'I i !' I, ! ;1. If 1 i i I'pkfl JE L t ATI Yaquina, Oregon Tiie Only Exclusive iind FURNISHING In the Coiasity. IOUSE j.A .Largo and Varied Stock at Hock-Bottom Prices :: i IS Kaxri-ruittitauMfomnrinraauiai a specialty - Ail Sizes, Grades and Styles Constantly on band, at prices which defy competition. d 11' P (I1 ' !) SI) (! 51' r. J. vn?,w!na KToias. S lbs. Good Green Coffee for $i.oo r TVih'.'vm from the ! o lbs. Roasted police lor mwMnwt nyjww;ngiriTaLTaritrT'OTwia tiawtMmaragicnnj'wr Don't You Know That we give more ftroceries for one dollar than imv other house in the city: if not it will ymy you to rail and he convinced. We always have on luuid fresh goods. A FULL LINE OF Groceries. Dry ( !oods, Foot Wear. A Trial Order Vi!2 Satisfy Ycu. HENRY LEWIS, Nexi -liHir to ro.stolllco. lCt!lla')lo piTsoiifl of n mechanical or inventive mind doslrliiK ft trip to the I'ari.i Kxixvutiou, with good .Biliary and cxpchscr paid, nhoiilil writo Tho i'ATENT ItlXOHO, Baltimore, Md. 0. II. BliOWN, BLACKSMITHING 8U.ETZ, OflEGON. (leiu'iftl h(i) anil Impair work of nil kind done at rcr.sciiollo prices. HOKSKSltOEIXG ami WAtiOX WOltK a specially. hi ta ite 1 88 Mr. and Mrs. Alsea vent out to Corvallis Tues day. Tbe much-needed repairs to the church were attended to by our worthy citizens. Miss Gertie Rowe went out to Portland Tuesday lo visit with relatives during the winter. Mr. Jacobson went to Toledo Saturday for tbe extreme pleasure of walking back over tbe bills. Mrs. A. J. St. Hit and grand daughter, Kva Stout, were in town Saturday shopping and calling on their friends. Mrs. Cannon and son of Beaver creek were trading in Yaquina last Friday; also Messrs.' Weaver and Hultry of tbe same neighborhood. Several persons have just arrived from North Dakota and will look over tbe county with a view to making it their future home. There is plenty of room. Let them come, and don't forget the strangers with i i our gates. Jrri.y. - -o- Son ot an vnio Mercnant Cured off Chronic Diarrhoea. My sou has been troubled for years with chronic diarhoea. Some time ago 1 persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. 1 give this tes timonial, hoping some one similarly afflicted may read it and be bene fited. Thomas C. Hower, Glencoe, Ohio. For sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. Si.'bo G lbs. Good Roast Coffee for $i.co at Tellcl'son's, Yaquina City. For Sale. House and lot centrally located at Toledo, $150; also 20 acres improved at Storr's, $450. Address Geo. T. Smith, Klk City,. Oregon. - Miller & Truett have doubled their stock of shoes some decided bargains. For ammunition of all kinds go to Conroy, Sou & Co.'s. Large assortment just received. Now is the time for a poor man to purchase at Miller & Pruett's. The New York World Thrice -a- W eek E! i tion . 1 hnvt' ticf'ii in the enliirariii;r bnsinsss twelve years. Mid fuel justified in n:iyinK J believe I cull do work that w ill suit yon if you can be nutted. VortniilMnilaruod in Crayon or l'astel. 1 also copy l'nndM'apes, unhi.nls, etc., nnd furn ish frames, if desired. riinnie A. Owram, TOI.K1K), OUKCOX. I I it? is I S s Yacjuina , Oregon, DKALER IN FIEBCHAMBISE I II AVI? A FULL LINK of Groceries, Flour and Feed, which I sell at prices as low as the lowest. MY STOCK of Dry Good-,, Dress Goods, Men':; Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Ladies', Ger.ts' and Children's Shoes and Rubbers, Hats, llardwaie, Tinware, Granitewfire, Wooden ware, Crockery, Glassware. I shall continue to sell out at R'.:;j1 bargains, as these goods must 1 go. Call and see my stock. Yours 4,. .u t-jvl. w j I I 0.1 11) 5; NOTICE. I have a lew tracts of good land in the Bay country which I can sell at Bargains. Call on or wiite to me. Pkteu Tki.lki'Son. Yaquina, Oregon. 