Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 19, 1899, Image 1

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Volume VII.
Don't You Know
That we give more groceries
for one dollar than any other
house in the city If If not it
will pay you to call, and be
convinced. We always have
on hand fresh goods.
Dry Goods,
Foot Wear.
A Trial Order Will Satisfy You.
Next door to PoBtoffice.
Land Commissioner,
Special attention given to filings and final
f-Correspondence solicited.
Portrait Artist.
Enlarges portraits in Crayon and
Pastel. Good work; reasonable
Frames furnished if desired.
loint Senator
Joint Representative,
County Judge
Olerk ...
School Superintendent
J. D. Daly
G. E. Davis
. 1. F. Stewart
Hurley Luts
J. H. Rons
J. L. Hyde
Geo. Bethers
Z. M. Derrick
F. M. Wadsworth
R. E. Darnell
W. R. Wakefield
F. A. Godwin
Commissioners J
Countv Commissioners Court meets on Wed
nesday after the first Monday in February,
April, June, AugUBt, October and December.
Hon. J. W.Hamilton, Judge
ieo. M. Brown Pros. Attorney
Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and
fourth Monday in January of each year.
8. F. Jones '. Mayor
R.E. Collins Recorder
Thos. Horning Marshal
T. P. Fish Treasurer
E.F.Gaar l
li. R. Studevant I
lo"-:::;;:;;;:;::::;;:::: Awermen
Kred Stanton I
Albert Waugh J
Council meets on the first Monday evening In
ch month.
es at Toledo on 1st and 3d Sabbaths of
each month at lloclock. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at 10 oclock.
ST JOHNS CHURCH-Piotestant Episcopal
Divine service on the 8d Sunday of every
month at 11 oclock. All are invited to be
pre Bent.
10. 0, F. Toledo Lodge Number 108, meets
every Saturday evening at its hall. Let no
visiting brother be absent.
10. 0. F. Elk Lodge Number 184 meets every
Saturday evening In its hall In Elk City
Visiting brothers always welcome.
10. 0. F.-Bay Lodge Number 116, of Yaqulna,
meets every Wednesday evening Visiting
brothers are always welcome.
10. 0. F. Newport Lodge Number 89 meets
every Saturday evening. Visiting members
are cordially Invited to attend.
TWILIGHT REBEKAH Lodge No. 90 meets
meets at Odd Fellows hall In Elk City on
y? 'I1 a"d 8d Thursday evenings of each
month. Visiting members always welcome.
DO GOOD Lodge No. 70, Rebekah Degree, I. O.
O. t. meets at Odd Fellows hail in this cl.y
iniV n.Tueday evening of each week. Visitors
invited to attend.
tamp No. 299, Toledo, Oiegon, meets on
(mav f,an(18d Fridays of each month In the
welcom hal1, v",u,nB' neighbors always
A"- & A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
convocation on Tuesday on before each full
visiting brothers are cordially wel-
AO. U. W.-Western Star Lodge No. 73. meets
meets in Odd Fellows hall, Yaqulna, on 1st
hrnivl M evenings in each mouth. Visiting
Brothers are always welcome.
UNITED A RTI8ANS. River Dell Assembly
"o. 92, United Artisans, meets on the 2nd
Faii ednesday nights of each month In Odd
tar..!!5haU' felk UK. Oregon. Visiting sis
" n brothers are always welcome.
QAfJ;'A.BE LINCOLN Post No. 68, meets In
dd Fellows hall on the 1st and 8d Satur
ays of each month.
Sam'l Center was over from the
Agency Saturday.
Claud Branton, murderer, used
neither tobacco, liquor or profane
The Polk Observer is now a 6-col
folio well filled with good news and
pushing ideas. Long may it wave!
Mr. Conroy, of the I. X. L. store,
lately removed to Toledo, left with
his family for that place Wednes
day. Albany Herald.
Clifton Morgan Butler, a student
of Albany college departed Wednes
day for West Point, having received
the appointment to that school.
A slight earthquake shook things
up at Tillamook Saturday. Two
houses were moved ten feet and the
ground was torn open for 200 yards.
All the great European powers
are anxious to do honors to Admir
al Dewey on his way through the
Mediteranean. All people are ready
to applaud genuine greatness.
Mr. Deyoe and Mr. Kettler visit
ed the Mountain Daisy last week,
and started out thence afoot, each
with a pack on his back, lo search
for a golden daisy of their own.
Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Commissioner Hermann, of the
general land office, has transmitted
a statement of accounts between
the Uuited States and the state of
Oregon, giving to the latter $1476,
being 5 per cent of the net proceeds
of government public land sales in
Oregon in 1898.
The Corvallis city election Mon
day resulted in the election of the
following officers: Mayor, Captain
Crawford; chief of police, James
Flett; treasurer, Wm. McLagan;
councilmen, H. W. Hall, LeeKen
kle, J. M. Nolan, James Smith;
police judge, E. P. Greffoz.
R. Rowin of Ona, was in town
Wednesday before the examiniog
board making application for a pen
sion. He reports the socialist colo
ny at Ona as moving along nicely.
Tbey are not thoroughly organized
as yet.but intend to model after the
Alturist plan. Three families are
now on the Thos. Coombs place and
more will soon be gathered in.
Mutual help and protection is the
object of the colony.
