Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 17, 1899, Image 6

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    Lincoln County Leader
W. I DAVIS. Editor.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week
Called From the Telegraph Colnmm.
At Tien-Tsin, China, 200 persona
broke through the ice where three riv
ers meet, ami 106 were drowned.
Continuous skirmishing is reported
at Manila. A few Americans are
wounded and occasionally one killed.
Another rebellion has broken out
in China. An army 10,000 strong is
committing serious depredations in the
central provinces.
The Argentine training-ship, with
President Sarin iente, has arrived at
Valparaiso, where great festivities
have been prepared in his honor.
The republican deputies at a meeting
held at Madrid, have decided upon a
vigorous republican propaganda. Pais,
the republican paper, has ben seized.
A message received at Harvard col
lege observatory fiom the European
Association of Astronomeis announced
the discovery of a faint comet by Dr.
A severe earthquake shock was ex
perienced at Yokohama, the disturb
ance visiting localities of the great
shock of 1891, with some loss of life
and property.
Governor Sraiih, of Montana, has
vetoed a bill passed by the late legisla
ture legalizing boxing contests. Such
contests are absolutely forbidden by
the law in force.
Ex-Commissary-Qoneral Eagan, who
has remained in Washington since the
court-martial suspended him from the
service for an attaolc on General Miles,
has left Washington for the West. He
will go to Honolulu, where his sou has
large interests in coffee plantations.
A sensation has been caused in
France by a report that 12 dynamite
cartridges were found behind the Tou
lon arsenal recently destroyed, and by
the further report that some peison not
yet identified fired three revolver shots
at an arsenal sentry, none of them,
however, taking effect.
A suit for ?0,000 damages against
James J. Hill, as president of the Great
Northern Railway Company, has been
commenced in the superior court at
Seattle by W. P. Hays, who claims that
the state granted him an exclusive con
tract to fill in tidelands at Smith Cove
recently purchased by President Hill
for docking purposes.
Paymaster-General Carev will goto
Cuba with $3,000,000-to pay the dis
banded Cuban soldiers.
- Josephine Kipling, the 6 year-old
daughter of Rudyard Kipling, and the
oldest of his three children, died in
New York fiom pneumonia.
A dispatch to the New York Herald
from La Guayarn, Venezuela, an
nounces that the United States gun
boats Annapolis and Vicksburg have
sailed from Lai Guayara for Jamaica.
The insurgents made an attempt to
capture the waterworks near Manila,
but were repulsed by the Oregon and
Nebraska troops. Seventeen rebels
were killed, and many wounded. Two
ArnericauB were wounded.
, The British cruiser Talbot, Com
mander Gamble, has arrived at New
York, from Bermuda. The Talbot was
ordered there by the British govern
ment to transport the body of Lord
Herehell to England.
It is announced that more than 75
per cent of the entire stock of the Ore
gon Short Line Railroad Company has
been deposited for exchange under
the offer of the Union Pacifio Railway
Company, previously published.
By the explosion of a powder maga
vine near Toulon, Franco, more than
50 people were killed. It is rumoreJ
that one of the soldiers guarding tho
magazine caused the explosion as an
net of revenge. He is one of the vic
tims. General Otis has perfected a plan of
campaign which is designed to crush
the offensive power of the insurgents
near Manila. As soon as his rein
forcements arrive he will make a gen
eral assault on the enemy's jungle
Admiral Von Diedrichs, in command
of German v's Asiatic fleet, mid whn
has given Admiral Dewey much trouble
at .Manila, lias been suspended, and
Prince Henrv nut in riniinini,.! tk
change, it is said, is to show Emperor
"imams inen.lship for America,
Prince Henry, who is a brother of the
tmpt-ror, being popular in the Unit
ej States.
From reports which have been com
ing to the headquarters of the Na
tional Live Stock Association at Den
ver, for the past month the offloers of
the association estimate the losses from
ine recent storms to cattlemen who
iav nerus on tlie open ranges at 6 per
cent OI the entire imnnni Tl.:. :
round numbers, would amount to o'ver
ou,vuu ueao.
