Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 25, 1900, Image 1

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Volume VIII.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, May 25, 1900.
Number 12.
George A. Houck, the well
known goat breeder and dealer, is
in Lincoln county this week talk
ing goats. As well be seen by a
notice in another column, Mr.
Houck will have an auction sale of
goats at his ranch near Monroe on
June 12. Our ranchers who want
a start in this valuable iudustry
might club together and send one
of their number out there to make
the purchases. By so doing the
cost of getting the animals into
Lincoln county would be but very
little per head. Lincoln county
needs goats 250,000, Mr. Houck
says ami here is a chance to
secure a few.
The Ladies Aid society met with
. Mrs. C. F. Soule Tuesday afternoon
and elected the following officers
for the ensuing six months: Mrs..C.
F. Soule, president; Mrs. G. R.
Schenck, vice president; Mrs. G. A.
Landreth, secretary; Mrs. J. Mc
Neil, treasurer. Adjourned to meet
with Mrs. F. M. Wadsworth, Tues
day, June 5. earnest request
is made to all members to be there,
as the society wishes to order ma
terial for the fajnjjBoats will be at
the landing prJfcJptlyaf 1:30 p. ra. to
convey all members across the bay.
Mrs. Mary King, mother of Mrs.
C. B. Crosno, accompanied by her
son, C. B. King, and the latter's
wife, all of Spokane, Wash., ar
'V ed last Saturday evening on a
vi.Mt. They are now enjoying an
outing at Otter Rock, in company
with Mr. Crosno and family, Mr
and Mrs. Stone Wells and Fred
Stanton. t , '
Mrs. C. E. Hawkius returned
Tuesday evening from Leadville,
Colo., where she has been attend
ing a meeting of the board of man
agers of the Women of Woodcraft.
She was accompanied by her daugh
ters, who visited at Pendleton dur
ing her absence.
Mrs. ' Moses Gregson is eagerly
looking forward to the arrival ofj
her sister, Mrs. Eva Shakspeare,
from Liverpool, England, who will
probably make her future home
with her. The sisters have been
separated for forty years.
J. H. Penn of Yaquina went
through Monday morning on his
way to Astoria to attend the session
of the grand encampment I. O. O.
F. He goes as a delegate fioui
4 Lincoln encampment No. 37.
Mrs. Thomas Ferr and daughters
Hattie and Rena and Miss Bessie
King of Oyster City were Toledo
visitors last Friday afternoon. and
favored The Leader with a pleas
ant call.
Frank Carson of Fort Simcoe,
Wash., one of The Leader's con
stant readers, arrived Monday for a
visit with relatives and friends at
Frank Priest of Newport passed
'ont to the Little Klk country Mon
. day morning, on business connected
with the George S. Coe lands.
Just arrived. direct from New
York, a new stock of those out-of-K0r
. sight bonnets for ladies and misses
at Conrbyi Son & Co.'s. .
D. J. Derby, the well-known
'. -authority ou gardening , and fruit
culture,, was in Toledo yesterday.
, t. ..Lugger & Pruett's shoes are up
g to date ifi price and style.
. 'See'jbV'A shirt waists
for 50c at
I. J. Pepin of Chitwood was in
the city Tuesday.
James Dixon of Elk City was a
Toledo visitor Tuesday.
For flour at car load rates go to
Conroy, Son & Co , Toledo, Or.
George W. Davis of Salem was
in the city the fore part of the week.
Uncle Jimmy Hayes of Corvallis
had business in Toledo last Satur
day. For clothing, hats and caps of all
descriptions, call at Lugger & Pru
ett's. .
The most elegant line of trimmed
hats in the city at Mrs. G. E. Bau
mann's. -
For boots and shoes, hats and
cap at clearance prices go to Con
roy, Son & Co.
It will do you good to look thro'
the stock of new spring goods at
the Y. B. M. Co.'s store.
Stayton flour ' and and feed are
too well known to need praising.
You can get them at Blaser's.
