CARNEGIE'S PHILANTHROPY. Hi. fireat Task of fllirlncr " Aw.r Hi- Fortune. rew Carnegie in a recent lnter . ' expressed his 6entiment8 as to Z responsibilities of persons owning ' urge sum of money. So far as he ''nwelf is concerned, he said that he u!( gradually give away his for iine. bestowing it in Installments wbere it would do the most good a reasonable disposition, not only u.nse there are no pockets in brouils but also because lie can be ;0re that the money Is used as he Irishes it to be. It Is prouaDie no one dm Mr. uar f?le knows how much money he has, nt the rate at which he is giving it jK-av Indicates that his fortune is an umense one, as lie apparently contem- ' .t i t. I - ,1 i.i a plates communis ui uvuuuuus ior sev- eral years to come. This year he has given over $2,5UU,UU0, and, with the ex tentloa of about $150,000 given to edu cational Institutions, it has all gone for the building of libraries. The benefi ciaries are Washington, D. C; Pitts burg, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Erie, Ta.; East Liverpool, Ohio; San Diego. Cal.: Wa co, Dallas and Tlttsburg, Texas; Beaver Falls, Ta., and Emporia, Kan. The largest gift was to Pittsburg. Pa.. amounting to $1,750,000. The latest Is to Washington. D. C, the people of which city heretofore have been de pendent upon the Congressional Li brary. Ills scheme for the erection of a public library in the capital city Is peculiarly interesting. He has twice increased his original donation of $230,000, bringing It up to $350,000. It is not remarkable that Mr. Car negie's donations should take the di rection of libraries. He is fond of j'arks and study and appreciates the value or llCraries to the people. He knows that they are the best means ior eniigntenlng and helping them and that they are essential auxiliaries of education. The libraries which he Is creating all over the country will be permanent tributes to his generosity as well as to his discernment of the in tellectual needs of the people. FAMOUS BULLDOG IN ENGLAND. A Valuable Animal with an Almost Unbeaten Record. Probably the most famous bulldog In England is Champion Baron Sedge mere, who, with his kennel companion md own sister, Champion Bartledora, fos recently been bought from his breeder and late owner, Sam Woodl ess, by F. W. Taylor, of Sunnlslde, Sunderland, for the large sum (even In 4ese days, when dogs of all breeds fetch prices undreamed of a quarter of century ago) of $3,000. Champion Baron Sedgemere Is one of the famous jjtterby Stockwell, ex-Champion Black berry, born in 1805, which also Inelud- iJHAXH'S FAMOUS $3,000 BULLDOG. d Champion Boaz, G. It. Sims' well "wn Harney Barnato and Baroness Jogcmwc. The Baron is a. light e'S'it, ami u a red dog with a white vost niarklnirr h a n.s head Is one that certainly haa v been surpassed. Ills large and MeDoiuonnUy wrinkled square skull, tui lt8 groat k,Bgth froffl eye t0 Mri magninwut turn-up and lay-back, "the heart of every buUdog fancier 'U PllVr nn.l -J-.l .1 1 l-l- at him iwv , vj- ""aost unbeaten record. Vi ry Haw llecrulta. ifle Hf.l nt ,. T i . v . " v, uuBBinu soiuier is u ,0P ono nnd bondage of compul- V service weighs cruelly upon the j"sauts throughout the Czar's domin- Attempts to escape enlistment m? nide continually, but the slmple 2T Ponsaut Is no match for the !M recrultlug otllcer. EuVia rmmlnl? station In eastern n fnnaa nnd ANDREW CARNKGIE. wouia not answer- .. . . hIm question put to "You can go home," said the exam-1 ning surge ln a ,ow vo SIT f T,Ce Started for door. The shout of the surgeon brought him that he had successfully passed the medical examination The Philadelphia Record tells an other story of an unwilling recruit. He was a big strapping fellow, possessing the strength of a Hercules; but he d clared that the Index and middle fin gers on his right hand were joined to gether and could not be taken apart The appearance of the fingers did not Indicate, however, that such was the fact, and the examining surgeons, who were strong men themselves, tried with all the strength they possessed to sep arate the two fingers, and after a great deal of exertion gave up in disgust At last a clever thought struck one of them. "Tell me," said the surgeon, "how were your fingers before? Were they always like this?" "This way," replied the unsuspecting young peasant, and he opened his fin gers as easily as anybody else. He was astonished at the laughter his act evoked. The surgeons did not attempt to examine him further; he passed. CHICAGO GIRL WEDS A COUNT. Alls Lindblom Uecomes the Wite oi Churl eii Ake PnuH, of Sweden. Another Chicago girl has entered the circle of European aristocracy by mar riage. A few days ago Miss Vesta Raven Lindblom, daughter of Robert Lindblom, became the wife of Count Charles Ake Paul! of Sweden. The Countess Paull, who Is 23 years old, Is not only decidedly pretty, but was one of the eleverst business women In Chi cago. She had acquired a thorough knowledge of the