SLIDING DOWN A VOLCANO. a lively Senaitloii In Toboggan in 8 pownthe Hde of Popocntepett. Having reached the summit, the In dian guides look complacently around and puff unconcernedly at their eternal cigarettes, as they begin to unroll their "petates" on the snow. These petates are Indian mats of strong, tough fiber, which the guides have carried upon their backs. You realize now that they are also toboggans. Now the guides make this toboggan trip, the most remarkable one In the world, and the only one down the side 0( a great volcano, week In and week out whenever the sides of the volcano are not so frozen over as to prevent It. It is nothing to them. But for you It is a different mutter and the more you look at the frail petates and at the long, glittering descent the less you like the Idea. Nervously you watch the prepara-tlons-the smoothing down of the pet ates. when they will persist In curling up at the corners, and. the testing of the heavy palos, or alpenstocks, of which each guide carries two, with extra ones strapped on his back In case of loss. Quakingly, you seat yourself on the rear ends of the mats. Complacently the guides brace themselves firmly In frout of you, push the ragged old som breros over their eyes. light fresh cigar ettes for the clown trip, caution you to sit still and have care, take a steady ""! grip on the alpenstocks, which serve them as steering poles, and you are off. Perhaps on the way up It had been your Intention to race each other down -you have no jocular thoughts now, and as the mats slip over the snow, slowly at first, then faster, gathering momentum at every Inch, you grab des perately at the guide's waist and hold on for dear life. The speed quickens until you are go. tog faster than express train rate. Clouds of soft snow fly up, at times almost blinding you, and calling forth Indian profanity from the guides. The sensation, when you take It quietly, with closed eyes (supposing you can bring yourself to do this), Is not un pleasant there Is a sense of extraordi nary exhilaration, of mad recklessness. But If you dare to look up or about the Bense of seasickness becomes almost overpowering. By the time you have done half the trip the breath has completely left your body, your mouth and eyes are wide open, you can neither see nor hear. Then the end comes with a bang and a shock at the very edge of the snow, and you roll helter-skelter through the stiff, zacation grass bruised wrecks, reonle tnke tho f nn .U .. ! I, 1 . .1 i uyi uu iiii-u iifiius him i.iugn; others relieve their overstrung nerves with copious tears. For my part. I lay itlll and gasped. rearson's Magazine, WONDERFUL FORGING. The Wentinghouse Com piny Fecures a Fourteen-Ton Wheel. The use of nickel -no a brought Into notice In connection with armor plate and for that use hes been adopted by every country In tha world. IJecently a nickel steel field ring for a 5,000 horse power generator al Niagara Falls was gj- forged without a weld, and welshed. H-TON W IT IT if T flftor lvllTVi(n f In Bie machine shop, 28,840 pounds. Outside diameter, 139 Inches. When finished It was larger than the capacity of the wce at the time, so that If It had been Imperfect It would have been im. Possible to reheat It. Who Ha l the Button. There Is a good story told of a mag! "an who has passed the great divide, ne was a world-traveled player, and "'a wanderings set him upon one oc wslon In faraway New Zealand. It rMMrrnnged tnat he snould lve an wniDltlon of mind-reading before the K'ng of the Maoris. twff SOme Parley,ng It was decided th2 , Klng blm8t'lf should conceal article which the magician was to "taover. The mind-reader left the aftr a time was brought .1 b,,n(,fol(K'd. as Is the custom in th nnnnces. After some time ihm an dednred that the hidden "(tele was in m, t.-i , J.VIUJ; t) inoui'i. ins ftllitnb- m 1 j i tha n ueitu savagely m "Don hi The mnSlciin Insisted KW POlnt, nnd demanded that the Kin, moutb be 0Ped wide. The and th d The rons'cian insisted, until ! exclteDJ(?nt became very great, lv st the dusky King reluctant- i SSS hl8 Jaws- The art5ole wa9 Wwt b6Xt ,nstant. however, the King uken with a violent fit of cough artiei trled t0 Bwallow the lost ' a b"tton, but could not, and g compelled to cough it up. The TherrtM uproarious with mirth. "Joretho rt-ivA .... . . ' thai, , ""ww or me magician or, J heroism of the KIng.