Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 17, 1899, Image 5

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The Leader,
W. L. DAVIS, Editob.-
FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899.
Tatom, the Dentist, the 20th.
Racket gloves are bargains. See
D. J. Derby came in and paid
his taxes Monday.
Judge Stewart visited Yaquina
Wednesnay night.
Miss Emma Brooks returned
from Newport this morning.
The Bellamy colony has appealed
their case against John Allen to the
supreme court.
Miss Mary Ball journeyed toward
Portland Tuesday, where she will
remain indefinitely.
Ben Jones visited Newport last
Wednesday evening in connection
with some case at law.
Attorney Hawkins returned from
Albany, whither he went on busi
ness, Thurday evening.
Harry Pritchard, one of the best
known travelers in .this section,
arrived yesterday morning.
The steamer Weeot arrived
Wednesday with a good load of
merchandise for Valley points.
Will Matthews of the News came
up from the Resort City yesterday
and spent the day at the capital.
Everybody is preparing the soil
for a crop now. The appearance
of the landscape changes every day.
Jay Van Cleve arrived from San
Francisco on the Weeot Wednesday.
He has been absent several months.
John Foss has bought the Chas.
Lillard farm on Big Elk and will
make his home there in the future.
Ladies' hosiery, bargains, at the
Racket. Just in.
Typewriter paper and supplies on
hand at Krogstad's.
A line of Ladies' Notions received
last night at The Racket. Up-to-date
and real bargains.
Agent Buoy moved into the
Renus Arnold house Thursday,
Jack Allphin was master of cere
monies. There vas a social party at the
home of Miss Lou Snow Tuesday
eveniug, which all present thor-'
ougbly enjoyed. J
G. A. Landis returned from his
visit to Albany Wednesday and
Thursday went to Yaquina to vht
with Mr. D. P. Blue. . I
waner wnuten is seriously ill a
his home at Yaquina Life Saving
station. The Leader hopes to
report his recovery soon.
Mrs. T. P. Fish departed for
Portland yesterday to purchase ber
Spring millinery stock. Watch for
her announcement later on.
Joe Ludwig came in from Otter
Rock Wednesday to pay the taxes
on his property here. Joe is one of
the prompt ones always.
S. F. Bilyeu went to the Valley
Wednesday morning. Some urgent
business called him away. His
stay depends on circumstances.
Father Fe!ix Bucher took Fred
Harney, the feeble minded Indian,
to a Portland hospital Tuesday
where he will receive medical care
and aid.
Wm. Alexander went to Wren
Wednesday morning to be present
with the parties who were that day
to divide the old home farm in
Kings Valley.
Mrs. Ofstedahl and daughter
returned from Portland Monday
evening. John would have been a
fit inmate of some of the state insti
tutions had she stayed much longer,
"What is home, etc."
For first-class, honest dental
work, see Dr. Tatom at Hotel
the 20 and a few days following.
Benj. Hahn is spending the day
in town.
This is the Fourth of Ireland, St.
Patrick's Day. Descendents of
Irish people know what to do today.
Dick Stevens, one of the C. & E.
bridge builders, is visiting in our
city today, not being at work this
T. W. Gorman, the general
merchant of Yaquina, is spending
the day among friends in this place.
The Leader received a pleasant
A new baby girl was found at A.
Brelrsen's Saturday, the nth. Dr.
Darnell officiated. The mother is
afflicted with pneumonia.
The Ladies' Aid hereby extend
hearty thanks to all those who
assisted them and gave their pat
ronage to them at the late basket
social. Many thanks to you all.
Messrs. Crosno and Jones visited
the mines on South Beach Wednes
day to view the new way of work
ing the beach mines. They were
iiiUCti pleased with what they saw.
Mrs. George Bethers came up
from Newport this morning doubt
less to make arrangements for mov
ing back into their residence on
Nob Hill. They expect to be
among us again about April 15.
Mrs. Geo. Baumann is soon to
open a Millinery store aud ladies
will be pleased to have two stocks
from which to select instead of one
as formerly. The Leader be
speaks for Mrs. Baumann success
in her business venture.
In Clothing, we have the biggest
drive of the season. A good solid
woolen suit for $5.00, better grades
$6, $7.50 and $10.
