Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 26, 1899, Image 1

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    2L HimM
Volume VII.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, May 2C, 1899.
Number 12.
Don't You Know
That we give more groceries
house in the city: If not it
for one dollar than any other
will pay you to call and be
convinced. We always have
on hand fresh goods.
Dry Goods,
Foot Wear.
A Trial Order Will Satisfy You.
Next door to Postofllce.
Land Commissioner,
Special attention given to filings and final
fjfCorrespondence solicited.
my y in a. own am,
Portrait Artist.
Enlarges portraits in Crayon and
Pastel. Good work; reasonable
Frames furnished if desired.
Weather, 0, well! Gardening, O,
w-w-w ell! Crop prospects, OH,
Capt. Bensell of Newport spent
Tuesday hobnobbing with friends
in this city.
Mr. Frank Payne and Miss Jessie
Buoy departed Tuesday morning
for Philomath.
Mrs. C. L. Gowell is working in
this office at the case and will get
along nicely if the work does not
affect her lungs.
A ... ,1 : ti i .
nuuuur mown cnecKea up ac
counts for Agents Bolles and Buoy
Friday night and Will is now in
his old place and Bert is doubtless
in Albany.
Svven Brederson has quit the
Leader office to go into the hills
to peel chiltim. Medical advice
directs him to leave the office in
search of health.
A little chittim is being brought
to market already this season.
The Luella, built at Siuslavv by
Mr. Kyle, is expected to arrive at
Yaquina from 'Frisco today to pro
cure register papers from Collector
Joint Senator
Joint Representative,
'(unity Judge
iMerk ...
School Superintendent
J. D. Daly
G. E. Davis
.1. F. Stewart
Hurley l.utz
J. II. Kosfc
J. L. Hyde
(ieo. ltethers
Z. M. Derrick
F. M. WadHWorlh
K. E. Darnell
W. K. Wakefield
F. A. Godwin
County Commissioners Court meets on Wed
nesday after the first Monday in February,
April, June, August, October and December.
Hon. J. W. Hamilton Judge
tieo. M. Brown Pros. Attorney
Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and
fourth Monday in January of each year.
3. f. Jones Mayor
R. K. Collins Recorder
Thosi Horning Marshal
T. P. Fish Treasurer
E.F.tiaar 1
II. It. Studevant I
Siofstedah"-;:::;-; Aldermen
Kred Stanton I
Albert Waugh,
Council meets on the first Mondayevening in
"ach month.
es at Toledo on 1st and 81 Sabbaths of
each month at lloclock. Sabbath Bchool
every Sabbath at 10 oclock.
ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Piotcstant Episcopal
Divine service on the 3d Sunday of every
month at 11 oelock. All are invited to be
0. 0, F. Toledo Lodge Number 108, meets
JY? "aruroay evening at its hall. Let no
visiting brother bo absent.
- - F; Elk Lodge Number 134 meets every
r'raay evening in its hall in Elk City
visiting brothers always welcome.
10.0- F.-Iiay Lodge Number 110, of Yaquina,
meets every Wednesday evening Visiting
urothcrs are always welcome
10- 0. F. Newport Lodgo Number 89 meets
every Saturdav evening. Visiting members
are cordially invited to attend.
TWILIGHT REHEKAH Lodge No. 00 meets!
tneets at Odd Fellows hall in Elk City on
m '"el"H"dd Thursday evenings of each
"'onin. iHiting members always welcome.
D Goon Lodge No. 70, Rebckah Degree, I. O.
y- r. meets at Odd Fellows hall in this cl.y
invi. 1 1."ei"'"' evening of each week. Visitors
muted to attend.
ump NoM, Toledo, Oiegon, meets on
OrM i-i iRn1 M Fridays of each month in the WB hall Visiting neighbors always
A F-& A. M. Newport Lodgo No. 85, regular
convocation on Tuesday on before each full
omed Vl8ltl"8 brothers are cordially wel-
A0.U.W.Western Star Lodge No. 73. meets
?e?tn"Jin 0,d Allows hall, Yaquina, on 1st
broih. d evo,ilKS in each month. Visiting
""" always welcome.
UNvT,,;J? ARTISANS. River Dell Assembly
2, I nlted Artisans, meets on the 2nd
FelW. i!"W1b7 "iKhts of each month In Odd
teri.5tallV:lk clty. Oregon. Visiting sis
" ana brothers are always welcome.
0A(i,MTA?E LINCOLN Post No. (A, meets In
"'id fellows hall on the 1st and 8d Hatur
aaof each month.
The music of the saw mill is
very conspicuous for its absence
this week. The mill shut down
Friday, but turned out some ele
gant lumber during the run.
Hurley Lutz returned from the
annual meeting of the Grand Lodge
of Odd Fellows at Salem, Friday
evening, and reports the weather
as frightfully cold during his stay
in the capital crty.
Local contractors will bid on the
court house contract and it is to be
hoped will secure the award; then
the court house and the money for
building it will both be left in this
county. The commissioners may
well bear this point in mind.
Miss Jessie Buoy, who taught
the Elk City school last year, and
Mr. Frank Payne of Philomath,
came into our city Saturday night
to spend a day or two as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buoy. The
two men spent the following day
angling for the gay and festive
trout and never caught one under
six and a fourth inches.
