Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 17, 1899, Image 3

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For six jreare I nu a victim of dya
t pepala In Its worst form. I could eat nothing
; but milk toast, and at times my stomach would
not retain and digest even that Last March I
began taking CASCARETS and since then I
have steadily improved, until I am a well as I
ever was in my life."
David B. Morpht, Newark, O.
PlMitnt. Palatable. Potent. Taste flood. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 60o.
Il.rll.i IimJ; Ceapsar, t1lel, VHlnil, Terk. 311
U n Trt DIP Bold and gimranteed bf all drng
nU I U'uAw gists to C1JUK Tobacco Habit.
$ Why Some Girls Use Faint.
Miss Sillygirl (sobbing) I think
jit's awfully mean. That horrid Jones
3 girl has been saying that I paint.
i Miss Meanness Never mind, dear,
ilexpeot if she had your complexion
. ehe'd paint, too. Stray Stories.
j Wipe Oat.
I It is the specific virtue of penetration
in St. Jacobs Oil which carries it right
down to the Sciatic nerve in the cure of
. Sciatica, and the effect is to soothe the
' nerve and wipe out the pain.
1 Strangely enough the "better half"
is not the one who does the betting.
To Care Cold In One Day
,Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
.cure. 26c.
The fool's advice may be poor, but it
is at least sincere.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
, Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes
j walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
, corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
,: or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
1 sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoo ctore for 25c. Tria'l
" package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm-
Biea, .bo itoy, j. x.
A bad player and a bad piano make
a bad oombi nation.
i . vomers win mm Airs, vvinsiow s tjoom-
tine Syrup the best remedy to use for their,
, ciiuuieu uuiuig me leewimg penou.
I When wo hear of a fire where the
organ was saved, we don't know
(Whether it i6 an advantage or a detr
iment. Washington (la.) Democrat.
j With local applications, as they cannot reach
; the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
'you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca--tarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
'prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular prescription.
It is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curingcatarrh.
tend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
1 Fold by druggists, price 76c.
Balls Family Pills are the best.
2 An Important Discovery.
f An important discovery which may
revolutionize lighting by eleotricity
has just been made. This is incandes
cence in air. An aluminum tube three
twelfths of a millimeter receives the
current through two small platinum
wires, he tube becoming effulgent on
the passage-of the current. No glass
bulbs are needed, and the light, it is
claimed is much more effulgent, while
the cost of manufacture is appreciably
Her Maiden Aim.
; Hoax So young Goldrox has take
ft wife. What wbs her maiden name?
Joax Her maiden aim seems to
have been to marry Goldrox. and she
proved an unusually good shot for a
voman. Philadelphia Record.
J A Colony of Outlaws.
Writers of fiction have frequently
pictured the idea of an unknown
tropical paradise turned into a general
asylum for outlaws and criminals. In
the Bonin isles, not far from Japan,
such a refuge has actually been dis
covered. Men of every nationality who
have -made civilization too warm for
themselves having decamped to this
ideal rendezvous, leaving the place to
record the unsatisfactory result of their
investigations as "gone abroad." No
rates or taxes have to be paid, and gov
ernment seems to be entirely dispensed
vith. The discovery was made by a
Japanese vessel which called at the
isle. In future the aliens will have
1?bs freedom, and consequently less
happiness, for the Japanese dominion
will have to be recognized. Their
dream is over. Western Morning
Alatastine, the only durable wall coating,
takes the place of acallng kalsomlnes, wall
paper and paint for walla. It can be need on
plaater, brick, wood or canTas.
1,000,000 Sailors From One Ship.
The U. 8. Receiving Ship Vermont, now over
60 years old, has been the school house for over
1,000,000 sailors In onr navy. The apte and the
accomplishments of the Vermont are much the
same as HoBtetter's Stomach Bitters, which
has been before the public for 60 years and has
cured innumerable cases of malaria, fever and
aeue, besides dyspepsia, constipation, indiges
tion, blood disorders and kidney affections.
In order to keep the
should keep it coaled.
stove hot you
Health for-Ten Cents,
A lively liver, mire blood, clean skin, bright
eyes, perfect health Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic will obtain and secure them for vou. All
druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Drink is a noun
unable to decline.
that many men are
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
"Do you know of a good fortune
teller?" "Yes; Bradatreet or Dun."
St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism.
St. Jaoobs Oil cures Neuralgia.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Lumbago.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Sciatica.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Bruises.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Stiffness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Backache.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches.
"I feel all run down," said the
jocular citizen as the cvclist rode over
him. L. A. W. Bulletin.