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
Lee Williams and A. Walker, of
Portland, were in town yesterday
trying to settle the Abbey house
lease trouble in Newport. Lee
returned in the evening and Mr.
Walker departed for Portland this
morning, leaving the matter still
John Forgarty, who has been a
member of the Yaquinaiife saviug
crew since its creation, will sever
his connection, with that body of
Uncle Sam's servants it is reported
this week. The Leader is not
informed as to his future intentions
but wish him success whatever they
may be.
A party of Newportites, consist
ing of A. H. Hampton, John Stimp
son and Charles Winant, came up
Wednesday in a skiff to do business'
among our county officers Winant!
had a few purchases to make, but
that is sub rosa, Sheriff Ross re
turned in the evening with them to
serve papers on South Beach.
John Nye, who has lived 26
years on his fatm between this
place and Newport, is in town today.
He is enroute to Los Angeles
county, California, where he will
remain about a year for the benefit
of his health. The Leader will
visit bim during that time and keep
him alive to development of this
A LeRoy, one of the high officers
of the Odd Fellows lodge of Oregon,
lectured here last night. His com
ing was unheralded and but few
turned out. This sort of work
gives our town a very black eye
and the local members of this order
are largely to blame. A little
music and a good crowd would
have sent Mr. LeRoy away from
here with a very different feeling
toward our people than the one now
Staytou shorts, flour and chop at
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
For Sale.
I own and wish to sell the "Old
Cannon Ranch" 2 miles up bay
from Toledo. Make me an offer.
What have you in Minnesota or
Dakota to trade for it.
m3-4t J. H. Griffin,
Grand Forks, N. D..
Han Lost.
Any one knowing the where
abouts of Hiram Titman, last heard
from near Independence and Dallas,
will confer a great favor by addres
sing the undersigned. Foul play
is suspected, Valley papers please
copy. v Oliver Altree,
Toledo; Ore.
Toledo Public School.
The seventh and eighth grade
pupils have the privilege of a re
public, that is, Prof. Holm told us
if we were willing to carry it out
he would give us the privilege of
running our own school, but if we
preferred a monarchy we could just j
say so and it should hereafter be
ruled as such. We preferred a
republic as we do not consider our
selves to be as the Russians, so ig
norant that we must be ruled by a
czar. Prof. Holm being chief
executive officer we proceeded to
elect pur officers, and we of course
have a constitution prepared by a
committee of one, but we adopted
it by sections so that all had a say
in making the laws. The consti
tution is signed by all, requiring
but two-thirds of members present.
There is also a committe on morn
ing entertainment, and every morn
ing something interesting will be
Our sick pupils have all returned
but Loma Ewing, who is getting
The primary grades participated
in the entertainment held at the
M. E. church, and it was enjoyed
by them fully as much as by
Block Head.
To Those Wishing Shingles.
We will be on the market with a
full line of Dimension and Randsome
shingles about April 10 to 15th.
Altree Bros.
For Sale.--I have now on
hand plenty of good baled hay for
sale. Those in need will know
where to buy.
, ' T. P. Fish.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the
English Baptist Church at Miners
ville, Pa., when suffering with
rheutnaiism, was advised to try
Chambetlain's Pain Balm. He
says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of" great service to
me. It subdued the inflammation
and relieved the pain. Should an
sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm
a 'trial it will please me." For sale
by Otto O. Krogstad, druggist.
- . ,
New Industry.
B. F. Jones who has just returned
from a trip down the coast where
he has been examining the beach
mines, says Wm. Stitt is in receipt
of a letter from Capt. J. R. Mullett,'
of New York, in which the captain
says he will arrive at Seal Rocks in
the near future and will employ
men and boats and capture alive
fifty bead of sea lions, which he
will ship to Europe via New York.
Capt. Mullett says he has been en
gaged in this business for the past
twenty years, and has heretofore
done his hunting at Santa Barbara,
California, but sea lions are scarce
at that place and he is in seaach of
new grounds.
Mr. Jones says Seal Rock, "which
is about half mile off shore, had at
least a thousand bead upon it
Wednesday and it was great sport
to see them tumbling over one an-!
other and basking in the sun shine.