W. C. Bogue departed for Port
land Monday morning, where he
intends to procure work on the
Snake river branch of the O. R. &
N. R'y in Idaho. He desired to
lerve this locality for a change of
climate, thinking different water
and atmosphere might better his
physical condition. His family re
mains here, at least fur the present
Ed. Enos, well known to every'
bodv in this vicinity, who went to
Waitsburg, Washington, about a
year ago, has drifted down into
Arizona and found wnat seems to
be a valuable quartz gold mine
Samples from the ledge can be seen
at the store of Dr. Darnell. It is
worth your time to look at them
you will feel brighter for having
rested your eyes, even though but
for a moment, on gold, bright and
yellow. Ed. is not far from Pres'
cotl; only eight or ten miles.
The Portland Dispatch published
a very creditable write-up of Lin
coln county in its issue of the 18
It gave to our county seven col
umns of space. It is well for our
readers to remember that much
good will be done by this write-up
tor the issue was 10,000 copies
which many are sent east by the
O. R. & N. R'y Co. This is
class of advertising that does much
anoA if nronerlv distributed. B. F
fc, v ' i 1 -
Ye Editor visited Newport Mon
day night. Only a few people had
he time to smile upon, but that loss
was a mutual one, h m! Four or
five new cottages are in course of
construction at Nye Creek and P.
M. Abbey is building quite a house
on the wharf by the side of his res
ident'1. It will ornt-oin a lororp
kitchen, a commodious dining room
and a tew sleeoine rooms, and will
be completed before the opening of
the season. Lee Williams is also
making extensive repairs in the
Briggs house and will be nicely
prepared to cater to summer visit
ors. Concerning the disappearance
of the schooner Edith from near
Heceta Head, opinions differed, but
the majority seemed to think she
was simply blown far out to sea
and would return in a few days.
One and all seemed to think Capt.
Mullet was trying to shift the re
sponsibility of a fruitless hunt from
his own to the shoulders of his
crew to square himself with
those over him. If true, it is a
despicable act, emanating from a
cowardlv heart.
Wilson White to W E Smith, w
of se of ( sec 2 tp 12 r 11 w
consideration, $125.
Geo. Bethers to C H Young, lot
blk 2, Jones ad to Toledo, con
sideration, $45.
W E Wann to E E Emmet near
y 5 acres in sec 34-14-12, consider
ation, $100.
Hardy McCormack to Luciuda
McCormack, lots 7 and 8 sec 27
and lots 3 and 4 sec 34-13-10, con
sideration $1.
W W Briotow to J J Bristow, s
y2 of sw and a4 se sec-10 8,
consideration, $10.
John Guilliams to Lena Gatens
n4 of se and se of sej sec 20,
and sw of sw sec 21-12-11, con
sideration. $5.
WlfctFWiFaZu" furDished tbe cPy for the
monti, T f"?,Rn(1 4th Thursdays in eacn nrticle
""nth in odd Fellowi hall, at 2 p. m. article.
Is but the phrase to apply to our new stock of Spring
and Summer Suitingsjust received from Chicago. It is
up-to-date in styleand qualities were never better than now
since the world began. We also have , a large stock of
Pants and these, too, are PURE CREAM AT BUTTER
We have also, direct from Eastern factories, a bran new
and nicely selected stock of Spring and Summer shoes and
other footwear that are simply elegant. No one can see
them and not want a pair; hence, we are showing thera
all the time and to see them is to buy and be pleased.
We are also going to tell you the
In this line we have the very latest styles from
Boston and New York. Nothing give a man a neater
appearance than a clean, stylish shirt. In many of
our Western towns these cannot be obtained, but we
have a large stock and ample variety in Golf, Dress
and Negligee styles, so there is no reason why you
should not look as neat and stylish as any man in the
world '
In Ladies' Dress Goods we have everything new. In Groceries,
Provisions, and General Merchandise our stock is always new
and sold at lowest prices. Yours for Business.
Y. B.M.Co.
A Strictly First-Class House
Under New Management.
A House for Commercial Travelers and the Public.
Board and Lodging $1 and $1.25 per day.
Fine Bath in connection with house.
riemorial Day.
Memorial services will be held
in Toledo on May 30.
A decorating committee from the
G. A. R. will proceed to the ceme
tery, leaving headquarters at eight
o'clock, will remember our departed
comrades by strewing flowers over
their last resting places.
Alternoon services will com
mence at 12:30. Column will form
in front of headquarters and march
to the court house, where will be
rendered the following
Opening Song Quartette,
Memorial Service W. R. C,
Recitation Miss Bessie Collison,
Song Rosebrooks Orchestra,
Address, Hon. Geo. C. Brownell,
Song Quartette.
State Senator Geo. C. Brownell
is one of the most eloquent speak
ers in our state and all old com
rades and citizens from all parts of
our county are invited to be pres
ent on this day.
The schools of Toledo are invited
to be present and join in tbe march
with us from headquarters to the
court house.
Abe Lincoln Post and Womans
Relief Corps are requested to meet
at headquarters on Memorial Sun
day at 10:30 o'clock and proceed to
the M. E. church to attend Memo
rial Sulay service.
yiicn in Corvallis,
Call and examine our line of $8.80 and
$9.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore
gon. They are made of Albany Woolen
Mills' All Wool Cassimcre. and made to
Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS' and
Suits Made to Order.
F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Ore.
Special attention given to mail orders.
8.80. f
Land Agent,
Call and look over our list and let us show
you cheap farm or town proporty.
Leave their land and lots in our charge and we will
sell it if buyers appear at all.
Jack A.llphm, Toledo.