Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 01, 1899, Image 3

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Hove the Very Blsgeit Buffalo
that liver Happened.
What will be the "dominant extra
neous feature" of the Pan-American
Exposition, which will be held in Buf
falo, N. Y., on the Niagara frontier, in
tjie suninier of 1901, is not as yet
known, but there will be several fea
tures of special Interest, and at least
, ...
tub ma nuFFALo.
tliree now contemplated will rival any
of the great features of the past.
For Instance, the buffalo, which an
ardent concessionaire, who happens to
be a loyal citizen of the Queen City
as well, hopes to construct on one of
the vantage spots within the exposi
tion grounds, will fall not far short
of the Ferris wheel as nn attractive
fi-utiiic, for the buffalo bv.'Mpr i nnj.
bitious. It is his defire to have con
structed on an open plot of ground at
the head of the "pnnoramble" a gigan
tic representation of the brute which
stands symbolical of the city in which
the exposition will be held.
Two hundred feet. In tlie nir the
shaggy head of the great beast will
rise and from his soulful eyes, which
will be turned toward the not far dis
tant Canadian shore, gleaming search
lights will send their milky bars to the
inner recesses of her majesty's do
main. In that section of the animal where
the brains ought to be the prospective
builder would place a restaurant of
more than ordinary beauty, and In the
body of the animal the contemplation
Is to place a vaudeville theater, with
a seating capacity of 2,000. In two of
the legs winding staircases are to be
erected and in the other legs electric
elevators will make constant trips.
Another idea, which was born in the
brnin of a man of biblical mould, Is
that of the "Jonah" theater, nnd the
submitted plan calls for the construc
tion of a mammoth whale of Iron and
steel, which Is to lie anchored in shal-
low water near the banks of the ex
position. Dainty ferry boats are to
ply between the shore and Hie mouth
of the great whale, and those cheer
ful ones, who love to enjoy themselves
in strange ways are to be ferried from
the shore to the tongue of the floater.
There a smooth young man will bave
his hands crossed with silver, and
after this transaction the passengers
will be at liberty to walk down the
whale's tongue to the. room where for
three days nnd tliree nights Jonah sat
and mourned.
In that section all will be light and
cheerful, and on the stage vaudevill
lans will kick and sing nnd cavort, nnd
musicians Mill add to the gayety of
the scene nnd will make many believe
that the ancient stories of Jonah's
troubles were much overrated.
Two Bouncing Kentucky Babies That
Weigh 39.) round.
Two of the most remarkable children
ever born in Kentucky are those of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Cartmill, of Owlngsville.
They are Delia May, aged 3, weight
180 pounds, and Willie, aged 4, weight
210 pounds. At birth the elder weign-
1 8 and the younger 7. They began to
Brow in about a week's time and grew
rapidly that people for miles came
to see them. Doctors and scientists
from everywhere where their rapid
growth was known came to study
them. They are perfectly healthy, but
sleep more than half the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Cartmill are people of
ordinary size. Mr. Cartmill Is quite
tall, but his weight Is not more than 1G0
Pounds at any time. He Is a huckster,
and although he attempts to reduce
them by dieting they continue to grow
despite his efforts.
Deaths Anionic Wompfi. ,,,,
There Is only one sudden iW.h
niong women to eight among men.
A Contributor r.
Sagebrush Smu-Yer say Bill died
01 a lame aim. How could that be?
Uiutus Charlie-Why, yet eee, hi
arm wnz so stiff that he ronM'nt draw
us gun quick, an' the other feller got
the drop on hini.-X. Y. Journal.
. A ?w-'de lias invented chip operated bv
invisible rays ,,t li,,),,. w,,u.h ,.mlj,s ,
explode at w, l ike llmillier n
ei s btoinae h letters , .pu-rs all stomach
troubles. hen a snllever from constipa
tion, dyspepsia or liver eoinplitit ,aue (he
1, liters he is sure of a cure. A private Rev
enue btamp covers the neck of the bottle.
At Washington, R. I., the Living
stone woolon mill is miming night and
T.nillpg Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of the
Bge. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal-,
lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain
cu-e for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart
ing, hot, aching feet. We have :t0,000 testi
monials. All druggists and shoe stores
sell n. 25c. Tiial package FREW by mail.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
In tiie Sou'h within the past five
months 117.000,000 in new capital has
been invested in cotton mills.
My doctor said I would die, but Piso's
Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos
'"luu;, Chciiy Viillcy. !!!., Nov. 20, '05.
The Dougherty County Manufactm
ing Company may soon bo incorporated
to build a cotton mill at Albany, Ga.
Kcniomber that you can buy Jesse Moore
A. A. Whiskey for the same price that is
paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all
tirst-class dealers juid druggists.
Philadelphia collected $103,000 as
taxes on trolley company dividends last
f T0 Permanently Cured. No fltsor ncrvoiine.
