CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaquina: Train leaves Alhanv i"j:er n tn - Corvallis 1:45 P- m. Arrive Vamiina. fi-no rv m . . 1 1 r No. 1. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a " Corvallis 11:40 a Arrive Albany 12:25 p m. m. m. For Detroit: Leaves Corvallis 7:30 a. m. " Albany 8:05 a. m. Arrive Detroit 12:20 p. m. Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:40 p. m. " Albany 6:05 p. m. Arrive Corvallis 6:55 p.m. No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al bany and Corvallis with Southern Pacfiic trains giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Train for the mountains at rive at Detroit at noon giving ample time to reacli camping grounds on the lilli i id ill i ivcn same day. II. L. Waldkn, T. F. & P. A. Edwin Stone, Manager. Forced Sale of Watches and Clocks. at M. HANSEN'S, Watchmaker and Jeweler. All work done in first-class manner. Address, TOLEDO, OREGON. SHOULD YOU NEED Bra -of any kind, call on Dr. DARNELL. Prescriptions a Specialty. Sweetest Candies, The Freshest Nuts, Nobbiest Stationery, TOLEDO, OREGON. Rctiorci VITALITY I o5T AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- aouse, or excess and indis cretion. Aiiervatniitannil blood builder. Brings the pinK glow to pale cheeks and bi .v.jwvt. V 11 V- 1IVV. VI JUULI1 13v mail TiOfi ner ho! fl hnvra jor ns-.ow; witu a written gnaran. toe to euro or refund tuo money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. S .1... M . ... i:llnton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. I-or sale by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist, Toledo, Oregon. yM4. 60 YEARS' t EXPERIENCE V 1 TRADE MARKS ' f t f COPVRIOHTS AC. Anyone lending a iketrh and (lo.crlnllon ni qiilcklr umrtalu our opinion free whether an Invention li probiihly putentatile. roninmnlrit. tlontiictlrcondilentlHl. llaiuttxvokon I'ntenu nt (res. Oltleftt avencr for nmmrliig patente. I'm out taken through Munn A Co. recvlr tptfUU notkt, without clmrHe, lu the Scientific flincrlcnn. A hundiomclr lllniitnited weekly. Tursent plr rulatlon of any aolentiafl Journal. Tornii. 3 iV.1.!,J,.,rr,!v2tl''u Bold y "It newiOealem, lnUNN&Co.8Bro.dw.y.fieWYork UrauoD OHIo t r Bt, Wahluglou. li. U Totter, Snlt-Uhcuin and Kczciua. The intents Itching hiu! smartinpr, inci lU-ntto these disoiiseH, lsiiwtimtly allayed l;v awilylng ChainWrlnlir Eye and Skfn Oiuttnent. Many very nd canes have been permanently cured by it. It in equally efficient for iUihing piles and e favorite remedy for noie nipples happed hands, clitlblalnn, frost bites nd rhronio sore eves. 23 cts. per box. For sale by 0. 0. Krogstad Druggist mmmm wmmmm 1 M i i The Leader, W. L. DAVIS, Editor. Official Countv Paper, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ,0e Year I Months 75 50 2r m-.Three Months - Entered at the pctofflce at Toledo, Oregon, as .. uiinnnil nlooomi.tlmAHaii I Advertising rates made known on application, HAnnnrl.nlnfla mail TriAt.tnp Business locals win be inserted in these coi-1 umiiH at live cents per line per week, and will ; be run until ordered discontinued. . Every postmaster in Lincoln county is author ized to act as agent for the Leader. EDITORIAL, AND COMMENT. The Leader would not greatly surprised if the board De of engineers appointed to investigate the status of this harbor, made a favorable report. Hearing statis- . tics read and teeing -the ground with yew own eyes " are two differ- ent things. A comparison of the figures of this with Coos and other , , , , , , , ! places had much to do doubtless :u .u n .u u with the result in the house. These comparisons were detrimental to 1 this project became misleading. : nx r i . i j frt . lumber. :onl lar-lv. and affricnl. , tural products. The shipments effect only Coos bay and its im mediate vicinity. Its benefits are purely local. In this sense it is more deserving of improvement than Yaquina. The resources of Lincoln county are very limited at present and do not embrace either " ' ' lumber cr coal, of which products as many tons could be shipped over Yaquina bar at present as over Loos But the imorovement of Yaquina bar would open the eate- way for the entire Willamette Valley, the Santiam lumber region Eastern Oregon wheat, wool and . live stock farms, and save to them hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. It would assure the extension of the C. & E. railway to an eastern connection with some trans-continental line and when this was accomplished this road with its steamer route would be the . . . ... . rate maker for the entire Pacific coast, because much shorter and more inexpensive. Noola..e in the , world can handle freight so cheaply as Yaquina. It is unloaded direct C .1 .1 . ....... 