A wind with the velocity of 45 miles
an hour swept through St. Louis, and
five people are reported injured in dif-
t . t ii ..n: '
icicm (aiiB ui tun wij irum lauiug
Proposals for an arrangement between
the contending forces in Bolivia are
now under consideration by the lead
ers, and it is hoped they will result suc
cessfully. A severe snow storm has been raging
in Minnesota and over into South Da
kota on the west and into Wisconin on
the east. The snow drifted badly, and
traffic was delayed.
Three tugs for use among the Philip
pine islands have been purchased by
the United States at Hong Kong. They
are each of about 100 tons, 87 feet long
and draw eight feet of water.
A terrific wind storm visited Okla
hama City. O. T. For half an hour it
blew a perfect gale, while the rain fell
in sheets. Nearly 100 houses were
blown down. The damage is estimated
at $50,000. No lives were lost.
The ship Marion Chilcott will take
from Puget Sound 800 tons of hay,
oats and bran, and 400,000 feet of
lumber to Manila for government use,
in response to a recent order received
by Quartermaster Robinson at Seattle.
Thedispatoh from the Italian govern
ment asking from China a concession
of the port of San Mun, lias been
changed into a note of demand, and
China, which had. refused to cede the
port, in answer to the request will now
probably yield to the demand.
The Cuban assembly has impeached
Gomez and dismissed him from the
army for having agreed with .United
States authorities to disband the Cuban
army without consulting the assembly.
When Gomez was informed of the ac
tion of the assembly, he replied: "All
right; I enjoy the situation."
Admiral Sampson has sailed with
his flagship the New York, and the
Brooklyn, from Harana for Puerto
Cortez, on the coast of Honduras. The
Indiana and the Texas, of the North
Atlantic squadron, sailed from Havana
for Cienfuegos. The ships will meet
again in the course of a week, probably
off the Venezuela coast.
The men under Admiral Dewey at
the time of the naval battle at Manila
have put in claims for $200 a head for
each Spaniard on the captured and de
stroyed Spanish vessels. There is a
law which provides that $100 per head
shall be awarded for each person on
such vessels captured or destroyed and
$200 in oase the conquered force is su
perior to the attacking force. With
the assistance of the shore batteries at
Manila it is claimed the Spanish fleet
was superior to that under Dewey at
the time of the memorable battle.
The Red Cross Society of New York
has shipped $20,000 worth of medical
supplies and delicaoies to the soldiers
at Manila.
A rupture is imminent between Italy
and China, over the letter's refusal to
cede a coaling station to Italy at San
Mun bay.
The British cruiser Talbot, which
was sent to New York to convey the
remains of Lord Hershell to England,
has sailed.
The Madrid authorities have offered
Aguinaldo a ransom of $1,000 for each
officer, $100 each for the privates, and
$50 for each civil servant.
Advices from Honolulu dated March
1 Btate that Princess Kanilani was not
expeoted to live 24 hours. Rheuma
tism of the heart was the cause of her
Both houses of the Oklahoma legisla
ture have passed a bill prohibitum the
practice of Christian science in Okla
homa. The governor, it ia said, will
sign the bill.
The Canadian government has de
cided to construct a telegraph line to
the Klondike country. The pian is to
build a line between Lake Bennett and
Dawson City at once.
The Whitinsville cotton mill, at
Whitinsville, Mass., and the cotton
mills at Lin wood and Saundersville
have announced an advance in wages.
About 3,000 operatives are affected.
The British minister has informed
the Chinese foreign office that anv
attempt to repudiate the railway con
tract will be regarded as a breach of
faith meriting retributive measures.
The government has concluded to in
augnrate stringent sanitaiy measures
in Cuba and Poito Rico. Apparatus
for destroying gaibage is being shipped
to the principal cities of both islands.
An army winter hospital at Savan
nah, Ga., of 47 buildings, has been
opened for patients. The first ship
ment of invalid soldiers from Cuba
have been receied by the hospital ship
Welcome A. Botkin, husband of
Cordelia Botkin, convicted of the
murder of Mrs. John It. Dunning, of
Dover, Del., has applied for a divorce
on the ground that his wife has been
convicted of a felony.
The 12 dynamite cartridges ' found
back of the exploded arsenal at Tou
lon, France, are of foreign manufac
ture, and French authorities ate now
convinced the destruction of the arsen
al was due to foul play.
