s.' mcmn Toledo, Lincoln Comity, Oregon, Friday, March 9, 1900. Number 1. '- .i'j 1 I I A V r- j 1 J 1 ,1. . ' t . i iE3 heau . Saturday Agent; Bui noon, beit -v. v .st Friday ... George ion, Iowa, . ur of the ;ist of their er to Siletz , le guests of iunday after- pleased with I yes that part ofthe county and their entertainment while there. They ' ocean beach Tuesday and departed next morning for Al bany, going thence to various Cali fornia points. Mr. Crane is an old Rock1 Island railroad engineer, but is suffering to some extent from in - juries received in a wreck, and mav . decide to locate on the coast possi bly in this county which he may visit' again before returning to his norae la the cyclone state. Walter Ben was ud before t'ue yir urt tft Siletz. Tuesday, charged with lafcency from Larkey Logan's store. He pleaded guilty and Sheriff Ross brought him to Toledo ; to appear before Justice Krogstad. Ben charged his mind after reach ing Toledo and said he was inno cent. Several . witnesses were ex amined; with. "the result that Ben was placed under $100 bonds to , appear at the next term ot circuit Jtourt, Charlie Depoe and David '.John furnishing the bond. the annual sr-bnnt olat YTf;?Il Monday C; B, Cfcsno was re- ' k .i-8 director and d E. Haw kins as clerk." The board was au thorized to bond the district in the f " ; sum of $2000 at 5 per cent interest, the same to be applied on the in ,( ' debtedness of the disttict. The Toledo band is rapidly get ting into shape for the next Fourth of July celebration. Its practice last Friday night was a revelation, , ' the entire populace being spell . bound while the sweet strains floated over the city. Let the good . work go, on. Presiding Elder T. B. Ford ar rived last Friday evening and con ducted the second quarterly con ference, going to Siletz next day, ; He returned to Toledo Sunday and conducted service in the evening. On account of, the storm the "t ' Ladies. Aid society did not meet with Wrs. H. E. Collins Tuesday j, afternoon, but will meet with her ; next Tuesday if the weather , . permits, t .. ' ' ' i; . Lester .Waugh and family re . moved to their Cape Foulweather ranch the fore part of the week, to remain during the , spring and . summer. Ed Meaker, the Yaquina meat ' . man, was upon business Monday. 1 He stated that he was herebyper i mission of the leader of the Toledo band. ' ' , Andy Gallagher ot Beaver creek, j' Was up Tuesday paying his taxes "-.and having a pleasant Hme gen i . erally. . 1 :, . Rev. E. H. Bryant came 'over - 7 frora Siletz with Elder Ford Sunday afternoon, returning Monday mom Superintendent Bert R. Betz was over from Siletz Wednesday as a witness in the Ben larceny case. i f,7Jrge L. Boone and son Al of were up on business Mon- . v always save money by Lugger & Pruetti . For the celebrated Red Star Flour go to J. Blaser. For bargains of all kinds go to Conroy, Son & Co. Ladies, call and see the lovely new dress patterns at Lugger & Pruett's. Miss Janie Megginson of Ya quina Head, was a Toledo visitor Wednesday. Postal Clerk J. H. Penn returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Portland. S. G. Irvin of Newport returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to the valley. Attorney B. F. Jones departed Monday morning on another busi ness trip to the valley. Deputy Fish Commissioner Kd Baldwin of Waldport was greeting Toledo friends Wednesday. Mrs. Stone Wells left last Satur. day morning for a visit with rel atives and friends in the valley. Mrs. M. L. Trapp and son Harry departed last Saturday morning for a visit at the ranch near Chitwood. Harry Fant of South Beach was up on business Monday, accom panied by Sea Lion Charlie, of Newport. Mrs. DaNy Hosford came -over Tuesday from Siletz, where she had been teaching, and departed next morning for Independence, the home of her mother. Misses Ethel and Olive Boone passed down to their home at Mill 4 Saturday evening from Salado and Nortons, respectively, where they have conducted successful terms of school. .. Roy Bryant and Johnny Brown came over from Siletz last Saturday morning. The latter returned in the afternoon, piloting Presiding Elder Ford to the Agency. Roy remained until Monday, the guest of Francis Jones. Out in the Willamette they are now talking potato starch factory. The idea has some friends in this Yaquina bay country, but the fever is of a mild type. The same may be said of the fruit and vegetable cannery idea. William.' Wakefield the hand some and popular swell of Little Elk, arrived Tuesday evening and has been having the usual good time with Toledo friends. Among the truthful narratives related by Mr. Wakefield during his present visit is the following: "I have," said Mr. Wakefield, "a warm frieud who resides at a place known as Cowslip Swamp, in Minnesota. One day my friend went to St. Paul,' and there saw displayed at a meat dealer's some frogs. The proprietor of the place told him that frogs were a favorite dish with the French residents of that city, who paid $1.50 per dozen for them. My,frind informed the dealer that frogs were plentiful on his place and at -once, struck a bargain to supply him with all he could get at $1 per dozen, promising to bring a wagon load on his next trip to St. Paul. Some time' afterward the dealer met my friend on the street and asked him what had become ot the frogs which he had promised him. The . man from Cowslip Swamp replied: 'I've brought you four. Say, those frogs arejust like populists. You'd " think from the noise they make there was a million of . 