Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 03, 1899, Image 8

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Best Brand of Brandies, Whiskies, Gins,
Heavy and Light Wines, etc.
. Best Brands of Cigars.
AV. L. DAVIS, Editor
FKIDAY, JUNE 3, 1899.
Will Sell You Goods For Cash
Than you can expect to buy of credit
houses, where you pay the bills owed
by the man who don'l pay. '
FLOUR and FEED in solicited.
T. P. TISH, Mncr, Toledo, O.
fbiday mvEismsra
Set aside for the Ladies. Only invited
guests allowed to attend.
C. W. BOGUE, Prop'r.
dj THE LEADER, and 1
"i m mum m him mil Ham 1 1 n mi mini ihmh i
Cedar Mill and Fixture Company
0. It. AlrilEK, Manager.
il rs Cedar Lumber,
A.t Low?st Prices.
A. T. PETERSON, Agent, Toledo, Ore-on
Oregon Teachers.
Salem, Ore., May 20, 1899.
To Oregon Teachers:
The National Educational Asso
ciation will convene at Los Angeles
Tnlv tt tn it iflno As it will
J -J T 7?"
be some time before we can hope to
secure this great convention again
on the coast, this meeting affords
us an excellent oppoitunity to come
in touch with the men and women
who are molding and shaping to
a great extent, the educational sen
timent and practices of the country.
One who has never attended one
of the sessions of this association
can scarcely realize the enthusiasm
and inspiration for the teaching
profession that may be secured by
coming in contact with the person
ality of the eminent educators of
uliOtjj this body is composed. It is
an opportunity we ought not to
miss; if we can possibly affort it.
It is sincerely hoped that many
of you can your way clear to at
tend, and show, by your presence,
that Oregon teachers are not be
hind the times.
Hotel rates are from 75 tents to
$6 per clay. This gives one an idea
of what it will cost to live after
reaching the city. All the hotels
give special rates by the week or
month. Thi earliest applicants
will, of course, secure the most sat
isfactory accommodations.
The Southern Pacific offers a $35
round trip rate, Portland to Los
Angeles aud return, exclusive of
sleeping car privileges, and condi
tional upon a party of 100 or more
being secured from this section, has
been decided upon and tickets will
be placed on sale from July 5th to
9th inclusive, with final limit of re
turn August 15th. Tickets good
only for continuous trip going, and
with stop-over privileges returning
within the time limit. The same
rate is made to those who wish to
go by ocean steamer. It would be
well to notify the manager as soon
as you decide to go, stating route,
etc. J. H. ACKERMAN,
'State manager.
Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty
Times Its Price
I awoke last night with severe
pains in my stomach. I never felt
so badly in all my life. When I
came down to work this morning I
leltso weak I could hardly work.
I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug
store and they recommended Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
irhoea Remedy. It worked like
I magic and one dose fixed me all
'right. It certainly is the finest thing
I ever used for stomach trouble. I
I shall not be without it in my home
I hereafter, for I should not care to
, endure the sufferings of last night
again for fifty times its price. G.
I H. Wilson, Liveryman, Burgetts
town, Washington Co Pa. This
I remedy is for sale by O. O. Krog-
stad, Druggist.
Eggs for Market.
Eggs are frequently found in the
market that are very unpalatale,
due to their having been packed
1 ana neia lor niguer prices. 1 nis
unfortunate condition is largely at
tributable to the fact that most .of
a 1 1 I . A 1
I me eggs nave Deen sterilized, ana
j frequently an embryonic develop-
ment is started before the eggs are
collected; then for lack of
In Clothing, we have th
woolen suit for fe.oo, beVrV
$6, $7.50 and $10. &
YaqJ3ay Merc. c0
Kill Your Gophers,
Squirrels, Moles. Rats Pt .
Receipts and Directions
and using Whitney's Vermin t
terminator and Farm Lease. $
Fifty cents to
M. T. Whitney
Chitwoodi Ore.
Notice of Appointment.
In the Comity Com t of the statu f n
for the county of Lincoln of 0r
Notice is hereby given that that th
BiKuuu utt oeen appointed by th i".
Court of the stutn III I I Pa imti I .1 y'?
Lincoln, executor, with ..."win
having claims aifiiinst MUi,i ..'.:. AUP
notilied to present their claims, dni?'
as by law me at my Lift
about threo milfis wot ,.f 'r..i,..i.. . ' mn
in six months from date hereof ' g0D
Dated this liith day of Slav, ltwi
. . . STEPHEN L(H;i
jiAcuumr 01 ine estate of Win H i
deceased. ' - l:M
In the Circuit Court of the stale of Or
for Lincoln ininttr urt!