IMau'a Cuie fin Consumption lias been a
(tod-send to nie. Wm. B. McClellan,
unester, norma, sept. 17, iuo.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon
can pivft von t.liA hesr. hArimltiR in crpnpm
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
When coming to San Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
CITO Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousnes
III v after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve ltestorer. Bend for KltKK 8. OO trial
bottle and treatise. DR. II. H. KLXNK, Ltd., two
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should
consult personally or by letter "Free" with the
pioneer and only exclusive men's specialists in the
Vnlied states. Diseases of men made the
study of a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere
should Immediately communicate with Dr. Foote,
of Chicago. Everything confidential. Kemediea
sent everywhere in sealed packages and letters In
plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. LateBt
Kurprlcal. Medical and Electrical methods
adopted. Deluging the stomach with drugs aban-
doiied. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau
thorized and self-styled specialists In Western
towns. Few genuine specialists locate outside of
New York or Chicago. In these cities your pri
vate ad'airs are sufe. Unequuled treatment for all
diseases and weaknesses of the Uenlto-Urinary,
(Sexual, Reproductive and Nervous Systems. Im
pediments to marriage removed. "Nyphalav"
positively purities
tne blood, cures svuhllls and
removes all w
white ulcers In throat or mouth, cod-
per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin.
also catarrh and rheumatism. "Vlgorala," the
only permanent restorer and Invigorator, gives
vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and
cures grip. II per bottle, 6 for 5. Trial bottles,
cither remedy, half price.
A Novel Advertisement.
An original and novel form of adver
tisement oomes from Russia, where a
shopkeeper posted up the following
announcement: "The reason why I
have been able hitherto to sell my
goods so much cheaper than anybody
else is that I am a bachelor and do not
need to make a profit for the mainten
ance of wife and children. It is now
my duty to inform the public that this
advantage will shortly be withdrawn
from them, as I am about to be married.
They will, therefore, do well to make
their purchases at once at the old rate."
The result was that there was such a
rush on the shop by anxious customers
that enough extra money was made by
the enterprising proprietor to pay the
expense of his wedding on an unusual
ly lavish scale.
Aluminum In Books.
It is now possible to roll aluminum
into sheets one four-thousandth of an
inch thick, in which form it weighs
less than ordinary paper, and experi
ments are under way looking to its use
in the manufacture of books. The
metal will not oxidize, is practically
flre and
waterproof, and is immune
against the attacks of the vaiious
Steel Traoes for Harness.
A new use for steel has been discov
ered consisting of traces for harness.
A narrow ribbon of steel from one inch
to one and a half inches wide and
rolled very thin is used. The steel
trace is incased in leather. While
showing a tensile breaking strain of
double that of the best leather the
steel trace can be afforded 20 per cent
cheaper. The steel is necessarily of
the finest quality.
She Wanted Full-Length.
"I want a "sculp' of Parvenu," said
his good wife, as she entered the sculp
tor's studio.
"How would one of these busts
strike you?" said he, as he pointed out
some samples of his work in this line.
"Them's all right; but I want a full
length bust of him. When kin he come
to be measured?" Detroit Free Press.
Alabaatlne can be used over paint or paper;
paint or paper can be Hsvd over Alabaatlne.
uy oniy in nve pound, packagea,
labeled; take no substitute.
&s a Disease of tha Blood
There is popular idec th&t this disease
is caused by exposure to cold, and th&t
some localities cre infected with it more
th&n others Such conditions frequently
promote the development or the disease,
but from the fact th&t this culment runs
in cert&in r&milies. it is shoYvn to be hered
itary, and consequently a disease of- the
blood. n
Among the oldest and best known residents of Bluffs, 111., is Adam
Vangundy. He has always been prominently identified with the interests
of that place. He was the first President of the Board of Trustees, and for
r. long time has been a Justice of the Peace. He snys : "I had been a suf
lerer of rheumatism for a number of years and the pain at times was very
intense. I tried all the proprietary medicines I could think or hear of, but
received no relief.
"I finally placed my case with several physicians and doctored with
them for some time, but they failed to do me any good. Finally, with my
hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article regarding Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People, which induced me to try them. I was anxious
to get rid of the terrible disease and bought two boxes of the pills, I began
using them about March, 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was com
pletely cured, and the pain has never returned. I think it is the best medi
cine I have ever tnken, and am willing at any time to testify to its good
merits." Bluffs (111.) Timet.
sold only jJW j fl ) mg $ flfitij rj'inVor 1
W in p&tk- B It-fctfip lWM direct jromft
H tils 50 1 f J V fiSSfki I mil Medicine 1
gW per box a(:t?f,Tnc Schcncctody.
Dainty Parasols.