Iron Rule Is Necessary in
Porto Rico.
Dally Encounter Between the Volun
teers and Natives Cold-Blooded
Murder at Caguay.
Chicago. March 13. The Tribune
prints the following special correspond
ence from Potto Rico, from a Tribune
San Juan de Porto Rico, March 13.
The real situation in Porto Rico is
not understood. People In the States
generally regard Porto Rico as a sort of
haven of peace. The war department
has just requested General Henry that
he immediately report how many regu
lar troops he could spare from the
island. The One Hundred and Forty
seventh New York started home last
Sunday. The regular regiments that
remain are so scattered that in many
places where there is necessity for a
strong force only a corporal's guard
can be mustered, and territories where
there are continual mutterings and the
greatest evidence of discontent at
American rule, are unguarded. Gen-
...1 TTAn-w I , ! . . 1 l r. 1
Cm .leu.; iu a uiioujtt. lit uua
only three regiments of troops the
Eleventh infantry, the Nineteenth and
the Fifth cavalry, and two batteries of
the Fifth heavy artillery.
"I need twice the troops 1 have,"
said the general at his residence in San
Juan. "Because of the easy victory of
our troops here in the war and in the
apparent friendliness of the natives to
the American soldiers when they in
vaded the island, a notion prevails in
the States that there ia little necessity
for a strong force to maintain order in
the island. The idea is erroneous.
The conditions here are alarming.
These people have been given every
opportunity, but they are clamoring
now for local Belf-government. They
are no more fit foi local self govern
ment than I am to run a locomotive.
More troops are needed In the island.
The seeds of discontent, planted by
professional agitators, are rapidy grow
ing, and can be kept down only by a
strong military force.
"The ill-feeling between the natives
and the American troops seems to grow
stronger every day. . The American
officers have to maintain the greatest
vigilance to prevent their men from
wreaking vengeance on the natives, es
pecially on the native police, for acts
of violence that are continually com
mitted against the troops."
Colouel Hnbbell Tells of Condition! in
Porto Itico.
Chicago, March 13. A special to
the Tribune from New York is as fol
ows: "The Porto Ricans want independ
ence," said Colonel' William P. Hub
bell, commander of the Fourteenth
regiment, today, on his return from
Porto Rico.
Colonel Hubbell declared his belief
that an insurrection of the natives of
Porto Rico is bound to come sooner or
later. He says every evidence of the
forthcoming uprising was given in
Porto Rico, especially in the latter part
of the stay of the regiment there. He
"The demonstrations made at our
departure convinced us that the major
ity of the natives were glad to get rid
of us. Our first difficulties on the
island were caused by our suppression
of a secret society known as the Black
Hand. It was organized on the same
lines with the Ku Kltix Klan in this
country. A plot was formed, of which
we obtained ample proof, to enter our
barracks by stealth and put the entire
portion of the regiment which were at
Caguay to the machete. Fortunately,
we were placed on our guard, and the
conspiracy was frustrated."
The Great Northern' Cut Met by th
Other Line.
St. Paul. March 13. The second
class rates from St. Paul to the Pacific
coast have dropped from $40 to $25.
The new rates are to apply daily until
taken out by mutual agreement of tlia
three Northern lines. The late of $25
is made from the Eastern terminals,
St. Paul and Minneapolis, to all points
fiom Portland as far East as Great
Falls, Mont. The tickets are to be for
continuous passage, without stopovers.
Accompanying this announcement
comes the etatement that the "set
tlers' " regular trip rate will be con
tinued for the first and third Tuesdays
ot April under the same conditions at
are in effect for the 21st of this month.
This makes the round trip rate on
these days $25 to the coast.
Dewey Will Stay.
Washington, March 13. The state
rajat can be repeated on the authority
of officers of the navy department, that
Admiral Dewey will not be relieved at
Manila nntil he chooses to make appli
cation for such relief. Con8equently
there is no foundation of the Btory that
Rear-Adroiral Schley or any other offl.
cer has been selected to take command
of the Asiatic squadron.
American Threaten to DrlTe the Cana
dian! Away.
