Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 08, 1899, Image 5

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Son & Go,
$1 W Newport, just hr the Kray
JF&teiZ dawn makes familiar ob-
$i jocts assume strange sh:ips, one
M I realizes what "early iu the morn
ing" moans. The bay ono smooth,
irresistible, outward rush of water, still
dark wit h the lingering shadows of rie-
puitin" nipht, carries hero aul there
on its whirling eddies some small booty
wrestsd from the shores during its bold
nk'ht raid.
Next, i he tones of light, change, and
beyond the eastern hills the sky begins
to warm with thoso tints which man
has for ages tried to describe and imi
tate with pen and brush and which ho
has never quite done justice to. Thro'
Fiiryiug shades of violet to ralest
mauve, thou to a tender rose, ever
deepening and brightening, until fiusilly
uie hay is all one sliming opal set
round with emerald hills.
The beach is quiot and usually de
serted at this hour. No surf foams in
over the. reefs. Rollers scarcely large
enough to bob a surf duck steal softly
in and play lazily with tho long, ruffled
kelp ribbous that tchige the rocks. iAir
in the west tho sky lino is yet dim, as
if Night were looking over her.shoulder
at her pursuer.
Then th" c . I ;..!, fn'U irnm line
welcome, over the sands, ami the vari
ous sea-birds greet it with joyous cries,
though harsh, and the robins and
meadow-larks up on tho bill in the
.rhododendron bushes add their clear
tones to th9 morning hymn of Nature.
The air is full of a strong, briuv odor,
mingled sometimes with a faint, spicy
fragrance, unrecognized, but wholly
pleasing to the nostrils.
Tho silence, tho peace, almost, I
would say, tho solemnity, of this early
summer morning on tho shore of the
Facitie is something that once experi
enced cau never bo forgotten. The
eWorld, hurrying aud worrying and el
bowing its way in crowded city streets,
seems to bo blotted out, aud the mind
has room aud time to look back ou life
as far as memory cau curry it, ana for
ward until it encounter?! infinity.
Let the ''nerveless" man, broken
down in tho struggle for supremacy
over his fellow in either the busi
ness or political world, come to this
chosen spot and watch the sun
over hill and bay aud ocoau, Oil his
luagswith deep breaths of pure, strong
salt air, and I guarantee his care9 to
float away with tho morning mists. , '
What better location could there bo
for a sanitarium thau somewhere on the
banks of our own Yaquina,? Would
not an earnest, combined effort in in
teresting capital in that direction by
our leading citizens be better for the
upbuilding of our county than dis
cussion over tho average rainfall, or
v;ho is goiug to "run" at next spring's
eloctiou? Felix.
Yaquina, Or., Dec. 4, 1800.
Saw n?UFor Saie.
The Mill known as Number Four
(4), property of the Oiegon De
velopment Company, situated at
Yaquina, Oregon. For further in
formation address A. L. Maxwell,
Receiver Oregon Development Co.,
134 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
If you want good butter, go o
T. P. Fish. lie keeps the celebrated
Gnst Forssell brand.
o- -o
Convoy, Son & Co. have just re
ceived another car of Silver Medal
flour, to be sold at bed-rock.
Standing on the beach at
General Merchants
fC(,nds. Groceries, Roots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Hardware, Tinware.
j.e,.y)Vood and Willow ware, etc., etc. Rest brands of Flour and Feed
'eadquarters ior Bargains in All
Lines no Baits. All goods war
ranted and sold on their merits.
3T ARRIVED A complete assortment of Christmas Goods-in Tovr,
Drums, Carts, Dolls, Albums, Fancy Dishes, Rooks,
Games, etc., etc.
Phe only First-Glass General Store
on the Water Front
Eggs and Chickens Wanted
)ne price to all.
Come and see us
Mail orders given prompt
Conroy, Bom Sl C
he Vincent Housed:
CU-Tables always supplied with tbe very best in the market.'Jf
pecial attention given to the accommodation of Commercial Travelers
fSTtivery Barn in connection with the hotel. Good rigsgfjf
H. W. VINCENT, Proprietor,
Toledo, Oregon.
Real Estate 5 Abstr.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Cinimy Court of tho stale of Orciron,
tor the County of Lincoln. In the niallerof
tho estute nil iCIy Uouui.ey, deceased.
