Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 11, 1899, Image 8

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    Best Brand of Brandies, Whiskies, Gins,
Heavy and Light Wines, etc.
-t. , Best JBrand 'of Cigars.-
''V - : - i , -.. ; al waugh, prop.
' R. E. COLLINS, Editor.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1809.
Will Sell You Goods For Cash .
Than you can expect to buy of credit
houses, where you pay the bills owed
. by the man who don't pay. !
FLOUR and FEED in solicited.
T. P. FISH, Mncr, Toledo, O.
The Northern Pacific liner Vic
toria landed in Tacoma on August
2nd breaking all records for rich
cargoes, which included 1002 bales
of silk valued at $400,000. There
was also 3000 tons of general mer
chandise aboa:d. This same vessel
is under charter to take supplies to
the Philippines. Thus it is our
trade is steadily increasing with
the Orient. '
The steamer Cevic brought to
New York 9,999 bags or 250 tons
of copper coins from India, con
signed to the Oxford Copper Com
pany. The coins will be melted
over for refining purposes, as they
are imported as copper scrap. It
is explained that the coins are
worth more as copper than as coins,
with the price of copper standing
at or about the present value of
$18.50 for Lake. The statement is
J made that when copper stood at 10
I cents, there was a profit in coining
j for the Indian government, but
I conditions are now changed by the
j price ruling for copper. It is said
i that the copper coins of China can
also be imported and melted into
J copper at a profit.
Call and look over our list and let us show
you cheap farm or town proporty.
Leave their land and lots in our charge and we will
St.ll it if buyers appear at all.
Jack A.llplihi, Toledo.
j School Report.
j Report of Siorrs school,
.number 19 for 1st month
'August 4, 1899:
i No. days taught
j No. times tardy
I No. pupils, enrolled
j Average numbtr belonging
j Average daily attendance
i No. of visitors
! M. L. Harapion, teacher
1 irfftwinoaiiF" I""
1 .OSTT?
: Eg, r?AK ,S-?
IN ever;
m. rm- s s r s f
Tl lhe
WM'f marriage is
'.: W i lb out j t .
wedlock is a
summer raid
t li u t never
blooms. 11
flower that
-1 never buds, a
i ...: 1. .....
..,." fc . 1 till M 1 1
', star, a senium
V t wit, lout a lx-u-;
; J e d i c t i o u , r.
prayer without
an Amen.
There never
1 worthy of the iiame, who did not aspire
I to be the father ai:d the graiulfatiier of
' healthy, cap ibte children to hand dmvu
his name and the fortune accumulated by
the sweat of his brow, from general ion to
generation. There never was a wife fit to
bear tnat noble title, who did not wish to
wear womanhood's most glorious crown
the sceptre of motherhood. ' Thousands
; of wedded couples, otherwise happy,
i Short of wedlocks greatest happimss lx--
i cause they are chil.Mess. In the majority
Df cases, tbi- is because the wife, through
I Ignorance or neglect, siulVrs from weak
1 ness and disease of the organs distinctly
feminine. For women who suffer in this
1 way there is one great medicine that does
i not fail to accomplish its purpose. It is
1 JJr. fierce 's Kavorit- Prescription. It acts
directly on the delicate organs conc.-i ix-d
and makes them strong, healthy, vigorous.
, virile and elastic. It allavs intlamin ition
heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones
; the shattered nerves. It fits for wiM;.,od
: and motherhood. It quickens and viluli.-:--
the distinctly feminine opravisin. It I) n
j ishes the maladies of the exix-elant months
1 and makes biby's introduction to the woi id
I easy ana almost painless. It instti
Ordinance No. 28.
An ordinance to levy assessments on
certain lots and blocks for street and
sidewalk improvements :
Be It Ordained by the Common Council
of the City of Toledo :
Section 1. That the following sums
be assessed upon lots and blocks herein
after mentioned and described ; to pro
vide a fund to pay for improving the
streets and laying sidewalks hereinafter
enumerated: Improving Graham street
from intersection of Fourth and Graham
streets to intersection of Sixth and Gra
ham streets, for the purpose of improv
ing said street according the city survey
and laying of sidewalks in front of blocks
number 7 and 8 in Jones' addition to
Toledo. jisspSKrxl ns follows moeb- Xo 7
the sum of $60. for improving street and
laying sidewalks ; block No. 8 assessed
at $00, for imrpoving street and laying
sidewalk. For improving Sixth street
from intersection of Graham street, east
toft point 525 feet, assessed as follows:
on lot No. 7 Jones' addition $25, lot No.
