CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albauy 12:50 p. m ". ' Corvallis 1:45 p. in. Arrive Yaquina, 5:50 p. m. No. 1. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. m. " Corvallis 11:40 a. m. Arrive Albany 12:25 p. m. No. 3. For Detroit: " Albany 7:40 a. m Arrive Detroit 11:55 p. m No. 4. Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:25 p. m " Albany 5:35 p. m No. 6. Leaves Albany. 6:05 p. m. Arrives Corvallis, . 6:55 p. m No. 5 Leaves Corvallis, . 6:40 a. m. Arrives Albany, .7:25 a. m No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al bany and Corvallis with Southern Pacfiic trains giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent benches. No. 6 runs from Albany to Cor vallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Al bany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Train for the mountains airive at Detroit at noon giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush And Santiam rivers same day. H. L. WALrjiwf, Edwin Stone, T. F. & P. A . Manager. B. F. JONES, Attorn ey-at-La w, Notary Public. TOLEDO, - ORGON. Will practice in all the courts of uregon. jive and one-hall years clerk of Probate and Circuit courts. , Has complete up-to-date Abstract of Lincoln County. SHOULD YOU NEED )rug,s -oi any kind, call on- Dr. DARNELL. Prescriptions a Specialty. Sweetest Candies, The Freshest Nuts, Nobbiest Stationery. TOLEDO, OREGON. LUCIXDA JACKSON. Portrait Artist. SIXETZ, OREGON. THE LEADER. CHARLES F. SOULE. ) ADA E. ' t rniuroiw. Enlarges Portraits in Crayon and Tastel. Good work; Reasonable Prices. Frames furnished if desired. nervita Restores VITALITY, 8 i' nil lost vigor i3 h h f'.KD MANHOOD Cures Impotency, NU'ht Emissions and wasting1 disease, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ( ver pimc glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth ! B V mall ROv. rer box: O hnxps Kr with a written gruariin- loo to euro or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, I5.L. For sale ly O. O. Krogstad, Druggist, Toledo, Oregon. Dr. Cndy'a Condition IVwuprs, ore just wlmt n horse newta when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Thvy are not food but medicine and the best in n;; to put ft horse In prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. Foe ma bv 0. 0. Krogutud, Druggist Official County Paper. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OneYear - - - $1 50 Six Months - 75 Three Months - - - 50 Entered at the iontoffl!8 at Toledo, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Advertising rates made known on application, Business locals will be inserted in these col umns at five cents per line per week, and will be run until ordered discontinued. Every postmaster in Lincoln county is author ized to act as agent for the Leader. The hopgrowers of Oregon, we "trust," will soon lbe making the brewers hop to their music. We disclose no secret when we remark that the twentieth century doesn't begin on January 1, 1900. An unusual number of grand stand plays are being made by the minority in congress. They please the performers and are harmless. Our own Congressman Tongue has been honored with the chair manship of the committee on arid lands and irrigation. "And. the harbor bar is moaning." A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. It now seems probable that it will be McKinley and Root vs. Bryan and Hogg. That arrange ment will give the humorists and cartoonists a chance to work twenty- four hours every day. "Where is my wandering boy tonight?" If you are referring to the late vociferous dissenier, Senator Stewart of Nevada, you will find him safe again in the republican fold. The fitful fever is over, and he looks well. The mud has been scraped from Main street in Coivallisand, accord ing to the Union-Gazette, that thoroughfare now excels any other in the state in cities of no larger size. We do love enterprise. Pass your scrapers along, please. A new ledge of quartz a mile in width and assaying $800 per ton has been discovered near Dawson. There is some danger that gold will soon be too common to pose as the standard and this country will be forced to return to a clam-shell basis. If the Oregonian publishes ver batim the report of the engineers on the subject of further improvement of our harbor, it is not putting it too strongly to characterize said report as dirty net. There is a studied attempt throughout the report as given to the public to brand everything connected with aquina bay and its surroundings as insignificant and amateurish. However, we're all from Missouri a long distance from Missouri and must be excused for waitincr for later returns before proceeding to annihilate the engineers. The death of General Henrv Lavvton in the Philippines Tuesday is a serious loss to the nation. Officers of his ability are not too numerous, and it is to ba regretted that he lacked the discretion which would have resulted in many more years of valuable service to his country. His nerve had been proven long ago, and the last, fatal display thereof was wholly un necessary. Standing, as he did, in an exposed position, wearing a white helmet and a vellow rain coat, he was an easy target at only 300 yards for even a Filipino sharp shooter. A young officer with a reputation to make may be ex pected to indulge in such reckless ness, but an old veteran whose bravery and ability are firmly es-' tablished should know better. The i fate of brave Lawton makes a sad page in American history. ' 1 Twenty-five Years' Constant Use Without a Failure. The first, indication of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough ap pears, it will prevent the attack. It is used , in many thousands ol homes in this broad land and never disappoints the" anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single in stance in vvhich it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five years' constant use without a fail ure. For sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. DON'T FORGET . That besides a gen eral stock of Drugs, Medicines, Notions, etc., we have a Full Line of School Books and Supplies, Wall paper, Paints and I Windowglass. Also the leading kinds of Grass Seeds Mul-Ths Mffit 1 r 1 4 J i V ,"c ,W-w!r if J J ' J r ' Real Estate Cheap. I have' for sale the, following property: 1 91 acres; 2160 acres; 3 7 acres; 4 40 acres; 5 160 acres; 6 2S0 acres. Also a number of lots and houses in Fredricksburg and Olsson's addi tion to Newport. John A. Olsson, ' .8-11 Newport, Ore. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It ia equally efficient for itching piles and e favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites il chronic sore eves. 25 cts. per box. For sale by 0. 0. Krogstad Druggist. m -UP - ... , - FAVO P; T SET j I 'M l I I m t, A WlfliEABlTBfil mm' NOT THE CHEAPEST STOCli On Earth, but this is the place where you get full weight, full measure and honest treatment. We do not pretend to sell the cheapest stuff 1 earth. We do not keep it. A carload of the well-known Stayton Flour and Feed received. This flour and feed is not the cheapest onea: but customers who trade with us appreciate and thoroug understand the difference in the quality of goods. Remember this fact. As we have been in the clothing business twenty-five years, we have the experience neces sary to turn out a suit that will fit, whether you take it out of stock or if you want a tailor made suit. "Vours For Business Y.- B.M.Co 1l - THE LEADER, and DTHE OREGONIAN. )'T1 Cedar Mill and. Fixture Compan 0. R. ALTREE, Manager. Dealers in Cedar L umber SASH, DOOES, MOULDINS, SHINGL1 A.t Lowest Prices. A. T. PETEltSON, Agent, Toledo, Ores JACK ALLPHIN, Land Agen THOSE WISHING LAHD Call and look over our list and let us s! you cheap farm or town proporty. THOSE WISHING TO SELL Leave their land and lots in our charge and we sell it if buyers appear at all. Jack Allpliin, Toledo CASH TALKS TOLEDO COMfllSSION H USE Will Sell You Goods For Cash CHEAPER Than you can expect to buy of credit houses, where you pay the bills owed by the man who don't Dav. s Your trade in GROCERJF' V PROVISIONS, , I FLOUR ad FEED iH ed. . iJ T.P. HSIL Mner, Toledo, 0.