office routine of the brokerage business by being her fath er's secretary for three years, and when he failed a few years ago she and her uncle formed the new firm of Lindblom & Co., and reopened the old offices. The business was successful, and Miss Lindblom applied for mem bership in the Board of Trade. This made quite a sensation on 'Change and brought the plucky applicant con siderable notoriety. She was not ad mitted to the Board, but she kept right on doing a profitable commission busi ness. While Miss Lindblom was thus brought before the public, Count Paul! became acquainted with her. He ad mired her American dash and inde pendence, and at once fell in love -with her. A Woman's Problems. When breakfast things are cleared away The same old problem's rising, For she again sits down to think Of something appetizing. The dinner she must soon prepare. Or give the cook directions, And great Is the relief she feels ;j When she has made selections. When the dinner things are cleared away The problem that is upper Is just the same with one word chang ed "What can I get for supper?" She wants to give them something new, And long is meditation, Till choice is made, and then begins The work of preparation. When supper things are cleared awny Again her mind is worried , For then she thinks of breakfast time, When meals are often hurried. She ponders o'er it long until The question Is decided. Then bustles 'round till she makes sure That everything's provided. Three times each day, week in, week ou This problem she is meeting, And often she is sore perplexed In making plans for eating. For one likes this, and one likes that, And what is appetizing To some hi by the others spurned As food that they're despising. That "woman's work is never done" Has often been disputed, But that she's worried Is a fact, And cannot be refuted. ! The worry over what to eat Is greatest of thee questions, And glad she'd be If someone else Would make the meal suggestions. Flttsburg Commercial-Telegraph. Boon to Impecunious Smokers. Mr. Suchsland, a German scientist, has discovered that the aroma of to bacco is due to microbes, and It is said he will patent, If he can, a process for making cheap cigars smell like expen. lve ones. TUB COUNTK88 PAULI. NEW IDEAS OF INSURANCE ome Day Some One Will OrBanize a company Like Thlfi. ( The Insurance solicitor snt. in hi nf. flee In the Rookery, and he was abash ed. It takes a great deal to abash an Insurance solicitor, but the big man ta the opposite chair has been venting his views. The solicitor had herni hna-Ino him for six months for a $10,000' policy, i and then, after he had run his intended ' victim Into the home office, the doctor 1 had turned him down. "Told me my liver was out of order," said the big man, indignantly. "Said 1 had a murmur In my luncrs. and tnlkwl ' about a sister who died thirty years age and a lot more rot like that" "All of which was no doubt true,' said the Insurance man, "but," seeing that the big man was going to flare uj again, "you need not get alarmed alxnil your health. Some of these days, when I can't make more than $0,000 a yeai at this business, I'm going to start ai Insurance company on new lines. will take all the men that have been re jected by the other companies." "That would be taking big risks wouldn't it?" "I don't think so. In the first place 1 would charge an extra premium. The. I would bank on human nature. Haven't you noticed that these big strong fellows, who 'never-had-a-day's slckness-ln-my-llfe,' go off like a chile at the first serious illuess? Scured U death, maybe. Anyhow, if you want to see tenacity of life, just study th case of a man In chronic poor health, ne takes no chances, guards himseli against changes of the weather, appliei remedies Instantly, and the result It that, while he never enjoys good health, he prolongs his life twice as long ai the healthy fellow who takes all kinds of chances. Insurance examiners musl report on the physical condition only, and can't make allowances for humai nature, but It's there." Chicago Times Herald. Fake Detectives. "When a criminal or a witness during some case says that he saw a detective standing at a certain corner the public opens its mouth wide and haw-hawj until its sides ache," remarked a de tec'tlve. "When it. Is told that a whole armj of fake detectives are specially kept to be seen It will probably half shut its mouth and strain its eyes. Yet sucb is the case. "Many years ngo It was found thai the best way to capture a criminal red handed was to let him think he knew the police. So when a new man la taken into the detective service he gen erally has to act his part. He make, himself conspicuous ln some way In order to draw the 'victim's' attention to him while the real detective works metaphorically, behind his bnck. Tin fact that this system has been, and still is, followed by every country, bott European nnd otherwise, that has I police force Is perhaps its best recom