In? White House H. LEWIS, Proprietor. H "9! 1 "ew Bargains. THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS HERE " and THE WHITE HOUSE is prepared for it. We have a choice stock iu this Hue too largo nnd varied to iteraio. It muat be seen and priced to be appreciated. Don't buy until you visit The White no use tr 1 X y -. fy . , - wo . . .. opr. 090 . . QO r ' j rJ fl & Pr aquina, Oregon Tlie Only Exclusive DllY GOODS and' FURNISHING HOUSE In the County. A Large and Varied Stock at Hock-Bottom Prices :: ft fl fl I Shoes a . Specialty" All Sizes, Grades and Styles Constantly on hand, at prices which defy competition. wMjio vj-- HrVVl til tfl) f (I) i i: P (I) (I) A PETER TELLEFSON Yaquina, Oregon, DEALER IN MEKCHANM I si: I HAVE A FULL LINE of Groceries, Flour and Feed, which I sell at prices as low as the lowest. MY STOCK of Dry Good:?, Dress Goods, Men's Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes and Rubbers, Hats, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Woodenware, Crockery, Glassware. I shall continue to sell out at Real Bargains, as these goods must go. Call and see my stock. Yours for Trade, PETER TELLEFSON. For Sale. House and lot centrally located at Toledo, $150;- also 20 acres improved at Storr's, $40. Address Gt-o. T. Smith, Elk City. Oregon. YEARS" RIENCE M4W$P TBinE Marks 1 'fipYfl, 0. B. BROWN, BLACKSMITIIING SILETZ, OREGON. - I'.cnertil Shop nnl Uepair work nl all kind (lone fit rcnniable prices. HOKriKSllOLlXO and WACON WOUK a specialty. CO?VRIGHT9 A.C. Anvona sending a rkptrh und description may quit-lily nsrortnlu our opinion free wliutlicr an tnroutlnn tR pruUnt-ly imtoiitable. 0 nmmnlrn tlcinptrtotlvioiiUvluntlHl. Uuutlhook on Pntcnta sontfioe. liMost ucciicy for senurlni; puti'Mr. )';ilonts t.iuen Muim & Co. receive tptxdii iiof kv, Tdflior.t clmnfc, lu tlo A 'hnnilsomoty HlnstTntrd wenMy. I.nrcesf, clr oiilu'ldii 'f nny pplontlfli' Journcl. Tit us. J'l a ye ir ; our monUiB, Sum byull ncwmlt.iiers. linuich Oltlco, V lit., Wn.'MjiKioti, D. V m ht Mm 1,1-1 1 mi t- 1 Bun u, u 1:11-1 uuiui hi iiritiruineiiuui drsirlni? trip to the I'urlx Kxpcisltiun. with good aim y bikI cxprn' pnlil. f I1011M w rU Xli J-Al'liM KiCOllD, JUiatiuiorc, Mil. l hnve bcpn in the enlftrgiuK business twelve, and feel jiistillrd in wiviiis 1 believe I run do vnrk thut will Hult you If you can be Huitca. l'orlra1tseiilar;jod in Crayon or Pastel 1 also eopy landsraiiem, auimalH, etc., and furn ish f mines if desired. . riinnie A. Owram, TOi-EIX), 0KEU0X. Christmas at Siletz. The following Christmas program will he rendered at KileU tomorrow (Satur day) evening. Everyhody is invited to he present : Opening Song "Silver Htar OreeUner...Hrhool Invocation Rev. liryant Song "Lift Up Your Gates-' Choir Select Realtug "Tho fitory" Lena Charley I'iano Duet 51 rs. Hetz and Miss Kruer Recitation "Yoppy's Father and His Cuddles" Mr. W. H. Hrown Vocal Holu-'-Ma Pays 1 Can't ?o for a Ride"' Kslher (u)olam1 Class Recitation "Our RodconiOr" Vocal Duet. ....Miss Chambms mid Airs, liryant Five Minutes' Talk Rev. Kutbcc Rucher VioTiu Duet, wilh ROc.oin)iai:iincut Mr. John Brown und Mr. 'Villiiim Tovvuer Recitation "The Chris luiiu-' Troe" ,". .ida Johnson Ciwitnta "We'll JIavo to' .Morti;ge the Farm' Chu.raclers Father, Mnjo: liuford Mother, Mrs. Itetz Daughiers, Mitses Buford, Chambers Jieunx, Ness-s. Brown and Hetz Piano Solo Mrs. Pryant K;cercise 'ChriK'.iuiis Pictures and Hons" Large I'upils Recitation ".lust Refoie Christmas"....:. RoyUryant Vocal Dw.l Glndys and Kdna l'oairs Reel till Ion" Kobert Uniine1" .Mr. Samuel (.'enter Viano Solo Miss Mary Huford . Uecitntlon "The Tree That Blooms on Christ mas" Chester Boll Song "The Child and The Shepherd". Large Pupils Five Minutes' Talk Rev. Bryant Sonif "Our Btiby" Ceoile Cay Cantata "The Ten VlrginB" Characters: Vise Virgins Misses Chambers, Kmger, McMam, Mrs. Peairs and Mrs. Hoti'ord ,, Foolish Virgins Misses Buford, Charley, T.ockhart, Kvans and Mrs. Botz P.ecitation "Merry Christmas" Alfred Lane Song "Ring Merry Christmas Bells" School Rceltaton "Tommy's Lamen'." .' Richard Anderson DieruiuuTioN of Tkeat and Piiesknts Song "Ch istinas G'adness" Choir 1' ! ,-e Mine tea' Tak Buforu Violin Duet Messrs. Win. Towner and Joh l Brown Tahi.eaux 3on- "Good Bye" School Dismiskion; A Century From Now. If yon and I should wake from sleep A centunry from now. Back to the grave we'd want to creep, A century from now. We'd witness Mich a startling change, Find everything so wondrous strange, We'd hustle back across the range, A century from now. A woman forty, fat and fair, A century from now. . May warm the presidential chair, A century from now' Her cabinet may he a flock ' Of girlies, gay of hat and frock. The White House niayjreHound with talk, A century from now. The people all will fly on wings A century from now. Not heavenly, but patent things, A century from now. They'll sour aloft devoid of fear On pinions of a chuinlesa gear, And change their model every year, A century froni now. There'll he no restaurants at all A century from now. The home will have no dining hall, A century from now. The druggist all our wants will fill With food