Washington, March 13. There is
grave danger of an armed collision be
tween the American and Canadian
miners in the Porcupine creek region,
over the Alaskan boundary question.
Despite the fact that the location of
the boundary has been determined be
yond any reasonable doubt, the Cana
dians have encroached six miles or
more on the American side, where they
claim the right to stake claims and
search for gold and deny the same
rights to Americans.
The Americans have threatened to
expel the Canadians by force, and it is
feared that a conflict may be brought
The situation is so Eerious that upon
information contained in a letter from
Governor Brady, of Alaska, to the sec
retary of the interior, the secretary of
state has called the attention of the
British government to the actions of
the Canadians, and has asked to have
them recalled to their own territory.
Latter Wai Game to the I.ait; Former
St. Scholastique, Quebec, March 13.
Mrl. Cornelia Poirier and Samuel
Parslow were hanged here this morn
ing. Life was declared extinct in eight
minutes. The necks of both were
lra. PoiriT, Trho ssid frcv.'cll to
her relatives last night, was firm and
collected throughout. She took part
in the mass said at 5 o'clock this morn
ing and on the scaffold shook hands
with the hangman without a tremor.
The crowd inside the jail jeered at her,
but even then her composure did not
desert her, and at the suggestion of the
executioners he turned and faced the
jeerers and stood erect and piayed to
the last.
Parslow was more dead than alive
when the drop fell. The condemned
were taken to the scaffold separately,
and were prevented from eeeini? each
other by a screen placed between them.
six hundred men witnessed the exe
cution. Outside the jail were 2,000
more, who with a beam tried to batter
down the gate of the jailyard and could
only be made to desist by the provin
cial police firirg their revolvers in the
Mrs. Poirier and Samuel Parslow,
her reputed lover, were hanged for the
murder of Isadore Poirier, the woman's
husband, in 1897.
To Govern Cuba.
Washington, March 13. The ad
ministration is contemplating a change
in some features of the government ol
Cuba. It is probable that the military
government will, to a certain extent,
be replaoed by a civil government. The
head of the government must, nf
course, remain military, but the plan
in contemplation is to have civil offi
cers in place of military men in the
cabinet and subordinate positions.
It is believed that expeits in differ
ent lines, such as finance and revenue
and the management of the general
business of the island and of the diffnr.
ent municipalities will get along more
smoothly than the army officers.
Completing the Rolls.
Havana, March 13. The onlv ob
stacle now in the war of pavincr off th
Cuban troops is the completion of the
rolls, a work which is being hastened
bv Inspector-General Roloff. He says
that in some cases the rosters of the
commands must be created, aa th nl.l
rosters are either missing, or too de
fective to be useful. He points out
that the insurgents often have no
paper, pens or ink..
General Gomez explains that fl.nnn
commissioned and and 10,000 non
commissioned officers are relatively
large numbers in an army of 32,000
privates, nut that these officers, in
many cases, received theii appoint
ments because the Cubans have had nn
other way of recognizing bravery and
stimulating enthusiasm.
Coming on the Scandla.
Manila, Match 13. The remains of
Colonel W. B. Smith, Major McCon
ville, Captain David S. Elliott and
Second Lieutenant Eugene S. French,
who were killed in action, were ship'
ped home today by the United States
transport Scandia, with military hon
ors, the Second Oregon volunteers fur
nishing the escort through the city. A
battalion of the Twenty-second infan
try has reinforced General Wheaton's
Powder Exploded.
Creede, Colo., March. 13. An ex
plosion of several hundred pounds of
powder this morning in the Commo
dore mine, created great havoo and
killed at leaBt four men. The dead so
far found are "Scotty" Wilaon, Frank
Hess and John Strner. It is certain
one minor, name not yet ascertained,
was killed and it is believed the dead
number six. and there are several oth
ers seriously injured.
Puebla Remain In Service.
San Francisco, Maroh 13. The gov.
ernment has revoked.the order canoell
ing the charter of the transpoit City of
Puebla. and the vpbsoI vin i
im uitttu
out for another trip to the Philippines.
"icaujBr vonemaugn is now load
ing mules for Manila arte Mill n.W.ll
sail on Satuida?
