Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 03, 1899, Image 2

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formed br Baptists to KstablibhF0
elgn MIhsIotis. r"
A new mission society has boon or
ganized among Baptists. nev. Dr'
George C. Lorimer, of Tremoat Tem'
ple, Boston, Is one of its organizers ft
alms to put Into foreign mission effort
a. new idea that of mission stations
which, after having been given three
or four years to get started, must be
self-supporting thereafter. The Mi
secretary of the new society, ReTf
Charles S. Morris, a graudson-in-ia
of Frederick Douglass, starts shortly
' U " the President and General MerrU deliberately and unkindly kicked the " "55
XT A finfflh fllm made up a force lar8ely of volunteers, Filipinos out. In this instance hot- W SLSi??
illtl'tfa lH(l( v 7 Jn I I w,tn a leaven of reSulars to steady the headed determination set aside all
I iivvl V'lhll I I lump" 11 was suPPsed that there rules of warfare. Viewed in a regular i'-S'-'
II rirvXIl jfff Kirvl 'l InW J would be only a summer picnic for the way, the assailed were beaten, but r&X
1 I'IIwotI' 1 lrf54 I I I former' wIth the latter needlid only for Irrepressible pltching-ln defied all mar- tc cs&
U 'ImIW UF I lOT i' II brlef San'lson duty until the ball was tial strictures, and the day was won. " ' "iS
WWW " l CJli over. So it came about that the army In like manner, when Anderson was "js' Z
57 OW well volunteers have borne
jr-jl the brunt of battle since the war Spain began is now a mat
ter of history. A recapitulation of the
main exploits of our armies in Cuba
and the Philippines shows at once how
splendidly this contingent has upheld
the name of America. When the Maine
was destroyed In Havana harbor the
people eagerly clamored to be led to
the front, and when war was actually
declared the response to the call to
arms was ten-fold 'greater than the
needs. Twenty-five thousand regulars
no matter how brave, skillful and
well-disciplined could not be a match
for ten times that number of trained
regulars fighting under the banner Of
Castile, and, from the beginning of
military operations to the volunteer
lias come a glowing share of the glory
of daring, patient, effective work well
The first fierce fight of Las Quasimas
was engaged In by Western volunteers
In conjunction with negro regulars.
These men were practically without
experience-cavalry, but dismounted
and forced to plunge through a Cuban
jungle In the face of a hot fire. Wood's
rough riders led the fierce charge. The
men were away from home in an un
friendly climate, which In itself was
sufllelout to enervate them. But they
fought and won. Regular army of
licers, who scorned the national guard
and hastily organized volunteers, open
ed their eyes In wonder to see the "min
ute men" conscripts of the West give
the truculent dons their "trimmings"
In approved measure! The men who
vent to Porto IMco with Miles were of
the same class with no previous ex
perience under fire. Yet all the fight
ing that amounted to anything was
done by Illinois and Ohio men, not of
the regular army. Reunitt's Third Illi
nois had never said much, but it
fought, and wept that peace was de
clared just as they had things nicely
fixed "to smash the dons!"
The Philippine situation is worth go
ing over In detail to analyze the fight
ing mettle that has been shown by our
new men. Dewey won the first light
there so easily that nobody thought
there would be another battle. As the
disordered enemy took heart, however,
The SpanlHli Iuke Who Did It Now
Milliliter to WushlnKtrn,
Spain's new ambassador to the Uni
ted States, the Duke d'Arcos, is a man
in whom Admiral George Dowey once
found a successful rival. Twenty years
or more ago D'Arcos, then a poor
Count, but a handsome, dashing fellow,
wns in Washington as a legation at
tache. Dewey was also there In a
subordinate naval position, and was
equally poor. Roth men were popular
favorites. They were in society a
t;rcnt dial together, and were well
liked. Among their intimates Dewey
was always "GcorgeO' nnd D'Arcos,
whose family name Is Rruuettl, was
called "Jack."
Dewey and D'Arcos both fell in love
with the same girl, the beautiful Vir
ginia Woodbury Lowery, of Washing
ton. Archibald Lowery, who is rich
and proud and patriotic, did not like
either suitor. lie thought his daughter
could do better than marry Dewey. As
for Rninettl, ho was not an American.
In the father's eyes ho was Impossible.
