Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 10, 1899, Image 5

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CM II ft A
v Store, Clean, Fresh Stock, and Every
tiling ut Ued-Kock Prices.
ARRIVED A full and complete line of Roots Hrwl Mi,no n..:.,
pumps, etc., -o uruor, or me best material, and every
pair Rimriintowl. Call nnd get onr prices before buying elsewbero Wo
aaB suit you. Wo have a new stock of Hats and Caps, all the 'latest
styles, at bed rock prices. Hiivinj? enlarged our store, and our stock as
Hell, we are in a bettor position than ever before to serve you. We are
urpnts for tbroe of the largest tailoring houses in Am n;
I fan order for Mackintoshes, any style, size or price.
"TTl'AKRi a full block of that Celebrated Silver Flour - no other
t ic nnnn- nlsn I rn. Shorts. (Irwin imfe und X7k... . , .
jo uui 1 r J uu ucai always on nana at
Bed-Rock Trices.
New Goods Arriving Daily.
; WANT all the Chickens, Eggs and good Butter you can bring us, at
HigUest trices.
ne price to all.
Come and sec ns
Mail orders given prompt
Conroy, Son & Co.,
lie Vincent Housed:
:5::!iS:-- "7
IffTables always supplied with the very best in the market.?
Jtcial attention given to the accommodation of Commercial Travelers
("Livery Barn in connection with the hotel. Good ngsj&jl
H. W. VINCENT, Proprietor,
Toledo, Oregon.
Nortons Notes.
Mrs. S. A. Bryant celebrated her
6Sth birthday on the 4th inst.
J. P. Hamar drove twenty head
of beef cattle from, his place, on
Steer creek, to Albany last week.
J. A. Hamar of Champoeg, spent
a few days last week visiting friends
and relatives in this vicinity.
E. C. Derrick has moved his
family to Nortons for the winter, so
he could .send hischildren to school.
Frank Hyde, the famous bear
hunter of Little Elk, came over
Saturday to have some fun with the
boys and the bears.
John Pague, one of our old neigh
bors but now a stock buyer of
Kansas, is spending a few days in
this neck o the woods.
A. L. Porter, deputy U. S. sur
veyor, came out from his ranch at
Sngarloaf last Monday, and went
to Corvallis to invest in somethoro
bred stock.
By not letting his wife pick the
plums, like the rest of us do, C. II.
Gillett fell out of a plum tree and
broke his leg just above the ankle.
He is getting along nicely now.
Married. At the residence of the
bride's parents, October 22, 1899,
Mr. Albert . Beers and Miss Luella
Huffaker. G. F. Luckey, justice
of the peace, officiating. (Editor,
please remit me 15 cents.)
There was a good item spoiled
the other day. There were some
boys shooting at a dog and a bullet
striking a rock glanced and struck
one of the boys on the forehead and
lodged beneath the skin. If it had
struck a little harder we would
have all went to the funeral, and,
as it was not our dog they vvre
shooting at, we would all put on
our sad look and speak very low to
our neighbors and ask them if they
have got many apples this fall, and
how many sheep and cattle they
have sold, etc.
Pro Bono Publico.
.... 1
Real Estate & Abstract Co.
A Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all
1 property in Lincoln county.
has a large list of Tide lands, Farm lands and
n! proI)erty improved and unimproved, for sale
i 1 itrms. Address
BOX 27, Toledo, Oregon.
Best Brand of Brandies, Whiskies, Gins,
Heavy and Light Wines, etc.
Best Brands of Cigars.
AL WAUGir, Prop.
Chitwood Splinters.
L. F. Pepin is putting an addi
tion to his dwelling house.
Mrs. A. L. Chitwood is visiting
her sister, Mrs. McBride, of Little
Mrs. Andy Parrish, of Rock creek,
is over visiting her sister Mrs. Lafe
Potato digging and wood cutting
is the order of the day in this neck
0' the woods. '
Miss Bertha Chitwood, daughter
of A. L. Chitwood, has gone to
Mill City to spend the winter with
her aunt, Mrs. Tunicliff.
J. E. Wilson has an apple tree in
his nursery which he grafted one
year ago last April and this year it
bore seventeen fine, large apples.
They are a new variety called the
Bismark. They are beauties.
J. E. Wilson, wife and daughter
and Harry Chitwood arrived home
safely from the beach, where they
spent about ten days picking buckle
berries, catching fish, etc. They
report having a splendid time.
Elder R. D. Renhani, of Beaver
ton, spoke at our school house
Saturday and Sunday at 11 a. m.
and in the evening to a goodly
number of attentive listeners. He
is of the Seventh Day Adventist
Miss Neva Whitney reports that
the is getting on nicely at Mon
mouth, where she is attending
college. Her brother, Ira Whitney
is attending the Agricultural Col
lege at Corvallis, and reports pros
perity in his studies.