medatlon." Kleh Pootv. In 1739 when Delhi was sacked bj ' Nadir Shah, after he had defeated th j Moguls at Karnal, 100,000 of the In habitants were put to the sword and treasure was carried off to the valu of at least $750,000,000.. Some say tin value was $1,500,000,000, and on writer says $3,000,000,000. Again, when Alexander the Great overthrew Darius, the Terslan, Babylon opened Its gates to the conqueror, who ob tained, though without plundering thi ; city, enormous treasures that had been collected by Darius. Three week! t later at Sura he seized $00,000,000. A little later Tersepolls, a magnificent j city, and the favorite capital of Darius. was captured by him. The place wai sacked and the great palace burned The plunder obtained is said to hav been worth $140,000,000, and Included enormous stores of gold, silver and jpreclous stones, hoarded up there bj the Persian monarchs. Other Victim. ThnmnA-Mv dear. It's a shame th way that creature howls! If I had ' bootjack I'd throw it at her, and thes I perhaps we'd get some sleep. .Ne York Herald. Colony of Epileptics. In Bielefeld, Germany, there Is a col ony of epileptics, numbering about W Tim -nlnnv it-da ontnlillshoil In A.Ul'U. l wvu ' " ... -..ww - f 1080, and pntlents from all parts of thf world so there for treatment Mlaaonrlan'a Contempt for a Surf Bath. A Missourian at Manhattan beach looked with contempt at the men loll ing in the sand. "Shucks," said he, "they think they are having fun. Have to come ashore to get in the sand. They ought to live in old Missoury, on the river. You get the sand and water mixed there. Sometimes a man gets more sand than water and has to go home and be washed off. Them mud baths in the northwest . that you hear so much about ain't in it with, a wash in the old Missoury." Thorite, the New Explosive, Distinguished itself by pushing through a ii '"eh steel plate. If its success contin ues", it will nmke as great a record in the military world as Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters in the medical world. Nothing has appeared which can equal this wonderful medicine for all diseases of the stomach, liver or kidneys. Panama canal construction employes over 3,000 men. Piso's Cure for Coii8umption has saved me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 4228 Regent Sq.. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '95. Hartford plumbers get $3 for eight hours. Mothers will find Sirs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Comfort depends on thinking, not on' things. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's eignature is on each box. 25c. The king's business requires haste, but not hurry. CIT Permanently Cured. Ko fltsornervoumeai HO after first duy's use of Dr. Kline's Orent Nerve Restorer. Bend for FREE JS'J.OO triul buttle and treatise. S I. R. H. KUNK, Ltd., 830 Area st -eet, Philadelphia, Pa. The recent raise of 20 per cent of the wages of the employes of the Atlantio (Ga.) Railway & Power Company, without solicitation, is commendable. SlOO REWARD 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to fearn that there is at least one dreaded disease ill at science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical frateruity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syxtem, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that It fails to core. Send ior list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Burglary Story. They were telling "burglary stories" on the veranda in front of the grocery store in a down-east town. "The man's hand was thrust through the hole he had cut in the door," said the star talker, "when the woman eeized the wrist and held on in spite of the strug gles of the man outside. In the morn ing the burglar was found dead, hav ing cut his own throat when he found escape impossible; but the brave wo man had not known he was dead, and so had not released her grasp on his wrist all night long." "Huh!" growled the skeptic in the corner; "why didn't she feel of his pusle?" Buffalo Commercial. Th National Consumers' League have adopted a label to distinguish ladies' garments which are made in sweatshops or under unfair conditions as to wages and hours. It is not a ri val of the regular trades union label, but will be used on goods produced by working men and women who get just treatment from employers, even if they do not belong to labor organizations. The VTalter Steel Company's plant in Reading has been absorbed by the Walter Steel Company of Jersey City, K. J., recently organized with a capi tal of $100,000. The agricultural department, Wash ington, D. C, has a machine for tak ing continuous photographs of growing plants. It works automatically, tak ing a picture each hour, and during the night an electric light is thrown into circuit as the exposures are made. Duty Feed . Man and Steed. ft Feed your nerves, aUo, on pure blood if you tvould hive them strong. Men and women tvho Are nervous are so because their nerves sre starved. When they make their blood rich nnd pure tuith Hood's Sarsnpirillt their nervousness disappears because the nerves are property fed. