krAND nv C 1 IV T OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SAjLE Will commence January 1 and continue the -whole month. Great Bargains will be given Sweeping Seductions in all lines. We offer our entire stock during the month of January at prices that must be appreciated. This will be a rare chance for bargains. Below we give you a few prices: , Drv Granulated Sugar, 8 Lids for $H $5-5 per ico 'mmmmmmmm - w wi 1 (Whole Roast Coffee in Toledo, i pounds for $i. .rand Feed at Cost while the Lent stock on hand last. stRiceotithe market, 17 pounds .anCe l'nze jjamug ruwuci uu hand, 42 cents per can. k-oz. packages Tobacco, 25 cents. jlourC'aiUMas Goods leftover at 25 per cent discount. L's heavy 9-oz. Overalls, 40 cts. her pair while they last. r Boots and Shoes, Hats and fjCapswill be slaughtered. - It' - i. .- '-l-- -rrr - :t 1 ' i-ir-y ,-'.i'.-i.-T -T,.'f- 1:, r-', r'rf h;, ,- i rr --w ,, liil.', -I o t m " ' - , - W ",trr- T'il-r li1'. D- -r- I. W i ' All our Rubbers and Oil Clothing at 10 per cent discount. AU our Men's Underwear at 25 to 50 per cent discount. Boys' Suits, age 5 to 7 years, from 00c to $1.35 each. Job lot Men's Storm Rubbers at 50 cents per pair. ' Balance Men's Suits at 4.29 each. Balance Men's Single Coats at $2.19 each. Balance Men's Vests at 99 cents each. Corsets, 45 cents each and up. All Patent Medicines and Dyes 20 to 25 per cent, discount. Vaseline Regular 10 cent size, 5 cents, regular 20 cent size, ioct. All our ammunition at 10 per cent discount. EASOSS WHY Our business for the past six months lias doubled our expectation. We intend to locale permanently, and previous to our stock taking, which will commence February 1st, we wish to make a general clean up and prepare lor spring business. Terms as usual Strictly Spot Cash. All mail orders given prompt attention. Come early before the stock is broken. CONROT, SON & CO., ;ed Front. Mrs. Oopeland's Old Stand. Toledo, Oregon, Dec. 88, 1899 lie Vincent Housed: n FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Notice For Publication. United States Lund Otliee, Oregon City, Oregon, December 1, 1H9!. Xotice is hereby given tliut in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of .lime 3, 17. entitled "An not for the sale of limber lands in the Stn tes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ascxtend ed to all the 1'uhlic Land States by act. of August 4, 1S!L!, 1-ric Johnson, of yortland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this dnv tiled in this ntlice his sworn statement No. l'J.1. t( r the purchase ol the '.. N K'j, Sl i of and fJPTables always supplied with the very best in the market! xcial attention given to the accommodation of Commercial Travelers (ITLivery Barn in connection with the hotel. Good rigs.X.7 V r: EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. H. W. VINCENT, Proprietor, Toledo, Oregon. NK'j, and nun Nl"1 of SIC(i of Section N'o. .1 in Tuwnshin No. ! south. Itiiuge No. 8 west, and v. ill oiler proof to show that the. land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lund before the Kewister and Koceiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 1-ith day of I'e'n uary, Won. He names as witnesses: Jic Honian, of Pallas, l'olk county, Oregon. Arnt Hanson of Woodland, Cowletz county, Washington, Nils Johnson, of Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon, and Axel L. Johnnson, of 1'ortland, Mult nomah countv, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tilo their claims in this ollice on or before said 11th day of February, lwi. 0IIA3. B. MOOIIKS, ltegistcr. SALADO ITKMS. Fine weather Christmas, everybody ate a good dinner. George Hodges is home from Portland, feeling much