Ladies, call and see . the latest
shapes in sailors before buying
elsewhere. Mrs. G. E. Baumann.
Martin Hanseu, watch tinker,
etc., departed yesterday morning
for California. "Hans" will be
From the lightest cotton to the
heaviest wool ladies' and gents'
underwear, you can always get
bargains at Lugger & Pruett's.
Our stock of clothing is complete
in every respect. We have an im
mense assortment to select from,
and our prices are always correct.
Y. B. M. Co,
Bring your-last year's hat to the
new millinery store .and, get it re
trimmed. Everything hew, no old
goods and all in the latest style. G.
R. Schenck & Co.
Postmaster. Arnold has, made
some changes in the postoffice that
add to its conveniences and serve
as a standing advertisement of his
skill with carpenter tools and things.
Misses . Sumner and Thompson,
teachers in the Toledo schools
went to Newport on the steamer
Richardson last Friday evening, re
turning on the train Monday morning-
Dudly Perkins departed Wednes
day morning for Grants Pass. He
expects to locate in California soon,
the change being considered nec
essary on account of sickness in
his family. Mr. Perkins is a gcod
citizen and has many friends to re
gret his departure.
The Ladies Aid society will serve
ice cream, cake and lemonade dur
ing the afternoon and evening.of
election day, June 4, 1900. Com
mittees: General Arrangements
Mesdames Stewart, Schenck and
Brumfield; solicting Misses Mae
Lewis and OUie Brumfield; tables
undtlishes Messrs. Stewart, Beth
ers and Brown; hall Mrs. Brum
field; cream Mesdames Collins,
Holm and Kubler; lemonade Mes-.
dames Gannon and Bethers; freezer
Mrs. Stewart; cutting cake
Mesdames Landis and Dedrick; ice
Mesdames Vincent and Fish;
dishing ice cream Mesdames
Brown, Wadsworth, Miss Lillie
Brown; tickets Mesdames McNeil
and Landreth; waiters--Misses Mae
Lewis,.- Ollie Brumfield, Bertha
Huffman, Ida Ciawford, Mamie
Wakefield, Daisy Pattison, Effie
Crosno, Eva Rader. Ice cream and
cake, 10 cents. Place will be given
next week. Everybody invited.
Memorial Day.
Memorial services will be held in
Toledo on May 30, 1900.
A decorating committee from the
G. A. R., accompanied by the Re
lief Corps, weather permitting, will
proceed to the cemetery from in
front of. T. P. Fish's at 8 o'clock
a. m., and will remember our de
parted by strewing flowers on their
last resting places.-
Afternoon services will begin at
3 o'clock. Column, will form at
1:30 and march to Thiel hall, where
B. F. Swope' will deliver the ora
tion. Visiting comrades, sons and
daughters of veterans, the Toledo
schools and civic societies are in
vited tp join in the march to the
hall. Ah? Lincoln Pest sr.d tuc
Relief Corps are requested to meet
in front of T. P. Fish's on Memo
rial Sunday at 10:30 a. m.. and
proceed to the M. El-'church to at
tend the services to be conducted
by Rev. C. M. Brown.
Grand Republican Rally.
Friday, June, i, 1900, at 8 p. m.,-
at Toledo, in the courthouse. Free
excursion boat from Newport aud
way points. There will be a
splendid musical program arranged,
and the latest campaign songs will
be sung. Speakers of state reputa
tion will be here to address the
people on the political issues of the
day. Come one, come all, and have
a glorious evening. Ladies espec
ially invited to come out.
Alder Lodge, the pretty home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Penn of Ya
quuia, was me scene ot. a very en
joyable social event last Saturday'
evening in honor of the birthdays
of the hostess and Mrs. G. R.
Schenck of Toledo. The rooms
were beautifully decorated with
flowers, ferns and the always appro
priate and lovely national colors.