Notice is hereby tttvcu Unit Isaac Martin, as
administrator of tho estate of Kly Hum
mey, deceased, has tiled his linal account
as such adminbtrator with tho clerk of
tho couuty court of the above-named
county mid state, and that the iuiUe
of the said county eoivrt has tixed Tues
day, February ti, l.ti'.i, at tho hour of L' o'clock
1. in. of aid liny, in the county couit room at
thl fiillTlllriiiv'i in Titliwlit I Ii.itiii at OtA t ...
I and plR.ce for henrintr objections' to the said
imiv ii.'cor.nt, 11 k;iv there be.
AdMinistrator of the estate of Dominev,
.toint Senator
.1 o i 11 1 1 le pre se n 1 11 1 ive ,
County Judge
Clerk -Sheriff
School Superintendent
Coroner -
Commissioners J
J. r. Duly
G. K. Davis
J. Stewart
Hurley l.utz
J. It. Koss
J. I.. Hydt)
(loo. bothers
Z. M. Derrick
F. M. Wadsworth
R. H. Darnell
W. K. Wakelleld
V. A. (jodwin
County Commissioners Court meets on Wed
nesday after the lirst Monday in February,
April, June, August, October and December,
a iter it co-trt.
I Ilou. ,1. W. Hamilton, Judge
i Ueo. M. Drown Pros. Attorney
I Com t convenes on 4th Monday In July and
I foil rili Monday in January of each year.
I H. F. Jones, Mayor
been appointed l.v tlio count v l: h: V.0' 1 ns Recorder
T. 1'. Fish Treasurer
K. F. (imir i
It. K. Slinlovi'.nt
.1. V. Stewart i Ait
.1. Ofstedahl, f Aldermen
Fred Stanton
Albert Waugh, J
Council meets on the first Mondavevenlng In
each month.
Notice to CrcJliors.
In thu county court of the Stat. of Ore
gon, for Lincoln county. In the nmt
tor of the estate of"Jnli;i Pouuiicy
Notice is hcrcliv tri ven, that the tindcr-
sifitici I ha
(Mint ai)ovena;iiit c.'lininistrator of the
estate of Julia Hommey, ileceascd. "All
)ersoiif having claims' a;ruinst saiil es
tate are hereby notilied to tile them in
the otlice of" J., K. Stewart, County
.ledjre, witliin six months from the date
hereof. All claims must he duly veri
fied aa bv law required.
Administrator of the estate of Julia
I'omme.y, deceased.
Siletz, Oregon, November 24, 189'.).
SIieriff4 Sale.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of
Orciroi) for Lincoln county, iu ths snK of .lames
11. Miller, (il.iintiil', vs. Jennie Christeiisen and
Cluis Chnsteiiseu, defendruit:;, n uiortKime
foreclosure, I Mill en the Sid day of l'i oetu her,
lSW, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., et the front
ooor 01 liiu com Uiium;, iu Ll.i; i ,L.i ui Tvili.ln,
Lincoln county, OreKon, at pubiie auction, to
Ihe highest bidder for cic.h, sell the foilowins
described real property: The Northwest quar
ter of tho Southeast ipiartcr of Section ill, in
Township 11 South, Kaui;e 111 West, containing
iO acres.
Said sale will h made to siitisfv the judg
ment mid decree in said suit, to-wit: A judg
ment for pluintiff for f ISO, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 pet cent pur annum from
the 2i'.th day of July, and i"i,i attorney fee
iind costs and disbursements inxcd nt f 1M.-10
and nceruliiK costs. J. H. lioss,
Sheriil of Lincoln Coiintv, Oregon.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 1.1th day of .No
vember, laatl.
iijL ,u T"l0,l every Sunday except tho Kd in
each month, movninu' and evening. Sab
bath Hcl.ool every Sabbath at 10 oclock a. in.
(IT. JOHNS CIIi ncK -i'loteslaet Episcopal
j3 Divine service on the I'd Sunday of everv
mouth ut 11 oclock. All are invited to bb
I ;
I TO. O. F. Toicdo Lodfo Number 108, moots
uui'j nniiiriiuy evuniiiK hi ua nan, J.ei ni
visiting brother be absent.
yo. o. i.- hik l.oese Number 1H meets every
l riuuniiii evening in us nail ill r.itt
Visititifr brothers always welcome
O. F.--lbiy I.odiTe Number till, of Yiuiulna.
meets every Wednesday eveniiiR Visitinir
brothers are always welcome.