Uncle Jitnniie Chitwood has his
beans harvested but hasn't finished
h'ai vesting his pumpkin pies, al
though he is putting in his best
licks in that direction. His nephew
Harry Chitwood, from Tillamook
county, has been visiting him for
the past four weeks and lias hc-lpped
him considerably. Harry left fur
the Valley yesterday morning on
the train. Kumtux.
Real Estate Cheap.
I have for sale the following
property: 1 91 acres; 2160
acres; 37 acres; 4 40 acres;
5 160 acres; 6 2S0 acres. Also
a number of lots and houses in
Fredricksburg and Olsson's addi
tion to Newport.
John A. Oi.sson,
8-1 1 Newport, Ore.
Joint Senator
Joint Representative,
County Judge
school Superintendent
Commissioners j
That besides a gen
eral stock of Drugs,
Medicines, Notions,
etc., we liave a Full
Line of School Books
and Supplies, Wall
paper, Paints and
Windowglass. Also
the leading kinds of
Grass Seeds
J. D. Paly
G. K. Davis .
- J. F. Stewart
Hurley LuU
J. II. Ross
J. L. Hyde
Geo. Rettiers
Z. M. Derrick
F. M. Wadsworth
H. K. Darnell
W. K. Wakelieid
F. A. Godwin
Cninty Commissioners Court meets on Wed
tiesilny after the first Monday in February,
April, June, August, October 'and December.
Hon. ,1. W. Hamilton Judgo
Oeo. M. llrowi Pros. Attorney
Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and
i ion, in .Monuity in .lanuarv 01 eacn year,
3. F. Jones, '. Mavor
it. K. Collins Recorder
I 'l'hos. Homing Marshal
I T. P. Fish Treasurer
I., r . liHIir ,
II. It. Studevant
J. F. Stewart J ,
J. Ofstedahl f Aldermen
Fred Stanton, ' I
Albert Waugh )
Council meets on the first Monday evening in
each mouthy
In the Circuit Couit of the Stato of Oregon for
Lincoln County.
John Woodman, Plaintiff,)
vs. S
F. Phillips, Defendant.)
To M. F. Phillips, the above-named defendant:
In the Name of the Stale of Oregon You
are hereby required to appear in-the above
entitled Court and answer to the complaint of
the above-named plaintiff on file therein on
or before the 1st day of the next regular teim
of said Court next following the expiration of
the time prescribed in the order for the publi
cation ot this summon", to-wit: On or before
the 2Jd day of January, 1900; and you are fur
ther notified that if you fail to so appear and
answer said complaint and summons as by law
required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in his complaint on
file therein, to-wit: For a judgment against
you for the snm of $S0, with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the
1st clay of April, 18IW, and lor the further sum
of f.'o as attorneys' fees, and for the costs and
disbursements of this action to bo taxed; and
for an order of the above-entitled Court di
recting that a sale bo made of the property
attached in said action lv the sheriff of Lin
coln county, Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment!
wnicn property is described' as follows: One
chestnut sorrel horse with black maiio and
tail, about 10 years, weight about 1200 pounds;
one red cow, marked with crop off of both
ears, about 10 years old. And that upon a sale
of (.aid property tho p'oceeds arisinif there
from be applied to tho payment of plaintiff s
chi 1 in, and the overplus, if any there
paid to said defendants. The period of time
prescribed for the publication of this
summons upon you is more than six
weeks-from the date of tho first publica
tion, to-wit: Mondav, the 22d day of .lanunrv,
1900. Tho date of the last publication is Fri
day, the lUth day of January, woo, and the
date of the tirst publication thereof is Fridav,
October 27, 1X09. This summons is published
fn the Lincoln County Leader by order of the
Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above
entitled Court.
Done in Chambers at Roseburg, Oregon,
this 9th dav of October, Mm.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
