if 5 tfCOLN B CHEAPE! earth. EARTH. r Store, Clean, Fresh Stock, and Every thing at Iscd-liock Prices. AKRIVKD A full arid complete lino of Jloots and Shoos TWinr. amps, etc., etc., all made to order, of the best material, and every tr guaranteed. Cull and get oar prices before buying elsewhere Wn i suit you. Wo have u new stock of Hals and Cups, all the latest yles, at bedrocK prices. Having euliirned our store, and our stock as oil, we are iu a bettor position than ever beforo to serve vou We urn fcnfs for three of the largest tailor inp; houses in America. Give us our order for Mackintoshes, any style, size or price. a full stock of that Celebrated Silver Medul Flour - no otiieh s'oood; also Bran, Shorts, Chop, uttts and Wheat always on b:nid at , i r i. "n: .v.... New Goods Arriving Daily. 1NT all the Chickens, Eggs and good butter you can brinr us at ilgnesc rrices. I i ie price to all. Come and see us ), 1 GOODS REED PLAIN JURES. Mail orders given prompt ATTENTION. Conroy, Sbn& Ga., TOLEDO, OREGON. f fe Vincent House - Nfe'. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. a JTables always supplied with the very best in the raarketK :jal attention given to the. accommodation of Commercial Travelers 3Livery Bam in connection with the hotel. Good rigsjSj EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. 1 II. W. VINCENT, Proprietor, Toledo, Oregon. 4IKCOLN OOrrNTYsa Real Estate & Abstract Co. Oregon Prosperity. At $70 apiece for sleeis and 15 cents. a pound for wool, Eastern Oregon livestock men are not troub ling themselves about combinations of buyers. If such combinations' are controlling prices, then stock men hope the buyers will form a veckribhed trust and stick to their mutual agreements. James Mc Ilaley, of Giant county, had on hand the entire wool clips from his bands for 1897, 1S9S and 1S99. He had stubbornly refused to sell, in 1897. when he was offered 7 cents per pound for his mountain, high shrinkage wools, but decided to hold for better prices. He held over Ulllil 1808. and rnr nnrtrlier li,-. which he placed in the warehouse alongside the 1S97 wool, and again waited. The year 1899 came, and he once more removed the wool from his sheep, and put that in the ware house and held it. Wool crept up wards, and Mclialey watched it ascend with considerable satisfac tion. He had 104,793 pounds o'f the stuff,-and gi1n. nid if-fnrTs cents a pound to Silbermaii Bros. Mr. McHaley figures up his profits on holding the wool at just $7500. No other wool is known of here as unsold in all of Eastern Oregon. Robert Stanfield, a cattle-raiser of the Echo country, this county, has j disposed of a lot of cattle at a price j said to be the highest ever received j by a Umatilla county s1ockir.au since the country wassetlled. Oscar Thompson, cf Morrow county, al.-o sold to the same buyer, at the same price. They contracted with a Seattle firm for the delivery of about 150 head each at 5 cents a pound on the hoof. This will make each steer bring $70. Each seller will receive about $8500 for the little bunch of steers he turns over to the Seattle people. Oregonian. C. E. Shaw, who resides near Al- lbany, milks 14 cows, taking the milk to the Albany creamery. Yes terday he received a check for $104.40 for returns from !. the i'4 cows for the past 30 days. , !'fh,is is an excellent showing, and illustrat ing what a profit can be made lrom creameries and dairying when prop erly conducted. Mr. Shaw grows clover, grain and hay besides corn for ensilage. He feeds his cows plentifully and keeps a fine herd of well bred Jerseys. Albany