"O. O. F. Newport T.odtre Numher S!) meets
every Saturdny evening. Visiting members
are cordially Invited to attend.
mwn.UlHT UEUICKAU Lodge No. 90 meets
S meets at Odd Fellows hall in Elk Citv on
In tho Circuit Couit of the Stale of Orciron for i t,ie lst ,H111 'M 'I'linrsdily evenings of each
Lincoln County. ! month. isiling members always welcome.
' 4 Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all
property in Lincoln county.
Also has a large list of Tide lands, Farm lands and
u'y property, improved and unimproved, for sale
on good terms. Address
BOX 37, Toledo, Ore;
Tlie Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co.
can -again supply you with the cele
brated Stay ton flour and feed.
Ask for it.
John Woodman, l'laliititl
'. F. rhilliiw, Defendant
To M. F. Chilli ps, the above-nnmed defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon You
are hereby required to appear iu the nbove
entitled Court and answer to the complninl of
the above-named plaintiff on file therein on
or before the 1st day of tbe next regular tcim
of said Court next follow ini; tho expiration of
the time prescribed in Die ouler for tho publi
cation ol this summons, to -wit : Onorboloro
the 22d day of January, 1900: and you are fur
ther notilied t;at if you fail to fo il ppee.r aud
iiuswer said complaint and summons ns by law-
re.) lined, t tie pla'iil'tl wi'l I'.pply to the Court i
for tbe relief pr:yed for in hN 'complaint ou !
tile therein, to nit: For a. judgment tuMiliist I
you for Ihe loim of with interest thereon
at the rate ol 10 percent per annum from the
1st day ol April, 1SHS, and tor the tiirther sum
of f ! ) as attorneys' fees, nud for the -:.:ts am
on iiursemenls ot this action to be taxed; aud
for an order of tho above-en tilled Court di
recting that a sale b3 made of tho properly
attached In said action by the Sheriff of Lin
coln county, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment,
whi"h property is described as follows: One
chestnut sorrel horse with black mane and
tail, about 10 years, weight about 1'JOO pounds;
one red cow, marked With crop oil' of both
ears, about 111 years old. And that .upon n sale
of said property the proceeds arising: there
from lie applied to the payment of plaintiffs
claim, and the overplus, if any there be, be
paid to said defendants. This period of lime,
proscribed for the publication of this
summons upon you iu more than six
weeks from the date of tho iiist publica
tion, to-wit : Monday, the 22d day of January,
1W0. Tho date of the last publication is Fri
day, the CMh day of January, I'.'IK), and Ihe
data of the iirst publication thereof is Friilp.v,
October '27, lS'.lll.. This summons is published
fn the Lincoln County Leader by tinier of tho
Hot;. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the ahovu
entitle.d Court. .
I'one in Chambers nt Koiiphurg, Oregon,
this Uth dav of October, lwm.
, Wkati!i:ilI''oui a wyatt,
Attorneys for Claintin".
TV) (
U o. I . meets at orta l eiiows hall lu this el. v
on 1 uesdny evening of each week
invited to al tend.
O GOOD Lodge No. 70, llebekah Degree I. O.
his el. v
lODMKX OF THH YVOlt LD.-I'ocahantas
Camp No. 'J'.ll, Toledo, Oiegon. meets on
1st aud Hd Thursday of each month In the
OiM Fellows hull. Visiting neighbors always
F. & A. M. Newport Lodge No. W, regular
Con vocation on Tuesday on before each full
moon. Visiting brothers are cordially wel
J JO. U. W. Western Star Lodge No. 73
1 ' i'A nl,!etsln Odd fellows hail, . niiu
noil i-.i uveniiiun in eucu inuitiil
ows hall, Ymiuina, on lst
rothers uro always welcome.
Slicrill's Sale.
NIT F.I) A HTISANS. River Dell Assembly
No. 02, ruiteil Artisans, meets on the 2nd
Wednesday uiuhts of each month in Odd
Fellows hall, (:ik City, Oregon. Visiting sis
ters and brothers are always welcome.