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... X ANUTACTCTHED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. IVNOTK THE NAMR. I UHlS WHIKt All flSt f AILS. Best Ixiiwb Srrup. T antes Uoud. Use in time. Com tir flr'ieiriv. Soctors lisagree Herbert M. Fish, a Droiresslvs and respected resident of Cape Vincent, N. ., said: "The doctors disagreed ln my case, one said 1 bad the grip, another that It was Jaundice, and so on. 1 tried many remedies but did not receive the slightest benefit. I n was low spirited and nervous and ft had become reduced In weight from 155 pounds to less than 128. One day a friend recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. 1 tried them and the result was Indeed mar velous. My appetite returned and 1 began to feel rested and restored. At the end of the tenth box my phy sical condition was better than It bad been for years and I was a well man. " Herbert M. Frsn." Sftorn to audi subscribed before as this 17th day of November, 1898. Lloyd O. Woodruff, Notary Public. 'From the Eagle, Cme Vincent, If. T. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Peools ll ar never oia dj ine cozen or nunurea, but always In psckaaes. At ill druggists, or direct from the Or. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 60 cents per box, 6 boxes 12.60. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence anil Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS; WIRS and iron fencing; oillce railing, etc. 834 Alder Machinery nnd Supplies. CAWSTON St CO.: EXGINKS, BOILERS, MA. chlnery, supplies. 48-50 First St., Portland, Or A Bargain.. A twenty-five ton locomotive and tendei with 3V track, for sale at a bargain. Call on or write John l'oole, foot of Morrison street. SOLE AGENCY Worth ington 8 earn Pumps and Water Meters. Pumping Plants of Any Capacity. TATCM & BO WEN 29 to 35 Flint Street, Portland, Or. Machinery All Kinus, BARTER'S BNK No household can afford to be with out it. Kvery household can afford to have it. ir SVSPENSION IP BICKFURU. Washington. 0. C. they will re I ceive quick replies. B. nth N. H. Vols. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. Rupture treated seien- tltically and confident! al ly. Cornspontonct Solicited. WOOOAnu A CO., 108 Second St.. Portland. I MIKI My Monthly RegnlalorCA NNOT FAII,. L"UIJI Box Kren. Mrs. B Hoivan, Milwaukee. Wis. RELIEF FOR WOMAN That tired, languid feeling, the pains in the back and the chronic headache will disappear quickly if you take Hoore's Revealed Remedy It is an ideal medicine for women, easy and pleasant to take. (1.00 per bottle at your drug" gist's. and Magic Lantern Bargain List No. 15 now ready for mailing. T. P. ANDREWS, .09 Montgomery St.: Ban Francisco. RDR. M ARTEL'S BOOK, elief for Women" ,ifY 8ontyy, In plain, eealed enTelope. Write utrs ana TentimonlaJj or UK. MAKTKL'B Trench Female Pills. Praised by thonnande of Mtlrilod Udlei aa ufe. alwnvi reliable and without an Miual. wumj lur tma book, coiiuuniiifr rarrica RoldbraltdruKtfiirein metul box, FruucA flaa- on ton In Blue, white and Tied. Take no oiber. Vrenea Drug Co., 381 m Pearl 8k. New York Clt DR. GUNK'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache od Dyspepsia, Reuiore Pimples and Purify the Blood. Aid IHgratlonandPreTent Biliousness. De not Gripe or Sicken. Toconrlnce vou.we will mall ample free, or full hox for 25c. IR. llOSANKO CO., Fhilada., Pcoua. Bold by Druggleu. SURE CURE FOR PILES ITCHING Piles produt-e moisture and oauxe itclilna. This form, as well aa Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies are eursd by Or. Bosanko'e Pile Remedy otopa itching and bleedinc. A bnorne tumors. Mem J ar at druggists or sent bj mail. Treatise free. Write ma about roar case. OB. BOSANKU, Pbilada., Pa, YOUNG MEN! For Oonorrhrt and Olwt teet Patwt'fl Okay Specific. H li the ONLY medicine which will oure each and arery cane. NO CASK known It baa ever fallfrl to cure, no matter how sprloui or of how long etanrllnfr. Remit from It use will aatonlnh yon. It la ahaolutely aafe, prevent stricture, and can lie taken without tnconve nlence and detention from buMnuna. PRICE. $3.00. Fof pale by all reliable druinrtftt, or ant prepaid by expraaa, plainly wrapped, on rvntpt of nrire. by FAHSf CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. ILL Circular mailed on request. CURE YOURSELF 1 Use Mli for unnatural dischargee, Inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mnooua membrane. Painless, and not aatria gent or poisonous. old by Draniata, or sent In plain wrapper, ij express, prepaid, tor I. Oil. or S hottlea. I..TS. Circular sent on request. N. P. N. V. SO. 4B-'09. WHKX writing-' to advertisers pleas mention this paper. C. H. f f is 1 to 1 aars. i mJw OnaraotMd Hi B. J not to suiotare. F 1 Prevents CoDlafloa. irHtEvmCHtMioiCo jioihiiati,o.J