0 AGE OF RAILWAYS ciiPERIORITY OF THE AMERICAN ' SYSTEMS. K What Respects They Are Invalu able AW to the Life and Extension 0f commercial Activity Uaeil aa jlodcte by Other Countries. In making an address before the In ternational Commercial Congress re cently. George II. Daniels, General passenger Agent of the New York. Cen tral and Hudson Klver Railway and president of the American Association ((General Tasseuger Agents, said: One of our great writers has said of this closing period of the nineteenth century, that it is an age of transporta tion. Transportation underlies material prosperity In every department of com merce. Without transportation com merce would be Impossible. Those States and nations are rich, powerful and enlightened whose transportation facilities are best and most extended. The dying nations are those with little or no transportation facilities. Mr. Mulhall, the British statistician, in his work on "The Wealth of Na tions," said of the United States In 1695: "If we take a survey of mankind. In ancient or modern times, as regards the physical, mechanical and intellec tual force of nations, we Cud nothing to compare with the United States." Mr. Mulhall proved by his statistics that the working power of a single per son In the United States was twice that of a German or Frenchman, more than three times that of an Austrian and fire times that of an Italian. He said the United State's was then the richest country In the world, its wealth ex ceeding that of Great Britain by 35 percent, and added that in the history of the human race no nation ever be fore possessed forty-one millions of Instructed citizens. In an address before the New York rress Association, four years ago, I referred to the future of our export trnrfp. fls fnllnwn- "Onn nf Vio lnmlfn. I - ' ' - - V. t HIV till. ( 1 in We results of the war between Jnpan ind China will be the opening to the commerce of the world of fields here tofore unknown, perhaps the richest on the globe," and urged the members of the New York Press Association to do everything in their power to assist In securing to the United States a portion of the great eomjnerce to be developed between the western nations and those two old countries of the world. At that time we had no idea that a war between one of the old nations of the earth and our young republic would be fought; at that time we had no Idea that American manufacturers would be furnishing locomotives to the English railroads ns well as to those of nearly every other country on the globe. No one thought four years ago that Ameri can bridge builders would go into the open market and successfully compete 'or the building of a great steel bridge to Egypt; nor that In so brief a time American engineers would be building railroads into the Interior of China from her most Important sea-ports. At that time no one supposed that the Trans-SIlerIan Railway would be laid with steel rails made in Pennsyl vania, upon cross-ties from the forests of Oregon, and that its trains would be hauled by American locomotives: nor that this great railway which is to Hreteu from St. Petersburg to Vladi vostok and Port Arthur, a distance of Bore than 0,000 miles, would be com pleted two years in advance of the orig inal expectation, as a result of the use of American construction tools and machinery. In a letter from a friend In Toklo, Jnpan, written only a short time ago, were was this significant, sentence: lou will he interested In knowing that ' have hanging on the wall of my of a framed picture of your 'Empire state Express, and we expect in the "ear future to be hauling a Japanese Empire Express with an American lo comotive." They have now In Japan ""ore than one hundred locomotives hat were built In the United States, 'o Hussia they Have nearly one thou sand American locomotives, and prac tically every railway in Great Britain has ordered locomotives from this coun try since the begUinlng of the war with kpaln. But It is not alone our locomotives 'hat have attracted the attention of for e'gner9 who have visited our shores, Ur rallway equipment generally hns cmmaiided admiration and Is now re viving the highest compliment, name y. Imitation by many of our sister na "ons. prince Michael IIIlkofT, Imperial ulster of Railways of Russia, has, pee his visit to the United States a years ago, constructed a train on "wn the same lines as the "Limited gains' of the New York Central and lennsylvanin. SMOKELESS POWDER COSTLY. Ba" a Million Dollars' Worth Proved T) to He Worthless. Ahe Vnstlv Inrmnvcrl o-rnnnan nf H military establishment under the more 'entitle methods now employed is "aarply Illustrated In-the discovery t about half a million dollars' i"th of smokless powder for sencoast 8 turns out tn ho wnrthloaa throllorh unexpected deterioration In Its luallty. Military experts have suppos ed that thi nmAlrUin . 