-London Tit- Th m Th Mea"e8t Man. knslmn , est mnn ,n the world is the iousbT placed h,s Purse ln ! fa it that h,S Wlfe Ct,U,d DOt ' L-aH e earfy B-omLng without1 mating a mouse. 1VTI11 Inm O l . . on Rloe. 3S Burmese and Siamese are the greatest Zrrrf lt A labor rat! through 66 pounds monthly; a Bumese period TV, 46 P0"8 iQ the 8a EI", he1eastern nations also chiefly obtain their beverages from rice, which is the principal grain distilled in Siam Japan and China. Saki, or rice beer 50?ooooompanto the extent 150, 000, 000 gallons annually. Although nee is such a universal article of food it is not so nourishing as wheat or some other grains. More than nine-tenths of its substance consists of starch or water; consequently it forms more fat than muscle. The yield of rice is five times as heavy as that of wheat, the tWO CTODH Vfinrlu ,.i.,4n.. f i , a hundred bushels per acre. A new law requiring corporations to pay wages at least monthly has been declared constitutional in California. hie s 1 W Mrs-WinsloW's Sooth h?i,i? "p,the ren,e1y t0 ""e for their 3hildreu during the teething period. The greatest whiskey industry is in the United States, the output being more than 80,000,000 gallons a year. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan 1 lumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1893. Would Need Some of It. Hazel Sandstone has asked me to lend him $25, and I don't know whether to do it or not. "Would youV Nutte (earnestly) I would, old man. lie invited me to dine with him this evening. Stray Stories. We bum 90,000,000,000 matches annually. They Hardly Mean It. Public men speak of their nnworthi ness, but very few of them would be willing to be taken at their publicly expressed estimation of themselves. Chicago Daily News. Tea rolxonlng. Victims of tea poisoning tire becoming alarmingly prevalent. Women demand the life and variety of Health, and instead of doing it naturally bv building up their system they resort to tea. They should take Hostetter's stomach Hitters." It tone up the nerves, regulates the bowles and cures dyspepsia. A carload of dried canned potatoes contains 3,000 bushels, but would hold only 500 bushels in their natural state. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOKS Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's t he greatest comfort discovery of tne age. Allen's Foot Kase makes tight or new shoes feel easv. It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nail's, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials. Try it today. Sold hv all druggists and shoe stores. P.y mail" for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, U Hoy, N. Y. At Tacoma shingle manufacturers are complaining of a, car shortage and ship ments are seriously delayed. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. The Burmese. The Burmese will sacrifice any pros pect of money-making to go to a feast. These are called pives, and often the entertainment is elaborate. I remem ber going to one in Upper Burma. There was a good deal of dancing, but I neither the host nor his guest danced; ...v , vu.i. ifvu i.iijij;ijiiic;u. 1 lie dancers were paid, and they twirled lazily or jumped excitedly as occasion required. Most of the time, however, was spent in chatter and smoking. Smoking is the only thing at which the Burmese are industrious. They start smoking at the early age of 8, and they smoke themselves into the next world. Girls smoke quite as assiduously as the men, and as the cigars are very big many a pretty mouth is strained ta ac comodate a giant cheroot. rail Mall Magazine. The Treaty elm, under which "Wil liam Penn signed the famous treaty with the Indians in 1682, was upon the banks of the Delaware. It died in 1829. SALT LAKE CITY. SlOO REWARD 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all us stages, and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroving the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its' work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cose that it fails to cure. Send lor list of testimonials. Address o , v , F; J- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family l'ills are the best. CITO Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness IHW after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kestorer. Bend for J'REE Sri. OO trial bottle and treatise. I). I. It. H. iLLINK, Ltd., IM0 Arch g -eet, I'lilladelpbia. Pa. Trncing. Miss