MAKES MAN AND BEAST MAD. photographer Pays Ned Excites IIu man Heine a Well aa Animal. Why docs the bull so strongly object to a ml ma? White the profeasiomil physloloirlsts do not, as yet, nppcar to have fouiKl any satisfactory explana tion of the fact, a French manufacturer of pliotoftruphie materials professes to have discovered that bulls are by no means the only members of the animal kingdom who are excited by nnything red. A large number of hands are em ployed In the manufactory, both male and female, and most of the work has hitherto beeu performed In rooms to vhicli nil the light that was admitted taaf through panes of red glass. Hardly a day passed without some ter rific disturbance taking place among the work people. Now It was a duel almost to the death between two of the men, now between two of the women; sometimes the melee was general. "Workshop regulations were absolute ly ignored and 110 amount of Hues or other pumsiimenis seemeu to nave any permanent or d -torrent effect. This state of affairs was assumed', until re cently, to he inseparable from work carried on in uncomfortable conditions. At length It occurred to some bright spirit that the red panes of glass might be at fault, and it was decided to try V,'hP.t thO effi'ft of groon p'lnna wnll'l lie. Tlic effect was Instantaneous. From that day a sudden peace fell upon the whole workshop that had nev er been known before. Dickering and fighting ended as if by enchantment, and voice of man or woman was never heard raised above a whisper. New York rn.s. LAW AS INTERPRETED. In determining whether or not a per son Is a habitual criminal under a statute making him such after two former imprisonments for felony it Is held, in State vs. Martin (Ohio), 43 L. It. A. "J4, that imprisonment termin ated by unconditional pardon cannot be counted. The serious conflict of authority on the duty of land-owners to keep prem ises safe is considered in Ititz vs. Wheeling (W. Ya.), 43 L. K. A. 148, in which it Is held that there Is no such duty toward trespassers even if they are children, and that negligence to create a right of action in their favor must be so gross as to amount to a wanton injury. ' But the limitation of a general ticket for passage on a railroad to the day ou which It is sold is held, in Louisville and Nashville Hallway Company vs. Turner (Tenn.), 43 L. It. A. 140, to be Invalid, unless there is an express con tract to that effect, based upon a con sideration, or an alternative given to the purchaser to have a full and unlim ited ticket. One who gets upon a train with a ticket which he knows does not, upon its face, entile him to passage, because the time for which It purports to be valid has expired, Is held, In Trezona . vs. Chicago Groat Western Hallway Company (Iowa), 43 L. 11. A. 13i, to have no right to recover damages for being ejected, if he refuses to pay fare, although he thinks the time limitation Is unreasonable. The first attempt to subject life-insurance policies to taxation was defeat ed In State I'.oard of Tax Commission ers vs. Ilolliday (Intl.), 42 L. It. A. 82(1, where paid-up or uon-forf citable and Partly paid-up life-insurance policies Were assessed, but the Court held that the existing statutes, though. providing for the taxation of all property not expressly exempted, did not provide "ny special regulations for the valua tion of this peculiar kind of property. I What His Lordship Desire 1. Genius has always been associated with l aie'.es-iness in dress nnd very fre Queutly ludicrous mistakes happen. Lord Hosse, who built the famous tele cope that bears bis name, was an ex pert mechanic and was also somewhat careless about his dress. Ou one occasion the earl was looking through the engine room of a large manufactory. He suddenly beenme In terested In something he saw and, tak ing out his watch, stood looking from 't to the machine with a peculiar buiIJc on his face. The engineer came along. "Well, that's upr he growled. "What are Jou grinning at? What have you to Bd fault with?" "Oh," answered Lord Rosso, "I am' not finding fault. I am calculating how long before the boiler explodes." "Holler explodes? Why, you're cra y. man! You get out of this." "Well," said the enrl, "if you work pu minutes longer with that screw lK)se th0 boliL.P certainly ex plode." The engineer looked at the screw In acatcd, Jumped at It