1 i.uui iiic i-a.s iu iuc Mcamer s noin. This saves warehouse rent and also much labor connected with loading. Forty minutes from the time a steamer leaves the wharf at Ya quina she is over the bar and "squared away' for 'Frisco. These facts have all been laid before con gress but when the figures are rotu pared with other places these facts are hidden from view are com pletely covered from the congress man's eye and he at once fears a job But when the board arrives and these things are pointed out to them, they cannot fail to see that our wished improvement and its beneficial results are no poet's dream or flights of a greenbacker's immaguiation. Being unprejudiced, they will make a favorable teport, and if the report is unfavorable it is prima facie evidence that their decision was made in Washington. Thg Lkader believes the board! consist of most honorable men only, and that they will see the benefits to result from the improve- ment of Yaquina Bay bar, as our people see them. Should these facts be seen as our people see them nothing but a favorable report will be the result. Pendleton will erect $50,000 worth of new buildings duriug the coming summer. Pendleton is doing a thriving trade and the prosperity of her people is general. The only other town so thriving is Toledo although the amount will not be so great. aaa 1 Governor Geer has appointed William Olsen, A. J. Cohn and Claude Thayer as president, vice president and secretary of the Port 1 . of Tillamook commission. The I object of the commission is to raise ! . , .. ., . . bv taxation of the city and other 1 means money to improve the harbor without the aid of the general .v.i w.v 6v.... government. It is a worthy object ""u , " StlA fT t Vl A TTlrtcf HfrtC HOf fill C r'AH lltlAC - t r " " in Oregon and Lincoln county settlers may well emulate her . example. , . . in the senate to the house 'bill and passed. Our readers will then be able to understand the matter as well as The Leader: "Yaquina Jav, uregon: The secretary ot I war is hereby authorized to appoint , n testimonials have been received, I u .j r .i i ' giving accounts of its good works: 'aboard of three engineers, whoir,L. - .- j shall make examination thereof, coughs it has cured; of severe colds with a view , to ascertaining the j have yielded promptly to its sooth desirability of prosecuting the work. effects, and of the dangerous .i jL .i . ' nttarlrc nf prnnn if Viae rcA nftan desirability of prosecuting the work I autnorjze(j by the river and harbor b of 6 . modification L ' . . - . f .A unnrA . . . , f board, may be desirable for the r-ju . , commerce of said bay, together with t. fir an estttnatp nf flip rnt nf cnoVi , , lM , ' XTfrlr QtlH t.flfll Clinh ft U I 1 . , , , j ac uu mauc auu atictl upon oy cogress " f'r action shall be raL-pn Itv the secretary Of war in j pursuance of existing law, and! c nnn nr r tnnoli thorof 1 5,000, or SO mUCll tnereot as may I ho nprpcenrv icliotMinnrnnnniJ De liecessnry , IS Hereby appropriated to nav trip pvnoiKM nf em Mi 10 pay tne expenses Ot SUCU exam- innrinn " Of h Kr.or,1 lnation. Ut tlie board engineers annnintpM hv Ppm Wiicnn i,i0ff dppoimea oy Len. WllSOtl, Clliet Ot enainpprc imHor o r,rr,;c,V. f ,l cimiiiccrs. unaer a urovision nt tnp river and harbor bill, to visit Ya- quma Day and report upon the ad- visaouity ot carrying out the pro H"u rmer improvement ot tnei posed further improvement of the e " emranc ot the bay. Clone! Masfield " division g!"fe.r cbarSe of the Pacific coast dlvsl0. PaPi" Harry Taylor is enomppr in pharaa ft mn ..... . fa &",tll,mc..i 1U the Slate f