f A Great Y 21 5 s Tbe caPe of flu "ieb fool." f 6 6 CnO 11 IS ll0USe t0 let" looked very big nnd im posing, this notice, and Mr. Dart stepped complacently backward to eye the general effect of It after he lad wafered the document safely on the side of the front door. "If people can't read that they must le blind! Now I'll go In and wait for eome one to bite at the bait. No bother of real estate agents for me no com mission to eat up half the rent. I'll transact my own bus'ness or else I'll go Into an Idiot asylum!" As he sat In the pretty reception-room belonging to the house which he had the good or bad fortune to own, he looked not unlike a big bumble bee In Jie heart of some huge tropic flower. "It's trouble, trouble, and nothing but ' MOTIIKR, YOU MU-T TAKE IT. trouble," grumb'ed Mr. Dart, as he musi (1 after his own saturnine fashion ever the trials Incidental to the position of landlord. "When It Isn't taxes, it's leaky water pipes, and when It isn't that it's your neighbor's drains over flowing your cellar or your tenant tak ing French leave without paying his rent. I wish I was baik on the old fUonyflcld farm n:;aln, raising straw- berths and auMlloweis. And 1 will be, too. I'll give this house to Harry Field; lie's a good boy and if he really lias fallen In love with pretty Olive Melton, It won't be a bad wedding pres ent. 1 hope she's worthy of him but women are all artificial nowadays. I suppose I must let him have his own wny and go with him to see her this evening. For Hallo, there! What's wanting?" A tall, belligerent-looking man had given divers energetic Jerks to the bell-knob. "Is this house to let?" he demanded, Tory red In the face with much bell pulling, as Mr. Dart thrust his head out at the window. "Yes, sir, It Is." "How much Is the rent?" "Two thousand dollars." "It's too much for a house In this locality." "You think so, sir?" I "Yes, sir, I do." "Well, sir, what a consolation It must be to you that you're not obliged to pay it." And Mr. Dart drew his head back nnd slammed down the window, to the Inexpressible rage of the tall man. Hardly had he ceased congratulating liiniself on this masterly maneuver than a second peal reminded him that "this house" was yet "to let." This time It was a fat woman, with a slovenly shawl and crumpled bonnet, nnd an abundance of cheap rings on her lingers. She went all over the bouse, and opened all the closet doors, investigated every separate cupboard shelf, and dually came to the conclu sion that the house "would do." "For. you see. I want a large house," sa'd sh;', coniidently, to Mr. Dart. "I keep a children's school and " "You do, oh?' said Mr. Dart. "Well, you can't keep It here." "I've a great mind to take down the bill," he thought, with milled temper nnd face like a radish. "I hadn't an Idea there was such meanness In hu man nature! Dear, dear, there comes somebody o" so -two ladles. I wish they were not ladles! 1 can kick a man downstairs when he says an Imperti nent thing to me, but I don't know how to deal with women! That nearest one is n clipper!" The ladles were evidently mother nnd daughter-a subdued, weak-looking lit tle woman In black, and a tall, hand somo girl of IS or 10, with brilliant black eyes, n complexion like snow and roses, and a slngu'arly haughty way of carrying her lovely head. "Sir!" began the mother, ns they vote usher d Into the ball by Mr. Dart, but the younger lady Interrupted her. "Do hold your tongue, mother," sto said sharply. "1 can manage matters BBS msmM a great deal the best. Are you the agent of this house, sir?" "Yes," said Mr. Dart, with a queer expression in his eyes. "And Is ?2,000 the lowest rent the very lowest?" "Yes." "I told you so, dear," Interposed the elderly lady, meekly. "Our means will not " "There you go again!" snapped the daughter, "with your everlasting cackle about means, means! I'm sick and tired of the sound of it. Will you show us the house, sir?" Mr. Dart obeyed, in his Inmost heart pity!ni the pubdv.ed mother; the tall young lady swept like a queen through the passages, pausing In each room to survey Its adaptations for the purposes to which she had assigned It In her mind. "I like the house," she said, Imperi ously, as they paused at length In the lower hall. "Mother, you must take It!" "My darling," deprecated the mother, "?2,0U0 a year! and papa's salary Is only fl,20D, besides the interest we have to pay!" "Pshaw! do have done with your lec turing. What do I care whether papa Is pleased or not? I'm going to be mar ried, thank gooilniss, and get away from all your debts and grovelings and grumblings. A rich fool for a husband Is better than no husband at all!" "But, my dear," the conversation had fallen into an undertone, "you are not sure of it yet, and " "Yes, I am," said the daughter, sharply. "Don't I tell you he's com pletely under my thumb? And do you suppose I would be married from .such a hole as that little house in March street?" And turning to Mr. Dart, who was an unwilling and uneditled listener to the conversation, she said, In a louder accent: "We shall take the house. My father will call nnd see you to-morrow. Let