execution and order of sale issued out of the
circuit court of tho state of Oregon for Lincoln
county, bearingdateOctober23, lwi'l, and under
the seal of said court upon a decree and order
of sale in favor of John Rickard ami against
Lydin Brastiold and .1. W. Hraslield, her hus
band, for the sum of Nino Hundred and Forty
Four Dollars and Seventeen Cents, with inter
est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an
num from date of decree and $7.' attorneys
fees, and the further sum of f:i".8 costs and
disbursements of Raid mit, which decree was
duly entered in said conn on the 25th day of
July, IW.i, and duly docketed on the fllh flav
or July, IK'.m, in a suitwhercin sail John Rick
ard was plaintiff and and Lydia lirastield and
J. W. Itraslield, M. S. Rich. Nelliu M. Rich,
Porter A. Rich and Rich, his wile. Clara
Itriggsand lirifgs.ner husband, William
K. Rich and KlIleM. Rich, his wife, II. C. Mute,
ns executor of the last will and testament of
W. II. II. Rich, deceased; M. M. Davis and K.
K. Wilson as executors of, the last will and
testament of J. R. Hryson, deceased; ('. (i
Copeland and the state of Oregon were defend
ants. Said decree, execution and order of sa'e
to me directed and delivered, commanding me
as sheriff of Lincoln county, stale of Oreon,
to sell in the manner pr vided bv law for tho
cale of renl pro,M!rly on execu'inn, all of ih
following d-scribed real propertv, to-wit; All
of Hlncks numbered K.ight (M,' Nino and
I en (10, each containing fourteen il lll.its, in
Phelps" addition to the City of Newport, in
Lincoln county, Oregon, tog t her with th
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonifing, or in anywise appertain
ing, and in obedience to the command of said
decree, execution and order of sale, 1 have
levied upon said real properly above described,
and on
Sati;ii!iay. tiif. 2d Day of Prcemukii, 18M,
at thu hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said dav, last
aforesaid, I will sell at public auction, "at the
courthouse door, in tho city of Toledo, Lincoln
county. Oregon, to the highest bidder for
I nlled Status gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title, estate and interest of snld defend
ants in and to paid real property to satisfy lh"
tiinornt due said plaintiff on siibi decree, ex
ecution and order of sale and ensis and acru
ingcosls, as in caid decree, exccuilon and
order of sale provided. J. H. i:i).';K,
Shcrill'of Lincoln County. Oregon.
IHtcd at Toledo, C ro;o i, November :i, lwo.
A Call Fcr County Warrants.
Nniictt if hereby given Unit 1 liave
fundHon bund to pay all county v,iu
nuitrt drawn on the fund, and
endorsed "not paid for want of fund,
up to, and indudinj; Dec. 31, 18"ii.
Interest on finil warrants i:e;u;-.s from
this ditto.
Dated at Toledo, Oreiron, Oct. in, 1,'i'jn.
J. L. II YD',
Treasurer of Lincoln Count v, On-on.
es nt Toledo on 1st and .'td Sabbaths of
each month at 11 oclock. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at 10 oclock.
ST. JOHNS cnCKCH-lPiotestant. Episcopal
Divine service on the 3d Sunday of everv
month at 11 oclock. All are invited to bo
present. .
O. O, F. Tniedo Lodge Number 108, meets
every r-aiuruay evening at Its hall. Let no
Visiting br.tlhorbo Rhwent.
O. O. F. Elk Lodge Number 131 meets cverv
isiting brothers always welcome.
O. O. V. Hay Lodge Number U(i, of aquina.
inceiK every neonosoay evening tsltillg
brothers are alwavs welcome.
"O. O. F. Newport Lndgo Number 8!) meets
every Saturday evening. Visiting members
are cordially invited to attend.
TWILIGHT RFIIKKAH I.odgo No. iX) meets
meets at Odd Fellows hall in Klk Citv on
the 1st and Sd Thursday evenings of each
month. Visiting members always welcome.
DO (iOOD Lodgo No. 70, Rcbekah Degreo, I. O.
O. 1 meets at Odd fellows hall in thiscl.y
on Tuesday evening of each week. Visitor's
invited to attend.
'Camp No. '"), Toledo, Oiegon, meets on
1st and :it T .ursday of each mouth in tho
Odd Fellows ha... Vlsiiing neighbors always
F. it A. M. Newport Lodge No. 8f, regular
j convocation on Tuesday on before each full
moon. Visiting brothers are cordially wei-i.omcd.
AO. V. W. Western Rmr Lodge No. 7.1, meets
meets in Odd Fellows hall, Yaquina, on 1st
and iid evenings in each month. Visiting
rothers are always welcome.
N1TED ARTISANS. River Dell Assemblv
No. 92, United Artisans, meets on the 2nd
uuuiiesuay nignis oi eacn inonin in U11
Fellows hall, Elk City, Oregon. Visiting sis
ters and brothers are always welcome.
A. R. ARE LINCOLN Post No. C.8, meets In
uau fellows hall ou the 1st and 8d Satur
days of each month.
Corps No. 4!t, auxilliary to tho O. A. R.
meets the 2nd and 4th 'I hursdnvs in bhcH
mouth in Odd Fellows hall, at 2 p. in.
YRINC-A CIRCLE No. 21, W. of W.-Mcet
2d and 4th Thursdays of ouch month.
mis. reierson, uuaiaian Ivcignuor;
Jennie Arnold, Clerk.
. Attorney-at-Law.
Will practice in all courts in the
state. Probate matters and collec
tions promptly attended to.
Y. B. M. CO. Building,
Alton. cy-ait-Law,
Land Titles and L,nid Olfice Busi
ness a Specialty.
Physician and Stnycon,
Tho J3arbei
Bring Your Head Around
and treat it to a first-class
hair cut or a shave the only
kind you'll get from
Toledo, Oregon.
Our" fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free eoncernlnir
the patentability of fnint. " How to Obtain a
l'atent" bent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at cur expense.
Patents taken out through us receive !cfa!
voti ; without charge, in Tun Pathnt Rkcord,
an illustrated nnd widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturer mid Investors.
Bcud for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C