and fastened It Bs( oon fls 10 coui,, "Why didn't you say that sooner?" De demanded. "Why should I?" answered Lord Kosse. "i never yet had an opportuni y of seeing a boiler explode." Wood Too Heavy to Float. CaiifornIa redwood contains practl ly no resin, but a large amount of ter, which makes the green wood so "ceedingly heavy that often the lower H of a tree will sink In water. The old Ion hnnso Mich., m which General Shutter was horn, is to be torn .low., and the ty sold. During the fighting hefore bantiitgo the place was visited bv him d.edsof relic hunters, who earned away much of thetnirture as souvenirs. A (iinMl-l,ii, k ( rilla Recently .discoveri-d in tl,e r;lVP ))f Qren ;ll,',,,,,l in. '.'T1'1' isji" evil in.auMicc l"in ill health, and there is n.uhinjr wl, e u lias s great a power to keep it awuv tl n !';. liters, wlneli cure Ixspepsiii and indigestion. A private Jlevenue fctamj) covers, the neck of toe. hot- Janies Bryee is making a study of the goverment of colonies by republics, which is to have special application to the United States. Kemity U ItKxid Deep. Not skin deep-blood deep! Pure, hcalthv bloi.. means, pure, healthy Complexion C'aJ BiHtMUc::UUd llrett"d Drug- The fastest flowing river in the world is the Sutlej, in British India, with a descent of 12,000 feet in 180 miles. ' - I believe Pise's Cure is the only niedi nne that will cure consuiniitioii. Anna M. boss, jlliainsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '1)3. In the middle of n game ot tennis in Central India the other day a tiger bounded into the midst of tho players. Siiprinl ntoi.tifiii is rnllpfl to thf dioplnv advertisement on this page of the Davtoh Hardware Company. Until the reign of Henry VIII., En glish sovereigns, as well as their sub jects, ate with the lingers. Mothers will lind Jlrs. Wiuslow's Sooth ing .Syrup the best remedy to use for their cmldreii during the teething period. In Mexico school children are al lowed to smoke in school hours when their lessons are well prepared. remember that you can buy Jesse Moore A. A. Whiskey for the same price that is paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all first-class duders and druggists. It has been observed in the hospitals that nails on amputated fingers con tinue to grow. CITO Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousnf. uliertlrHt di.y' use of Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve ltenturcr. Bend for FKKE 3.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dit. 11. H. KLINi:. Ltd.. Ml) Arch street, I'lilluilelphla, Pa. Last year tho touiists from the United States and elsewhere left over $500,000 in Nova Scotia, and a great increase is fully expected this year. Far away from oiyilization gesture language is still extant in Austiulia. fjume of the tribes possess such an ex cellent cole that it is almost as effi cient as the spoken language. You're bilious, you have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and mean, as if you wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of Cascarets and feel bright and cheerful all the time. Be sure you get CASCARETS! Don't let them sell you a fake substitute I THIS IS M THE TABLET CASCARETS are absolutely harmleia, purely regetaMe eomponnd. Ifo mercurial or other mineral pill-poison In Cascareti. Caicareti promptly, effectiTely and permanently care erery diiorder of the Stomach, Lier and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, including diarrhea and dysentery. Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do good. Bcver sicken, weaken or gripe. Be sure you get the genuine t Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCARBTS to-day and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write ns for booklet and free sample ! Address STERLING REMEDT COMPART, CHICAGO or NEW YORK. m y PR. M ARTEL'S BOOK, to dr for thin ItookjOoiiUlnlna rrtlfu- French Female Pills. PrklMd by thouwnilii of utlifltd UtllMM Mf. nlwyirelllil nnfl vlthout an ju4. Hold br all dnivimila mfUl bni, rrnco ear on toi tn Blut. Wlilu mifl Kfd. Tke no otnr. f Jfcu cJ.,m at toa fearlBU. Hew York City. I wLr.1.T.NNATTH a3 P E N S I O N Biaff 20th Corps. I'rmecutliiK claims since 188. Vt "uhTS SfHift Sit I wTm li Best tfugh Byrup. Tmim Good, vm Pa In lln'O- br f1rngjtli. gf IN AND ABOUT A MINE. Blind Lode One that shows no stir- f:lre ei rn ... n,r.a Placer