Artistic beauty adequately expresses
the array of sunshade and paiasols now
rapidly appearing for the summer of
1809. Dainties and beauty of material,
combined with good taste, are their
leading characteristics. Their size is
rather larger than that of previous sea
sons, the majority being 20 and 22
inches. The ooaohing shape is the
favorite, while many for full dress oc
casions are heavy with ribbon-edged
flounces. The lace parasol will be lit
tle used. For those desiring something
exclusive, regardless of expense, the
handsomest ones are exquisitely em
For La Grippe
SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY: I would like to thank you for your
great remedy, "5 DROPS," and tell you what it has done for me. I hud Rheuma
tism in every joint and in the heart, and i had Catarrh of the Head for 30 years. I
was so poorly that I lost the use of my legs and arms, and could not move without
pain. I was so crippled that I hud done but little work for eeven long years, and our
family physician, a good doctor, told me that my Rheumatism and Catarrh were
incurable, and I believed him. But now, AFTER USING "5 DROPS" ONLY TWO
This medicine does more than is claimed for It, At this time my Catarrh is much
better and I hnve scarcely any Rheumatism at all, and the heart weakness and pain
are gone. My hearing is now good and my eyesight Is much better. I have gained
more than 10 pounds of flesh and can do a full day's work. It is the best medicine I
ever saw to give a mother who has a young child, for it has the same effect on the
child as on the mother. It wards off Croup and cures the Hives of the child, and
causes sweet and refreshing sleep to both young and old. WM. M. KELLEMS.
In a letter of October 10. 1898, from Mr. Kellems, he says: "I feel It a duty that I
owe to God and suffering humanity to announce to you and all the world that I am
yet in the ring with untold thousands of others, to testify to the grtat merits of your
valuable remedy called "5 DROPS." I believe I was the first sufferer In this part of
the earth to learn of the existence of "5 DROPS," some three years ago. I was then
badly afflicted with Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc., which my letter of Jan. 29. 1896, fully
speaks of. All I can say is "5 DROPS" cured me. To make a long story short, "5
DROPS" needs no recommendation In this part of the country, as everybody knows
the "5 DROPS" remedies around here. IT HAS CURED more cases of Rheuma
tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia and many other pains than any other medicine that has ever
been sold or hpard of. For the lust three years I have noticed the effect "5 DROPS"
has on the nick, through my own observations as well as my brother, who is a prac
ticing physician, and USES THE "5 DROPS" IN HIS PRACTICE. All ye thut wish
for further information, write and you are sure to get a reply without any delay. I
will (as I have done In this letter) cheerfully recommend It to any one that I may
come In contact with. I myself can never forget what this remedy has done for
me and many others. Yours very truly,
WM. M. KELT-EMS, Siberia, Ind.
Witnesses to the above: Jas. Brady, J. R. Cox, E. R. Huff, S. Taylor, Dr. S. W.
Kellems, Jno. Hays, all of Siberia, Ind.
The wonderful success that has attended the Introduction of "5 DROPS" Is un
precedented in the hiHtory of the world. Think of It! It has CURED more than ONE
MILLION AND A QUARTER sufferers within the last three ears. This muHt appeal
to you. One million and a quarter people cannot all be mistaken. If suffering we trust
you may have sufficient confidence to send for three large bottles of "5 DROPS" for
J2 60, which will surely cure you. If not, then send for a $1 bottle, which contains
enough medicine to more than prove its wonderful curative properties. Prepaid by
mall or express. This wonderful curative gives almost instant relief and Is a PERMA
NENT CURE for Ithennintlxm, Pclatloa, Neuralgia, D upopMln. Ilnrknrhe,
Aathmn, Hay Kever, C atarrh, SlerplPNMiM-MN, r vounnexn, VrrvoiiK anl Neu
ralslc lieailaclien, Heart Weaknemt, Toothache, Kamrlir, ( roup, I,n Grippe,
Malaria, Creeping Kumhness, llronclil tin, and kindred dlacnarn.
FT rnrnnil Is th nnmfi nnd tn- 1.ATM1V. TlfiTTTU 5ftn rlruancl n
prepaid by
vvrue toaay.
Vm for unnatural
HnrlnirKui, Inlltininiiillmia,
irritation or ulcoratious
of in ii coon miiilntns.
Pitinlcnn, anil not ustriu-
gent or poisonous.
Sold by Itraralita,
or sent In plain wrapper,
br exprem, prepaid, for
tl.flO, or 3 bottles, 2.76.
Circular annt nn request.