'em! '. Mr. Wakefield carries an affidavit in support of this interest ing little narrative. ' ' . Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, Toledo, Or., March 5, 1000. The Common Council met in reg ular session. Present Mayor H. W. Vincent, Aldermen J. Ofste dahl, E. F. Gaar, A. T. Peterson, F. T. Tillotson, C. C. Kubler; ab sent, J. F. Stewart. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Report of committee on fire and police as to salary of city marshal read. Moved that said report be amended to read "that the city marshal shall receive a salary of $15 for the month of March, 1900, and that the salary he shall thereafter, receive per month shall thereafter be determined by the city council, and that the report as thus amended be adopted." Carried. Report of committee on streets read in regard to the claim of Val entine Thiel , for damages on account of dirt washing in and upon the lawn of the Hotel Vin cent, said report being adverse to allowing any damage at allv, ; On motion report was adopted: j On motion the rules were sus pended and the claim of C, II. Young for $15 as salary for Febru ary, 1900, and that of P. Mvers for $5 for work on treasurer's books were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same, :- On motion other claims read by the recorder were referred to the committee on claims. On motion the resignation of J. F. Stewart as city alderman was accepted. On motion the city recorder was ordered to investigate and ascertain the amount due on the note of George Bethers in favor of the city of Toledo and the condition of the same. Pursuant to order of city council at its last meeting, directing the re corder to write to nil parties known to be holding warrants against the city of Toledo and ascertain the number and amount of said war rants, letters were received and read by the recorder from the follow ing: Chas. F. Blyth, Morris & Whitehead and J. W; Cru Ihers & Co., all of Portland, Oregon. On motion said letters were filed for future reference. Nominations to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alder man Stewart were declared in order. Alderman Gaar nominated William Alexander. There being no other nominations, Mr., Alexander was elected by acclamation to fill the unexpired term of Alderman Stewart. On motion the city recorder was ordered to notify all persons whose assessments are delinquent and for whom the city has advanced the money for the payment of street and grading improvements to pay the same over to the city recorder. The petition of J. H. McNeil in regard to vacating and setting aside the sale of lot 6 in block 6 for alleged delinquent street assess ments was read by the recorder. On motion the petition was referred to the committee on streets for in vestigation and such other steps as may be necessary in the premises. On motion council adjourned. ; r B. F. Swortf, City Recorder. . Dr. Thayer was summoned to Newport Wednesday' night to con sult with Dr. Warren . The patient, J. A. Grimes, is said. to be a very sick mao . ' . F. C. Huffman of Elk City was down on business Monday. Spring goods are constantly ar riving at Lugger & Pruett's. Vic Boone of Mill 4 was smiling at the young ladies of Toledo last Saturday. ' James Dixon of Elk City had business in the county ' seat last Saturday. For amunition at 20 per cent, below all competitors go to Conroy, Son & Co. County Judge Stewart went to Corvallis Wednesday to feel of the cow market Brother Matthews of the New port News visited Toledo Saturday and Tuesday. Fred ChsTsbcrs luu uc cuiaiue at the life-saving station, spent Sat urday in Toledo. Agent Buford came over from Siletz last Friday, remaining until Saturday afternoon. George A. Landreth is agent for the famous Edison phonograph. Prices from $7.56 up. Uncle Johnny Nye was in town last Saturday mingling with his Grand Army comrades. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Baumann returned last Friday evening from a week's visit at Portland.' Lugger & Pruett can't be beat in low prices of clothing and shoes. Give them a trial and be convinced. Charlie Loomis, the popular young Newport merchant, returned last Saturday from a visit with his brother in southern Oregon. With this number Tub Leader begins its ' eighth -ear. After the present rush ' occasioned by extra work is over, we shall proceed to make improvements that will be appreciated by our readers. Henry Scott and James Breen of Chandler, Oregon, and Albert Sijota of Kernville, Oregon, will find their final proof notice in this num ber. Paer A. Miller will make final proof before County Clerk Lutz on the 16th inst, James Wil son on April 4, and Robert Hayes of Sugarloaf will appear before the register and receiver of the land office at Oregon City for the same purpose on April 26. . Remember the date. An article on dairying in the Ore gonian of the 6th inst. gives a list ot twenty patrons of the Albany creamery during the year 1899. Among this number is U. R. Forbes, a reader of The Leader, who from seven cows received dur ing the year $374.60 'or a little more than $53.50 per cow. Mr. Forbes did no better than some of the other patrons. The cow stands at the head of the class. Save your money and buy a cow. At the Vincent: T. Jay Buford, Larkcy Logan, Albert Martin, Alex Catfish, George Bensell, Ed Ben- sell, John F. Brown; David John and wife, Charley Kelsey, Walter Ben, J. G. Finley, Charlie Johnson Charlie Depoe, Bert R. Betz, Siletz; i-reci cuambers, I.U. linggs, New port; James Dixon. Chester Dixon, F. C. Huffman, Elk City; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Crane, Valleyjunc- tion, Iowa; C. F. Bloom, Chitwood; E. D. Young, Nortons; Lee Moor- house, Pendleton; E.J. Dunn, Cor vallis; E. H. Baldwin, Waldport; Miss Janie Megginson, Yaquina Head; Doc Wakefield,, Eddyville; A. S. Charles, Florence; N. Hol- gate, J. C. Barnes, Ltitjens; J, A. Upton, Lin villc, Or. Oregon Weather. Station : Toledo. , ) Month : February, 1000. f Mean temperature.!....... 43.7' Maximum temperature, 26th 63 Minimum temperature, 16th ...... 27 Mean of maximum temperature. . 52 Mean of minimum temperature. . . o6.4 Number times minimum tempera ture 32 or below "... 3 Number times minimum tempera ture 40 or below 28 Totnl precipitation, inches 5.95 Greatest precipitation in 24 consec utive hours 1.25 Total depth of unmelted snowfall, .none Prevailing direction of wind. . ..... s.w. Number of clear days (I Number of partlv cloudy days 13 . Number of cloudy days 0 Number of days on which .01 or moro precipitation fell 14 Number of days on which .04 or more precipitation fell 1 4 Pates on which hail fell ... ,6th and 14th Dates on which snow fell. ........ .none Dates of thunder storms none Dates of lipht frost. ...... 15th and 16th Dates of killing or injurious frost... none nmpv The rr.'.nfr.!! for the p;it month was less than usual; also less .. frosty weather than a year ago. Every . indication shows that spring has come." Farm work has commenced on the up land, o. o. krqgstad; . Voluntary Observer..-; - --. ... Call for County Warrants. : Notice is hereby given that J riave funds on hand to pay all county war rants drawn on the general fund and -endorsed "not paid for want of funds," up to. and including April 121897-' Interest on said warrants "censes from this date. J. L. HYDE . Treasurer of Lincoln County, Oregon."" Dated at Toledo, Or., March 9, 1900. . HEY, THEReTiIAY HERE! ' I have a fine lot of baled hay for sale at the, following prices: 1 ton," $ 8.00 i tons, .15.50 ' ' 3 tons, 23.00 4 tons, 30.00 . ' , . . .5 tons, 37.50';' 6 tons, 45.00 , ' 10 tons, -70.00 Larger amounts at 7.00 per ton. V Can furnish a lighter if necessary. - R. A. Stratford. Mrs. G. R. Schenck departed' yesterday morning on a. business trip to Portland. A communication from Glenn and items from Alsea are crowded ' out this week. , They will appear next week. Dr. Frazer, the dentist, has not yet returned from Eddyville. His next day "at home" will be an nounced next week. The local Woodmen will give a ball at Theil hall, commencing Friday evening and continuing un- , til St. Patrick's day in the morn ing. See bills later. Lost Gent's gold ring, set in bloodstone and pearls, latter run ning diagonally through the set. Return to " George A. Landreth, Toledo, Or., and receive suitable reward. ' Some of the , weather ' recently has been convincing proof that this is the month of March. It is V also March away back east, but there the regular thing is either a blizzard or a sandstorm. For Sale. My ranch, comprising 150 acres. ' one mile east of Yaquina, between Yaquina and Toledo, adjaDent to wagon road. Has comfortable dwellinghouse, two large barns- one new, 91x26 feet, 20-foot walls; good bearing orchard; 2 good springs near the house, plenty of living water for stock; 70 acers tide-land: ample meadow for 40 tons of hay; entire ranch under fence . and conveniently subdivided. This is one of the best stcck or dairy farms in Lincoln countv. " Terms made known on application. Or will lease for a term of years to energetic, responsible party. " K. A. Stratkord, Yaquina, Oregon.. . 1 . ' v. 1 , . 1 v. 1; 'A.: . 1 - M, . -