Walsingham We can trace our ancestry back to the Norman con quest, can't we, mother? Mrs. Walsingham (sadly) Yes, but we don't know where your father was last night. Somerville Journal. Anderson, Ind., needs hundreds of houses. flCW The Plensnntest, Most Powerful and LiST effective Neverfaiiinu Kemedy for MiUiAfeJ La Orlppe, Catarrh. Rheumatism. tiutDc mama Will cure any ache or pain known .. ..... ... body, bend for trial bottle, &. This offer lasts 80 days onlv. Large bottle (300 doses of 5 DROPS each) $1.00 or 8 for 2.,i0. SWAHSOM RHEUMATIC CURE CO 167 and 169 Dearborn St . Chicago. The famous banyan tree is in Ceylon, on Mount Lavinia, seven miles from Colombo. There are two roads through the stems, and its shadow at noon cov ers four acres. An Important Factor In Transconti nental Travel, No one crossing the continent ca afford to cut Salt Lake City from hit route. The attractions of the plaoei, including the Mormon Temple, Taber nacle and Church institutions, tha Great Salt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land the picturesque environment and tha warm sulphur and hot springs, are greater to the 6quare yard than any lo cality on the American continent. The Kio Grande Western Railway, connecting on the East with the Den ver & Kio Grande and Colorado Mid land Railways and on the West with, the Southern Pacific (Central Route) and Oregon Short Line, is the onlj transcontinetnal line passing directly through Salt Lake City. The route through Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande Western Railway is famous all the year round. On account of tha equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as la summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield. 253 Washington St., Portland, or Goo W. Ileintz, Acting General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of "Salt Lake City tho City of tha Saints." The walnut was originally called th gaulinut in England, because it cama from France (Gaul). Walnuts played an important part at tho siege of Amiens, near the end of the sixteenth century, when a party of Spanish sol diers, dressed as French peasants, brought a cartload of nuts to sell and, as the gates opened for them to enter, the nuts were spilled upon the ground, and sentinels stooped to pick them up. when the Spanish soldiers pounce upon them, killed them and guarded the gates while the Spanish army en tered. "There is a difference between a man and an egg," said the casual re marker. "When a man gets old he is no longer fit for the scramble, and whea an egg gets old that is all it is lit for." Indianapolis Journal. I Insomnia I Did you ever have that teeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobble-stones In yoor stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams, that make the cold perspiration break out all over you? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETSl 1U AS air t' thim hobo-mobo troocks! tuck. "I have been amine CASCAItETS tor Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted lor over twenty years, and I can say that Cuscarets have Riven m more relief than any other remedy I have ever tried. I shall cer tainly recommend them to my friends as be ing all they are represented. T J. UU3. U1LLAHD, Elgin. 111. w ly the covr "S suer spec star thr bi' ANNUAL SALES. 5.000,000 BOXES. 0 THIS IS THE TABLET !0c. 25c 50c. DRUGGISTS CASCARETS are absolutely harmless, t purely vegetable compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pill-poison in Cascareti. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently cure every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, including diarrboeaand dysentery. Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do good. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. Be sure you get the genuine I Beware of imitations and substitutes t Buy a box of CASCARSTt to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERL1HO REMEDY COMPAHY, CBICAOO or HEW YORK. S80 $ak$ jjfgtnts Qantedi Men and Women make $50 to $200 every month selling our Gents' and Ladies' Waterproof Mackintoshes or Rain Coats. WBdKLLBI.VS i( MNTOHIIKH In all it;lM at SI. SO to UDlktt' .iCKlNTOSIIKS IAD WATEBFBUOV DKKB8 8KlKlSaa4 CIPK.S.t.t.OOU S6.0O. YOU (man or woman) oan make $3.00 every day taking order for then, garments, al roar low prleet, araryoaa will rd r rroai job, for oo on. can meet your prices. 