Perhaps that was one reason why
the beautiful girl preferred the hand
some Spaniard. She gave him a vow
that she would wed no one else, but she
told her father that she would not mar
ry without his consent. She kept both
promises, but there was a long and
weary waiting. For years the father
was obdurate; the lovers were sunder
ed. In the meantime Dewey had mar
ried another girl. She was in her grave
twenty years aud more before the guns
at Manila echoed around the world.
After luntiy years the old Duke died
and Jack Rruuettl became the Duke
d'Arcos. lie was named Spanish min
the President and General Merritt
made up a force largely of volunteers,
with a leaven of regulars to steady the
lump. It was supposed that there
would be only a summer picnic for the
former, with the latter needed only for
brief garrison duty until the ball was
over. So It came about that the army
of occupation of the Philippines was
made up of 75 per cent, of volunteers.
Of sixteen regiments of these only one
Wu.3 fi'uiii tin! Euol uuu Suuili iebpeo
tlvely. The others were all Western,
representing California, Kansas, North
Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho,
South Dakota, Colorado, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Oregon, Washington, Iowa,
and Utah all from west of the big
river. These men had only that train
ing at arms that comes from having a
pistol as a regular article of toilet.
Ninety per cent, of them had never
been organized as regiments. Without
being drilled, within two months after
concentration many of them were
aboard transports and on their way to
Manila. Five expeditions, with nearly
17,000 troops, reached the capital of
Luzon by the middle of June. No
drilling could be indulged In on the
troop ships, but little time was given
after debarkation for such things. But
they were there to oust the Spanish,
and ten days after arrival this raw ma
terial was engaged In a deadly strug
gle. Under the most terrifying condi
tions of night and a whirlwind of tem
pest and rain they repulsed the enemy
and covered their States with glory.
No denial of the Innate fighting qual
ities of these men of the nation had
ever been made, but all regular officers
held that much training was necessary
to render them steady under fire, and
enduring in a sickly climate. Yet these
raw levies, fresh from counting-house
and farm, accustomed to all kinds of
good things to eat and drink, buckled
down to army rations in a land 10,000
miles from home, took the good wltb
the bad, and lacked not one whit of the
steadiness of regulars.
The first sortie of consequence by the
Filipinos was on Feb 3. It consisted
of a preconcerted attack at a dozen dif
ferent places on Otis' lines, and was as
skillfully planned as any fight ever
made, but It was soon turned into a
disgraceful rout Our volunteers did
not know that under the rules of war
they were licked at the start. Hence
It came about that Instead of retreat
ing these hardy Westerners hopped
over the fronts of their trenches and
made for those occupied by' Aguln
aldo's men, three times their number.
They simply took them. They wanted
the waterworks, and from the vicinity
ister to Mexico. Mr. Lowery finally
concluded that further opposition was
useless and gave sanction to the mar
riage, which was carried out very
The new minister from Spain is an
Important man in Washington, and his
d'ahcos Axn nis wifk.
wife a great lady. Rut there are people
In Spain as well as the United States
who think Miss Lowery missed a great
opportunity when she said "no" to
Kxcmpt from Regulations.
An Italian physician, rushing on'hls
wheel to the bedside of a patient, was
arrested by a policeman for scorching,
and notwithstanding the urgency of
the case was compelled to go to court.
When the doctor was finally released,
on arlvlng at tho home of the patient
he found that she had died for lack of
medical attendance while ho was In the
hands of the law. The circumstance
led to tho exclusion of physicians from
the regulations regarding scorching.
A married womnu's tears excite curi
osity ofteuer thnu they excite sym
pathy. Satan probably originated the saying
"Man wants but little here below."
deliberately and unkindly kicked the
Filipinos out. In this instance hot
headed determination set aside all
rules of warfare. Viewed in a regular
way, the assailed were beaten, but
Irrepressible pitchlng-ln defied all mar
tial strictures, and the day was won.
In like manner, when Anderson was
attacked by Augustl on Aug. 3, thick
weather prevented the regiments from
knowing that in a tactical point of view
they were as good as wiped out. But
they pressed on diligently, fought
their way past obstacles, half realized
at the time, by sheer force of pluck
system and scientific skill out of the
question. When Miller landed at Hollo
with his handful of Iowans he seemed
to have committed suicide. He faced
a bunch of Filipinos ten times his num
ber, and well armed and well disciplin
ed. Yet he kept the town, and when
the Tennessee regiment was added to
his force, with a part of the Third artil
lery, he went into the country looking
for a fight. He found one, and, to the
chagrin of all military strategists, from
Charles Martel down to Kitchener of
Khartoum, he won It. He had no right
to do anything of the kind, but he did,
and there Is an end to the discussion
that red tape and Ironclad rules have
anything to do with real enthusiasm
and victory.
