Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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Yolumc VII.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, March 24, 1899.
Number 3.
Don't You Know
That we give more groceries
for one dollar than any other
house in the city s If not it
will pay you to call and be
convinced. We always have
on hand fresh goods.
Dry Goods,
Foot Wear.
A Trial Order Will Satisfy You.
Next door to Postofliee.
Land Commissioner,
Toledo, Oregon!
Kpxclal attention given to filings and final
"Correspondence solicited.
Jack Miller spent Tuesday in our
Drew Severy was in town from
the Agency Sunday.
The Ladies Aid Society meets at
the home ot Mrs. Jones next Tues
day. Chas. Wooding was up from
Pools Slough Tuesday smiling and
pleasant as usual.
Scott Lane, known to everybody,
was seen on our streets Tuesday
and seemed full of business.
t . ...
Portrait Artist.
Enlarges portraits iu Crayon and
Pastel. Good work; reasonable
prices. ,
Frames furnished if desired.
Joint Senator J. D. Daly
Joint Representative, - G. E. Davis
I'ounty Judge J. F. Htewart
:lerk .... Hurley Lut
Sheriff ' J. H. Robs
Treasurer J. L. Hyde
School Superintendent Geo. Bethers
Surveyor - - - Z. M. Derrick
Assessor . F. M. Wadsworth
'oroner - - R.E.Darnell
omrcissionersj ; ' W ffi
County Commissioners Court meets on Wed
nesday after the first Monday In February,
April, June, August, October and December.
Hon. J. W.Hamilton Judge
ieo. M. Brown Pros. Attorney
Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and
fourth Monday in January of each year.
?.. F. Jones, Mayor
II. E. Collins Recorder
ThoH. Horning Marshal
T. P. Fish Treasurer
E. F. Uaar 1
II. R. Studevant v
t n I
' Aldermen
i. vinreuaui,
Fred Stanton,
Albert Waugh,
Council meets on the first Monday evening in
-ach month.
es at Toledo on 1st and 8d Sabbaths of
each month at 11 oclock. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at 10 oclock.
ST JOHN8 CHURCH-tPiotestant Episcopal
Divine service on the 3d Sunday of every
month at 11 oclock. All are invited to be
O. 0, F. Toiedo Lodge Number 108, meets
every oaiuruny evening at ii. iih.ii. wj uu
visiting brother be absent.
O. O. F. Elk Lodge Number 134 meets every
Saturday evening m its nan in tAK. uuy
Visiting brothers always welcome.
O. O. F. Bay Lodge Number 11(1, of Yaquina,
meets every Wednesday evening visiting
brothers are always welcome.
"O. O. F. Newport Lodge Number 89 meets
every Saturday evening. Visiting members
are cordially Invited to attend.
Foreman Gannon suffered from
an attack of pneumonia Saturday
but soon got the best of it.
William Watkins ' of Vaquina,
was a sojourner in our city Monday
returning on the passenger. ,
The Misses Lulu Burt and Elsie
Martin returned from a visit to
Newport Monday morning.
Dr. Tatom arrived Monday even
ing and went at repair work the
next day. As a D. D. S. he's all
right. .
Mrs. George Bethers returned to
her Newport home Monday after
having spent several days visiting
among friends here. .
George Baumann, one of our
lumber manufacturers, departed for
Summit and Corvallis Monday
morning on business. He returned
Wednesday evening.
Saturday morning at Corvallis,
the wife of Rev. J. B. Kelly, while
in a somnambulistic state, fell down
some stairs and broke ber ueck.
She lived an hour and a half after
her fall. .
Our regular trains have been
hauling some very large loads
recently.1 Some five or six steamer
loads of wheat from the Willamette
are being shipped to 'Frisco over
this line by the steamer Weeot.
John Forgarty Jr., who has been
a member of the Yaquina Life Sav
ing crew since its organization, de
parted Monday morning for Alaska,
where he has secured a position.
His friends wish him Bon Voyage
and success. f ,
TWILIGHT REBEKAH Lodge No. 90 meets
meets at Odd Fellows hall in Elk City on
the 1st and 8d Thursday evenings of each
month. Visiting members always welcome.
DO GOOD Lodge No. 70, Rebekah Degree, I. 0.
O. F. meets at Odd Fellows hall in this el y
on Tuesday evening of each week. Visitors
invited to attend.
r'iamiXj (Ilia Tnlin hiAitntl unl. nn
V 1 111 . i.W, 4- t WHiV.Vl, VlV'l.f IlltVVU ui.
1st and 8d Frldavs of each month in the
Odd Fellows hall.
Visiting neighbors always
AF. & A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
convocation on Tuesday on before each full
moon. Visiting brothers are cordially wel-romed.
AO. U. W. Western 8tar Lodge No. 78. meets
meets in Odd Fellows hall, Yaquina, on 1st
and 8d evenings in each month. Visiting
brothers are always welcome.
nNITED ARTISANS. River Dell Assembly
No. 92, United Artisans, meets on the 2nd
Wednesday nights of each month in Odd
Fellows hall, Elk City, Oregon. Visiting sis
ters and brothers are alwayi welcome.