4. i . "' v owuer manurac. tared for the United States army Jt 1 he best ever made, says the New York ' 1 ost and a contract was not long ao S trued w il,.i. , h "bU : i i V" ",,un,u "e expend ture ? IT .OOWHMI for a sup lv of It ot Bandy Hook showed that the smoke less powder now on hand is worse than valueless A ten-inch gun was being fired with charges from a supply that had been stored for about two rati a and a delayed detonation occurred, which burst the gun, a new one, valued at $30,000. An examination of the powder revealed the fact that It had undergone chemical changes of some sort and all of the supply on hand is supposed to be equally affected. Ex perts will now try to discover the cause of the deterioration, so as to make th needed change in the formula. Mean while the contracts for manufacture must be suspended, and if a war should break out It might be necessary to use the old variety of black powder. Ap parently large charges to the profit and loss account must be allowed for in estimating the cost of keeping up with the times in warfare. One of the Michigan food inspectors who has been making a tour of the state, says that Michigan's pure food law is working admirably in diminish ing adulteration. He says that, of late years, great quantities of imitation fruit jellies have been sold; these are made of glucose and corn jelly, colored to resemble the desired fruit. In one town the inspector stopped the sale of imitation strawberry jam, which was made of corn jolly and glucose, flavored with strawberry extract, and further improved by the addition of hayseed. New Pas In Roc ky Mountains. After numerous hairbreadth escuiies a rnrty of explorers in the Ilockv Mountains Mumbled onto n new pass. In ft like initii lier, people who believed dyspepsia incur able aiv astonished to Mid that, llostetter's Komaeh Hitters used faithfully will make the digestion stronp. the bowels regular, the liver active. Try it.. An ordinance has been passed in West Palm Beach, Fla., forbidding fe males to enter saloons. The Philosophy or Dead Gamenei. "Now," said the man who had yearned for riches, "I will go forth to-1 day and risk once more. Success has attended all my ventures. I have $9, 090,000. If all goes well today I will be ten times a millionaire. Then I will risk no more. Then 1 will be con tent aud some one else may step into the place that 1 leave vacant." So he risked again and won the $10,000 that he thought he needed in his business; but the man who lost the money was not dead game. If he had been dead game he would have said nothing and hoped for better luck next time. There fore, lacking the qualities that make for gameness, he jumped npon the man who had won and thumped him so hard that he died on the way to the hospital. There is in the heart of every man who succeeds here below a soft spot for the dead game loser. Chicago Times-Herald. HOW'S TUISi OLDEST M 1H AMERICA rp..lia U Terrors of Many Winters by Using: IVruna. American sho9 manufacturers can undersell the local producer in South Africa. Mr. rare Ilawall is said to have more tele phones in use In proportion to the popu lation than any other locality In the world. A newspaper printed on the excur sion steamer Ophir published one num ber in 80 degrees 2 minutes north lati tude. It claims to be the paper pub lished farthest north of any on record. A series of experiments made by Benno Erdmann and Raymond Do.lge show that in normal reading the letvers are not spelled out separately, and one after the other, but that a short word of not more than four letters can be read off In less time than a single let ter. The Pike's Peak Tower Company pro poses to develop 3,200-horse-power for distribution for mines In the uelghbor hood of Cripple Creek, Colo. The source of the water supply is Beaver canyon, and a steel and rock dam will be built having a storage capacity of 130,000,000 cubic feet. On the principle of the sounding board, which repeats a sound at so short an