What is aimed at here1 is to express
what "Teddy" Roosevelt, "Joe" Wheel
er and others affirm: the volunteer of
America is a fighting machine who Im
bibes practical skill with salt pork,
bean soup, black coffee and bad bread.
He does not need a course of sprouts at
any school of technical war Instruction
if he can get the real thing In front of
him. Lacking regular training, he
does the best he can, coolly realizing all
his advantages and mnrchlngup to the
point where he can do the most effec
tive shooting. He makes use of wfiat
skill he has, and then drops the whole
science of find out who is shoot
ing at him and how quickly he can
shoot back.
A great deal of jungle skirmishing
has marked the Fillniuo conflict. iTPr
the work of the Western volunteer has
been such as to excite wonder and ad
miration on the part of trained offlw
of foreign lands, who never dreamed
a rorce or raw recruits could behave
so like steady regulars. Smokless pow
der in bamboo wildernesses could not
daunt these men. They wrestled with
the undergrowth as they would with a
patch of sunflowers at home, they
wriggled through right down upon the
guerrillas, and the sturdy regular grin
ned with approbation when he heard
these fighting wildcats jell.
Including that Winsome Creature, the
Lovelj ISlrdj Jones.
It was the first perfect day of the
glad springtime. The warm sun bright
ened the country landscape, and the
odor of opening apple blossoms came
upon the laden atmosphere. The lazy
clouds floated dreamily in the sky over
head, chiefly because they could not
go afoot nor on the trolley cars. The
rural roads were smooth under the
hammer of innumerable wheels, and
Clarence Wheeler had stolen Birdy
Jones from her haughty Soho home
for a ramble on his '1)7 tandem among
the highways of the townships. Stop
ping from their run, they rested be
neath a great oak tree which overhung
a wayside spring. Cowbells tinkled In
the woodlot below the meadow, aud lit
tle lambs with wabbly legs three sizes
too big for them gamboled on tho short
green grass. Ou a broad, flat stone that
looked down upon the crystal water
Rlrdy spread the lunch they had car
ried in the tandem box, aud Clarence
brought water in a romantic tin can
that he had found hard by.
The soft winds toyed with the girl's
blenched tresses, which streamed over
her face like a photogravure picture of
tho west wind to illustrate Longfel
low's poems. Her cheeks flushed with
tho vigor of exercise nnd robust henlth,
nnd when the young man npproached
her from the spring his whole thought
was centered upon the winsome beau
ty of the divine creature. He sat down
by her side. His soul drnnk In the
charm of the picture. She looked up
from the can of embalmed beef that
she was opeulug, with a smile of coufl-
In the fighting that has taken place
in the Philippines tho difference bo
tween the methods of regulars and vol
unteers has been strikingly manifested.
The former move forward persistently
and doggedly In silence; the latter gc
to the front with yells and enthusiasm,
but both go to the front. When Wheat
on was opposed by a river, the othei
side of which bristled with rifles, he
halted for the pioneers. The regulars
did the same, but the Oregon boys, be
ing good swimmers and not liking to
wait for bridges under fire, swam the
river. When Otis met the Marilao
River Colonel Funston and a score of
his men swam over and took some
trenches which were manned by the
Filipinos. Some of the Washington
boys saw a blockhouse flag. One of
them volunteered to go and set it on
fire. He did so under a heavy fire, and
his comrades rushed up, in possession
while the Filipinos gave In, affrighted
at such foolhardlness and bravery.
Like Grant's army In the Wilderness,
the volunteer contingents have made a
showing no nation on earth can match
not a man has advanced backward
In all that gallant army. Bullets fired
from old rifles In the hands of supposed
ly raw troops have done as much dam
age as bullets sent from modern guns
by men wearing sharpshooters' badges.
They have been kept constantly at the
front, the reason assigned' being that
they are hardened to the climate, and
better than any freshly arrived regu
lars. It took General Otis less than
harf a year to- reach a conclusion that
all the precedents of the army nnd the
science of war were useless In the face
of the Indomitable bravery, the match
less aptitude and speed, the unbound
ed enthusiasm of the American volun
teer. Lacking skill as pioneers, they
swam rivers; knowing nothing of skill
ed clearing work, they cot the jungler
not supposed to be full-fledged soldiers,
they camped on the trail of the sullenly
retiring enemy with bulldog tenncity.