Washington, SiailOlieu at iSeatr e nnrl Ponta n -iduuueu at oeauie, aim . captain v . vv . xxari. is hiauouea in port- ! land, and has charge of government ' isuvciuiacm, works on the coast of Ores' 011 as I well as flip Pawrnrlps InMj-c nA Ka.i ' ""VA VJUVMI railw ay at The Dalles. State Appointments. The state educational board mn e : ,. """"6 "c guvciuur, secretary oi state and state superintendent of schools, have annnitPH TT p ' rr ' Beckers of Pendleton. n nrl. tendent of the state reform school. y U fW Ti . . . . r . . I he State board of education also aDDOillted a lte hrl I . . .... ers consisting of the following well known educstors: J A Churchill, Baker City, E B Conklin, Union, Frank Kigler, Portland, R F Robinson, Portland, Thomas Ne .viand, Newberg, Thomas M Gatch, Corvallis, L II Baker, Lebanon, I NL Narragan, Medford, C A Hitchcock, Ashland. Gov. Geer has made the appoint ment of the members of the new state board of agriculture under the new law, passed at the recent ses sion, making the board consist of nve members, as follows: State Senator A. V. Reed, of Gardner, Douglas county, for a term of four vm ru W. TT Wr r t.. four vears J. II. Settlemier, of Woodburn, for three vears A. J. Johnson, ofScio, two years. L.eo. Ohandler, of Wingville, liaker county, one year The last two named are memr-r J of the old board, Mr. Johnson being .1 1 j 1 ... . presiuenr. - t If you want a Suit made to order jnst come in, select your goods and we guarantee a f.t, whether you are thick or thin, tall or short. Yaq Bay Merc. Co. JfFu"'tl'TH Leader you don't get the news. $i.5o. Patronize home industry. Buy Oregon City boots and shoes, made of Oregon leather in an Oregon city for Oregon ians. T. P. Fish sells them at lowest prices. A Call For County Warrants. Nntino la tiaroHv oiufln flint. T liflvA funds on hand to pay all county war rants drawn on the general fund, and endorsed "not paid for want of funds," p toj and including Juna 1( 1896 'Interest on said warrants ceases from Dated at Toledo, Oregon March 3 1899. I .1 T. II Villi. j Treasurer of Lincoln County, Oregon. Be kind to vour friends; tell them to read The Leader, sure. .h Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy is intended especial ly for coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough and influenza. It has , become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civuizea worm, ine mosc natter t . - "S ettects, and of the dangerous attacks ofcrouP U has cured the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping r-"o cough has shown that it robs that disease 01 an dangerous conse quences. Sold by Otto O. Krog stad, druggist. i n Send The Leader to a friend. Notice of Settlement of Final Account In the County Court of tne State of Oregon for Notice Is hereby given that Tuesday, April 1th' 189 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the court house In Toledo, said County ftn State, has been designated by the Hon. County Judge for the flnal hearing and sottle-,nt of the "counts of H. L. Palmer and Mary Palmer, executors of the estate of Lottie E. falmer, deceased. And all person or persons having objections to said nnalaccounts now on gje in the County Cierk g olllce, are notilied to file the same on or before said date. Ited at Toledo. Oregon, March 9, 1899. i iiuvtcii . i.v i.. ....r. Lottie k. " " " WUIV- A. ,.,... ti l in gt Vino Aoont.n - - auuuu I ; thV(ntof MnwinT"" en-j'Sg i NoUheby'liven that the undersigned nSttSSS with the clerk of the above court, and th judge of said court has fixed Tuesday, April ikflmz. iwm m ioibuo. uregon, as tne paceforhear- K objections to said' account f. Aii i parties r "ir """j nouneu 10 t appear bv xaiu ume ana niacA. nnd nhnur numia yr v.iiiD .iiu iJinue, ana snow cause, " a"ytherebe. why such i account should not be approved and allowed, and said adminis- arvivaur at eail .1mA .1 i i . ... civ. ooviiiu are iinrenv nnritipn rrv ' trH dlschar8e(1 Bnl his bondsmen exon- ' Hated this4th day of March. 1899 , i. ...,. Administrator of the estate of Jack Lampson, U6C6&86U. Hi 10 v . 11. nunii, retition for Liquor License. 