He says there is one great, big
fellow who seems to be boss audi
who always sets on the very top
pinnacle of the rock and seems to '
roar louder and have more to say
than all the rest. Billy Stitt has
noted this fellow's appearance for
many years and calls him Mark
As some of the male lions weigh
over 2,000 pounds it will be quite
interesting to see them caught and
crated, and I have no doubt but
what there will be many spectators
at Seal Rocks to witness the cap
ture of these fine animals of the
A little boy over in Weston was
required to write an essay the other
day on the subject of ' 'Newspapers"
and here is the result: "I don't
know how newspapers came into
the world, and don't think God
does, for he hasn't got nothing to
say about them, and 'editor' is not
in the bible. I think the editor is
one of the missing links you hear
about, and stayed in the brush
until after the flood, then came out
and wrote the thing up, and has
been here ever since. T don't
think he ever dies; I never saw a
dead 'un and never heard of one
getting licked. Our paper is a
mighty poor 'un; the editor goes
'thout underclothes all winter, don't
wear no socks and pa hasu't paid
his subscription in five yeary."
Moralists may
prate, and doc
tors prose, and
science shout
from the house
top, but just
so lotifr as the
birds sing and
the flowers
bloom, and a
are cherry-red,
and a youne
man's eyes
1 1 look love, just
so long the lads
and lassies will
kiss and kiss
And where, good men, is the harm if the
kissers and kissees be healthy, and true
love stands sponsor. It is only when ill
health has blasted the sweet cleanliness of
youth that death lurks upon its lips. The
deadly germs of dread consumption are as
harmless as June-time butterflies to the
young man or woman who is thoroughly
clean, sweet and healthy in every fiber and
tissue. The germs of disease only attack
that which is already partly decaved.
There is a great medicine that is a sure
and certain protection against all germs
and a speedy cure for all germ diseases.
It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. It gives youthful rest to the appetite.
It corrects all faults of the digestion. It
aids assimilation. It fills the blood with
the vital, life-giving elements of the food.
It builds sweet, clean, healthy tissues in
every part of the body. It drives out all
disease germs. It cures 98 per cent, of all
cases of bronchial, throat and lung affec
tions if taken in time. All good medicine
dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as
Mr. Jos. Henderson Dirblun, of 544 Josephine
Street, New Orleans, La., writes : " I was ailing
for some two years, suffering from dvspepsia, a
tired feeling, and loss of energy an3 appetite.
I tried one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and found great relief, t took two
niore bottles, three in all, and one or two vials
6f the ' Pellets.' when I was in good health
Again. I recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery to do all that it is claimed to do."
A man or woman who 'neglects
constipation suffers from slow
poisoning. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation. One
little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa
tive, and two a mild cathartic.
All medicine dealers sell them.
No other pills are "just as good."
NewNo. '2 and No. 3, 1898
Direct InJcing,
Un equaled Speed,
Strictly Visible Writing,
Strongest Manifolding,
Set aside for the Ladies. Only invited
guests allowed to attend.
C. W. DOGUE, Prop'r.
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the courts of
Oregon. Five and one-half years
1 clerk of Probate and Circuit
i courts. Has complete up-to-date
Abstract ot Lincoln County.
Ona, Lincoln County, Oregon.
Manufacturers of all kinds ot
Prices given on applicatian.
Notary Public.
i ff Annv,nt,T mo
Land Titles and Land Office Busi
ness a Specialty
Will say to my numerous customer
in various partH of Lincoln county, Unit
I will try to make it possible for you to
obtain part of your drug wants through
the mails, and will pay part or all tin
postage on dry articles, especially of tin
more concentrated or costly kinds. Will
pay the postage on pills, plasters, salves,
tablets, rubber nipples, violin strings,
and many other kinds of drugs. Postage
stamps taken in any amount. Will pay
one-haif the express on all dollar pur
chases of patentmedicine8 or other goods.
I will endeavor to supply all your wants
in goods in my liue. I am after your
trade and will try to merit it.
Erogsiad-Tho Druggist.
Expense of maintaining, com
paratively nothing.
Prints like a Press.
No Tibbon machine can approach
Positive Alignment,
No TAfting of Carriage.
1 t '