Interval that the original aud the repeated waves Impress the ear in unison, a device called the polyphoue has recently been applied to the phono graph for the purpose of doubling the volume of sound Issuing from that in strument. A phonograph with the polyphone attachment has two horns, each provided with a diaphragm and stylus. Not only Is t'e sound made louder, but its quality is improved. Lake Superior appears to exercise a greater effect upon the annual amount of precipitation of rain aud snow near its shores than any other of the Great Lakes. The average precipitation In a year is about eight Inches greater on the southern than on the northern side of Lake Superior. Lakes Erie and On tario also show more precipitation on their southern than on their northern shores, but the difference Is only three Inches annually. In the case of Lakes Huron and Michigan, it Is the eastern shores as compared with the western which get the largest precipitation, but the difference Is not great. The distances over which birds mi grate vary between wide limits, and are often surprisingly great. The bo bolinks, which rear their young on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Canada, and go to Cuba and Porto llico to spend the winter, twice traverse a distance ex ceeding 2,800 miles, or more than a fifth of the circumference of our earth, erm year. The kingbird lays Its eggs as far north as the fifty-seventh degree of latitude, and is found in the winter in South America. The biennial pil grimages of the little redstart exceed three thousand miles and the tiny hum ming bird two thousand. Madame Ceraskl, of Moscow, has dis covered in the constellation Cygnus a star of between the eighth and ninth magnitude which undergoes wonderful variations In its light It belongs to the same type of variable stars as the celebrated Algol, but its variation is larger. Its period is four days thir teen hours and forty-five minutes. When at a minimum it is three magni tudes fainter than when at a maxi mum; In other words, It periodically loses and then regains so much light that at one time it is sixteen uuit- brighter than at another. In stars of this type the changes of light are sup posed to be caused by a dark body re volving around the star, and produc ing eclipses as It comes within our lino of sight When some people give parties, it la not so much to entertain their friends as for the satisfaction of not Inviting their enemies. There Is nothing so trying as a hard day's work once a week. If you work every day, you get used to It The real test of a good country la one where worthless men do welL My doctor said I would die, hut IMho's Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, Ins., Nov. 23, "J5. Lawrence county, in the Black Hills, claims the honor of producing a greater amount of gold ore in a day than any other country in the United States 4,650 tons, valued at $40,000. A red-hot poker was used by Harry Hale at Bellefontaine, Ohio, to open a whisky barrel. He pressed the poker into the bung, and the barrel exploded into a thousand pieces, causing fatal injuries to V.i. Hale. Fev. G. Hay Morgan, of Stamford England, is both a minister and a lawyer. Sponge fruit stains at once with cold water. We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard forartv case, of Catarrh that cau not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the past 15 venrs, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail bu&in ss transactions and fin ancial1 t able to cany out any obligations made by tuelr firm. West 4 Tut' as, Wholesalu Druurrlsts, Tole3o, 'J. . Waldiko, Kinnan & Marvin, I Vvnoleeaie Dfig- ists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1st. ken -n:-rnally, acting cMrccily on the blood and m cous surfaces thosystrm. Pri o Vf o per bo ile. Eoxd by all . 6rug; ists. Testimonl. la free, j Hall's Family VU- r th l est. i Last ytsur G,89i iuceuuiury Hioa oc curred. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Lightning caused tions in 1898. 3, 479 conflagra- Day county, S. D., has produced two crops of oats this season. If yon haven't a rcKUlar. healthy movement of thd bowels every day, you're sick, or will bo. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Korce. In tliu shape of violent physic or pill poison. Is ilanucrous. Tlio smoothest, ouHlest. most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear aud clean is to take Kill Germs of IUense. The modern w ay to cure disease is to destroy its germs. Cnscarets Candy Cathartic are mod ern ueriii-killers, and cleansers. Druggists, 10c, 2oc, 60c. Natural gas was the cause of 94 fires last year. VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured by r. lvllne'R liivloi'KllnK Tonlu. KlIKKl. Trial ltoille riinlalnlnp ! Weeks' trenimpiit. Dr. Kline's Institute, tell Arch St., Philadelphia. Founded t71. Horace Greeley is editor of the En terprise at Thornton, la. Lord Kitchener has given Queen Victoria a large Arabian donkey. t.M Isaac Brock, the Oldest Man in the United Slates. Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county, Tex., has attained the great age of 111 years, having been born in 1788. He is an ardent friend to le runu and speaks of it in the following terms: "During my long life 1 have known a great many remedies for coughs, colds, catarrh and diarrhoea. I had always supposed these affections to be different diseases, but 1 have learned from Dr. Hartman's books that these affections are the Bame and are prop erly called catarrh. "As for Dr. Hartman's remedy, l'e runa, I have found it to be the best, if not the only reliable remedy for thesa affections. "Peruna has been my stand-by for many years,and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy. It exactly meets all my requirements. "I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many little things for which I need medicine I believe it to be especially valuable to old people." ISAAC BROCK. Catarrh is the greatest enemy of old age. A person entirely free from ca tarrh is sure to live to a hale and hearty old age. A free book on ca tarrh sent by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. I Five fires last year were caused by the sun's rays passing through window glass. 2 CANDY MbtaB CATHARTIC Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Oonrt, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 20c, GOc Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address Etarlliis Binrd; l ompuy, ChlMgo, Bontrl, Raw York. 322a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN FOR. NERVOUS WEAKLY P PALE SICKLY VIM MAR! AM 1 HAS STOOD THE TEST OP 35 YEAflS E"XPE RIENCE INDORSED BY THE MEDICAL FACULTY 4LU OVER THS WORLD ARTER'SBNK Bring your children up on it. 25c SAMPLE BOTTLE FOR 10c NEXT 30 DAYS &o BBSEASE lias so kaffieei the medical skill 3 of all .agest as RHEUMATISM. and no remedy has ever boon known to euro It until "S Drops," tho Rheumatic Cure demonstrated its wonderful curative power It has never failed to euro RHEUMATISM In any form, Aouto or Chronic TYorA la vlict A Prnmlnant PTivnlMiin liita tn itr vhn hm hart Sit ITKadu uakkj years 01 nciivo 'racuce ok lueuicuie I I have never before in my 35 years of practice of medicine given my testimonial or recom tnendation to any potent medicine, put there is a remedy, the result of winch lins come under my own observation; fur there is no Disease which has ro baffled the medical skill of all ages as Ithcumntism and to find a Keliable remedy for the same. At last we have found it ill "5 DROPS," Manufactured by the Swansea Kheumatio Cure Company, Chicago, 111. The "5 DKOPS," has proven itself wonderful for its curative power in Klieomntlsm, not as a Temporary JKeliever only, but to give a Permanent Cure even in chroniccases. Sometime ego, I hacf among others several Rheumatic casts, under my treatment and prescribed for these patients the very best Kennedies which I skilll!y selected, but without desirable results. I then heard of "5 DKOPS" and of its AVonderf . ("ures, and prescribed it to a few patients who found relief from its use within a few days. Alter that I jirescnbed it to a great number and to my surprise, I will say that in the course of Two or Three Weeks after they had used "5 DKOPS and "5 Drop" Plasters they were Cured. Among these were a few who had, for a number of years, been suffering with Chronlo IMieuiiiaMsm, v ho had piloted themselves around on Crutches. They came to my office with out Crutches and told me they were perfectly Well. They pive all the credit to " S DKOPS " and to "tt Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony to the Swanson lUieumitllc Cure Colu mn y lor their Kindness ann tor tne conscientious way in wlilcn they are placing these Wonuer. ul Remedies amove suffering humanity, which thev told uie to write to the Com Da 11 v as an acknowledgement. As