8 $25, lot No. 9 $25, lot No. 10 $25, lots
11 and 12 $110, lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5 and (i
block 9 Jones addition to Toledo $100,
and fsr sidewalk in front of lot 7 $10, lot
8 $10, lot 9 $10, lot 10 $10, lots 11 and 12
$20 for laying sidewalk for fifty feet in
front of the Austin Altree acredescribed
as follows, to-wit : commencing at the
northeast coi ner of block No. 8, Jones'
addition to Toledo, running thence east
225 feet, thence south to Stanton addition
to Toledo, thence west 225 feet to block
No. 8 in Jones' addition to Tolcdn tl.orve
north to place of beginning, assessed to
said property for said sidewalk $15, as-;
sessed to said property for grading the j
street on the north side in tront ot said
property $100, and assessed on the fol
low intT descrilied itronert.v for irmimvitnr
Sixth street as follows: Vominencinir at
the southeast corner of block No. 9 in
Jones addition to Toledo, thence east
200 feet, thence north 200 feet, thence
west 200 feet, thence south 200 feet to
place of beginning, assessed for grading
the street in front thereof, $100. Also
for street improvements; ordered that the
following sums be assessed to property
on Grove street for improving the same
from intersection of Grove and Fourth
streets to Court House lilock: on lot
block 6, Fifth addition to Toledo; lot 1
block 8 Fifth addition to Toledo, that
the sum of $50 be assessed on each of
said lots in each of said blocks, and that
the Slim Of $20 l)e UHHOKSfMl Oil f'W'll rif
said lots for the purpose of laying a side-
wniKuiiroiii oi said property to said
Court House. Also t.lmt. tl.n frill
assessments be made on the following.
r'i'cu.v i"i Aiiiiu street iroin
the junction of Hill Ktrm.t t tli r.,,.f
House block, for the purpose of grading
and improving said Third street, lots 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 block 5 in Fifth addition
the sum of $50 each oii each of said lots.
Also on lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 block (i
l'ltth addition the sum of $50 each on
eacu oi said lots. Also tiie sum of $15'
be assessed on each of said lots No. 7, 8, !
9, 10 and 11 for the jmrpose of of build-'
ing a sidewalk in front of said lots in
said block on Third street. I
Sec. 2. That it is ordered that the !
assessments herein made be un.l tliU!
same become due-
The best, the eh
pound lot of lard received ";1
T,ewm' cm i., ... . d'nH
want lard, that's the lardies
on earth. Ml
Keeps a complete stock of
gains in Ladies Furnishr
and Fancy Goods, yri
Material, Knick-knacb
all kinds, and NOTlfjJ
Gall and Examine,
Renus Arnold
Ceneral Shop and Repair work of allium
at reasonable prices. IIOIisi;siioEr
W.UiON WOKK a specialty.
tut -V ' -' V'T I RADE Marks
! Designs
Copyrights 4c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description du
quickly ascertain our opinion froe wtetheri
invention s probably patentable. Cnmmmm
tloiiB st rictly cnnlldentlal. Handbook on Pat
sent free. Oldest npency forsecurinupaienn
Patents taken through Muim & Co.i5ii
. iperlal notice, without charge, lu the
Scientific Bmricai
A handsomely llltistrated weekly. T.nnrestdr
dilation of any scientlUo Journal. Terms Hi
rVSUNN & Co.36,Broad-ay.NewYort
Urnnnh itOC TJ1 til. r..L." . V T11
Of all kinds nnatlv nnd iirnmniir
-executed. Prices rttuKoiiiiWe and all -4
worK sansiactory.
g Toledo, Oregon. w
little newcomer's health n:ul noiiris!i,n.-iu j City of Toledo, on Mon.hv A ,
in plenty. It is the best supportive Ionic 18!H On.l.l), Angus
for nursintr inolira . '
Mrs. Jennie P.irkM, of Mirshall. Spokntu- Co
Wash., writes: " 1 mil (lad to tell of the L'ooci
results of your (rreat medicine. Dr. Pierre's
l-avante Presermtioii. I was t.eticlitcd liv vciir
medicine in coiiMiie.nent. It piv. s me strenV'h
1 have no tired li-jlim; and mv li.ihv is the
picture ol health. I feel better than l liave ia
ten years."
In cases of constipation Dr. l'ierce
Pleasant Pellets should be used as nn
adjunct to the "Favorite Prescription "
they are extremely simple, perfectly natural
and insureprutiint mid permanent relief.