Goes Ashore on
Scotian Coast.
Passengers Taken off Without Accident
A Denie Vog Prevailed at the Tim,
of the Strandidg of the Venel.
Halifax, N. S Maroh 14. The new
Allan line steamer Castilian, from
Portland, for Halifax, went ashore Ht
Gannet rock light, near Yarmouth, this
morning at low tide, in a dense fog,
her compasses being deranged. Two
compartmenta are full of water, ami
tugs have gone from Yarmouth to the
scene. The Castilian arrived at Hali-'
fax from Liverpool 10 days ago on her
maiden voyage, and went to Portland
to load cargo for return. She is 8,200
not remistered tonnage, being the
largest Allan line -steamer afloat.
The ship is in oharge of Captain Bar
rett and officers formerly of the steamer
Parisian, the entire crew of the Parisian
having been transferred to the new
boat. The steamer was due to embark
mails and passengers here for Liver
pool. The steamer began leaking imme li
ttieiy aiior alio sirucK, but the best dis
cipline prevailed among the passengers.
They returned to their berths, and were
callled out again to don life preservers,
which many were wearing when they
reached Yarmouth on tugs at 8:15 this
evening. The passengers and crew all
saved their baggage. The steamer
went on at low tide, which will be in
her favor.
The place of the disaster is a few
miles from where the Moravian, of the
Allan line, was lost some years ago.
Rebel Could Not Muster Courage to"
Venture Into the Open.
Manila, March 14. The Filipinos
apparently had planned an attack upon
the lines of General Otis and General
Hale this morning, but their courage
seemed to flinch, though they fired sig
nals and kept up the fusillade along
the American front for an hour.
Our troops, in obedience to orders, re
frained from shooting, with the excep
tion of two companies of newly arriveJ
men, who replied until they had sup
pressed the regiment of Filipinos.
This body of rebels seemed under bet
ter leadership than most of the others.
A white man waB seen among the offi
cers, endeavoring to lead them to the
attack, but apparently all efforts to in
duce them to leave the trenches were
The Amerioan authorities in Manila
say the city is now so effectively po
liced that a serious outbieak is impos
sible. They believe that the natives
are cowed.
The presence of the families of offi
cers is discouraged, and many are leav
ing on board the United States trans
ports, some going to Japan for tempor
ary residence. General Otis has re
marked: "Manila is no place for
women. This is war, not a picnic."
The British cruiser Narcissus has
Bailed lor various ports in the island of
Luzon, having on board British sub
jects who desire protection.
Steamer Pavonla' Boiler Rocked li
Their Cradle.
Liverpool, March 14. The officers
of the Cunard line Bteamer Pavonia.
Captain Atkins, from Liverpool, Jan
uary 24, for Boston, which was towed
into St. Miohaels on February 1, dis
abled, and which arrived here yester
day morning in tow of two tugs, from
Punta del Gado. Azores, maintain the
utmost reticence regarding the steam
er's experiences. It was gleaned from
the crew, however, that the Pavonia
passed through a terrible ordeaL Her
troubles began with a terrible gale on
January 80. For three days the en
gines were slowed and mountainous
Beas tossed the Pavonia like a shuttle
cock. Then her boilers began to move
in their cradles and to bump against
each other. Eventually the engineers,
after the most arduous labors, secured
the boilers with ropes and chains, and
the bumping ceased, but it was found
that the steam pipes were broken.
The crew assert that the vessel rolled
so tremendously that it would have
been impossible sometimes to walk on
her innersides. Three boats were lost,
part of the port rail and the galley
were carried away, and the bakehouse
was stove. in. A6 the Pavonia lies at
the dock she presents a pitiable, dam
aged condition.
Deaths of the War.
Washington. March 13. The fol
lowing statement has been issued,
showing the total number of deaths re
ported to the adjutant-general's office
between May 1, 1898,and February 28,
1899: Killed in action. 829; died of
wounds, 125; died of disease, 5,277;
total, 5.731.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Maroh 13. One of
the worst storms of the season is rag
ing here today. Stockmen say this
blizzard, following the extremely se
vere weather of the paBt six weeks.will
undoubtedly cause heavy losses in cat
tle and sheep.