Herald. Eggs are 30 cents per dozen in Coquille City now, and very scarce at that price. The scarcity of this product of the farm in the past 12 months demonstrates that more people should, engage iu this busi ness if they wish to have a comfort able income every month in the year. Coquille City Bulletin, D. P. McKay, of Wilbur, brought 11 turkeys last Tuesday, Jhat aver aged 15 pounds each and netted him $1.95 each, one of them brought $3.90. Mr. McKay says it pays to raise turkeys in good republican times. Roseburg I'laindealer. A Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all property in Lincoln county. o lias a iarge list of Tide lands, Farm lands and lJ property, improved and unimproved, for sale o-'uu terms. Address 13 OX 27, Toledo, Oregon. ! !he )ewey. Best Brand of Brandies, Whiskies, Gins, Heavy and Light Wines, etc. pANY BEER ON DRAUGHT. Best Brands of Cigars. v; ., AL W AUG II, froi. Notice. U. S. Land Office, I Oregon City, Or., Oct. 10, 1899. j Notice is hereby given that the approved fractional plat of Town ship 13 South, Range ioj West, has been received lrom the Sur veyor Genera' of Oregon, and on . December 1, 1800, , at 9 o'clock a. m. of said date, said 1 - . .Ml 1-- .C1-.1 :.. .V. -iT! 1 piai wii v iueu 111 in is uuicu unci the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Ciias. B. Moor us, Wm. Galloway, Register. Receiver. A Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds 611 hand to pay nil county war rants drawn on the general fund, and endorsed ''not paid for want of fund," up to, and including Dei. 31, IK'.Hi. Interest on said warrants censes from this date. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, Oct. V.), IS!')!). .1. I.. IIYDK. Treasurer of Lincoln Count y, Oregon. Shoes, Shoes at a bargain at Tellefson's, Yaquina City. iCvjiy woman noeda I)r. Miles' I'uiu fUt Notice of Final Settlement. in the County Court of the state of Oreiron, tor the County of Lincoln. In the matter of the estate 01 L'ly llomn.ey, deceased. Notice is hereby given thnt Isaac Miirtin, as adii'inislratnr of the estate of I'.ly Dom mey, deceased, has filed his tinal account ii-i Mich administrator with the clerk of the futility court of the above-named county nml Unto, and thnt the juiUe of the said county court has fixed Tues day, lehruiiry ti, KkW, at the hone of o'clock p. in. of said dny, in the county couit room ut 'lie courthouse in Toledo, Oiviron. s the time mid pliice f.ir henrinp objections to the s.iij t.i'.nl til-fount, if (i 1 1 - there be. , , . . ' ISAAC MAYI'lX, Administrator of the estate, of i-: i v Duiuiuey, dei eased. Notice to Creditors. In 1.1m county court of the SHie 01 Ore gun, for Lincoln county. In the mat ter of the estate of Julia Dom mey deceased . Notice is hereby iven, that the uikUt sned haw been appointed by the counts court abovena-.iicd admhiii-t 'rator of the estate of Julia Pommey, deceased. .Mi persona having claims' mjairl.st sr.id es tate are hereby notilied to tile them in the oitiee of J. l- Stewart, County Judge, within nix months from the date hereof. All claims must he duly veri fied as by law required. ISAAC MAUTIX, Administrator of the estate of Julia Donimey, deceased. Siletn, Oregon, November 21, ISO!). mmacToiiY. LIM0I.1V t OL'M Y. Joint Senator .loint KepreFentatlve, County Judtfe clerk ... sheriff Trer.nnror School sui.eriiitendeut Surveyor Assessor ... Coroner Commissioners j r County Cominissltniers Co nesiiiiy inter the first Mo April, June, August, Octol J. 1). Daly ('. K. lavU .1. F. Stewart - Hurley l.utji .1. II. Koss J. L. Hydo (ieo. llethers '.. M. Kerriclt F. M. Wadsworth 1(. K. Darnell - V. It. Wnkelield F. A. Itodwin urt meets on Wed- nliiy In l'ehrunry er and December' ci iter IT COI KT. lieu. J . W. Hamilton Jndpo tieo. M. llrowu Tros. Attorney Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and fourth Monday in Jiinuarv of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. . K. Jor.es, . K. K. Collins T!lo T. !' !' Hoi-niiiL' Fish ti:ir ... . Htiidevimt . . . . Mayor . Koeiirder . .Marshal Tieasuier F. II. I J. F Stewart '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.".' J. Ofstedahl, Aldermen Fred Stanton Albert Wnugh, J Council meets on the lirst Mondnvevoning in tiach month. mimtia at m nunc niMMttanmvtsmuiaw, itooommi CHURCH KS AN D SOCIETIES. Sheriff's Sale. Ity virtus ot an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of tlic state of ircon for Lincoln county. in the unit of ,'nnics II. Miller. .laiiit.iiV, vs. Jennie christensen and Chris Chiistensc.n, defendants, a niort jinw loieetosunj, I wiiiim liiu u,i v v.i Ii.v:i..'.i;'. lMH), lit the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., 'at the front door of the courthouse, in the city of Toledo, l.inc'il'i countv, OreKoii, at. public' auction, to the highest bidder for icsh, sell the fotlowint; desi ribeii real property: The Northwest, ounr ter of the Sonih"ast nnnrter of Section :1, in ''ownsiiip 11 South, llane 10 Wesl, eontainimr 111 acres. Said s.ilu will ho iimdc to stitisfv the jud; lnciit and decree in said suit, to-wi't: a judg ment, for plaintilF for if Kill, with interest, there on at the rate of s pet con! per annum from 1he A'.lti day of July, Is;::', and ;.,() nito-.-nev fee ami costs and disutir.ieineuts In.xeii at. $i.s.4t) and accruing costs. .1. II. Koss, Slicriil' of Lincoln Count v, Oregon. Dated nt Toledo, Oregon, this Lltl; duv of No vember, l:'.i'J. nummons. In the Circuit Couit of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. John Woodman, i'liiiulill.) vs. S M. F. I'd tl lips. Defendant.) To M. F. l'hillips, the above-named defendant: In the Name of the State ol orcaon -Vou are hereby reitiired to uppcar iu ihe above en tit lad Court and answer to the complaint of the above-named plaintiff on lile therein on or before the 1st day of the next regular tetm of said Court next following the expiration of the time prt scribed iu the order for the publi cation ol this summons, to-wit: On or oel'oro the "J2d day of January. ltmO; ami vou are fur ther notilied tnu if you fail to so'appear and answer sai l com,-Iiunt and sun ins as bv law required, the iilaintill' will apply to the Conn. for the relief prayed for in his comphiint on I file therein, to-wit: For a judgment against. ; you for the sum of so, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the I ,,v,lni .ifin, ini-o, uiiu mi- Liie i uri nor sum of lT) as attorneys' fees, and for the costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed; and for an order of the above-en til led Court di recting that a sale be made of the property attached iu said action bv the Sheriff of Lin coln county, Oregon, to natisty said judgment, w hich property is' described as follows: One chestnut sorrel horse with black mane and tail, about 1(1 years, weight about liii'il pounds; one red cow, marked wiJh crop off of both ears, about 1(1 years old. And that upon a sale of said property the proceeds arising there from lie applied to the payment of plaluiill s claim, and the overplus, if any there be.be paid to said defendants. The period of time prescribed for the publication of this summons upon you is more than six weeks from the date of the lirst publica tion, to-wit: Monday, the 'SM day of January, V.m. The date of the last publication is Fr'i day, the l!)th day of lanuarv, Who. and the datoof the first publication the'reof is Friday, October 'Si, ll'.W. This summons is published fu the Lincoln County Leader bv order of the Hon. J. XV. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled Court. v Ihirio in Chambers at Ucseburg, Oregon, this Din day of October, l.S'.iti. WKATIIFKFOKD N'VATT, Attorneys for I'laintil!'. KTIIODIST Kl'ISCOI'AL C'HU KCH-Setvicn at Toledo every Sunday except the Miir ..... i-iv'iil.., uK.iniim nun ocur.iy. puo- bath school every Sabbaih at lOociock a. in. ST. JOHNS CHl'ItClt 1'iotcstant Episcopal! Divine service on the 8d Sunday of cverv month at 11 oclock. All are invited to bo present. -. TO. o, I'. lotedo Lodge Number ICS, every Saturday evening at its hall. Let riniiinif nrouier ne aiiscnt. meets no O. O. V. Kilt l.r.ibrn Xianlmr Cll mui. Saturday evening iii its hall in F.ik Citv isiting brotheis always welcoiiie. (). O. l'.-i'.ay I.odpc. Number llfi, of Yanuina, -,;" ociv o viiiicsiiny evening lsillng brothers are alw ays welcome. IO. O. FY-Newport-Lodge Number W meets every Saturday evening. Visiting members are cordially invited to attend. mWIl UillT RI'IIKICAU Lodge No. -JO meets. JL meets at Odd I'ellows hall in F.Ik Cilv on the 1st and :id Thursday evenings of each mouth. Visiting members always welcome. BO (lOOi) Lodge No. Tii, Hebckah Degree, I. ().' O. F. n.eetsut Odd Fellow shall in" this ci y on Tuesday evening of each week. Visitor's invited to attend. OODMFN OF TIIF. WOULD.--I'ocnr.antas ( amp No. .!!!!), Toledo, Oicgon, metis on 1st. and S! Thursdnvnf niwh iii.mrVi It. Odd Fellows hall. Visiting neighbors always ivck'ome. ft V.&A. M. Newport Lodge No. fi.';, regular convocation on Tuesday on beforeuai.di full moon. Visiting brothers are eordinlly welcomed. A O. V. W. Western Star Lod';e No. 7,1. meets meets in Odd Fellows hall, YaiUina, on 1st and ;id evenings in each month. Visltimr rothers are always welcome VTN1TFI) AUTISANS.-Kiver Dell Assembly J No. WJ, 1'nited Artisans, meets on the 'Jnd Wediicsday nights of each month in Odd Fellows hall, KIk City, Orogon. Visiting sis ters and brothers are always welcome. Slieriif s Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of Kale issued out of the circuit, court of the state of Oregon for Lincoln county, bearing date October!';!, lh'.m, and under the seal'of said court upon a decreo and order of sale in favor of John Kiekard and against Lydia Hraslield and J. W. Ilraslield, her hus band, for the sum of Nine Hundred and Forty Four Dollars and Seventeen Cents, w ith inter est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from date of decree and 7" attornevs fees, and the further sum of f I5..SC, eosis aiid disbursements of said suit, which decree whi duly entered in said court on the i'.t h day of July, Ifi'.W. Riid duly docketed on thefjmhdav of July, 1800, in a suit wherein said John lliek' ard was plaintiff and and Lydia Ilraslield and .1. W. Ilraslield, M. S. Lien, Nellie M. iiich, I'orter A. Kich and Uleh, his wile. Clara. Hriggs and llriggs.her husband, N illiam E. iiich and F.llleM. iiich, his wife, II. O. Nute, as executor of the last w ill and tea. anient of W. II. II. Kich, deceased; II. M. Davis and K. K. Wilson as executors of the last will and t stainent of I. K. llryson, deceaacl: C. (i Copeland and the stutei.f Oregon were defend ants. Said decree, execution and order of sale to mc directed