Every church and schoolhoune should bo
coated only with Alabiuttlne. Hundreds of
torn used yearly for this work. Genuine Ala
baatlne doea not rub and scale off.
prepaid uy mini
Sold only by us and our agents. AUENTS
la 1 to & 'UjVi
M GatraoCMd H
faI not to Itrtalaro.
p BPrownu eonugloi.
broidered in bow-knots, serpentines
and polka dots on plain taffeta back
grounds. These are very beautifully
lined also. Crosswise effects are very
prominent, and the ones with striped
borders will find greatest favor with
those desiring a reasonably-priced sun
shade. The finish at the top was an
elaboration new on parasols last year,
and this year the idea has been carried
even to greater lengths. One beauty
has a top finished in imitation of a
ruffled collarette tied with a bow of
ribbon and it was decidedly fetching.
A oord and tassel 01 a bow of ribbon
invairably ornament all handles.
Use 5 Drops
Cured by "5 DROPS" Three Years Ago.
Ha It still well and writes, on Oct. 10. 1898: I feel It a duty
that I owe to God and suffering humanity to announce to you and
It the world what "6 PROPS" hat dona for ma "
mall or express; THREE HOTTLES. $2 60.
107 Dearborn St., Chicago, III.
ITU HI NO Piles produce moUtureand oumb itching.
This form, as well ss Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles are ourei liy Dr. Bosanko'a Pile Remedy
Htops ItcliliiR and Itlepdinii. Absorbs tumors. Mica
JaratdriiRKlstsoraent by mail. Truatise frne. Writs
we about your case. DR. BOSANKO, I'lnlada., Pa,
H, r. n. v.
NO. 11 -'99.
WHEN writing
mention thii
to advertisers
a iiaper.
Alabastlne packages have full directions.
Anyone can brunh Hon.- Ask paint dealer for
tint card. "Alabastlne Era" free. Alabastlne
Company, Grand Kapids, Mich.
Old Indian Fighter Whose Life Has
Been Spent in Killing Red Men.
One of the most peculiar characters
of the far West Is Jackson Farley, In
dian fighter and Government scout,
who now In his 92ityear la living quiet-
ly on his ranch In Mendocino County,
California. Farley, who has killed
more Indians and coyotes than any
other man on the Pacific coast, went
to California from Virginia when a
young man, partly for adventure and
partly to avenge the murder of his best
friend, who was massacred by the In
dians while crossing the plains. It
would be difficult to estimate the num
ber of Indians who afterward fell vic
tims to his rifle In consequence. During
the period between 1849 and 1805 he
made constant warfare upon tbe Indi
ans of Mendocino, Humboldt and Trin
ity Counties. A careful count of the
grewsome Indian scalp trophies of
Farley's valor would render nn esti
mate for a startling total. Chairs bot
tomed with Indian hide and razor
strops cut from the back of some un
duly ferocious "buck" are among his
trophies, and together with countless
tomahawks, bows, arrows and skins
from bears and panthers make an un
commonly striking feature of the In
terior of his cabin.
Farley settled among the lonely
mountain ranges of Mendocino County
and his life for considerably over half
a century has there been spent. Ills
only companions have been dogs.
During hs life In the wilderness Far
ley has probably killed 100 Indians, the
most of whom he afterward scalped.
In 1850, when the first Indian post was
established In Mendocino County, Far
ley entered the Government service.
Acting as a special scout for the sol
diers, he made excursions Into the in
terior, from which they drove the In
dians Into the reservation as they
would have driven as many wild hoga
or cattle. It was Immaterial whether
the redskins were hostile or not. All
Indians were considered legitimate
game for these ogents of the govern
Isabelle of Orleans, Who May Wed
Franz Joseph of Austria.
It has been reported that when the
senson of mourning for his assassi
nated wife, Elizabeth, Is over, old
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, will
marry again. The line of the Hnps
burgs Is almost extinct. The present
heir to the Austrian throne is Archduke
Franz Ferdinand, nephew of the Em
peror, and should he die which Is a
threatening possibility in view of his
sickly condition the throne would pass
away from the Ilapsburg fumily, which
has occupied it for many centuries.
Franz Joseph has ever been a good
Judge of female beauty, and It is not at
all surprising that he should select as
his future bride one of Europe's most
charming young prlncesHos. She is Isa
belle of Orleans, who, although barely
20, has already become famous for her
beauty In Europenn courts. She Is a
daughter of the late Louis Thillppe,
count of Tarls, and a sister of the pres
ent Duke of Orleans.
Individual Consumption of Air.
It Is computed that when at rest we
consume 500 cubic Inches of nlr a min
ute. If we walk at the rate of one mile
an hour we use 800; two miles, 1,000;
three miles, 1,000; four miles, 2,300. If
we start out and run six miles an hour
we consume 8,000 cubic Inches of air
during every minute of the time.