MB alter first duy's ubo or Dr. Kline's' Ureut
Nerve Restorer. Bend for FREE 83.00 trial
bottle ami treatise. D.I. K. H. KUNJi. Ltd.. 930
Area street, 1'uiladelphla, Pa.
Pulls With His Ml it lit.
A horse may pull witli all his might,
but never with his mane. Chicago
Daily News.
Caused by over-work ! Over-eating ! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment
than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until' the intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then
you must assist nature. Do it, and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a
mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon' the diseased
and worn out intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys ; a candy tablet,
pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS
mf t -. y Mor- information . ' ff I
1 fj
V&i CASCARETS are absolutely harmless, t purely veeeUrJe compound. Ho mercurial
l euro every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation,
Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do food. Hover sicken, weaken or pipe. Be
to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet
makes a nerve food necessary.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will put vour nerves in a healthy condition-It
will improve your appetite anuuiseouuu.
per bottle at your drugnists.
...TATUM ii BOWEN...
29 lo 35 First Street PORTLAND. OR.
elief for Women"
'JT . in !.ln. amlrd envelope. Writ
rV tn-dav for thlt Hook.coninlnlnir PrtlTO
Jk Un ii Telttaionlals of DK. MARTELB
Pr-iftM by lhcmndi of Mtlnflinl ladleau
Mfo. alwr reliable and wlth10"t IJ,''",4;
ii'u'a; ;i.";iitTiinr i
I . i .a 4 xiovrr lara
44 Honor xs Purchased
'by Deeds We Do." i
: j
Deeds, :ot words, count in battles of i
peace as ivell as in ivar. It is not ivhat' i
tve say, but what Heed's Sarsapariila f
does, thai tells the story of its merit. It has '
ivon many remarkable victories over the !
arch enemy of mankind impw e blood.
Be sure to get only Hood's, because
3fcC&i SaMala)i(fq
In a It net Way.
The Approached Why don't you go
to work?
The Tramp Alas 1 kind sir, 1 never
learned anything but a trade. P.hila
delpha North American.
By local applications, ns they cannot reach the
diseased portion of tbo ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous liuiuK of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you hove a rumbling sound or imper
fect heart ng, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is die result, and unless the inflamma
tion can bo taken out nnd this tube restored to
its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed
forever j nine cases out ot ton are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but nn inllamed
conduionol the mucous surlaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
rot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars, freet.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 76c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. K. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dinins car service
has been inaugnarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepers. Direot connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Bio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho 'to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
any O. R. & N. agent, or address W.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
BICKFOHii. Washington. D. C, they will re
ceive quick replies. B. Alh N. H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
None so good, but it costs no
more than the poorest.
For Onnorrha and Olft (ret Pallet's Okay Specific. M
Is the ONLY medicine wliiru will cure each and every
owe. NO CANK known It hum ever fulled to cure, no
matter how a-rlon or of how long rUimlltiK. Keeulu
from It ue will aetonlih you. It it alienlutely wife,
prevents etrirturo. and ran he taken without Inconve
Blenre and detention from buelnrm. PKII'K, IS.00. For
nle by all reliable dni(firlt. or aent prepaid by axpreas,
blaloly wranuodi on rceeipt of price, hy
V J 1 PAHHt CUtillt;AL CO.,ailcao,Ill.
Circular mailed on request.
ITUIilNO Piles protlnee mnletureindeanee itihina
This form, well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles are cured by Dr. Boaanko'a Pile) Remedy
Htupi Itchina and bleeilinir. Almorba tnmnra. fcoo a
Jar at druitKieteor sent by mail. Treatise free. Writ
ait about yuur can. DU. BUS ANKO, PbiUda., Pa,
The Cliffd wellers and How to Reach
The Denver .Vs Riu Grande railroad
has recognized the great interest which
has lately been aroused :n these won
derful inin, and will furnish nn appli
cation to 11. O. Nit-hoi, Gfiieial Agent,
251 Washington street, Portland. Or.,
a pamphlet desoiihing the i tit ns, and
the best way to reach them.
Tlicso historical ruins urn located on
the line of the Denver & Rio Grande
Patties going East should avail them
selves of the opportunity of purchasing
tickets via this line, the scenic line
of the world.
Mothers will ft ml Mrs. 'Winslow's Footh
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for theii
children during the teething period.
A Palace of Salt.
Utah's glittering salt palioe, with
its midway plaisance nnd other attrac
tions, opened at Salt Lake City Au
gust 21. The Rio Giande Western,
the only lino running through the Mor
mon capital, has arranged to give hold
ers of all classes of tickets a day stop
over at' Salt Lake in order that they
may fiave an opportunity of visiting
this wonderful structure, built of salt
crystals taken from the brine of the
Great Salt Lake itself.