and delivered, commanding me as sheriff of Lincoln county, slate of Oregon, to sell in the manner prt. vided bv law for the sale of real property on execution, all of tha following described real properly, to-wit: Ail of illocks numbered Light (H),' Nine ( i) an 1 Ten (In, each containing fourteen l ! lot-, In l'helps addition to the City of Ncwuort In Lincoln county. Orcnn, together with tlu Utie:ii nts. hereditaments and nppnricm'.ncos therounlo br ioimlug. or iu anywise apticttain lug. and iu obedience lo the command of said decree, execution and order of sale, I have levied upon said real property above de.icribud, and on H.Vi'CHIlA Y, TIIK 2l D,lV OF IlKI KMlliilt, i:i, at the hour of 1 o'clock p, m. of said day, last aforrsaid, I will sell at public auction, ut the courthouse door, iu the city of Toledo, Lincoln county. Oregon, to the highfrt bidder for 1'nited Slates gold coin, cash iu hanu, all the right, title. cstaM and intetcst of said delend anls in ami to said real property to satisfy ihu atuomitdue said plaintiff on said decree, ex ecution and order of sale and costs and accru ing ousts, as in siiid decree, execution and order of sale provided. J. II. j:oss, Sheriff of Lincoln Countv. Oregon, laited at Toledo, Oregon, November a, ls:i). .lt.- Al!U LINCOLN Post No. (W, mecls in OddFellow8 hall on the 1st and 3d Satur days of each month. Ft. C-AUH LINCOLN WOMAN'S KKL1KF Corps No. 4M, ttuxilliary to tho O. A. K. ineeoi i im -nu iiiiu 'im inursuays la each month iu Odd Fellows hall, at p. m. -tYKLNGA CIKCLF. No. 21, W. of W.-Meets- Ultk 'll fliwl Jib 'l'htl....lnr y.f n.w.k. II. ; i 'i. Jw luifinilll, illltiuiliu Jennie Arnold, Clerk. Neigh bor; F. SWOPE, Attorney-at-Lavv. Deputy District Attorney fok Lincoln County. Will practice in all courts in tlio Ktaie. ProWatc matters and collec tions promptly attended to. Y. B. M. CO. Building TOLEDO, Oltl'XION. ROBERT A. MILLER, Aftoniey-at-Law, OltKUUNtlTV, 0!tK()N. I.and Titles and Itnd Office Busi ness a Specialty. SHELDON S.THAYER, M. D.. I'lt tsician and Surgeon, TOLEDO, - OREGON.. NOTICE l-Oil I'LIJi.ICATIOX. Laud (;l!leo at Oregon City. Orecou. .November i.',,' nxt. Notice is hereby given that the followlm' named settler ):it died notice of Lis intention to n.ake linaj proof In sniipori. of hiaclaiin, and that said proof w ill heiun.de la fore J. H. ,'il., County Cb-rl of Lincoln Countv, Oicgon, iu Toledo, tin gun, on January in, phi, viz: Alfonso C. Tin, is.. ii, II. L. No. n,,ui. mr ti e v.l.iof n.i , a:nl w'jof nw'i . ol I'l, T 1 of It. . W. He iiMim-s l'r,c follow v. i;ne.-siM to prove L.i.icontinii'ii s rcii I micc upon and ciiltlnition ol s'lid In ml , viz: (barie- i.i!!, o-ilcv ..'an uarv, lien Janucry of 1 larho: . '). egifi ; l.'nii Hint hrrsoli of Fdiivvillc, iirc 'ni'. CH..-. I;. Mwol.K'. s r. r I'll . i 1. lit; jLjiuutri" Bring Your Head Around and treat it to a first-class hair cut or a shave the only kind you'll get from 1 vS. BILY1-U, Toledo, Orepon. Our ice returned if we l.-iU- Any one sending nV.etth (i iid description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. "How to obtain a Pat'.-nt" henl upon request, l'.itcnls secured through iiiiidvei lii.ed for nnle nt our expense. l'liteutH liil:eu out lliroi'Kli n-i receive H)irr.la. tiolirr, witbuiitilmrge, in Tin; I'atknt Ki.eono, an illustralcil and wldelv circulated journal, consulted by Manufactiu ci fi ni.d Investors. biiiid lor (ample copy FREE. Addie.ss, VICTOR J. EVAN 3 & CO. (,1'cleut Mttirncys,) Evans L'yiiJing, WASHINGTON, D. C .3' z-ft t-f . ,-.;'-T'a wmmm 1! I' M' U , r i : tl t 'f !