11 C WANT f)NF AfiFNT (nan or woman) ln .very city Wb warm unc nut mi jnd county ln tn. Vmlu6 Ko riMrteaea MAMMI7, bo capital nqnlrtd. W. furnlah a Bid BOOI of lacklatMa Cloth Saaiplos, faaloa Bglira, yoar aamo aa rnbbtr ataap, tapeaMaiora, baalataacarda, all necei aary station- mww r.vMrvthinir Anmnlnto f nr dolnir bUAln.BS. aWa are the LARCE8T DEALERS In Arrrloa tj aa'i aad Woan'a WaUrproof aeklaloalifl and w. aeil them at the lowaat prlrts Kirtmn, and exclunlrelj throufrh regularly uhn make S90.OV to )iOD.UUevery munin ii in. worn, mrntnted men and womlll'lL,K Cut thlanotloeoutandaendtoua. Huu U. larritorr 70a 5Sa 1 IR t? 17 A L OFFER, wk.lawor.lfc SarlnTourletterToawillfc-lT.hlawor OUR I- LSllrtMfca ' ' .. anlmmedllt,tra,0f.t.a,tirfDiTS,andw.wllllm. m LLLU-l1 II 1 1 III 1 1 Hi I following eay condition.. a naiwi, i,..lUtiv.. Vol lHk l to Inaur. Immediate nana for tat aitaat. lao ooUlt ooaalita of oa. nr.H, ..00, ".oSil inohes, contalnlnir a compl.toaajortment of "-P'". "'"u " 1 .i.n handaome large raaniun ua-uroa. bw.,oiwwiiuuouh.i 1" - ' " ' , " .uklatoabn, JfSFTSSBf th your nam. and pad, builnea. card., order blanka, .tatlonery, I t for THIS Ot'TFlT, but aa a miarante. or gooa raitn on J7 .S. , .1 1 ; to. "a nu rtnfflfca Iwklra eoataaaaarlj .a.uv) out si ounmiij or juii u p....,.., , . a ...--awlin wnu u VI uv. " ' ..... . . anamav v"" - ,,. we roquiro o-o- ehanre., anu KiJ;mtU .iMSS&srm nWawawi TTTy' MACHINERY, ALL KINDS ...TATUM A. BOWEN... 29 to 35 First Street PORTLAND, OR. Deep-Seated Diseases Such as Khcumtttlsin, and diseases peculiar to women, require a blood puriller that purifies. Hoore's Revealed Remedy Will Rive Immediate relief almost in every case It cures If taken repvilarly and sulllcient time, f 1 per bottle at your druggist's. by MPWM O- "i'aVr. conTlnced 70. ..H.faotory and you ar. Buv . v wa ta rflora foar START TO )nearo"--"-- to HaapM. oaJ .-r7' :. m th. .,l DUNDEE HUBBcH UUHIUHAllUH, 184 ruiion vi.. unicaRo. ARTERS11NK . ...... .kAawthaaamniM fa tral th ArTlAPfl At TflflF OWII flflOA. " it nwrc Yon new 1. v 7,:ri -I , V r..7.a Hai-,. nri th. n.kii: ic at nnri and he aura of biff la Calca AddreM, .nrlc at 10 dara' trial. TOU WILL TIli Ratrapolltaa Xellaea! Baak ar aof liproat panr. Dent. B, The best ink made, but no dearer than the poorest. R DR. KlRTtL'S BOOK. dief for. Women" nenirw, in plain, aeaueo mTeiopa. writ to-day for thla ilouk,ouutalniliir Part Ira lar. and Teatlmoiuali of bit. H AHTcX'S French Female Pills. Praleed by thonaanda of aatlafled ladlea aa aafe. alwara reliable and wlthnut an wiual. metal box. rroucii far on toi ln Blue, White and Red. Take no other. Jfr.uch Drug Co., 3111 863 foarl Bk, Mew York City. CURE FOR PILES ?T0ir INtriMteaprotifioe inolHturoand oauae i tuning, 'hie form, aa well a. Blind, Bleedinc or Hrutrudlug Pile, are ourcj by Dr. Boaanko'. Pile Remedy Htopa Itchlu. ana bleeding. Abaorba tumor.. Me a Jar at dru.ffieUor.eut tip mall. Tratiae free. Writ, ni. about f uur oaaa. DK.BOBaNB;o,l,hilaUa.,l'a, Uf CI I Jrlllln Machlnea sa.k of all kinds and iltea. for drilling well, for hnuaa. farm, City nnd VIHor Water Drill IAf I I works, Kactorles, Ice Planta. cJ?f sf-a IIC Hrwerle.lrrlallon,Coalan4 fU Clt I IS Mineral ProspHCllnii, Oil au . " tiaa. io. LntHKt and Beat. HI af.4l-0i JPr experlencn. WlllTB VV I LI I He WHAT VOU WANT. Profit L00MIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. YOUNG MEN! For Oonnrrha-A and (Jlwt met pRtjfrt'H Okay Hprrlfto. II la the ONLY medicine which will cure eah and every caft. NO CAHK known It bai ever Nllml to cure, nm matter how iwrlouti or of how long aturiding. Heeultsi from It use will aatonlHti you. It la almolutely aaf prevent trictiir. and can he taken without lnconve Dlenre and detention from hUrtlnpua, I'KICK. $3.00. For ale hv all rcliahle dniirirl'ta, or vnt prepaid by exprea plainly wrapped, on mvlnt of price, by pABHt CHEMICAL CO., Chicago, lit Circular mjOled on requuai. CUBES la 1 to 6 dire. ot to trlotsjrt. PrvTCDU OoUlAfloB, tVA.8UHEUiGAt00, .niNOIHNMI, ITHE CURE YOURSELF 1 Hae IllffCI for nuaatural IrrttatioDS or ulceratloui of ma eons meuibranes. Paluli-ss, and uot astrio- gent or pulituuuus. Drorrla'aV plain wrapper, Dreoald. fu. bottles, oa request. NT1,0.n ld h n .a. A. A lP'sent In pla . 1K.j I by express, i " zZftPu r boti aaaaV' H Olroular ant N. F. N. D. MO. 46-'W9. w HEX wrrltlnw to pleat mention tula paper.