Tri ae EeomcDsniy The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking pow der would not amount for a fam ily's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors' bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, wholesome food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used always in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is deleterious. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. The Mliloiiary' I.tttle Joker. A native Maori chieftain, the de scendant of cannibal kings, is now com pleting his medical education in Chi cago. Cannibalism ended in his tribe, he says, when Bishop gelwyn converted hii grandfather; but he tells some stor ies of it which have a distinctly humor rous flavor. For instance: It is said that once a chief captured a missionary who was anything but a toothsome morsel, as he was old and thin and looked as if his flesh would be tough. The missionary warned the chief that he would not make a good dinner, and pulling up his trousers, cut a slice off the calf of his left and offered it to the chief. The chief tasted it, said he didn't like it, and passed it to a sub chief. The sub tasted it, made a wry face, and passed it on. The next man who took a bite of it spat it out. The missionary was released. After he had gone it was discovered that he wore a cork leg. Returned the Compliment. The obsequious person who seeks fees from travelers by pretending to mis take them for noblemen occasionally meets one who does noi fall into the top. The following example is taken from an English paper: An English gentleman of somewhat imposing per sonal appearance had a door opened for him at the Taris opera house by an . wher, who bowed low and said: "The door is open, prince." The English man glanced at him, and, without ex tending the expected fee, sipmly said: Thank you very much, viscount." Berlin has the smallest elephant in the world. It is but 89 inches high nd weighs 160 pounds. Cooked Tnwel In Vienna. One of the best known citizens of Panta Clara, who has been along while Europe, brings back a number of funny stories about Vienna. "n that city," he says, "poker and cocktails are playing the duce with men and women, especially these pre pared cocktails. I was in a Viennese liquor place where one of the men spoke a little English. " 'Buy a bottle of cooked towels?' he asked me. " 'Gracious, what is that?' " 'Not know cooked towels? Surely monsier is an American?' " 'I am.' " 'Why cooked towels is the name of your drink. The g'-eat American drink. ' " 'Do you mean cocktails? I asked. " 'Ah, mon Dieu, no. Cooked tow els. Pee, here's the inscription.' " 'We call these cocktails, my friend. ' " 'Ah, thank you, 1 thank you. I ask the American ladies and gentlemen to buy the cooked towels and they laugh at me. Now I know. It is cockus tails. Ah, that is good to know; cockus tails. "San Francisco News Letter. In Too Great Haste. "Wife What's the matter, John? You walk lame. Husband Yes, a pretty girl with fluffy hair and dia mond earrings got on the car coming up, and I sprained my leg in giving her a seat. NewYorkWorld. No One Suld Nay. "Scotland's emblem is a thistle, and her poets are fond of talking about braes," said the reckless punster. "One would judge from this that Cale donia is a paradise for donkeys." HAS A HOUSE FULL OF HONEY. 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE tuic DIP riTAI fir.! IP .ntuliii ltfhU pugea, lsUxlSUS inch. THIS BIO CATALUtiUC Jn,,iM,contini over 11)0,000 quotation 111 mil) illu.irutionr th Unrrit, mutt Mmplr Ir and lonnl prled ''''J SXSS? NAMES THE 10WST W H OLESALI CHICAGO PFIICES f VFRVTMINQ incluilllik-everything in UruMrlM, Drum, Urruoooii, Kir.VlI.'h. "L... Br,..-J Boot. "'"i,,.Z' Z U-.A- v.r t1I tiint wht your (torplieeper at home mum py r 2i5thta Kbuyi and wllf prevent him from oTercharjt n you on 3s rasas' Wm":fe ST. V't?C C CM Mt .nd .end to . OUR FREE OFFER. witn 15 -u m tamr.i. to ChlraKO.-L'niraifO inrun 'Ita108' C!?,!'b0l.cPA0o"l."lTh.Hnn.O.A.Sothtonn. law i.h0,, .1 k- ...,'.,,. .K., ttilnralnlojudlnall public ononis. i " . kkh,, I Jfi!5,,d toouaandiiof'mmllar. .tract.. H'n 1 ImU r J T NOIS U. 8. A AUdrB. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Ino.). CHICACO, ILLINOIS, u. o. pfesg', :n,HAn DR. GUHITSTiver D PILLS riJs!'? JPr Women ONE FOR a dose. ck H..d.h. rpgVV Bent frtt, n plain, MtJwI.nT.lor. Wrlta Jii Iiriwrnii Romoe Tlmpln and Purify th. W French Female Pills. w f- "fa.aJwaTareliabl.andwIthoutanequaJ. " "ntoMiiBi ldbTirdruu-Hlir.ln meKU box. Kroucll Di. 