Alluvial deposits; earth con taining gold tl ust. : Foot Wall The lower wall oi side of a lode or vein. i Cap-rock The formation ovei laying the pay dirt oi ore. " Wall lJouudary of vein, lodo or edye ami inclosm" the same. j breasting Taking oie fiom tho face I of a mine or head of a drift. j Adit A tunnel or vein or lode a I passage for water undoi ground. I Shaft A vertical or incline excava-' tiou for prospecting or working mines. I Hanging Wall The upper wall; the rock or wall resting on the lode or vein. j Deposit A body of ore distinct from ' a ledge; a pocket of gravel or pay dirt. ! Croppings Ledge matter lying upon ' the surface, or the outcroppim; of a ! voin. Upraise Running a drift upward or rising above a shaft or level, instead of sinking. Winze A shaft connecting one drift level with another, but not leaching to the surface. Iloise A mass of wall or rock or other barren matter obtruding into an unhearing lode or fissure. Contact Loii6 A lode lying between two different kind of roek, for pt ample, porphyry and slate. Bed-rock The bed of a metalliferous deposit, commonly applied to the slate underlying auriferous gravel. Drifts Tunnels leading off from the main shaft, or from other tunnels or levels through and along the vein. Lode A longtitudinul fissure or chasm filled with ore hearing matter and having well-defined side walls; lode, lead, vein and ledge are synony mous. Reserves Ore reserves are the vein material still standing in the mine be tween the shafts and the levels that have been driven in or through the vein. 44 A Good Name At Home Is a Tower of Strength Abroad." In Lowell, SMass., where Hood's Sarsapa rilla is made, it still has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. Its fame and cures and sales have spread abroad, and it is universally recognized as the best blood medicine money can buy. Ifemember ml ' ANNUALSALES,000.000 B6XES. f&iJ$&rr Mr mmm A TRUE BLOOD-HAKER I There's umre In keeplnit the utoinaeh In tirtint-r Cfiiitlltltin thiin imiKt tiffinlu suimiiKe. It ImIm fl, tfitnufh tliMt fliH liltifiil rii'i,vna It'a lieHlth or Klcknrif. Tloore's Revealed Remedy Aids the stnmnrh In ninkine; rich, healthy blood. It aiflx fllitcMion and bnlldn up the ner vous system. i pir uouie at your uriiKKist s. CARTER'S INK, Is what Uncle Sam uses. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Root Crownrd. Itrlda-ea Made l'ulnleaa fllllnK and extraotlnn. Dr. T. H. White, iffir IIOITT'S SCHOOL, Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., Cal., accred ited at the I'nivei'sities. Location, elimate. and eareful to Mental. Moral and Physical iniiniits:, places lloiu's anions the foremost Schools fur I'.oys on the ("oast. .S '. C.inni irle. Will re-open in the new building Ati'.'itst l.'.t n, (!Uh vear.) Ira ti. lli.itt, I'M. 1).. Principal. It is best to beware hew you tell yotn dreams. The very latest decision of person 'way up in Boston and psy chology is that the true spit i t mil con dition of the mind is reveahid by the dreams rather than by waking experi ences. T.mllen Can Wear Slioen One size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort Vliscovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cu'-e for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart ing, hot, aehiinr feet. We have 30.000 testi monials. All druggists nnd shoe stores sell it. 25c. Trial package Fit EE by mail. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Legal determination of what consti tutes a spendthrift is likely to come out of a suit over a will in Chicago. T. W. T. Palmer, who waa left an in comb of $20,000 by tlio will of his mother, Mrs. Benedict, is suing for the estate, valued at some $000,000; and the trustees allege that he is a spend thrift because lie spent $100,000 in two years, and offer to prove that he lost $50,000 in three months on the Kew .York Stock Exchange. Whether los ing money in this way makes a man a spendthrift will then be left for the jury to determine. HOWS TUISk We offer One Hundred Pollnrs Howard for nny case of Catarrh that can not bo curel by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CUEXEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wo the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, ami believe him perfectly honorable in all bnsin ss transaction j and fin HiicialW able to carry out any obligations