1 J 1 1 f M ;) 1 k ? '1 ' ' .' J s r i. i.y. ' Elk City Items. Mr: Editor: You do not get the caption of your correspondence from this place correct. It should be "Elk City Items." We hope your compositor will adjust his spectacles and set this thing right in your , next issue. Klk City is a real town, nestling among the hills at the junction of the Yaquina and Big Elk rivers, surrounded by a rich grazing and agricultural country, especially adapted to fruit raising and dairying. The town has about 75 inhabitants, a general merchandise store, owned by J. R. Mays Sc Son; one hotel, presided over by that most genial and ac commodating of landlords, R. F. Simpson; a blacksmith shop, drug store, postofilce and a public school. We also have a nice hall, owned by the Odd Fellows. At the last meeting of the order (Saturday evem :;.-, Nov. 25), we bad a fra ternal visit from Grand Master Weaib.eiford, 1. J. Seeiy and. J. I iHirkhart ot Albany. A buiquet was given at the hotel by the mem bers of tbe order here in honor of the visiting brothers. The supper was prepared by Mrs. R. F. Simp- ALflOST A DAILY AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. Tbe most widely circulated "weekly" newspaper in America is the Thrice-a-Wcek edition of The New York World, and, with the presidential campaign now at hand you cannot do without it. Here are some of the reasons why it is easily the leader in dollar a year journalism. It is issued every other day, and is to all purooses a daily. ivery week each subscriber re ceives iS pages and often during the "busy" season 24 pages each week. The price is only $1.00 per year. It is virtually a daily at the price of a weekly. Its news covers every known part of the world.. No weekly newspaper could stand alone and furnish such service. The Thrice-a-Week World has at its disposal all of the resources of the greatest newspaper in existence the wonder of modern journalism "America's Greatest Newspa per," as it has been justly named The New York World. Its politi cal news is absolutely impartial. This fact will be of especial value in th'e Presidential campaign com ing on. The best of current fiction is found in its columns. These are only some of the Teasons; there are others. Read it and see them all We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Leader together one year for $2.25. Those wishing sample copies will please leave their names at thi office. RackJ a i 1 Keeps a complete J ins in Ladies h a'Hl Fancy Goo Material, Knick-k, all kinds, aiidxo; Call and Exam! Volume ( II K A PEST LATEST II !Ha I J 9 1 RenusArr! ing READY-TO-WEAR r-eSKT fcS tv .-: r:x-:r7i f r- t- - - . . vJluip. ;y6;V Vr-.".v;.-r;;'.,- - . :.-.v; y. ! ;-;Vf.'.i:'i.."J.- J' son, who is noted for her skill ami : ir y-)i i iUlcc!' in ti e culinary , art. The i' Vv; :ti s),,'k',!f JpWkh&$i I ccaM0!i was greatly crjoyed by all yWZ)PA';( ',.::'' -V-WfV-V present. Ml;Mb i m fa 1 1 - A good audience met Sui-.da evening to bctir Rev. Brown of To ledo preach, but he failed to put in an appearance. Tbe evening, how ever, was well spent 111 singing and W-' v :fl I listening to a very interesting ad- '-2 1 A Ct-! ! dress bv Prof. A. B. Chirk ,.F tho 0 : public school. X. , 7 We own anil orrnv tno U'.loet r.ic-n.i.t l !i'i,irc i . r .vrld. Wo have over i.ok OiV) c.to'iu'.... NV1'.'