIK JOHN HAItltKTT
CO., 91 First street, fortland, Oregou,
ITCHING l'lloa produce inolture anacaiiau lu lling.
Till, form, sa well s. Illlnd, lllecillng or l'roiruilliig
iiy Dr.Boaanko'a Pile Remedy.
Hlojn Itchlnu and bleeding. Almorhs tumor, flue a
srstdrmn- or sent by mnll. Trentliefrea. 'Writ
ma sbout yuur csao. Kit. ItOaANKO, 1'b lada, Pa,
M,"Xl'V Ou.r.DiM4 II
ff. J boi t. .irlnt.r.
i rrF.wot. Couuvle
'm llbj for unustursl
Mrrltatlous or ulcerations
1of niuooUs nieiiibrsrifta.
J'aliiUs. snd not aatrlu.
EEv.iSOHtMinlCo. g""'r polaonous.
U.S. a, 1 " in piuin wrapper,
aZ'tSJ I P". Prepahl, for
5?n fl m. r 3 tallies. 75.
i irctilur sent im regno. t.
N. V. ti. V.
No. Ufl -IKOO.
HKN writing to acUertUr pleai
lofauuo inn paper