better. Mrs. ?ond arrived here on a visit j to her daughter, Mrs. Daniel. The schoolmother has been hav ing some trouble .in school, but it seems to have been settled. There are only 12 pupils in attendance. W. D. Griffith has 25,000 shin gles that he has packed out to Hodges' place. He intends to diive them down the river to Toledo. Strangku. LINCOLN COTJNTYssss! Real Estate & Abstract 4 Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all A property in Lincoln county. Also has a lar?e list of Tide lands, Farm lands and uty property, improved and unimproved n good terms. Address BOX NOTICE l'Oif 1'1'BMCATIOX. I.aud Ollice at Oregon City. Oregon, November &, JrW. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has" died notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. 11. i.ulz, ('unity Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo. Oregon, on January Si, l'.wn, viz: Alfonso C. Tunlson, H. K. No. I Mi, for the v'.,of sv'i and wof r.wji of Sec. 21, T. 12 S. of "ll. 8, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his conliuuous resldcivn upon and cultivation of said innd, viz: Charles Oill, Wesley Jan uary, Hen January of Harlan. Oregon ; lan ilro'thoibou of Kildyville, Oregon. I HAS. II. Moi.iUI'.S, Kegistcr. Summons, 111 the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Lincoln county. A. K. Sherk, l'laintill, 1 tn NOTICE. I have a few tracts of good land the Bay country which I can sell at Bargains. Call on or wiite to me. Pktkr Tkllhi-Son. Yatjuina, Oregon. for sale o 7 Toledo, Oregon. A. Puhndroil'nnd Annie Ttuhn drotr. his wife, and Charles Kunndroll', liefendiint!-. To A. Kuliiidroll' and Annie Kulindroll', his wife and Chailes Kulindroi;', Dvfendnnts: lu the nnme of the State of oiegon You ar hereby uotilicd and repmed to appear lu the iii.oveentltles court, in mid suit, and answer I the complaint of the j laintill', Hied herein, on , or about the 'Jid dc.y "it .lauuiiry, Iimmi, that bc- I mg Inc (late piescrioto in on; i miou Notice of Final Sciilenicnt. In tho Countv Court of the Htate of Oregon, lor the County of Lincoln. In the li.ailerof tho estate of lily l)oiiin.ey, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Isaac Martin, as administrator of the estate of Pom mev, deceased, has tiled hia linul nccoiitit as "such administrator with the clerk of the county ourt of the nhovt -nair'od countv and state, and that the judge of ihii fb id county court has llxed Tues day, February ti, limn, at tho hour of 2 o'clock ii:. of fald day, in the-county cum t mum at 'i.c courthouse in Toledo, on-gou, us inn nine i and place for hearing objnelioiiK to the said I linai account, it any tbeie ce Summons, In the Circuit Com t of tho State of Oregon for Lincoln County. John Woodman, l'luintill', V. l'hillis, Defendant. To M. 1". l'hillips, the above-named defendant: In tho Name of tho State of Oregon You are hereby required to apiiear tit the above entitled Court and answer to t he com plaint of the above-named plaiutin" on tile therein oir or before the 1st ilay of the next regular teim of said Court next following the expiration of the time prescribed lu the order for the publi cation ot this summons, to-uit: On or before the 'J-'d day of January, WOO; and you are fur ther notilii d 'hat if you full to so appear and answer s-ild complaint and summons as by law required, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint on tile therein, lo w It: For a Judgment against you for the sum of fsn, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tho 1st day of April, 1MW, and for the further sum of ?J." as attorneys' foes, and for tho costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed; and for an order