made by their liria. WEST& TnvAX, Wholesale )riwisi3, TclcJo, 'J. WA1.D1NO, KlNNAN it MA"ViN, Y.nolesale Drug ists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ist ken n: rnally, aclluR cl 1 reel I y on the blood and m cous Htiri'aoec oi thCByst in. Pr!o7cperbo ile. o.d by all drug: ists. Testimoni. U irec. Hall's Family Puis - rr tin beit. The London Daily News says that the Russian man-of-wai GeVzog Edin burskskij, whose oflioers and men were recently the recipients of Swedish courtesy at Kariskrona, reciprocated by secretly taking soundings, under cover of darkness, until they were dis covered by the governor of tho lortress Kariskrona, is the chief naval station of Sweden; its approaches are well for tified by modern naval defenses, and it has also a ship channel which is diffi cult of navigation. iys(nss a.. ..rgets u .ition .flarry.-g.-cliison Globe. basV jewb the in e wav. othr pie, pas' "I have nued yonr valnnblA CAS CAUICTS and find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. 1 have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now completely oured. Ileeommend them, to every ono. Once tried, you will never bo without them in the family." Eow. A. Maux, Albany, N. Y. Rupture ticiiied Helen titifiil I and ffitilldt'titi al- 'y. Cormponilinci Sol cited. 108 Second St , Po Hand. H. W00DAKU & CO SURE, CURE FOR PILES I I LIIl .V, I'lln profiUfo moist urr and oua ilrliinr. Tim fiirm, n wll Hliml, BlMnllnv or I'mtriifllng I'llfi ar furc-l hj Or. Boaanko'a Pile R.mncly ntom tlchlnar and Itltfadliitf. Almorha tumrira. Uir. a JaratdruvifiKtaoraiiiil lij iaail. 'I'ri'atlun freo Writ at about your caa. JL It. BtJHAM KO, I'hilada., Pa, TO FLIES Mosquitoes Diiyton'i Inef!t Killer will clear the htniHe of tliem. l'rlee DO cents. Write for lnmklft. Avents wanted. Adflnm: DAYTON II A It UW AUK COMPANY, 1'ortluad. Oiegou. , c. 0 NO REMEDY EQUALS PERUNA, S ) TrIE WOMEN ALL SAY illt Jf i Ml I HI. Miss Susan Wymnr. Miss Susan Wymar, teacher in the Richmond school, Chicago, 111., writes the following letter to Dr. llaitman re garding Pe-ni-na. She says: "Only those wlio have suffered as I have, can know what a blessing it is to be able to find relief in Pe-ru-na. This has been my experience. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-rn-ua I ever bought pioved a good fiiend to me." Susan Wymar. Mia. Itlargaiuiliii D.rubf.11, 1211 North Superior St., Racine City, Wis , writes: "I feel so well and good and happy now that pen cannot describe it. Pe-ru-na is everything to me. I have taken several bottles of Pe-ru-na for female complaint. I am in the change of life and it does me good." Pe-ru-na lias no equal in all of the irtegtilaiitics and emergencies peculiar to women caused by pelvic oatnnh. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O., for a free book for women onlv. Remember that cholera morbus, cholera infantum, summer com plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each and all catarrh of the bowels. Catarrh is tho only correct name for these affections. Pe-ru-na is an absolute specific for these ailments, which are so com mon in summer. Dr. Hartman, in a practice of over forty years, never lost a single case of cholera infan tum, dysentary, diarrhoea, or chol era morbus, and his only remedy was Pe-ru-na. Thoso desiring fiirthor'paiticulars should send for a freo copy of "Summer Catarth." Address Dr. llaitman, Columbus, O. It takes a snail 14 days and five hours to travel a mile. 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 'DR. GUAM'S IMPROVED RIR 1 LIVER lILLo ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Slrk H.sflaehe and Dyspepsia, Iteiiiure I'linplea and I'urlfy th Blond, Altl DlKfatioiianill'reveiit Hlliouiifti. I)u ntit ((ripe orHifkfn. ToroiiTlncn vnn, we will mull anmple free, nrfull hnx for2.V. IIt. ltOSANKU CO., PhllBfhi., aVcuua. Bold by Druxgl'ta. CURE YOURSELF! lae HixSJ for unnatural tliHfliHrtTfit, inllumiiiHllnns, 1 rritnf ionu ..p ..I, ...... 1 of in ii co ui nirmhranns. LtheEvANS OHIMirriCo. I""01 r puiaonoiis. ivwita nj afrnaTaTiaiSH 'or sent In plain wrnppttr. Il9 Mirni'WuM .r.,n..l.l t..l iN nrSfrM l.". or 3 tinttlm. fc.V. Circular annt uu rcgueaU K. P. N. V. NO. 33-'9. WHKS wrltlna; to adrertiaera pleas mention this paper. A jfl In 1 io 6 'UT-l aot lo ilrtoitirt. a4Prntnki flufitaatlara aW" f 'lM m "INCISNATI.OJT'J-J