John Kickard, plaintiff',
Lvdia Jtraniiehl and i
iticii. i,ellie Al Itich. Porter a ' uinCi 4
ltich, his wile, Clara lirlggs and 1 - H
her husband, and William k itii.h mi'i '
: last win and testament of V II h meZ ;
temperature the embryo dies, and 1 '-eased; m m Davis and ke wiison, ?
son, deceased; C (i Copeland. defi-inUnt.
lo Lydia ltrasiield and James lirait,
Porter A Uich and . . Hith hiHwif, ..
Clara Jiriggs and . . Hriggs, her hmu'
the above named defendants- 1
In the name of the State of Oregon, v
quired to appear and answer the cmnnliir
I file with the clerk of the above named conn
Insomnia is a self inflicted curse
through the violation of nature's
laws. The cause may be over-anxiety,
pla nniug for the morrow, think
ing and worryng over the yesterdays
and to-days, but no opiate can re.
move the cause, even though it
may bring sleep. It the cause is
merely mental overwork it may be
quickly removed by relieving the
brain of the excess of blood. Phy
sical exercise is a panacea for about
every ailment which human flesh is
heir to. Therefore, stand erect, and
rise slowly from the heels; descend
slowly. Do this from forty to fifty
times until you feel the congestion
in the muscles of the leg. Almost
instant relief follows, and sleep is
soon induced. For those who are
averse to a little work I would rec
ommend, instead, a bowl of very
hot milk (with out so much as a
wafer") immediately before retiring.
The hotter the milk the better for
the purpose. This will prove a
better sleep-producer than all the
opiates known to medical science.
It brings about an increased activity
of the blood vessels of the stomach,
causing slight temporary conges
tion, which relieves the blood ves
sels of the brain. The hot milk is
also quite strengthening to the
stomach. Ladies Home Journal.
A little hilarious good time in
Albany Tuesday morning early
ended in the shooting of one Chas.
Farrell through the head by Henry
Williams, the saloonist. This sort
of good times end this way not un
frequently. Doctors say the wound
may uot be fatal.
putrefaction takes place through
the vital activity of micro organ
isms, polluting the whole egg in
time. Many methods of packing
eggs would be much more success-
, . .fi, . j nie witn the clerh
lul it there were a certaintv of thpi or before
Kridav. t.hfl Tth lnv .f T.,i.. t r.
eggs being Unfertilized. Sometimes That being the last, day of the time iSI
v..uij tuu i Udtici la ClllCl
the egg from the hen long before
it is laid so that although a prestrv
method is employed to exclude the
air fron the shell it does not follow
that the egg will keep: because the
exclusion of air will not prevent
the multiplication of the Antrobic
On the othe hand, if dry packing
is used, u'nles it is antiseptic, there
is centainly danger of germs enter
ing the egg through the pores of
the shell. Oregon Experiment Sta
tion Findings.
to pay
A frog, a duck, a lamb and a
polecat started for the circus.
they arrived all were able
their admission fee exceot
the poor polecat he was thus com
pelled to crawl under the canvas.
This is how it was: The frog
had a green back, the duck had a
bill, and the lamb had four quar
ters, but the poor polecat had only
a scent and that was bad.
Our stock of sprinsr clothins? has
just arrived. A big stock of pants
ranging in price from $i. to $5.
Y. B. M. Co.
Send The Leader to a friend.
Mil 1
mi .w
, mi if i 11 1 lit
jv 1 ne nua ts more eas
ily blighted than the
full - blown rose. A
vounsr girl is more sus
(ccptible to weakness
a.,d disease that will
wreck her in awonmn.
y way than she is after
has attaint-d to healthy
lanhood. Thousands i(
len hnvp tliMir i;..Aa
recked by troubles of this
ucntaie description be
cause of their own ignor
ance aim ine prudery of
leu nioiners.
Whenever flip nrmilnr.
1 itiK demon of ill - health
hnus a ship adrift upon
ineseaol ignorance, he
steps on board, takes
the helm, and steers
straight for the msl.
almitt TM.
............ ,11 ,,. i lie young
woman who 1ms not been t: ight the necis
Ritv of taking care of her health in a worn
nnly way is a ship adrift upon the sea of
ignorance. Diseases that will wreck her fut
ure happiness will soon assume command
oung women who suffer from weakness
and disease peculiar to their sex live under
a terrible nervous tension, and if they
escape death are always threatened with
insanity. The whole nervous svstem is
afTected by the constant drag aiid drain
upon the delicate and feminine organs
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is the
one perfect and unfailing specific for every
derangement and disorder of this descrip
tion. It fits a woman for wifehood and
motherhood It is the best of ill known
nerve tonics. It is the discovery of one of
the most eminent and skillful specialists
in disease of women.
