Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 15, 1899, Image 5

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--"i-' "M m
THIS IS THE PLACE where the people trade, get their full money's
worth and their right change back. The best of everything always
kept in slock. Our prices are so low that competition cannot reach
them. NEW and FRESH GOODS arriving dailv. Call and
hspect our new Men's Shoes at $1.50 per pair, superior to any- i
ihing onereu in wns cny w $2.50.
We are headquarters for anything and everything at from 50 to 250
percent, lower than any store in Lincoln county for the Eloquent
l'ieS fir it's PVli'?1Mlt Jn KnH flaKtq 1 .. ,
y- ' " w Cctau iMtyei to pay
for. We have just received our second car load of that celebrated
Silver Medal flour, which is superior to anything in the market.
We are agents for the Largest Tailoring House in America, and
with our thirty, years experience, guarantee a perfect fit and satis
faction in every respect.
Don't Forget
That We are the people who raised the price of Bark, and we
want at once 100 tons more. Also want i.ooodozen eggs.
One price to all.
Come and see us
Mail orders given prompt
Conroy, Son & Co.,
-R. E. COLLINS, Editor.
D. P. Blue was up from Yaquina
Saturday doing business with our
county officers. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fant drove
up from South Beach Saturday, re
turning Sunday.
The Yaq. Bay Merc. Co. last
week received a fine lot of silks,
dress goods, etc.
, Mrs. F. H. McDonald, of New
assume port, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
A Change.
With this number we
control of The Leader, having Kubler, this week.
consolidated ii with The Yaquina Stoney Wells and wife are now
Tg, the latter losing its identity, residing in the "Logan house,"
We shall conscientiously strive east of the new court house.
'0 merit the good will of the people We understand that Mr. and
of Lincoln county, and respectfully Mrs. Geo. Landis will occupy the
Elicit a continuation of thp natron
County Clerk Lutz went to Al
bany Wednesday. He returned
last evening.
Last Saturday three more car
loads of gravel was received by
Foreman Gannon for repairing the
track along the depot grounds.
Mrs. Geo. Baumann returned
from Portland last evening, where
she has been for the past week
selecting her fall millinery stock.
Lester Waugh moved his family
up from Cane Foulvveather Wednes
day, to give the children schooling.
Lester will remain at the Cape lo
attend to his stock.
Mrs. Lanra Matoon returned to
her home in Portland, after a short
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rainesi Her daughter Gena Hayes
accompanied her.
Fred Day departed last Monday
for Walla Walla, Washington,
where he will attend college this
winter. Fred is a rustler and we
predict success fur him.
John G. Eckerman, associate Ed
itor of the Yamhill Reporter, passed
down to Newport Friday evening,
to spend a few days enjoying the
delightful ozone of the Pacific.
Conroy, Son & Co. moved the
first of the week into the Fischer
building at the boatlanding, and
are ready and willing to wrap up
goods as fast as their customers
jo me in.
Attorney Hawkins was up the
river tishmg yesterday. He brought
home the largest string of trout
that has been caught for some time.
He had 25 which weighed alto
gether 51 pounds.
L. Mickelson, who recently pur
chased the Peairs property in this
city, is now occupying the same
with his family. Mr. Mickelson is
already making needed improve
ments and will soon have a beauti
ful little home.
Bilyeu Waugh. In this city on
Monday, September 11, 1S99,
Mr. S. F. Bilyeu and Mrs. Rose
Waugh , both of this city. Justice
of the Peace Krogstad officiating.
SIMPSON. At the home of his
parents at Elk City, on Saturday,
September 9, 1899, Owen C.
Simpson, aged 36 years.
Mr. Simpson had been a sufferer
a number of years from bronchial
catarrh aggravated by severe at
tacks of la grippe, which finally
effected 'his lungs, and was the
immediate cause of his death.
Early in the spring Mr. Simpson
went to Eastern Oregon with the
hope that a change of climate
would benefit his health, but that
climate was too rigid and his con
dition was made worse instead of
better. He returned home about
the fitst of August, but gradually
grew worse until the end came.
Mr. Simpson was one of the
pioneers of the country and spent
his life on the Yaquina bay. The
last work he did was carrying the
U. S. mail from Elk City to Glen
three times a week. This service
required a great deal of exposure
especially during the winter season,
and no doubt had much to do in
breaking down his' health.
Owen C. Simpson was born at
Birch Creek, Umatilla county, Ore
gon, November 6, 1863, ar.d came
to Elk City in the year 1866. He
was laid to rest in the Elk City
cemetery on last Sunday, sur
rounded by his friends and neigh
bors who had met to pay a last
tribute of respect to his memory.
At the grave Hon. A. B. Clark
read the beautiful burial service of
the Episcopal church.
Had Almost Given Up but Was
Brought Back to Perfect Health
by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
From the Times, Hillstile, Va.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a
long time and thought I was past
being cured. I had spent much
time and money and suffered so
much misery that I had almost
decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the result, but
noticing the advertisement ot Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy and also some testi
monials stating how some wonder
ful cures had been wrought by this
remedy, I decided to try it. After
taking a few doses I was entirely
well of that trouble, and I wish to
say further to my readers and fellow
sufferers that I am a hale hearty
man to-dav and feel as well as T
Sold by O. O. Krogstad Druggist.
A Call For County Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all county war
rants drawn on the general fund, awl
endorsed "not paid for want of funds,"
up to, and including Sept. 5, 189t.
Interest on said warrants ceases from
this date.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1899.