A. R. ABE LINCOLN Post No. 68. meets in
Odd Fellows hall on the 1st and 8d Satur
days of each month.
Corps No. 49, auxllliary to the G. A. R.
meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each
month in Odd Fellows hall, at 2 p. m.
The Albany Tanning Company
filed articles of incorparation in the
secretary of state's office Monday.
The capital is $3,000, and " the
principal office will be located in
Albany. The incorporators are:
J. T. Shea, Albert Sternberg and
S. L. Riley.
A despatch from Washington
says Col. Mansfield, Capt. Taylor
and Capt. Harts, were appointed to
examine Yaquina harbor and report
as to the advisability of its improve
ment because, being unacquainted
with the project, they were more
able to render a just decision.
Agent T. Jay Buford rode in
from Siletz Monday afternoon on
business. He seems to be wearing
the additional honors of M. D. very
gracefully and the rate of mortality
among his patients is, if anything,
decreasing. He departed for his
duties Tuesday morning. The
Indian department at Washington
always gives 1. jay wnat ne re
quests and the improvement of the
government buildings always show
1 his having been agent. It is a fine
position to occupy, this standing
well with the department, and The
' Leader congratulates Agent Bu
I ford.
The Oregon arrived in Manila
Saturday. Dewey can sleep' now;
the Oregon will do the rest.
The Columbia river at Astoria is
reported as full of chinook salmon,
promising a good year's catch.
Sunday morning the Grange hall,
a large two-story building which
stood about ten miles . south of
Corvallis was burned, supposedly
by incendiaries.
The long talked of special edition
of the Walla Walla Statesman is at
last before us and fully comes up to
the point of excellence promised by
its publisher. As an advertisement
of Walla Walla city and the valley (
it cannot be excelled, for it is filled
from cover to cover with valuable
data and truthful descriptive matter.
Send a copy to your friends in the
St. Patricks day passed quietly
in our city, only one alternation
taking place. As usual it was
whisky did it. Al Waugh made
the assertion that Jack Allphin
drank 138 drinks to celebrate the
day. Jack denied it and a scrap
would have ensued if it had not
been that Sam Owen was present.
He told Al he was mistaken and
told also where the mistake was
made in the count and this averted
a bloody encounter and the con
sequent breaking of an old friend
ship. r . .
Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Booth came
up from Newport Saturday morning
to pack their books, furniture, etc.,
preparatory to moving to Grants
Pass in a few weeks, and also to
conduct divine services Sabbath
This. gentleman and his estimable
wife have lived at Newport twelve
years continuously and feel that a
change of climate for a year will
greatly benefit the health of both,
as the best occulists of the state
tell Rev. Booth a change is almost
a necessity if he would benefit his
eyes. Hence the change.
Perry Belmont, president of the
Democratic club of New York City,
and Col. WvJ. Bryan are having a
wordy tilt over which one is the
better democrat. They are as far
apart as the antipodes, yet both
claim Jefferson as their patron
saint. Meantime the world reads
their telegrams and smiles. A re
organization of the democratic party
must soon take place and when it
does, the Bryanites will go with
the Populists and ten years hence
they will be found in some other
party with a new name and a new
hobby. This is their past history
and it will certainly repeat itself.
The board of directors of the
Corvallis school district, at a special
meeting last night, accepted an
offer from a San Francisco invest
ment company of a reduction of 1
percent on the interest rate on out
standing school bonds. The amount
jof the outstanding bonds, not in
cluding one bond of $i,coo, for
payment of which provision has
been made, is $12,000. The offer
comes from the corporation that
now hqlds the bonds, The present
interest rate is 6 per cent., payable
semiannually, and the reduction
makes it 5 percent. The reduction
is the result of an agitation looking
to the refunding of the debt at a
lower rate of interest. The reduc
tion to 5 per cent was made by the
bondholders to prevent loss of the
investment. Stolen.
1 una
1 If you don't read The Leader
you don't get the news. $1.50.
Do you know of any better goods
than those offered for sale by the
Yaquina Bay Mercantile Company ?
Do you know of any more liberally
advertised goods than those kept
by the Yaquina. Bay Mercantile
Do you know of any better prices
for the same quality of goods than
those given by the Yaquina Bay
Mercantile Company? '
If you do know these things you
will take advantage of them' and
buy your groceries, provisions,
clothing, underwear, head wear,
foot wear and everything else you
need at the store of Yaquina Bay
Mercantile Company.
A Strictly First-Class House
Under New Management.
A House for Commercial Travelers and the Public.
Board and Lodging (1 and $1.25 per day.
Fine Bath in connection with house.
hen in Corvallis,
Call and examine onr line of $8.80 and
$0.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore
gon. They are made of Albany Woolen
Mills' All Wool Cassimcrc. and made to
Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS and
Suits Made to Order.
F. L. MILLER, Corrallis, Ore.
Special attention given to mail orders.
8.80. f
Real Estate & Abstract Go.
Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all
property in Lincoln county.
Also has a large list of Tide lands, Farm lands and
City property, improved and unimproved, for sale
on good terms. Address
. 27, Toledo, Oregon.