of the above-entitled Court di recting that a sale bo made of the property attached in said action by the Sheriff of Lin coln county, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment, which property is described an follows: One chcKluut sorrel horse with black mane and tail, about 10 years, weight about l'JOO pounds; one red cow, marked with crop oil' of both ears, about 10 years old. And that upon a sale of tialil property the proceeds arising there from be applied to the payment of plainiill'H claim, and tho overplus, if any there be, be paid to s.tid defendants. The period of time prescribed for the publication of this summona upon you Is more than six weeks from the date of the llrst publica tion, to-wit; Monday, the Kid day of January, 11H 10. Tho ditto of the lust publication is Fri day, tho ll'lh dav of lauuary, I'.ioo, and tho date of tho first publication thereof is Friday, October Ti, lsit'.i. This summons Is published fn the Lincoln County Leader by order of tho Hon. .1. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled Court. Ijoiio in Chn inbers at Itosoburg, Oregon, this !llh dnv of October, 1KW. VlCATII F.ltFOlil) ,t WYATT, Attorney for l'laintill'. Sheriff's 8sile. Adinlnb triMor deceased. of tho ISAAC estate of MALTIN', Fly liomiuey The Dewey Notice In hereby given thai l y virf e -t :iu execution and order of saki ).siieit out oi no lui'imi of ihis summons and or. which you are 1 circuit court of ll.e mle o; i iieuoii lor Lincoln r-Miiiiivd to appenr anil answer inc conipiaini, lu'rcln, anil vou .ie inruicr imn mm n juu fail to appear ami answer said cfimpliiint, as ivieiii re'iuired, for wnnl thereof, the plalniill i 111 take Judgment and decree against you for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wlt: Fi r a di'i rce declaring that the plaintiff herein i," declared and decreed to be the owner, in lee l-imple, of ami In, the hole oi rani picni-i-i's Hereinafter ili i-cni.cil, free and clear of any lt"n. claim or iutcie-t of any kind that the di icii biiiH abi've named, or any of them, or anv or all pcisop or p-rs.ui.', holding by, through or under them or any of them, orinuy I-.iive or claim to Imve in of 'i said prciuis..-" or ,iv lhcn-f and that .he cloud now upon ,.i'd pre:t!btitivl plalniill-s li'-!" icmov.d iird thai the ilefi-udanls be lorcver leb i r' d 'illg lll'V clll.lll U. or rifiii i:i or nnv 'part Ihoicif, which said erl bed a" I on wv lo-u it : 1 :n. !y virtue of an execution and order of sab Issued mil of the Circuit Court of the slate of ( iri gun lor Lincoln couiiiy, in the suit of James ll lilltr. plainn'i, vs. Jennie christenseii and Cliri ( 'hristcuscii, dcfciuliints, a mortgage fore'dosure, I will on the".'::d day of December, l! ! at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front i door oi the courthouse, in the city of Toledo, l Lincoln coiinlv, Oregon, at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, fell the following- I described real propcrl;, : The Norihwest iiiar terof the Southeast iiarter of Seel ion ,'d, in I Township II South, liaiigu 10 West, eoiitaiulng ' -10 acres. i Said sale will be made lo sal Isfv the Indir- coi.v.iy, iicarii::'iiiiie nccca ier ito, upon a nieiil lino oecrec m sani sun, lo-wlt : A Jiuig judrcii.ciit rendered anil entereo in ntld court u.ont for plain till- for $ ro, with Interest there i,n t rie 'J'.t h dey ; .Inly, p:,i';, wherein W. I'. I on at. th'i rate of It pet cent per annum from l.ur.l, as jcovenior of Oregon, II. 11. Kmc;: Id. ns ! ).,s ,y ..i July, Iv.i'.i, ami f.,0 a I luriiey fee Fccry'.ary o: suite, nun run .-ictscnaii, n sia u and cost a ami iitsoiir.