this bill be taken down." And she glided away, more like Queen Semiramis than ever, with the meek little mother following, a look of pained perplexity on her face. At 8 o'clock precisely Mr. Dart was ready. "Why, uncle," cried Harry Field, gleefully. "How nice you look!" "Do I?" saM the old gentleman, com placently. "Well, I flatter myself I am about the correct thing! Come on, my boy, or we shall be late." "It's not far," said Harry. "It's only on March street!" "March street! March street!" re- MSMIST- - tV.:A V'4 n ;Vi .ES5" ff,ft mm. OI.IVK SHRANK HACK. peated the old gentleman. "It seems to me as If I had somewhere heard that name recently!" But he could not remember where, and was still racking his brain when they reached the residence of the dam sel whom Harry Field enthusiastically termed "his guardian angel." The apartment into which they were shown was rather of the tawdrily splendid order satin-covered chairs, enameled with stray grease spots; mar ble mantels, undusted, and a gaudy velvet carpet, strewn with clippings of thread and scraps of paper, forming Its chief characteristics. Presently in walked a tall, beautiful girl, with black eyes and a wealth of raven hair, a smile dimpling her cherry lips nnd adding a new charm to her lovely face. "Olive!" said Harry, proudly, ns bo advanced to greet her, "this Is my uncle, Mr. Dart, nnd " He stopped short In astonishment, for Olive shrank back, coloring redder than the reddest peony In all the gaudy car pet patterns. "Ah!" said Mr. Dart, plunging both Ms hands In his pockets. "I think we'te met before?" tea- iy'" . in. i. "Met before?" echoed narry Field. "When? Where?" Olive Melton, remembering the very free use of her tongue she had made, was too near the verge of a fit of hys terics to reply coherently, so Mr. Dent calmly narrated the brief interview they had that morning. Harry's brow darkened ns he lis tened. "A rich fool!" he muttered, "nnd completely under her thumb. Olive, la this true?" She could not deny It she dared not, with the cold light of Mr. Dart's glit tering eyes upon her. Mr. Dart's house was "let" the next day to a widow and the two best apart ments are occupied by the uncle and nephew, who keep "bachelor's hall" In fine style. "And I believe," the widow says, In reference to her two favorite boarders, "that the old gentleman really means to live and die a bachelor; but as for Mr. Harry as long as there's youth there's hope." . But Olive Melton's chances are gone, New York Daily News. HE BEAT THE TRUST. A Clever Fclieme Which Was Worked by a Wheeltnaker. "I don't care to mention names," said a visitor from New Jersey, "but this Is an absolutely true story of how one uiau ai k-usL beat a big trust at Its own game. He was at the head of a small concern making let us say car wheels (that's not exactly it, but pretty nearly), and about a year ago he got a private hint that the other ear-wheel people were arranging a combine. He said nothing, but Immediately commu nicated with several of the largest con sumers, and by offering confidentially a reduction of about 15 per cent, se cured advance orders that would oc cupy him over two years to till, run ning at full capacity. At the price named every wheel would be made at a loss, nnd his partners were badly scared. He told them to keep their mouths shut and wait. "In a few months the trust was or ganized, according to programme, nnd one day a bland agent dropped in and offered him a fair price for the plant. He said he didn't care to sell. The trust thereupon proceeded to put on the screws in the usual fashion. In other words, they cut rates, but, strange to say, the little wheelmaker didn't seem to care. Then they made another and much larger cut with the Intention of freezing him out at one fell swoop. "That was just what he was waiting for, nnd through a third party he In stantly placed orders covering all the contracts he had made at a figure that left hhn a handsome margin of profit Without suspecting that the large or ders came from their Intended victim the trust people became alarmed at the losses incurred In the freezing out pro cess and made him another and much better offer for his plant, which he promptly accepted. "Now the trust has the coneern and Is obliged to run It day nnd night to make wheels at 23 per cent, under actual cost for the man it tried to ruin. As fast as he gets them he turns them over.ou his contracts, and reaps the intermediate profit, while, needless to say, the trust magnates howl with anguish every time they make a de lvery. The little wheeltnaker got enough out of the sale of the plant to retire for life, nnd he Is carrying out the rest of the campaign merely for sport. He says It's great fun to see a trust on the gridiron." New Orleans Tinies-Demoerat. Some Copious Languages. Among all the European languages the English is the richest so far as the number of words Is concerned, and It Is also the one which has added to its vocabulary the largest number of words within the last half century. The latest English dictionaries contain not less thau 200,000 different words. Next in rank comes the German