'V.kMF.v'.the county court oi Tn..T."E "nN. THE COUNTY COURT OP U,,:cJlj" v"1 ,n tne 8tBte of o.egon: 1 l&W' on: ina county and state to sell malt, gpirltous or V 1 11 1 VI 1 u llnnn.. In ... ...... ...1.1 . i . ...... i(ugiiiiura man one gal lon, in said precinct No. 16, at Yaquina Cltv for tne term nf nn. .... I mm th. a . . ' mr"' ln Bla precinct No. IB. bclna over nn milediHtant from anyCollcgeor University iii 7 , ....... v...? .vnii unv ui Auri . 1 ever nrav 8 ' yU1 Petitioner, will J D Logan, I Ed SnhwarK W L Watkins, II F Scott, II C Wult, T Tcllefson, J KGalther, C Hoeliein, A M Scott, Jog Shermer, James Craig, Gug Balensifer, W A Klein, Thomag Puvey, Bteve Logan, II D Heinrich, It A Stevens, Joe Morris, WE Ilanlon, Geo Rlatner, Guy Down, M Roddv, John Vigarg, B F Haban. E 8 Harrington, a it Kowe, O C Emerson, Tom Nagle, Geo Hoeliein. J R Miller, Kogge Dltolter, Mark Winant. Allvert Meaker, Allen l'arker, K J Casteel. J P Renolds. L J Oelfenbacher, A S Castcll, r. Meaker, L Matthews, . Wm VVever,' I A Shermer, J C Huntsucker, Wm Alexander, OC Collin, J M Howerg, W 8 Hmlht, K'M Logan, O Johnxon, James O Hearn, W A Gilderman, F Weasel, II Conner, A Ilabermann, F Halley, C Huntsucker, C Wooding, V D Boone, George Lewis, 11 Eckhard, A Kowin, J II Doty, L V. Powell, W II Huntsucker, G M Logan, F ank 1'arker, Mike Markov, John W Hall, jonn mooter, To Wunv it Miv ALl aylor. .in lce 're Riven that the above petition uPnt fald licet t0rm ' ne Jear frora th Jte of m8' EDWARD WADE. Sheriff's Sale. t ...., cAocunn an ordnr nf saia K ilL. rt oi iZ Stated IK vlrtlin r u.. .1 .;i. ..V; "wen C Hlin nuin, murigage foreclosure, I Will Oil Srd day of April, 1899, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m, at trie front oW of the Court House, in t'he City of ToClo; Ln' fK,lnwVn;nt'rd).refon' el1 " public auction to iHeghe ,ddor ,or caHh- following dei? cribed real property: Ixt No. 6, in Block No 18, ln the town of Kk City, in Ln coin count?' Oregon. 8aid sale will be made to iatlgfy th Judgment and decree In said suit to-wlt- 1 judgment for plaintiff for 1137.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, ner annnm from the 29th day of December, iSwfind "la W i"1!!" ,Be .nd dlrgeinenu taxed it ll.VflO and accruing costs. ai IW?d " Toled0' 0reon, thi18th da of Feby., ti Bhertffof Lincoln county, Oregon.' If you want the best brands of flour in the state, get the Snow Flake or the Stayton at Yaq. Bay Merc. Co. To the Public. We are authorized to (rnam.i.: '' aiHCg every bottle ofChamberlain'sCough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no belter medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50c per bot tle. Try it. O. O. Krogstad, druggist. . I have been afflicted with rheu matism for fourteen years and noth ing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all the timo but constantly suffering. I had tried evervthine I could hear nt and at last was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Otto O. Krogstad, diuggist. What firs. "JK MILLER Says In writing to the Manufacturers of the now famous "Jenness Miller" Shoes Mrs Mi)ler said "Out of the fullness ' of my gratitude for ; comfort which was unknown to me . - before, I feel that I must let other whose feet have caused trouble that ..nine nae caused me, know of the blessed relief to be found in the shoe.' which .. now ear my name." , The "Jenness Miller" Shoes are .u .. r r the most graceful, comfortable nuuiau a suuc ill iiic wurici. .mi. .u.. . u We are sold agents for this city and fully guarantee every pair. $3-5 Mail Orders Solicited. Corvallis, Oregon. CEDAR SHAKES 6c PICKETS Made to order by S. J. Stewart, Drift Creek. G9 Leave orders at this olllce. ! "STEVENS FAVORITE" l It "Takes Down." -Inch barrel, weicht 4i Dounds. carefully bored and tested. For 22i .25 and .3a rim-fire cartridges. M IT Plain Open Sights, $6.00' m No. 18. , A arget Sights, $8.50' tin8 X0UTr,d.Mlcr for tn0 " FAVO ii ,If he doesn't keep it we price " PrePaid " "ceipt of Send stamp for Complete cata-o-ue showing our full line, with vat uable information regarding riilc and ammunition in general. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO. - r P.O. Box '. CHICOPE8 FALLS, MASS. cum F3U i 7