Vocal and instrumental music and
jolly conversation caused the time
to pass rapidly as it always does
at the Penn home and there was
the customary accompaniment of
refreshments, prepared by the host
ess herself, who has no superior in
the culinary art. Mrs. Penn was
therecipieut of a handsome four
piece silver tea set, each guest
being represented in the gift. She
also received other beautiful re
minders of the occasion, one being
from her daughter Miss Clair, now
visiting at Chicago. It is proper
to remark here that there was not,
apparently, a younger person than
the hostess present, although the
occasion marked her three-score
years. Those present were: Mr.
and' Mrs. Williani Toner, Masters
Alfred and - Claude Toner, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Blaser, Miss Jennie Blaser,
Mr. Fred VValch," Miss Hazel
vValch, all of aquiua; Mr. and
Mrs. G.' R'. Schenck, Miss Daisy
Pattison, Mr. and Mrs.C. F. Soule,
of Toledo. Others had been honored
with invitations to the pleasant
event, but the arrival ahead of time
of "the evening train and other ob
stacles upset their calculations. It
was at a late hour when the Ya
quina guests dispersed to their
homes, leaving behind the usual
shower of congratulations and good
wishes The Toledo guests en
joyed the hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. Penn until Monday morning.
1 m , t
Ladies, don't forget that yoir
last summer's hat can be made to
look like new by having it re
trimmed at Mrs. G,'E. Baumann's.
Joseph Blower, was up on busi
ness yesterday.
Do you want a new harness?
See G. R. Schenck & Co.
Attorney J. R. Wyatt of Albany
spent Sunday at the seashore.
J. H. Doty of West Yaquina had
business in Toledo Wednesday.
Mrs. T. P. Fish has a new stock
of dress goods. Call and examine.
Will Ford and family moved
down to Newport the fore part of
the week.
Agent Buford and L. D. Wood
were over from Siletz Monday on
Ladies, have you seeu the beauti
ful new sashed sailors at Mrs. O. R.
County Commissioner Wakefield
of Waldport was a county seat vis
itor Wednesday.
George A. Landreth is agent for
the famous Edison phonograph.
Prices from $7.50 up.
Ed Norton of Yaqnina, union
candidate for assessor, mingled with
Toledo friends Tuesday.
Daniel Grady lost a valuable cow
Tuesday evening, presumbly from
eating some poisonous plant.
uon i iorget to look over our
beautiful line of men's and boys
hats and caps. Y. B. M. Co.
Mrs. M. M. Davis and son Bush
passed through from Yaquina to
their Corvallis bomdyJlWi
Ladies, we have a riew"lbt of
trimmed hats. Get one for Deco
ration day. G. R. Schenck & Co.
The farm home isn't complete
without the Pacific Homestead. If
you want a good offer, let us know
Ladies, buy Defiance baking pow
der absolutely pure and get a
handsome prize with each can, at
tt.nor.uer lot or new goods in
plaids; also prints and ginghams
for ladies' shirt-waists, at Lugger
& Pruett's.
Our grocery and crockery de
phrtment is extensive, always fully
assorted. Call and get our prices.
Y. B. M. Co.
Renew your old sailor by having
it cleaned and one of those elegant
sashes put on. All colors at Mrs.
G. E. Baumann's.
William Buoy, local agent of the
C. & E., ranchman, hareman, etc.,
has added a pair of kids to his stock
of quadrupeds and expects to raise
a large crop of kid gloves.
A large number of Toledo people
were in Newport last Friday hunt
ing water agates and listening to
the political speaches. Some of
them reached Newport under diffi
culties, but report a good time.
"It is with a good deal of pleasure
and satisfaction that I recommend
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy," says Druggist
A. W. Sawtelle, of Hartford, Conn.
"A lady customer, seeing the rem
edy exposed for sale on my show
case, said to me: 'I really believe
that medicine saved my life the past
summer while at the shore,' and she
became so enthusisastic over its
merits that I at once made up my
mind to recommend it in the future.
Recently a gentleman came into my
store so overcome with colic pains
that he sank at once to the floor. I
gave him a dose of this remedy
which helped him. I repeated the
dose and in fifteen minutes he left
my store smilingly informing me
that he felt as well as ever." Sold
by O. O. Krogstad, druggist.