language, with 80,000 words, and then come In succession the Italian, with 3o,000; the French, with 30,000, and the Spanish, with 20,000 words. Among the oriental languages the Arabic is the most copi ous, Its vocabulary being even richer than that of the English language. In the Chinese languages there are 10,000 syllables or roots, out of which It Is pos sible to frame 40,000 words. Another notable language Is the old Indian Ta mil, which Is now spoken In the south of India, and which contains, accord ing to the latest calculations, 07,042 words. In the Turkish language there are 22.530 words, and thus It is richer thau the Spanish and some other Euro pean languages. A singular fact is that aborigines, ns a rule, have very limited vocabularies. The Kaffirs of South Africa have nt their disposal not more than 8.000 words, and the na tives of Australia use ouly 2,000 words. Folcil. "I cannot reach his heart," she ex claimed, pa-slenitely. Further, the senoi Ita wept, "This Is what comes," she exclaimed some more, "of allowing myelf to bo cajoled Into buying a stiletto at a bar gain sale for It) conts."-IudlnuapoHs Journnl. The greatest objection to nearly nverj boro Is his fool wife. of Thkre arc many superior brands of baking Worth powders, but "Royal Baking Powder " is recognized at once as the brand of great name, the powder of highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute confi dence in the food where Royal 'is used. Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital importance to every individual. Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. NEWS IN BRIEF. The Duchess of Fife, accompanied by the duke, is often seen walking in Hyde Park and Kensington Gaiden, London. When a chameleon ip blindfolded it loses all power of changing its color, and ita enitre body remains in a uni form tint. "Our Duchess" of Marlborough by her sweet ami winning ways is fast be coming one of the most popular women in England. A successful firm of tea merchants in London is com posed entirely of wo men. The blenders, tasters and pack ers are also women. Empress Charlotte, of Mexico, re cently celebrate.l her GOtli birthday at the Chateau dn Bonchoto. where she is confined. Although she does not look her age, her mental condtion is hope less as ever. The lo8es by fire in this country during the first four months of this year amounted in round numbers to 150,000,000, against about 188,000,000 for the coresponding period of 1808. A like rate of destruction continued during the year will bring the figures TVlA rt1pncnn4 MAiUJ l , - . . "miuu una Denencial effects of the well known remedy. Sykup op Fiob, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally la.ative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening Taxations them, make it the ideal In the process of manufacturing Acs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a meod known to the California Fio Sykip Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AV FRANCISCO. CAL. L0TJI8VILLH. KT. NEW VOnir w yr to, U, by an DruS An Excellent Conibinn Hon is a guarantee There arc many imitation baking powders, made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid them, as they make the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. for 1899 to the enormous total of $150, 000,000 or 10 times as much as all our battleships together cost to build. The record of the greatest number of notes struck by a musician in 12 hours is said to have been made by Fadurew ski, who Btruck 1,030.200 notes. A large turkey buzzard, with a bell fastened to one of its feet, has made its appearance in Cumberland county, N. J., for the tenth successive spring. A custom peculiar to Buddhists ii that of wandering about the country with hammer and chisel and carving iioly symbols upon rocks by the way side. Schillings Best tea sold only in Packages The Ohio law which permits th publication of offloial notices in Polish as well as German, in addition to Ea glisb, on motion of council, authorizes also the publication of such official no tices in Bohemian. There are many Bohemians in Cleveland and Toledo. In every city or town in the Nether lands you will find a Rosemary street. In olden days only undertakers lived in them, the rosemary being, in the language of flowers, specially dedicated to the dead. There are approximately, 25,000 In dians in the United StateB, and the larger number of them maintain such tribal organizations as exempt them from the operation of the ordinary law of the country. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. feiipe a nil Who Work. PORTLAND WIRE ,t IRON WORKS; WIRB "' lr'"' tc"c'"K:olllce railtiiK, eic. !M Alder. Blacli lurry Hn1 9iii.ll. riivsmv f. -. . . . .. ... cl in,.,.. .7 i -: '--'INKS, nOILKKS, A- i i WW r lr.si si., roriiHiiu, vu MACHINERY, all kinds ...TATIIM JL Btumj 28 to 38 First Street F0RTLAN0. OR. ;,?' f i.! .?ou th? best bargains in Kenera" t V KJiVenKln,e8' boilers, tanks, pumps. I to? I f vtS windmills. The lie equalled nlll, sold by him, Is un- VrhoUi.i. Druintl.n and Plioto r.hl S"PI'llf. uurtn feirm, Portland, Oregon. Willi f .y r . y r.tm