" I was troubled three yenrs with fcmnle weak
ness writes Miss Kllen Otey, of Beilford City
S.!! w.u?" Va' 1,1 ha,d two Physicinnrbut
nc thcr did me any good. I was troubled with
pains jn my left si.fe all the time. When "
imie for my monthly periods I thought I wid
die with pains iu my back and stomach. I also
v?,,au,. 1 ; lc.,"Ul 'I"1 un "" fainting.
Finally I took three bottles of Dr. Pierce's V.
n!,rcfcrip!io? 5ml ,wo of hi ' Oolde: Med
leal plscovery.' I do not have nnv pain, at a 1
SI "mTnk." heallh now tl,an 1 ever wn
How to tirenprv liAaUTi nA
told in Dr. Pierce'n Mpdinol A..l.
free. For a nnner.envproit r.r.r.
one-cent stamps, to cover mailing onlv
u '"'k. .v siamps. Aadresi
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
It is
made by the Judge of the above entitled
uy uutiiiuu umi 11 you tail so to appear
; iiunuci ijic nam U(f ill UllLlIll H.H nureill rciiiiif.
ine n I urn tit! will tn.i.u- i th. ' I
it c , . limn lur im
lunci pruyeu inr in 1118 mi id cum pla nt, nam
v.. x' 'vu ui mu uuuvc eiuritjo court 11
ludjrineiit ana flenrnn nt' hm.H
said defendants Lydia Kraslield and Jame
iui mu Hum 01 two together will
iciuni, iiiereon at ine rate of ten p r ctmn
1 , V: " iub am aay i Uctober, 1
and the lurther sum of Juki attornnvs f.k..
in, together with his costs and dis'ljurneinet
wi nun Biui,, to oe satisiiod bv sale of then
property described in the mortgage seiom
the complaint and narliculurlv di-nnrlM
fiillowsto-wit: Allot Mocks numbered Hut
""llu i eacn containing tourteea
In 1 helps addition to the citv of iNettiwrt
Jier.ton county, now Lincoln county, Ore
as shown and designated on the ulat of a
addition now on record in the office oft
l uuuiy eierK 01 Lincoln county, Oregon: .
that the mortgage thereon, described and
out in th Kniil,iu;..t i. .........i..., .1
that the said above described mortxaued pre:
ises he sold to satisfy the said iudKmenU
aecree herein to b entered, in the man
i.iuvnieu oy law by the sheriff of Unco':
county, Oregon: that the sheriff making inn
sale put the imrchaser at such sale Into it
immediate possession of the said premise?,!!,
that the plaintiff have the right to become tt
imrchaser at such sale; that the proiw:
arising from such sale bu applied, first, 10 ib
Costs and umimiu.. f ..... i .... ....! .!.
t. , . 1 ...i ... uiiiniiig nii ii naic on" '
i ii is i suit, and to tho payment and siuisfacli':
of the amount found to be due thd plaintiffs
the said note and mortgage mentioned and df
scribed in the said complaint herein, ineW.
lug ?UH) attorneys fees, in accornance wiihtfc
decree herein to be entered; that in case mi:
1 leimses uo not sell for KUlllcient to limylh
decreoof said plaintiff in full, that, nlainii:
have execution for the deficiency Hgainst a;.;
i ,e,r1,r!,,0r,yibul"Kl"K to said dufendan:.
I.ydta Hrasfleld and James W llraslield; th.
delendants and each and all of them, or eithe
X, .,.!"' Ill'1 al1 Puro'is claiming by, thromu
or under them subsequent to the execution,
said mortgage described in the complaint her
"' ul0" tn said premises above describee
eiinei as purchasers, incumbrancers, tenant
,f n ? i'r "the"vise. be barred and foreclose
I..m ,r. Kht't ti.,le' i"r"t, lien or eqnityoin
leui)tion of, in or to the said mortgaged iirem
lses, save only the statutory right of redem
t on and lor such other, further and clifferet:
ble C0Urt lliay 8eulu J"Ht H"d ei"
l his summons is published in the I.t
1 Y J-KiKK for six successive and conset
ih iZ?eks , bl'Kinning with the issue of Mi:
-titn. lsiMi, and enainii with ih issm. f Jnlv;
in. J, under and in pursuance of the direction
1 1 . t . 11 u" order made bv the ilmi.J.'
iianulton, judge of the al.ov entitled com
at cnainberK at lioseburg, Douglas count,
Kn, and dated the day of May iw. W'
nrst publication, Jlay m, WM
K. K. WlbSOX.
Attorney for Plaintiff
County Surveyor.
solicits all work in his line. Cor
rect work and reasonable
1 . Address, Kddyvile, Oregor
.'f.r!.Sh,T,n? Repalrworlc of all klnd
cialty. Give u a call
Keeps constantly on hand all tbe
Standard Varieties of
Fruit Trees,
Vines and