Treasurer of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon,
age which has been accurded both
The Leader and The Tug in the
past. Verv trulv vnnrs. F. & Ada E. Soule.
Je Turnidge built him a barn
bst Veek.
Lester Waugh was a Toledo vis
nrthe first of the week.
Alf. Caton is taking a lay off this
ffe, on account of illness.
u"r merchants all rfriivpd a nice
't Of new trnnHc
oc Dalaba was dnwn frnm "Rllr
C'ty last Sunday mornin?.
AttOrtieV Wvatt rtocuorl Annrn tn
ewnnrr Qnt i...
r 'uaimuay evening.
Guy Buford
Qeliverv of r,u tt,:. 1.
bam-Stewart and familv were
0ver from Drift rl- o.roi
Tuesday to paint a school house.
Henry Lewis was on the sick
"st Wed
inesday, but is about well
Miss Effie Crosno is Working on
e assessment rolls in the sheriffs
Qe salmon are not very plentiful
.and our fishermau are making
5niall catches.
Slim655'8' Sullivan' Ferguson,
can011 and Maine were Newport
ers today. The first three nam
6(1 after lumber.
Myers residence this winter.
Uncle Barney Morrison, of Mor
rison, was a passenger on the west
bound train Wednesday evening.
Marshal Wells has a crew of men
and teams at work leveling and
repairing the streets and crosswalks.
Shoes, Shoes at a bargain at
Tellefson's, Yaquina City.
Oil Coats and Overshoes at prices
that will suit the hard times at
Tellefson's Yaquina.
8 lbs. Good Green Coffee for $1.00 1
9 lbs. Roasted Coffee for $1.00 j
6 lbs. Good Roast Coffee for $1.00
at Tellefson's, Yaquina City.
! :
Fred Chambers came up from
the Life Saving station Tuesday,
and went over to Siletz to visit his
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Landis re
turned from a visit at the home of
Doc. Wakefield, at Little Elk last
C. W. Bogue returned from the
Valley Tuesday, and will fix up
his net and tackle the salmon again
this season.
Toledo has the only horseless
carriage in the county, the property
of Dr. Thayer.
by mule-power
The carriage goes present to
Wm. Brazelton sold his butcher
shop to Lester Waugh yesterday.
Lester says he will still supply
Toledo meat eaters with good, fresh
meats of all kinds. Lester is a
rustler and is entitled to your
One hundred mackintoshes for
men, ladies, girls and boys, just
received at Henry Lewis'. All
styles, shapes and colors, with or;
. . 1 ? r. t
wnnour. capes, ana prices irom 2.50
up. Call pud examine. A fit
Will Ewing left for the hop yards
yesterday morning. He had a let
ter from his father, who is picking
now, saying hops were good and
they were getting 50 cents a box.
Will thinks $2,50 a day beats fish
ing at present, at least.
Fall Arrivals.
Mrs. T. P. Fih wishes to an
nounce to the ladies of Toledo and
vicinity that her fall and winter
stock of millinery goods will be
here this week. ' She has spared no
pains in the selection of her winter
The latest in trimmed hats,
children's hats and caps, in short
all the ladies of this community
could desire.
Notice of Meeting of the Board of
Notice is hereby given that the
County Board of Equalization for
Lincoln county, Oregon, will meetj
at the office of the County Clerk of
said county, on Monday, October
2, 1899, at 9 o'clock a. m., and
proceed to examine the assessment
roll for the year 1899, and make the
necessary corrections in the valu
ation, description or qualities of
lands, lots or other properties.
Said board will remain in session
one week. All persons interested
are notified to appear at the above
mentioned time and place and
the said Board their
to their assessments,
should any exist
The great success of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the treatment of bowel
complaints has made it standard
over the greater part of the civilized
world. For sale by O. O. Kkog
STAD Druggist.
Reliable persona of a mechanical or Inventive mind
desiring a trip to the Paris Exponltion. with good
salary and expenses paid, should write
The PATENT lUSCORD, Baltimore, Md.
General Shop and Repair work of all kind done
at reasonable prices. HORSESHOEING and
WAGON WORK a specialty.
Tetter, SiiM-l'.heiim and Eczema.
The intense itching and smartinp, inci
dent to these diseases, isinstantlyallaj'ed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye ami
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
ia equally efficient for itching piles and
e favorite remedy for Bore nipplea,
chapped hands, chilblains, froBt bites
.nrl chronic sore eves. 25 cts. ver box.
For sale by 0. O. Krogstad Druggist.
Club Parlors.
Billiards, Pool, and Whist.
aFmits, Confections Cigars.
Friday Evenings Set Aside for Ladies.
GEO. McCAULOU, Proprietor.
Rev. Dawson and children came, T)ated at Toledo, Oregon, this 30th
uo from Newport yesterday, and ' day of August, 1899.
will hold services at the St. Johns F. M. Wadsworth
church next Sunday.
tT We own and occupy the tallert mercant.le buiMii'p in tli wtM. We have uJL
lkj 1 over 1.000 000 customers. Sixteen hundred c If rl:ti are constantly JjfenB
engaced filling cut of town older..
I Kl UUK UKrlbKAL i;aiaiwuul. isine dook oi ino pro pie n quotes u rj
I Wholesale Price, to Everybody, hai over 1,000 pure, 16,000 illustrat.on., and I
IX! I 60,000 description, of article, with prices. It cokts 71 cent, to print and mail
rLttJ each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to .how rll
your good faith, and we'll .end you a copy FREE, with all charge, prepaid. jX r