-i'iixnlH laxeil alTlH.iO Hlu'i-ifl's Snlo. i n pe i 'licst Brand of Bnindios, "Whiskies, Oin:v "Heavy and Liglit Wines, etc. BANY BEER ON DRAUGHT. Best Brands of Cirnis. voiii ln', s' ' , ' l( the utile. I ..,' ti'.e !,..rlll rth!"i ''it liori t pi-enii in "i.i I mill fit il' l ) , iriu tho vull. "io l 1 1 i ;v. thi" tioi'theii t lion ; : . end '.be no 1 , hi leetiou ;j. ill t'lV.'oi l i'ei.L. iilaiuetle Inei i'le.u l .,., .r, f-lilit llilll II ..oil'dbhiirieiueuts in' urreit in said suit T his suMi'ion ie sei'veil cation In tho Lincoln 11 iter of tho iioti.ii iibV .1. Lineoin county, oiegon, i nil , of Toledo, J.i l l' i 1 mi dav oi ,i cini er, li ,l The o'nte oi tile Hist eibli''" ' j"" of this slim icon- in said utv spapcr I-, Is'a p.. I-. J . i N I : and V LA'! !' I' .'i : ; . 1 1 .( scr-to'ii I 1 ; of (CM tf'Ul i ii-l ' , ul M'e- !.( IIOtltlNM"' 1 i M in ;h, ra-icc s i.i );iin o,:i ciiiiiny. P,u netc. and for i ho coslr in said nut. ipon yo'i oy publl- u .v i v Li; i m i:, by oi I'. -Icmirt, Jii'lge of mid dote; nt tilt' ci '.in'.y, oiegni, the i t I- i bin y , K-fUubv-r y.iL'i v v.'YATi-, v i,)'. I'liuiitli! I . ..usurer of Oregon, tiie Hoard or ( onuiils i' n fc; f:u the Sale of School and I'tiivurslly l.,niis I ii :u! ur : he i:n -est m cut of funds in bin ir there- I roiu of 1 1' v. id an- of ;roin w eiy p'.niitlll nn.l Mars' M il'.er H" Ira A. M illcr vorc drf r.danls,' M'.bi'jiulg'i'.ei.i w'l" in iHV'ir of -mil pl.iintills j and aniMe-i s:'id ileiendcii:-!, for the ;.iim ol Six I liMioied (TM") with ii.'not thereon j f:,.i.i the .-Mid :i:itl. ilay of July, iK H, a! I ho rani if ii r ( , t pi r e nnti ,u. kmc tor "cut lit i -I'i ve , ' ,, in: ill i j ne'.' ,. !('. ;,!. the "u ,' Her si' in of j I'w , u ; i'l , " L.'.i: ' r.- ; :. ( eld e-.ei nl io.'i whs . ti . c-ii i e. en-. i nil delivered .md eonnnands ; vi i" ' . -i '' tbc r I. ove i u.n ol neiiicyj bv e. in' upon mi I -cl'lng lite foUow'.ig de- j cibivl- r.ei ie - Tl y, tov. it; 'lie: sout l.onsi , i, in-tt r Mid the e t !n'f "I" the "oil' liAee. ( I'li-url.'.-oi- m- ie ii I, fovichlp II soet'i, iili.i I I ,-. ".t i I V iilioii 'I Veiidelili, iliiililng Two : 1 1 uiulicd and F-u t v cct.-:, Mtuaiud in l.ii.iolti ; -,.:.! t ; . orctoii. 1 1 mi -ire i n ob Mbence to t!:e j i';i Id colli in r ml , I .v ill oil ' -Al fltllAY T!l"; i.Til LAY V JAXl MO-, I 'mi ! I. tiiO hour of one o'clock p. in. i:i front of the ' eni'it house In T'o'edo, ih'oicmi id Couni v I Mil 1 St.ite, --cil lit public urn lion !o lie- bh;l,-! t i l. jldi t for cash, nil the tight title and of then-id Ms! V M I Her ami Iri A. Miller, de-I 1 Ii 'imams, herein in nod to the above oc-criccd 1 p.- if. erl y, to eti-:y ine jiuigcuieni, nuorocy j Hies, co!.t. und aeet'.ii:i: :'osii. ! .i. ii. :').-. ; Mi"tif,'o, l.lncol i f '... ii-, - . org ::. I I-'ided etTofvdo. Oii'::-:i, ie(.eu;b.'i . 1-'.'.'. I and accruing costs, .1. II. Itoss, I'ticri if of Lincoln Couni y, Oregon. Iiutid aL Toledo, on.-gon, this i::ili day of No- vem bcr, I! '.LL Notice to Creditors. (Mit'ity cimrt of Hits Ht.tto of Ori tur Liin'tiln oiiiiiily. Jit 1 1 io inn t if tint cstiUo of Julia ;oninify 1 ii tin ter (iCfH:i;:i'tl. .Niiiii t! in lion liy 1 1 !i vcti, Unit the niidor- i'iK il luis Li-oil :iiiiiiitiMi by tlKMtouiity '-oii't i;!c)vi-iui.iii''f mlniiiiistriitor of tlm st:tlv ol .liilin Moinmey, ili-ct'tised. All ih I'iivin:,' riMitiiH ii'Minst, snid ch- h'I tail ilio lltl- III1! 'Ii .; in I '! lieu nntifitkl In lilt: tlicm in I. Slfwurt, (loiinty i i-: ttiDiitliK from tint duto l.iii in iniiMt bis duly vttri-r.'.;ti!i'i'il. I.-AAC MAUTIN, luiii'fh'ntor of tlm iistnto of Juliu IhtliiinttV, i!i'i'i':i;J('il. Iid;, )n'').":ii, November 24, 1H!)!L i'o'C of Wil'iill ' All ' bv l.'.W .ry v.uiaan tiooUa Ut. Mllon' Tlo Mil.