Work of the Farmers.
Following is the program of the Farm
er! Association, which meets at tho-
Courthouse in Toledo, May 28, 1900, at
2 o'clock p. m. :
Importance of Farmers Organizing.
Hans Olson
Cultivating Tide-Lands. ...J. F. Stewart
lsee Culture Jaa. McDonald
Cultivating Hill Land. ..J. M. K. Butler
t are ol the Uow 1 . 31. WadPworth
Gardening D.J. Derby
A full attendance is desired.
Gvs Forhhkll, ) .
Jab. McDonald, f Committee.
At tho Vincent: W. N. Jones, B.
Jacobs, J. S. Meek, J. P. Toft, C. A.
Burbank, Portland ; C. D. Jessup, J. K.
Harris, J. D. Sutherland, Geo. W.
Davis, Salem ; J. J. Nye, Earl Nye
Frank Nye, Newport; Lester Waugh,
Cape Foul weather; Joshley Brown, T.
Buford, Chetco Ben, L. D. Wood, Mrs.
David John, II. C. Calahan, T. Hollis,
Oscar Wood, Scott Lane, Mr. ahd Mrs.
Wm. Metcalf, Sileti ; Mr, and Mrs. S,
J-Stewart. John Flinn. Drift Creek;
Capt. Wakefield, Josiah Gideon, Wald
port ; Wm. Simpson, J. Dixon, Elk City ;
W. L. Daniels, Big Elk ; J. H. Doty, R.
A. Stratford, Yaquina; Geo. A. Houck.
Eugene; O. H. Bony and family, Grand
Forks, Minn. ; P. W. Carson, Ft. Sim
coe, Wash.; A. t. Ulackeruy, hilverton ;
Elmo Davis, Salado; A. D. Barker, Al
bany ; J iimes Hays, CorvalliB J Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Copeland, South Beach.
Notice is hereby given that all pereona
who hold warrants against the city of
Toledo are requested to present to the
Recorder, on or before June 8, 1900, the
number, amount and date of each and
all of said warrants issued prior to No
vember 1. mm. - B. F. Swope,
City Recorder.
( If troubled with rheumatism,
give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a
trial. It will not cost you a cent if
it does no good,, One application
will relieve the pain. It also cures
sprains and bruises in one-third the
time required by any other treat
ment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, ouin
sey, pains in the side and chest,
glandular and other swellings are
quickly cured by applying it. Every
bottle warrauted. Price, 25 and 50
cts. O.O.Krogstad, druggist. 6 m,
I will sell at my ranch near Mon
roe, Oregon, on June -ith, to the
highest bidder, 675 ' goats in
bunches of 20 to 50. These goats
are 250 yearling nannies, 175 differ
ent ages, 250 wethers, 1 to 5 years.
Some bunches will be all nannies,
some all wethers) and others half
and half. All lots will be separated
before bidding begins. Sale tobe
gin at 10 a. m. Terms, cash.
George A. HoufcK.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you
used Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have proved
their matchless merit for Sick and
Nervous Headaches. They make
Dure blood and build up your
health. Only 25c. Money back if
not cured. Sold by O. O. Krog
stad, druggist.
A marriage license was issued yester
day to It. S. Casteel and Susan May
Molver, both of Lincoln county. Tun
Lkadkk hastens to congratulate. "Dick"
has often before proven his skill as a
deer hunter.
Mrs. R. A. Arnold departed Monday
for Astoria as a representative of the
local Rebekahs at the session of tho
grand lodge.
R. Neversand Miss Mumie .Wakefield
went down to Newport last night for a
visit with relatives and friends,
0. 0. Krogstad is at Astoria this week
as a delegate to the grand lodge of
Odd Fellows.
Miss Mabel Davis passed through from
Corvallis Tuesday evening for a visit at -Yaquina.
John Matthews of New port was a
passenger out this morning.
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