Approved by the Mayor August 7, 18tl).
City lleeorder.
ii i i TiwirwmiiIM
Ml's Is liillill;
" PftfTlTlhU'ts. f llltftl fit.lli.k: I f.i.itl III.imL-w w
Letter Heads, liill Heads, statements! Z
Kiivelopes, Kte., Kte., Kte. -
l , T irieesann I'.stnnates turiusned on
lift illlfl ll!l'!llili. in .1 ml all l.l.... ..r .i -
alter tlie passage of thiH ordinance, and SI -cv
t 1 1 (If lw. 1.1.' '. . . . I
....... rami! iieeome (leniKjuent witlini
Mxty days from the date of the publica
tion of thiH ordinance,
c, 3. That if aid work and im
provements have not been commenced
anil completed as above named and as
heretofore ordered done and accorditi"
to the surveys of said streets, that in
that event and after the same hits he
roine delinquent that the marshal be
and he is hereby authorized to complete
Kiid work ami return a bill thereof to
tlie Common Council of the Citv of
ioledo. Provided, however, that if 'the
work cannot be done for the sums as
sessed against said propertv that in that
event the marshal .shall make report
thereof to the Common Council and the
Haul Common Council of the citv of
loledo shall immediately advertise for
tlie completion of said work and let the
contract therefor to the lowest responsi
ble bidder.
8i:c. 4. . All ordinances or parts of or
dinances in conflict with this ordinance
is hereby repealed.
Kkc. 5. This ordinance shall be in
lull force and effect on and after it
approval by the mayor and publication
Passed by the Common Council of the
t 7.
TJ 'V'PQ Trimmed neatly c:
A L l untrimmed constatith
- i
on nana, nveryuinif
in the Millinery line the latest.
Hats made over and re-trininw
Trimming cleaned and Tip
All work guaranteed,
the lowest.
1 ' " 1 ' . . .
Cedar Mill and Fixture Company
0. li. ALTKEti, 3Ianaiicr.
Cedar Lumber,
J.t LOW(?
A. T. PETEKSOX, Agent,
U Prices.
Toledo, Oregon
Ordinance No. 29.
An ordinance to provide for the layiii"
of n sidewalk on Second Htreet'and
and (irove street:
lie it Ordained by the Common Council
of the city of Toledo, Oregon
Section 1. That a sidewalk be rebuilt
on south side of Second street from inter
section of Hill nnd Se.-ond streets to
intersection of Second and Orove streets
thence south aloiiK west side of drove
Ktreet to intersection of First and drove
st reets, paid sidewalk to be six feet wide
with a substantial railing on both sides
ot stud sidewalk on (5 rove street.
Sko. . That the following sums be
assessed uIMn the following described
property to provide for a fund for bull
ing nuil sidewalk : Ixits 1 and ft block 1,
loledo 1 5. j lt H l,lok 1, Toledo, 5
iV ' , 1- Toledo, on Second street
-'; lot blwk 1, Toledo, on Orove
street, 75; lot 10 block 1, Toledo, $75.
fKO. .1. That the assessments be de
linquent within thirty davs after the
approval and publication of this ordi
nance. - lon.r11' tlc Common Council Aug.
pjwved by the Mnvor August 7, IS')')
Attest: R. J:. COLLINS, '
City Recorder.
Ihe 1'AlKJiX KECOKD, llaltlmore, Md.
A Limited Special Offer Which Will
Last for Ten Days Only.
Genuine Barrios Diamonds have
a world wide reputation. It is
almost impossible to distinguish
them from genuine diamonds cost
ing hundreds of dollars each. They
are worn by the best people. We
will forward a Genuine Barrios
Diamond mounted on a heavy ring
pin or stud to any address upon
receipt of price, $1.00 each. Ear
rings, screws or drops, $2 per pair
Ring settings are made of one con
tinuous piece of thick, Celled gold
and are warranted not to tarnish'
Special combination offer for ten
days only! Ring and stud sent to
airy address upon receipt of $1 so
In ordering ring give finger meas
urement by using piece of string
also full particulars. Address
The Barrios Diamond Co.,
1181-1183 Broadway,
New York.
Parlor at residence oppo
site Toledo Hotel.
County Surveyor.
Solicits all work in his line. Cor
rect work and. reasonable
P. O Address, Eddyvile, Oregon.
Keeps constantly 011 hand all the
mauuurti varieties ot
Fruit Trees,
Vines and