Our regulars In the Philippines have
proven themselves marvels of steadi
ness nnd mnehlne-like precision, but
the volunteer-all dash, spirit and
pluck-has shown that the true Ameri
can fighting rlm cannot be repressed,
nnd, given expression, carries all be
fore It to victory.
dent approval on her young face Sud
Jenly her eye kindled am the rosy
flush of young womanhood gave way
col" ? 17 P curled l
stom. Her classic head was lifted In
anger. "Merciful heaven!" shrlekeS ti e
young man. "Tell me, dearest girl, what
Is the matter?" ' 1
MButt4f!ie,Stepped back- nni. striking
the attl,ude that she had learned at the
Soho Amateur Dramatic Club she
pointed her finger at him am said In
ones that would wither a load of ha :
"AH Is lost, Clarence Wheeler. You
sitting ,u the pler-Pittsbur?
A Mo1?l Town.
Three miles from nowhere, in a lit
e backwoods village over In North
Carolina the other day, I found the one
town in the world where everybody
works, and no loafing is permK."
?! hu7 ".TV1 travollu wleimSi.
In this hamlet there's no idleness that
is not voluntary or vicious, and this
privilege is not allowed even to the
wandering Willie out of a job. On a
fS," th l,ostfflee in Beochland Is
this injunction, from which there is no
appeal: 'No loafing allowed In this
town. We work, and so must everybody
else who expects to reside here for any
length of time. Idleness breeds crime
nnd, as we never had a robbery or a
murder hero, we have determined to
strike at the root of all evil. Tramns
will be given one hour in which to de
part, nnd honest men out of einnlov
ment will be given work if they dLire
It. If not, they must git, nnd git as
quick as their lay legs wil carry them
Jou7'frOU1 0Uf Vlllnge' Tb'8 mean"
for upper Liberia. lie takes a parry of
ten men with him. At that point the
gateway to the Soudan a mission sta
tion is to be planted. It Is to be al
lowed $4,000 a year for four years, and
after that it must not only pay Its own
way, but start a new mission further
Inland. Tart of the missionaries are to
be preachers. TJie rest are to be school
teachers, carpenters, physicians, fann
ers, blacksmiths, etc. The industry is
to be tlmt of raising- coffee. It is said
a general desire exists on the part of
many colored young- men and women in
our own South to go back to Liberia.
Efforts are making now to raise money
to buy two ships to sail between Sav
annah nnd Liberia and provide cheap
Portable Shelter that f hlelds Hunters
from fctorma- and Cold.
Hunters, prospectors, and persons
compelled to move from day to day
have found the sleeping bag the most
convenient form of bed and these are
now in general use among this class of
people. They are extremely comfort
able and at the same time offer abso
lute protection from the elements, as
they are generally lined with some soft
material and have an outer covering of
leather or rubber to keep out the wet
Their form Is generally well known,
but what seems to be a great Improve
ment In these has beea recently pat
ented In this country by Aberlard
Lapierre of Montreal. His Invention
consists of a rigid frame, collapsible
when not In use, and covered with some
material adapted to withstand the
weather. The whole top Is removable
on a hinge to admit of entrance, while
at the upper end of this lid is a smaller
opening, also covered with a similar
hinged lid. This latter may be closed
entirely in cold weather, while in
milder temperatures It may be fastened
at any desired point. When the top is
closed a means of ventilation Is pro
vided through holes under the protect
lug edge of the larger flap.
A Tempting Morsel.
Hollanders profess to be able to tell
whether the herrings thnt .they eat
went Into the salt nlive. The Rotter
dam merchant as he watches the deal-er-a
neat-looking Vlaardlngener, by
the by, dressed from head to heel in
light blue linen open a fresh barrel for
inspection seems never to tire of those
fish, and he takes a sparkling one, from
the salt where it lies as bright In color
as the day it wns Caught. He twists
It by the tail till the backbone conies
out as free and clean as the silk from
corn, nnd swallows down tho two
pieces left boneless, with the Enme rel
ish that a New-Yorker enjoys in swal'
lowing a plate of saddle rocks.
An Allurement.
MIstali Mose I tell yo, dat Tomppy's
pergresslvel Jos' look at him puttln'
all his ground in flowah beds!
Mistah Smlff-Whafs pergresslve
'bout dat?
Mistah Mose-Why, he won't hab tub
go aftnh chickens now! Dey'll coiue
to hlm.-Kansas City Independent
A parrot's talk Is a good deal like a
baby's: only the owner can understand