Harry Denlinger departed for In
dependence Wednesday morning to
enter a new field of labor in his
chosen profession. He will prob
ably remain inthat place perminent
ly, altho he intends viewing East
ern Oregon towns before doing so.
He has some business to finish in
the July term in this county, so we
shall see him again before many
moons. Harry began practice in
this place and has sncceeded fully
as well as other young Attorneys.
May he succeed. J
Mr. Willard Davis, one of the 2nd
Oregon boys who has been among
'em at Manila, arrived in our city
Tuesday evening to visit Messrs.
Wes. Maple, John Needham and
Mrs. Stonewall Wells, who are all
old friends. He left Manila March
10, because of serious illness" At
San Francisco he was sent to the
hospital until sufficiently improved
to continue his homeward journey.
He shows the effects of his sickness
plainly, but is improving now that
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, May I9, 1899.
Harvy Leonard, alias Miller, our
miner of last fall's excitement, was
sentenced to 7 years in the peniten
tiary at Salem by Judge Geo. Bur
nett, for attacking his jailor recent
ly when Magers attempted to es
cape. The pen is his proper
The State Board of Horticulture
has very kindly forwarded to The
Leader office for publication a cir
cular letter to fruit growers. It is
to the effect that damage done by
last winter's freeze is more serious
than was supposed in the middle
Willamette Valley aud Eastern Or
egon, and that the damage is be
coming more apparent every day. ,
As our fruit growers report no dam
age to their orchards, it is needless
for The Leader to publish the ar
ticle. Disease of San Jose Scale.
The Oregon Experiment Station
has succeeded in destroying the
San Jose Scale by Inoculating it
with a fungus disease. Pure cul
tures of this fungus will be prepared
and so far as possible will be fur
nished free of charge' to those fruit
growers who wish to test this
method of destroying the scale.
Full directions for carrying on the
work will be sent out with each
sample of the disease. Applications
for the materials should be made to
the Oregon Experiment Scation,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Advantages of Rolling.
Upon the surface of land sown in
the spring an incrustation is fre
quently formed, due to the heavy
rains subsequent to sowing. If this
crust is permitted to remain the
crop will suffer in two ways; first,
from insufficient moisture, owing to
the excessive loss through surface
evaporation; second, from imperfect
aeration of its roots. Rolling the
land will obviate this in cereal crops
and materially increase the yield
Grain will not be injured by the
roller, even if it is several inches
high, provided it has not commenced
to joint.
Memorial day.
Memorial set vices will be held in
Toledo on May 30.
A decorating committee from the
G. A. R. will proceed to the ceme
tery, leaving head quarters at 8
o'clock a. m., and will remember
our departed by strewing flowers
over their last resting places.
Afternoon services will commence
at 12:30. Column will form in
front of head quarters and march to
the court house where will be ren
dered the following
Opening Song Quartette,
Memorial Service W. R. C.
Recitation Miss Bessie Collison,
Song Rosebrooks Orchestra,
Memorial Address
Hon. Geo. C. Brownell,
Song Quartette.
State Senator Geo. C. Browneil
is one of the most eloquent speak
ers in the state of Oregon and all
old comrades and citizens from all
over the county are invited to be
present on this day.
The schools of Toledo are invited
to be present and join in the march
with us from head quarters to the
court house.
Abe Sinclair Post and Womans
Relief Corps are requested to meet
at bead quarters on Memorial Sun
day at 10:30 o'clock and proceed to
the M. E. Church to attend Mem
Is but the phrase to apply to our new stock of Spring
and Summer Suitings just received from Chicago. It is
up-to-date in styleand qualities were never better than now
since the world began. We also have a large stock of
Pants and these, too, are PURE CREAM AT BUTTER
We have also, direct from Eastern factories, a bran new
and nicely selected stock of Spring and Summer shoes and
other footwear that are simply elegant. No one can see
them and not want a pair; hence, we are showing them
all the time and to see them is to buy and be pleased.
We are also going to tell you the
In this line we have the very latest styles from
Boston and New York. Nothing give a man a neater
appearance than a clean, stylish shirt. In many of
our Western towns these cannot be obtained. but we
have a large stock and ample variety in Golf, Dress
and Negligee styles, so there is no reason why you
should not look as neat aud stylish as any man in the
In Ladies' Dress Goods we have everything new. In Groceries,
Provisions, and General Merchandise our stock is always new
and sold at lowest prices. Yours for Business.
Y. B.M.Co.
A Strictly First-Class House
Under New Management.
A House for Commercial Travelers and the Public.
Board and Lodging 1 and $1.25 per day.
Fine Bath in connectli. u with house.
hen in
Call and examine our line of $8.80 and
$9.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore
gon. They are made of Albany Woolen
Mills' All Wool Cassimcre. and made to
Also a complete line of BOYS YOUTHS' and
Suits Made to Order.
F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Ore.
Special attention given to mail orders.
8.80. f
Land Agent,
Call and
you cheap farm or town proporty.
Leave their land and lots in our charge and we will
sell it if buyers appear at all.
J" ack .Allphin, Toledo.
Number 11.
look over our list and let us
Wn0BS aga breathes the ozone of Old
?&?&t?&fStt 10 MCh Webfoot atmosphere.
I ja iai wuiJuajr stivivt