The inauguration of the Rio Grande
Western's dining car setvice, doing
away with the necessity of stopping
trams at eating btuiioiia, leave uuiii
ing to be desired for an ideal trip across
the continent; for the equipment and
train service are equal, if not superior,
to those of any of the transcontinental
lines. Furthermore, no line traverses
any section of the American continent
where there is so much grandeur of
scenery. A daylight ride thiouuh the
heart. of the Rockies leaves nothing to
be desired.
For inft r. nation as to rates and foi
descirptive pamphlets, address J. D.
Mansfield. General Agent, 253 Wash
ington street. Portland, Or.
H unlit Don't You Hear the Itaby Cry?
The only safe medicine for sour curd colic in
nursing babies is Cascarets Candy Cathartic.
wake mother s mule mildly purgative. Drug
gists. 10c, 25c, 60c.
bring a surgeon. ueweler's Weekly.
"I have gono 14 day at a time without
movement of the bowel. Cbronlo conatipa
tlon fur seven years placed me In this terrible
condition; I did everything I heard of but never
found any relief until 1 becan Uflru CASOARETH.
1 now have trom one to thre paMnpes a day, and
if I wis lctt 1 would five giou.uo for each move
ment! It Is such a relief." A ylmer I,. Hunt,
1G6U llusBell St., Detroit, Mich.
as ,
or other mineral pill-poison la Casearetf . Cascarett promptly, effectively and permanently
but correct any and every form of irref ularity of the bowels, includinj diarrhota and dysentery.
sure you get the genuine I Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCA&BT9
and free sample I Address STERLIHQ REMBDT COMPANY, CHICAGO or HEW T0RK 1
Fence and Wire Works.
ami iron leiiuniK , oiii i lining, viu. wnniuL-i.
Maelilnery nnd Supplies.
chmery, stijipllen. i8 60 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLB, Portland, Onitoon,
can pive you the best bargains In general
maciiinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts nnd windmills. The new
steel I X L windrrvll, gold by bim, is un
equalled. Wholesale Drug-gUtt and Photographic
Fourth Street. Portland, OreRon.
treatea scien.
tittcal ly and
confldenti al
ly. Corrnpondinci
mw .uiivii.h.
C. H. W00DAHU4 CO.. 108 tseond St.. Po Hand.
and Dyspepsia, Remove I'l
Cure Sick llcsdache
'Imnlesanrl Pnrlfv tha
Blood, Aid J'iifstion atidPrevent ililiousneis. lo
notOripeorHicken. Toconvlnce vou.wei will mail
sample free, orull hoa for2Sc. IK. 1IOSANKC
CO., Phlladn., sVcuua. Bold by Druggltts.
BnrahE. Bowen, ofPeru, Ind.,iald:
" For eighteen years I suffered with
weakness pecullnr to my sex. I
could uolthor sleep nor eat well, and
was rcducod to a mero skeleton. My
skin was muddy, my eyes heavy and
1 was dizzy much of tl.e tlmo. Doc
tors prescribed for mo without avail;
medicine seemed to do mo no good.
1 was at the brink of despair when a
friend told, me what Dr. Williams'
l'lnk Pills for Palo Pcoplo had accom
plished In a case similar to mine. I
bought a box and took them. I
bought more and took them until 1
was well and strong. Dr. Williams'
ma new life and I recommend them H
to every suffering womuu." Vom u
the Republican, iVru, Iiut. B
Plain Talks to Women, a Hew Jl
book, sent sealed on requcbl. ,11
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People
re never sold by the doien or hundred,
but always In packages. At all druggists,
or direct from the Dr. Williams Modlctnt
Co.. Schenoctady, N. T., 60 cents per box,
6 Duxes oic.ou.
Irish railways have been moving to
ward consolidation.
Twenly-five years ago the United
States supplied 15 per cent of the
world's coal consumption; now they
supply 30 per cent.
25c. 50c
...GO EAST...
Thronirh Falace one) Tourist RleepeiY
llulll( nnd JliifTet Hmokiuif
Library Cars.
Service and Scenery Unequalled.
For Tickets and all information apply to
your nearest agcut, or address
C. P. andT. A., Portland,
R. C. STEVENS, O. W. P. A., Seattle.
i l'ltP. X 1 l"H ' 'K 'or "inatornl
n I uUiii.I dlsclmrKcs, iiillanimatlons,'t H Irritations ur ulceration
ot to ttrletur.. of in u c o u t membranes.
Pr.'.DU .oat. (lot. Painless, anil not aitrtu
iTHtEVANSCHIMtnAlCo. or Poisonous.
.0IH0ltlllTI.0.rTWJ mo,a r "rsT8lsU,
U.S.A. 2"ror ,n P's'n wrapper,
t'J t,,i,inn, rr,aij, joy, or 3 bottles, 12.711.
Irculnr sent on reutinat.
N. P. N. V.
NO, S5-'9B.
HEN writing' to advertiser, pleas
mention inis paper.