A. R.-A11R LINCOLN Cost No. 6S, meets in
odd Follows hall on the lst and lid Sutur
rlrys of eai.h month.
Corps No. l!i, auxilliary to the G. A. II.
meets the 2nd and Ith 'Jhursdays iu oaeh
month iu Odd Fellows hull, at 2 p. in.
r-YItIXUA CIRCLE No. 21, W. of W.-Meets
2d and -1 ti Thursdays of each mouth.
4-, .Mrs. Eva I'elerson, uuaidlun Neighbor;
Jennie Arnold, Clerk.
Miller & Pruett an: constantly
adding new departures, latest of
which are ctrpeta and window
ost Brand of Bmndics, "Whiskies, Gins,
Heavy, and Light Wines, etc. .
I Bany beer on draught.
Best Brands of Cignrs.
AL W AUG II, i'rop.
Notice Lor Publication.
Vnlted t-tfltes Land Olliee,
Oregon lty. Oregon,
licce nli'-r 1. J
Notice is hereby tflvon that in cnmplliiin"
with 'he provisions of thij act of Co'i.;resy of
Junes, 1K7M, eicitled "An act for tho nile of
ti'iiberliindsin the .Statcsof nlif.iriiiu. Oieiton,
Nevada, and Wnsliiui;toii Territory," aexteu i
ed to nil the public Land States by act of
August 4. IS!t', Kile Johnson, of Fortlniid,
count v of Multnomah, sia'e of orciron. has this
dav tiled In this oiricu his sworn tutement No.
Mi. I r the purchai-o of th- V'..; N K'vj, SK', ,' of
NIC'.', and NK1. , of SK'-j of Section No. 21 in
Township No. !)ouih, Il'iue No. M west, 'ind
will olier proof to show that the land f.ouirhl is
more valuable, for its timl er oi stone th:in for
inriculturnl ji'irpoytH, and to eslublish l b:
claim to said land before the Kenister end
Kecelver of this ollice at Ore:rou Ciiy, (rt-vron,
on Wedneidiiy, the 1 1th day of J'e'iruary, l:i:.!i.
lie names as witnessci" File Ilmiian, of
Paibi", I'oli coiintv, orfj.'on, Aoit JlHiis.m of
Woodlp.tin. ('owlet eoiinly, VRshlii:ton, Nils
Johiifon, of Portland, Multnomah county, Ore
gon, and A:;el L. Jojinson, of l'urtland, Mult
nomiih cout'tv, orecoit.
Any and all pcr-oi!F !I m i n: iidverte'y iho
Rbovf-iie' cril.od biTtsare rt-iucle'l U file their
tlnlms iu this oillrx' on or t ef 'ie sai:l 1 lih day,
in ' 1'rbrtiury. Ilioii.
( HAS. !!. MOOIM S, lleci-ier.
Notice is hereby Biven that, by virtue of an
execution aud order of sale issued out of the
circuit court of the slate of Oregon for Lincoln
county, bcariiiK date liecember 2, 1W.I, upon a
judgement rendered and entered in said court
on the 2i. th. nay of July, 1HJH, wherein W. J.
Lord, as governor of Orciron, if. K. Kineuid, as
secretary of st.ite, and l'hil .Metsehan, as state
treasurer of oreirou, the hoard of Conimlvsioii
crs for tho .Sale of School and University Lan Is
and lor the investment of minis arising there
from of ihe state of Oret'on were plaitilKl and
Mary Miller and Ira A. Miller were defendants,
said Jtidi.'incnt was in favor of said obilntifl's
and ii;ain.-;t said defendants, lor Die sum of H x
II niidred Dollars (f;ea) with interest thereon
fro u the said '.'.ith day of July, sw. nt the rite
of S per c-iit ),er aiinuiii, ami for Seven tv-Fivo
Dollars attorney's t'os, and the further mi i
Tweuty-I'ivo Dollarscosls. Sni I execution wet
to incdireeted and delivered and commands
me lo sii ..isfy the above n.imod sums of money
by levyiiijr upon and selliriK tho following de
cribtd real pn.pi.rry, towit: The southeast
iiuart .'r and the east half of the southwest
liimrter of scctlfln I, township 11 so"th, ran ire
1 1 west of Viili:mott .Merldca.ii, coniainiti(; Two
Hundred and J oriv acres, filuateit in l.incoin
county, Oregon. '1 herefore in obedinnce to the
said command, I will on
SATL'Ul'AV Tilt-: f.TJI DAV OF J AN L'AltV, l!:0()
nt the hour of one o'clock p. m. In front, of the
court house dc or In Toltnlri, aforesaid County
and Stiuo, sell at. public a, lotion to the hlsriie. . i
hidder for cash, all trie light title ani Int. rrni
of l)oi mill Mary Miller and Ira A. Mi.,T. -le-lendiinis,
h.sreio I" and to the itliov ('e.-criic 1
property, to nniisfy the judKeineut, attir.iey
lets, cof;tn and a(":iMiIug costs.