!) ir.v.ili ltv u . d'r constantly Miller ft Pruett ar? constantly f l 1 adding . new departures, latest of "T'fl which are carpet and window vi i,y 1 - i shades. OUR G K M KRAL C A T . I- O C '.' ) ' i WfcoWai.Io rilkiti :o fvi-ry'v.'y. evi C.'.iv .1 Ji it i i lii'.is uf n.'tn. U wi: '". ; i i i :icli copy We w.mt y.)-i to h ive 01. ... your i'.tu'& l.uth. mul v.' II ter.j y:m a copy i .vt.t PiiGNTSOEiiY WARD & C0,"ie,,;ti" i! l'i;':: ti:r p.-oplp it otlotes I.li" I . s, U' . .. ii'oliav.oiib, and i'. c v . . t.j print end iv.ail C1..WI- 1 :: ! c'KNTS totihow , tt a I c!.;tt5 prepaiJ. - filing and arge audi next d: ...A ices auu ijt mornin' itinn with a bpecinlM dock p. 'tence of ' Hats trimmed; tips cleaned at. d. Tbi All work guurtmteed. 1 T Jlder Foi G. E. BAUMAi te Tolei P ulor nt residence opposite a.LfuPied 1 lderin th juse, do; s place, aoming f ,Rev.C jjtheM. itention jceat E 4ty in tt en goe i two w hat place made by cured ill Rev. text Sur t srence :'al and I Tolec jDr. C 'londay iy at rijpert; The Yaquina J YAQUINA, OREGON, MRS. A. S. CASTEEL Propriety The leading hotel of Special attention qiventoCc- tirfi i raveiers. Miss Pygi 1 YAQUINA, OREG! UP-TO-DATE Dressmat We are better prepared to serve our customers than ever before. Our stock is most complete. Call and examine for yourself. Miller ft Pruett. I"-T"" "n 11 will mm w 1 1 1 in ,i rtfV1 CoPYfllQHTS AC. AnroTio siTHllnif n skploti anil dpHcrlntlnn mny PtnfMr ascertain nar oiilnaai frco wliotlior an iav,Mlli(m ts pr.ilmhly patcniiiliie. t'onunnnl" ' Hour, t net ly mniWontl.il. liaiulbooU on I'm "nt. cent frnn. OM".t aL-nary for Hwuriup pa ra . Patents i taken thmuuli Muim a'co. receive siWiiInoHce, without clmiie, lutbo r,-l-mTB A jinnrtKorne'r illv.ntrntort weekly. Larcost olr (illation of any scleiaiuo journal. aSVriiY 13 a NilfiCo.8810"'8. New York Branch Olllce. B25 V 8U Washington. D.C ' I A FREE PATTERN zm wu'; wcuib a year. Tailoring it SnecLili The only Tailoress in the com! $ l inest linntrt rrices ana Work Guaranteed to PI Z. M. DEURIII County Surveyoif Solicits all work in his line, rect work and reasonable prices. P. O Address, Eddy vile, Ore; BEATER CREEE WOODENWAItE (ft Ona, Lincoln Connty, 6ra Manufacturers of all kint Woodenware Prices given on applicatian. !have '11, ught leach onda rs. lacko (Geo sown rlaine ?ben ke a iood :rtm as b ipnd; usb larr 2 Jon pkintinoi 2Z of all kinflH nontly ond P"1 oxoctitoil. 1'riccs rcii-'Oii" ,no at work KatiHfnctory. S: We wake a mwtlBlty ol pni 2J rRnipnictH.oaUHWtHiK. 'n"'':. Letter lleaK Bill I letuls, atatomenu J: l.nvelopen, Etc., r.tc, mc. nil bl,i.U..r tltitf S? THn LEADER JOB DEPARTMENT. n Toledo, Oregon. R. ill Ja I. 4r - A LADIES' MAGAZINE. : : A,fPm: b"t''l colored nlatr. I.,... tcriba lo day, orTw ,i V i ?r,e,c- Sul ;S llyallPV.,'Sj:i ndiciriVnnV"- 5: :5 .t.H?11' R"aWe, Simple, Un'-to. S; ;m n.ttp, r.ciinnmlcal Rnd Al..i.: i ! ::r,ti MaUisan Street CHICAGO 1 O-- 1 " Jrl.- I I One hundred mackintoshes for t ij men, i.uues, gins ami Hoys, just U $ received at Henry Lewis'. All styles, shapes and colors, with or without capes, and prices from $2.50 r. J? . m ... ;K and ,, rmby ,'" v,ry ci.y S; TUG McCALL CO TJIII III 111 III 111 III 111 lllllilllli mm Keem ronstantlv Oil liand Standard Varieties of Fruit Trees, Vines and Shrubbery. yrj up. va ll ana examine. A fit t V. VILS0 - guauuueea. CIIITWOOD, OBl hi 7