in tablets, and to still Our thirst we'll simply take a pill, A century from now. But you and I will never care, A century from now. We'll be old-timers over there A century from now. For all who quit this world of woe Will dwell where pi'it i ful waters flow. There'll he no hell at all, you know, A century from now . Denver Post. -t- . Christmas Gift. Here's what you've been waiting for: All new or old subscribers of Tins Lkader who hand in a year's subscription between this date and January i, 1900, will receive as a premium the New York Weekly Tribune for one. year. We have other clubbing combinations which cannot be beaten. Call and ask about them. Now is the time to stock up on good reading matter. We will get you any newspaper or periodical you desire at less than the advertised rate. was taken suddenly ill Sunday night. Born Saturday night, December 16, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyn olds, a daughter. Born Sunday night, December 17,1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson, a daughter. The steam schooner W. H. Har rison is expected in soon with a load of merchandise. We are inclined to think it will be necessary to beat the old saw again about Christmas. The Barclay brothers are pros pectins their mine down the beach. They purpose working it this winter. Falling Lkaves. Gaining a Wide Reputation. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and pained me very much, but one good application of Pain Ealm relieved me." For sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. A bill imposing a duty of $500 on each Angora leaving Cape Colony has passed to a second reading in the colonial parliament, and no doubt will become a law. This will put an end to further importa tion from there. The good start we have in Oregon should make this state the great goat-breeding state of the Union.' ScioNews. -- At Cost. Owing to circumstances occa sioned by the fire, I have decided to close out my stock of millinery, etc., at cost. The stock sustained no damage whatever, and my loss of profit is your gain. First door south of Conroy's. Mrs. T. P. Fish. Son of an Ohio Merchant Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarhcea. Some time ago I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrbcea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 2$-cent size he was cured. I give this tes timonial, hoping some one similarly afflicted may read it and be bene fited. Thomas C. Bower, Glencoe, Ohio. For sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. Miller & Pruett are constantly adding new departures, latest of which are carpets and window shades. -S ,,J,A 9N '"J! Mll 8M 9l-8SI 3 03 nvvmr nu 1 35 una J -i-m sJ 3 i pus ai Auq a; (so.iJUBdwuBAoiiv-niBas-ou) S mm Vk9 "5 ,JTATqy pui! iwjwouosa .-awS 5: WALDPORT WAWA. A Merry Christmas to all. A crew of men were repairing the road this week. The tug Maggie took out a load of salmon last week. W. E. Warm of Yahats returned from the valley Saturday. David Ruble is quite sick. He . . .ni Joi pilau ,, ..,,.9. hmizvovt; .S3IQV1 V ' g ill nrmi mm Wat M M... J. I mzuvd urn v i HMO sketch and description of any invention wiff promptly rece ve our opinion 'free concernTni Patent sent upon request. Patents seoured 1 PnV.U!avertised fr sn,e t expend. n,lake.n,out throuKh "o receive ,peca? norff,-withoutchnrge, in The Patent Record n wWe,y circulated jo5rnaL consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. ' bend for sample copy FREE. . Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evn Building, WASHINQTON. , C WSiss E. M. CROSNtT Steiiogi-iiphei-.Tynewn-t..' and Notarv P..1.1: Legal papers of all kinds prePar, correctly, neatlyand promp,, Oflife in the OfHtwluhi CHEAPEST LATEST BEST READY-TO-WEAR Hats' a Specialty Hats trimmed; tips cloned aqdoarW All work irunruntoufl MRS. G. E. BAUMANN Pnrlor at residence opposite theToljfc "lililim T ! Hats The Yaquina House, YAQUINA, OREGON. MRS. A. S. CASTEEL, Proprietress. The leading hotel of Yaqti Special attention given to Com cial Travelers. Miss Pygall YAQUINA, OREGON. UP-TO-DATF Dressmaker Tailoring a Specialty The only Tailoress in the county, Prices and Work Guaranteed to Please Dr. J. H. F1UZEH DENTIST. Plates from $6 un: cold fillinl Tr ' J ' 0 trom $2.50 up: silver, ivory soft fillings, $1. Extracting, 50c; painless extracting, $1. Oraceit Vincent House. Office hours 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Z. M. DEltllICK, County Surveyor, Solicits all work in his line. Cot rect work and reasonable prices. P. O Address, Eddyvile, Oregon F. SWOPE, Attorn ev-at-Law. Deputy District; Attorn for Lincoln County. Will itrnnt iof. in nil courts i state. Probate matters and colls tions promptly attended to. Y. H. M. CO. Building, TOLEDO, OREGON ROBERT A. MILLER, Attorn cy-at-Iaffi OUKOON tll'r, 0K(i(. Land Titles and Land Office Be ness a Specialty. SHELDON S.THAYER, W Physician and Surge011' BILYEIT Bring Your Head Arouf and treat it to a first-5 hair cut or a shave-thef ' kind you'll get from F. S. BILYEU, Toledo, Orego" Coffee for f1 pffpp for r y 1 uj, iuasiu vwi" . 6 lbs. Good Roast Coffee for f at Tellefson's, Yaquina City-