I have seen the Curative Power of "8 DROPS" and "S Drop" Plasters, in a great many instances, 1 can Truly recommend them and also that the firm is perfectly honest and re liable to deal with. C. A. JACKSON, Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 29, 1(199, How Long Have You Suffered with RHEUIKA TISM 7 How Long Hmvo You Road About "B DROPS" Without Tailing Thmntf Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so, then try the " 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions. " 5 Drops " is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago (lame back), Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia, Catarrh rf all kinds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Headache, Nervous or Neuralgic, Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic and Catarrhnl Croup, Toothache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, flclarla, and kindred dis eases. " s Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the above named diseases than all other remedies known, and in case cf Rheumatism if curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batteries combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. Therefore, waste no more valuable time and money longer, but try " 5 Drops " and be promptly CURED. " 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a i.oo bottle contains 300 doses. Price per bottle Ji.ro, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles for s. 00. For the next 30 days we will send a 25c. sample FREE to any one ending 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 160-164 E. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. MACHINERY, all kinds ...TATUM & BOWEN... 29 le 35 First Strest PORTLAND OR. Rupture treated sclen. i tlflcal ly (ind confldentl al ly. Corrttpondtnc Solicited. C. H. W00DARD A CO.. 108 Stcond St.. Portland. Folic niil Wire Work. rollTI.ANI) WIKK t IKON WOltKS: WIKK ml Iron feiieinc: odiee mlliuc. eie. X"4 Alder. M atrh inry ami .Miitlk.Ai CURE FOR PILES I 5TU1UNU t'lUiiproonoii moltnri!ndoiiHe itching, 'nil form, wnll ii Blind, Blanllnc or Prntriidltiu pilei irncnrci hj Or. Bonanko's Pile Remedy Btupi Itnhlnc mil binding. Alnorbi tumors. Nit- Jir it drug nmtxir wnt I17 mill. Tn'Mi.e Irre. Writ Bit ibout jour cue. DR. UuSANltO, fliiladi.,Pi, CURE YOURSELF I I'm Dig ft fr unnatural dliRbarKi'i.lnllHmmminni, irritutluni or ulceritlnm of mucool metiibrnnei. J'alnli'M, and nut uitria (g gent or pulmnuui. ola by Dramrlil. or lent In pliln wrapper, hj expren, prepaid, for I . Oil, or S ImtlliMi, l.lt. Circulnr int nn miumt. and Mairlo Lantern Bargain Mat No. 16 now ready for inailliiK. T. P. ANDKEWH, 108 Montgomery St.. Ban Francisco 10 1 lo 6 dirl. l iW-J Ouinud Ba lot to nrlotiri, fj3 PrtralU (tonuriog V7VHEEv;;tCHEMict CAWHTON & CO.: KSUIXKS, HOM.KKS, MA cliinery, mi)ies. 4H-M) KimlHl., Portland, Or. JOHN TOOLE, Torm-AND, ORFnow. can cive you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tankx, pumps, plows, belts Hiid windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is unequalled. W ELLA DRILLING S9 null !' mm Ilia p grow paying eropa becauae they're freah and always the beat. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitute. Stick to Ferry' Seed and prosper. 1900 Seed Annual free. Write for It. D. M. FERRY A CO., Dotrolt, Mich. ilaTawAi alifU' . LATEST and BEST HORSE, STEAM AND CASOLINE POWER. LrH looaiis & mtman, tiffin, oeio. YOUNG MEN! Kor Oomirrhipa ind Olwt ret Palmt'i Okay inln' In tin ONLY mvdlelMi wlikh Kill cure fai-h and arory cw. No CAHK known It hi evir fnll.il to cut. io matter how u rioui or of how long Madding. Iti-mili from lt me will antmilnh you. It la alwolutely nafo, pmvi-nni atrleture, anil ian tm lakon without Inronro. Llew and ili4rntlon from builmm I'HICK. ftJ.W. for air br ill ndlabla dniirvlxt. or writ prepaid by eipruu, plainly wrapped, on rt lot of price by v ' I'AhHT CHLSdJCAL CO., Chicago, 111 Ocular mailed on roquut. DR. GUNK'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Hick H.-nlache nrl liyipcpila, lii-mote l'l tuple and Purlly the Blond. Aid I'itrcatlon aiidPrerent llilionaiin. o not (irlpe orHlrken. Toconlnr toii, we will mall unmple free, or full box for'LV. IHt. 1IOHANKC OO., FhllHila., fcuiin. Bold by lriignin. N. P. N. C. NO. BO '99. w HEN writing to ailierMivrt ples mention th imntfra 1 ; , 1 '. 1 1 I l! ft- if: 1; Is: '.'!'; Mi-' iii i . ml ll- a. if: . r