'aohl?,!fBJ,,, Whlt ' Take no othtr. SVtal'HaBeCs nUDtUlG PruCu.,881;8aa Pearl Bt., Hew . CHy. rp- treated iclen- JrJp URu- W--hlngton. D. C. they will re- VJJJ tiliilll.. jxJi'$SL C.H.WOOD?5rCO-IOtlK.nait.r.rM. Wisconsin Farmer Make a Discovery in an Abandoned Building. Mr. Whitte, a Pleasant Prairie, Wis,, farmer, has more bees and honey than he knows what to do with. About two years ago a swarm of bees took possession of an old frame house on his farm and as they were not disturbed they multiplied until there are mil lions of them. Mr. White recently made an attepmt to enter the old house; he succeeded in getting far enough to find the whole interior lined with honey comb and then he made a hasty retreat. He says there must be several hundred pounds of honey there, .but he does not .want any of it at present. He will wait for zero weather before making another at tempt. . : Nearly all the omnibus horses in London are imported from the United States and Canada. An ordinary dinner-table wine glass was recently broken by singing. The man who did it had a deep, full voice. He set the glass on the table, stood be side it and ran up and down the scale as though in search of a note. When he settled on one rather high the glass shook visibly. The note was repeated, sung as loudly as possible, and finally the glass shivered and crashed into bits. Itnprovnd Train Kqiilrrtnrnt. The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to tlieir Portland-Chicago i through train, and a dining car service has been inauguarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepis. Direot connec tion made at Granger with Union Fa- ' cifio. and at Ocden with Rio Grande ! line, from all points in Oregon, Wash- ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. I For information, rates, etc., call on any U. K. & JN. agent, or address vv. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. A half million-dollar cotton mill is f Vio nmnturl Iti Xnrt.h Carolina and operated by electric power entirely. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a family niecHcino with us nince 18G5. J. It. Madison, 2409 4tM Ave., Chicago, Ills. To help the lock-out workmen in Denmark an entertainment and ball was given in Brooklyn recently. rTO Permanently Oureif. 'o fits or nervousness llo alWflrfit duv'a use or Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve Kestorer. Send for FREE 3.00 trial bottle and treatise. I) It. H. U. KUDU, LUL.6J0 Arch street, Philadelphia, fa. A 500,000 sugar beet factory has been offered Fort Dodge if sufficient beets are guaranteed. Mnfhvra will find Mrs. "Winslow's Booth hie Svrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Tha lilv of the valley contains pros ain ar-irl. It is thought dangerous to put the stalks in a person's mouth, be cause if the sap chances to get into a crack in the lips an annoying swelling is produced. 1 he Grand Brace. One of the Bohemian citizens of the town wenlj home the other night after having donned a pair of skates that would have slid him over an Arizona desert with the mercury bubbling out of the top of the thermometer. He had no recollection of how he got home and even the next morning he was not certain whether he was on a storm tossed Atlantic liner or making a leap from a balloon minus a parachute. He went down to the breakfast table with enough wet towels wrap)ed around his head to make a turban for the mahdi. His wife met him with reproaches in her eyes, but she did not scold him. She wanted to inform him of his conduct the night before, how ever. "My dear," she said, "did you know that yci came very near killing us all when you went to bed last night?" "Nope," said her husband, thickly, as he felt his hot forehead. "Well, you did. You knocked over the baby '8 cradle. Then you blew out the gas and we were nearly as phyxiated. What do you think of that?" Her husband is usually a resourceful man, but the fumes of many cocktails taken the ni;ht before somewhat cloud ed his intellect. He made a grand brace and tried to look pathetic. "M'love," he said, asa rayof inspir- v.,,.,.4. Vi l,Mln U.IAUA4 UUlOti UllUUU iUd AKJ "wasn't I here to die with you?" Washington Post. Vanderbllt an Inventor. "She works, Mr. Waite," said Cor nelius . Yanderbilt, Jr., as he entered the office of the superintendent of mo tive power of the New York Central railroad. He hud just come down from Albany, where locomotive No. 947 had been tested to see if the fire box invented by Mr. Yanderbilt was a real fire box or only a toy. The young scion of the great rail roading family ran the locomotive him self. It was built at the company's shops at West Albany, and it made its first tirp on Wednesday