CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. " ' Corvallis 1:45 p. Arrive Yaquina, 5:50 p. No. t. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. " Corvallis 11:40 a. Arrive Albany 12:25 p. No. 3. For Detroit: Albany Arrive Detroit 7:40 a. n:55 P- m. m. m. in. m. m. m. ra. No. 12:25 p. 5:35 P. m. ra. 4. Returning: Leaves Detroit Albany No. 6. Leaves Albany. 6:05 p. tn. Arrives Corvallis,. 6:55 p. m. No. 5 Leaves Corvallis, . 6:40 a. m. Arrives Albany,. 7:25 a. m. No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al bany and Corvallis with Southern Pacfiic trains giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. No. 6 runs from Albany to Cor vallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Al bany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Train for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam livers same day. II. L. Wai.den, ' Edwin Stone, . T. F. & P. A. Manager. B. F. JONES, Attorn cy-at-L aw, Notary Public. TOLEDO, - OKGON. Will practice in all the courts of Oregon. Five and one-half years clerk of Probate and Circuit courts. Has complete up-to-date Abstract of Lincoln County. SHOULD YOU NEED Drugs -of any kind, call on- Dr. DARNELL. Prescriptions a Specialty. Sweetest Candies, The Freshest Nuts, Nobbiest Stationery. TOLEDO, OREGON. L I C1XDA J A CKSOX. Portrait Artist. SII.ETZ, OREGON. Enlarges Portraits in Crayon and Pastel. Oood work; Reasonable Prices. Frames furnished if desired. RcMorci VITALITY LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Iru potency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of eclf- nlmse, cr excess and Indio cretion. A nerve tonic ftml blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cliecka and restores the lire of vouth 1 By mall fiOe nor box: boxes for ftl!.50: with 11 writ ton truuruii. teo to euro or refund tlio money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A. Jaskson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist, Toledo, Oregon. Dr. Cmly's Condition Powders,, nro just what 11 liorso needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They nro not food but medicine and the host lu use to nut 11 horse in prime cnmli'iou. Price 23 -.'tit per package. THE LEADER. CHARLES F. SOULK, ADA E. 80ULE, Proprietors. Official County Paper. . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1899. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year - - - $1 50 Six Months - 75 Three Months - 50 Entered at the postoflice at Toledo, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Advertising rates made known on application, Uusiness locals will be inserted In these col umns at five cents per line per week, and will be run until ordered discontinued. Every postmaster in Lincoln county is author ized to act as agent for the I.kadkk. Ordinance Bill No. 30. An ordinance to provide for the laying of a sidewalk on east side , of Graham street from the inter section of First and Graham streets; thence east along south side of First street to intersection of First and Jones streets, in the city of Toledo, Oregon, and to levy assessments for the same against abutting property. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the city of Toledo: Sec. 1. That a sidewalk be or dered built en Graham sUeet along the east side of said street from the intersection of First and Graham streets; thence east along south side of First street to intersection of First and Jones streets. Sec. 2. That said walk shall be built of plank aid stringers in accordance with the city ordinance governing the construction o side walks. Section 3. That the following assessment be levied against the abutting property for the construc tion of said walks: From intersec tion of Graham and First streets along east side of said street, 75 feet front in block 4, in Jones' addi tion to Toledo, owned by school district No. 2, $10.80; on First street east from Graham street, 200 feet frontage in block 4, in Jones' addition to Toledo, school district No. 2, owner, $40; lot 6, block Jones' addition to Toledo, 100 foot front, Alvin Bagley, owner, $30. Section 4. That said assessments shall become due and delinquent thirty days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and alter the publication thereof. Passed by the Common Council of the city of Toledo on October 2, 1899. Approved by the Mayor October 2, 1899. Attest: J. F. Stewart, City Recorder, Pro Tem. "If we call the roll of the great teachers of this generation we dis cern that not one but has had his hours of depression when his reform has seemed failure, and, weary of strife, he has asked God to take away his life," writes Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D. D., of "An Out look upon the Victory of Optim ism," in the October Ladies' Home Journal. "Carlyle enters into gloom saying 'I shall die leaving no man the better for the living.' Spencer, too, in the saddest pieces of writing our generation has seen, affirmed that he had failed to in fluence his generation, since a phil osopher has done little for a man who simply shows him what is right; while Ruskin, like Elijah, bitterly and passionately prays for the end of his career. But in re trospect we now see that in his dej pressed hour the prophet stood in a golden haze of glory that vailed the future fame and victory. So far from forgetting Turner, England has consecrated the noblest room in her gallery to that man who was the great master of orchestral effects in color. If the sense ot failure once choked Ruskin's heart, new wc see all economic teachers are writing their philosophy under the influence of his Christian spirit. If Carlyle and Spencer once lelt that Mary had a little lamb, that time has passed away. No lamb could follow up the pace our Mary sets today; for now she rides the air shod wheel, in skirts too short by half; no lambkin shares her airy flight, but you can see her calf. But who is there that can complain or cry in woe, "Alas! 00 long as Mary's calf's all right the lamb can go to grass. So all the men de lighted gaze, their joy is not a sham , for while the other critter is out they have no use for lamb. Long Creek Eagle. Skookum! -- Many Thanks. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy, for having put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W. Massingill, of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousand of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who mus't also feel thankful. It is for sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. . -v'-; ::-yv.-.! -''live ; WANTED We will pay $12.00 a week salary to either a man or woman to represent the Midland Monthly 1u.ugdz.1iie as a suuscripliou i solicitor. The Midland is the same size as McClures or the Cosmopoli tan. It is now in its sixth, year and is the only Magazine of this kind published in the great Central West. A handsome premium given to each subscriber. Send 10 cents for a copy of the Midland and premium list to the Twentieth Century Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. THE public " TAKE NOTICE 1 1 NOT THE CHEAPEST ST0C1 On Earth, but this is the place where you get full weight, full measure and honest treatment. DR. DA11EIN who has been stopping at the To ledo hotel during the past ten days, has removed his office to Mrs. Burt's house on the hill, where he can be consulted free. All curable chronic cases are successfully treated. Dr. Darrin has decided to treat for one week all who may come for $5 a month and medicine included, except in special cases. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Those who contemplate consulting the doctor should do so at once, as his time is limited. Toledo Cure. CARD OF JACOB FRANZ. Mr. Editor Dear Sir: To whom it may concern: Ever since I came out of the army I have been deaf in my left ear and ringing noises in my head, kidney and bladder trouble and generally run down, with cramps, etc. I consulted Dr. Darrin, now at Mrs. Burt's. He said he could help me. I have taken a few of his electric treat ment and will truly say my deafness and ringing are entirely cured, the cramps are no more and I feel much improved in every particular. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Darrin to the afflicted public. Jacob Franz. Toledo, Or., Oct. 4, 1899. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Anrnne Bonding a nkptch mid (Icacrtpttnn mnj quickly Ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is prohnbly nntentitnle. Communion. ttniiaKtrlctly confidant inl. Hand bonk on Pateuu lent free. Olriost fluency fur securing patents. I'ntonts t niton tnrouuh Munn A Co. receive tpri-bil notice, without chnrge. 111 the Scientific Jhttericain A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.areest dr. culallon of any scientific journal. Terms, f;i a your: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.61Broadwa New York llruuch Olllco, ti2& F St, Wasbtuiiton. U. C savagery, ignorance and vice, it is given us to see afar off, like some nebula just swinging into sight, the vision of a new era for man; an era -f wiV.or.i anil in'ioc ar.dlcvc." We clo not pretend to ell the cheapest Ktnff earth. We clo not keep it. A carload of the well-known Stayton Flour and Feed received. This flour and feed is not the cheapest ones' but customers who trade with us appreciate and thorot" understand the difference in the quality of goods. nil. 1 Remember this fact. As we have been in the clothing business twenty-five years, we have the experience neces sary to turn out a suit that will fit, whether you take it out of stock or if you want a tailor made suit. Voul2ps Kor Business , Y.B.M.Co is 1: wor kep tliei insi tbii i pel I Ca: j for Sil W vi fa 0 IHI I One Li w - THE LEADER, and JTHE OREGONIAN. Cedar Mill and Fixture CompanjL 0. K. ALTREE. Mtmascr. Ders Cedar Lumber, SASH, DOOllS, MOULDINS, SHING1H A.t Lowest Prices. A. T. PETE11S0N, Agent, Toledo, Orcgo Trade Marks I DESIQN3 1 TUnM Copyrights tc. JACK ALLPHIN, Land Agent THOSE WISHING LAND Call flnH Inn!- nxror -nr Uct an1 W US sM you cheap farm or town proporty. THOSE WISHING TO SELL Leave their land and lots in our charge and we sell it if buyers appear at all. Jack A.llpliin, Toledo. Tenor, Sult'ltlicutu ami Eczema. The intense itching nnrt smarting, inci (lent to these diseases, isinstantly allayed by aiiplying Chamberlain's Eve ami ,l, ,,i ,,., 1 .,,. fi okmi .(innneni. luany very uuu cases they looked out upon wild tracts of, h;ivo b,,. Iu.rnmnellt,' cnrti bv it. It is equally ollioient tor itclnng piles and Don't You Know p favorite remedy for sore nipples. dinpied hands, chilblains, frost bites nd rhronic sore eves. 23 cts. per box. For Palo by 0. 0. Krogstad Pruggist That we give more groceries for one dollar than anv other house in the city; if not. it will iay you to call and be ; convinced. We alwavs have on hand fresh goods. A 1T1.L LINK OF Groceries", Iry tiixnls, Foot Wear. A Trial Order Will Satisfy You. HliNUY L,1CVI, Next dour to l'ostnlllco. Very mr.p.i trc(1s rr. VUps' PalnFIUa, Mlnry nn.l ci;.-n.i' rnld. ulimild write ' " m im-i v mxiu. vu.u, u nltlmorr, Md. 0. . imowx, lJLACKSMITIUKfl 1 SIMiTZ, OKECiOX. tlonorat Shop nnd Kopnir work of alltimi ' nt roiisonnble prices. lIollSi:sllOi:iSi WAiON WOKK a speclulty. Have kr FLciurs t . - - - . - ..... !.. If' 1 r.uve neen in mo onmrifinit "'""'. i i.licvfl yciirs, nnd feel Jnstillcd In Niiyintt ' o ran ilo work that will (iit you if )" , , Hinted. I'orlrHitacnUnwd in ( W"" j I hIho iiijiy lftii(lscaie?, anlmal!"i etc."1 ih frutne if desired. riinnie A.Owram TOI.l-lH), OIUXION., 7