J. II. J10.SK,
Sh'ThTof Llncu'ii Co'.iuty. i iri'ton.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, Deceiniur C, ls;i.i, ,
M!)T!CF. !'()! rTI5L'.CATI0N.
Deputy District Attorney
for Lincoln County.
Will jinu:ti(;e in all courts in tho
Htate.- Probate inattors and collcc
tipriH j) iUU't)(lc(l to.
Y. 15. M. CO. Buililitib',
OKKlHtN CITY, )I'.i:J).
Land Titles and Land OlHce Busi
ness a Specialty.
I and Ollice at (;re?"ii City, On i.'oji
NiAXll: ui:r '.. t?'.'
i hi
. Notice
iiiiioi yu: iii'
to llillr.C iim.l
t In. t siii'j pn,
' On 'i ly Ciet
:by ;;liui that the f'.liowiio:
h:i tiled notice of his i.iicntlin
., .f In support of !ii!icl:ii:n, and
i v.-ill l.e in. i le bcfjio J. U. i.ulz.
I.lm'olu Cotiiily, OtpL'oti, i.t
Every woman o clu Br. VUes' I'ttSo t'l
'lolcoo, Oie,;on, on lituunrv in, Li.".', viz
Alt'ouyo c. 'i'u'ois in, II, K. No. ll..:.ti, for the
w1., of sw' ; Ki.-t w'.j of i.w'i of l-ec. T. 11! 8.
of K. R. W.
He names the followin;.' wi!ties.,!;:s to prove
his i-'iiitinuoos ri."'iduce upon and cultivation
of s.'od Ihiii.1, vl : l hi.rles ill, Wesley .':in
tuirv, Pen .l .irr'iivy i f I L-.rlnn . Oregon ;
lirotnerson of iCd.'.vvillo, O.-cKon.
CPAS. P. MooitKH, Ilcjflster.
A CM For Cour.ty Warrants.
Xolicc i:4 lieroliy 'ivt'it Hint I luivi:
fumlrion litunl to pay ujl county war
rutitH drawn on tint cuortii fiunl, nnd
eii(lor.ucd "n it jiitid fur witnt ot fm: l.,"
tip to, ana lnciitiiiii'r jJin;. m, lti.h
Inf'.irivt, ii n:d n rr:t:itrj (joui-ch
this .lute.
DHte l ut Toli-du, Orcjron, Oct. V.i,
J. L. !I VT
Trca.iitrcr of Lin.,-! County, f l:c''.:i.
Physii'hin mid Smjcun,
tar j rig
The "Barber
Your He?.d Around
to a first-class
sl.ave tbe only
and treat it
hair cut or a
kind you '21 itt fio.n
Toledo, Oregon
Any one sending
Our fee returned if we fail.
sketch and dcuciirtioii of iinv invention will
promptly receive nr opinion tree coneerninij
the patentability of kiiiiic, "How to Obtain a
l'utent" sent uiioii 1'iitciit secured.
throii(;ii us ndvertised lor s;dc nt our expense.
Patents t.ikea out tliroii'li us receive Hicrta',
liolirr, V'ithoiitcluire, in Till. 1'ATiiNT KliCOKD,
on illustrated mid widely circulated journal,
consulted by Muirif.tctui ern mid Investors.
Send for sample cupy FfcEE. Addtess,
(I'r.tcnt Attorneys,)
Cvon Cull Jlnc, WASHINGTON, t. C