afternoon. The Yanderbilt fire box can be easily taken out for repairs and put back again. This is an improvement over fire boxes in use at present, which can not be extracted under 10 days. . Young Cornelius, the inventor, is a draftsman in Mr. Waite's office, and has designed several locomotives. Street cars propelled by liquid air have been satisfactorily tested at Zu rich. Passing of the Horse. So soon as nature sees an improvement jthere is a change. The candle gave way to Electricity and t he horse to the automobile. ??he fact that Hostetter's btomach Bitters ms been sold for over half a century, proves its vuluo. There is nothing to equal it tor stomach or liver trouble. The Sandwich Islanders estimate the beauty of women by their weight. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitu tional disease, and th.rfore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional curoon the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress, F. J. ( II KNE Y & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 7rc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. New York city is to pay unskilled la borers $2 a day. EAST INDIANS LEARN ENGLISH. A MAGNIFICENT WOMAN. Holds Up Peruna as the Ideal Rem edy For Female Catarrh. Method by Which -.he Queen' Sub jects Learn the Ivan srna co in many Indian schools now the En glish language 13 being taught to the little dusky subjects of the empress queen. G. Gill & Sons, of London, have Mrs. Clnra Makemer. Mrs. Clara Makemer, housekeeper for the Florence Crittenden Anchorage Mis sion, of Chi -ago, writes the following letter from 802 Chestnut street, Chi cago: 'Teruna is the best tonio I have ever known for general debility, a sure cure for liver complaint, and a never failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia. "I have used it in cases of female Irregularities and weak nerves com mon to the sex, and have found it most satisfactory." From early girlhood to the end of the child-bearing period few women are entirely free from some degree of ca Urrh of the pelvio organs, f With Pernna the thousand and one ailments dependent upon catarrh of the pelivc organs can be wholly averted. I "Health and Beauty" sent free to women only, by The Teruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. ' 'I'M - ' IIOlVl AlPHABtlf"V Tfoflr" 4 &a JL L il 55 A. 3if bi jD: JL 0j Cg o tft a, p yrjy jL Dii ML fij. SI M TEACHING YOUNG IM)IA ITS A U C. designed a chart ror helping the puplla to acquire the lang-tinge, and a fac simile of it appears above. The pro nunciation of the Knglish characters is given In both Pers an and Nagrl.- A PROMISING OFFICER. Death of Lieut. Col. Mlle.r, Who Wo r lmlnent at Fnntlnira. T.leut. Col. John D. Mlley, Inspector general of the volunteer forces, who died In Manila of fever, wus one of the moat promising young officers In the army. He was a lieutenant In the artil lery branch of the regulars and was on Gen. Shafter'8 staff In the Saullago ex- L1KVT. COL. JOll.V 1). M1I.KY. poditlon. He bad much to do with the movemennt of trooi at S:in .lunn and El Caney and. with GtMicrnls Wheeler and Lawton, negotiated successfully for Che surrender of the Spanish forces under Tornl. After the Cuban cam paign be nsked lo be iusalgncd to duly In the rhlllpplniics, and bus served there eycr since. The Colonel was six feet three Inches In Uclylit mid very slender. A REMARKABLE ROCK. At a TMatance It Looks n it' a Hattlc ahlrwVA'na A tipronrhlnr. In the canyon of lln Little Mtnma R'ver, near Clifton, Ohio, there Ij a rock which perhaps Iy.ih the otraiigest formation of any rotk !n the United BATTLESIIir HOCK. States. It Is shaped almost exactly like a modern battleship, bearing ho close and striking a resunhluiM-u that It has gained the name of Battleship Hock, and Is generally known thereby. It Is over 75 feet long and nearly 40 feet In height. Man's Mont Altructlvo Age, "Thirty or thirty-five," says a woman who has evidently given some serloua thought to the problem, "Is, I tliLuk, the age when a man is at his most attrac tive stage. Ills manners- are then mod eled and his character formed; h baa had some experience with the world and human nature, and consequently knows how to act and make allow ances. He realizes, loo, how utterly Impossible it Is to live on romance and flattery, which younger fellows fondly Imagine possible; 1 more level-headed, practical, sensible, sincere, and Just In his attachments. Not so liable lo be led away with every pretty face, aud, mixing with the world, lias found out perhaps that 'all la r.ct gold gut ters.' " Nearly ail old women want lo wear white.