Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 17, 1899, Image 1

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    Volume VII.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, March 17, 1899.
Number 2.
' Don't You Know
That we give more groceries
for one dollar than any other
house in the cityf If not it
will pay you to call and be
convinced. We always have
on hand fresh goods.
. Groceries,
i I Dry Goods,
Foot Wear.
i A Trial Order Will Satisfy You.
: Next door to Postofflce.
j J. A. HALL,
; Land Commissioner,
! Special attention given to filings and final
1 proofs.
Correspondence solicited.
Portrait Artist.
- Enlarges portraits in Crayon and
Pastel. , Good work; reasonable
; Frames furnished if desired.
f JiH ut Senator - - - J.D.Daly
i Joint Representative, G. E. Davis
county Judge J.F.Stewart
: Olerk - Hurley Lutz
i Sheriff - J. II. Ross
Treasurer J. L. Hyde
; Suhool Superintendent Geo. Bethers
Surveyor Z. M. Derrick
' Assessor F. M. Wadsworth
i :oroner R. E. Darnell
t , I . - - W. R. Wakefield
Commissioners . . F.A.Godwin
County Commissioners Court meets on Wed
t nesday after the first Monday In February,
1 April, June, August, October and December,
Hon. J. W. Hamilton Judge
oeo. M. Brown Pros. Attorney
Conrt convenes on 4th Monday in July and
fourth Monday in January of each year.
B. F. Jones Mayor
R. E. Collins Recorder
Thos. Horning Marshal
T. I. Fish Treasurer
E, F. Gaar 1
H-. R. Btudevant
ftS,?? i Aldermen
.r. uiDHTunui,
Fred Stanton,
Albert Waugh,..
Council meets on the first Monday evening in
rivh month.
III es at Toledo on 1st and 8d Sabbaths of
each month at 11 oclock.
every Sabbath at 10 oclock.
Sabbath school
ST. JOHNS CHURCH-Piotestant Episcopal
Divine service on the Sd Sunday of every
month at 11 oclock. All are Invited to be
O. O. F. Toledo Lodge Number 108, meets
every Saturday evening at its hall. Let no
visiting brother be absent.
TO. O. F. Elk Lodge Number 184 meets every
Saturday even inn in Its hall in Elk City
Visiting brothers always welcome.
TO. O. F. Bav Lodge Number 118. of Yaouina.
1 meets every Wednesday evening Visiting
brothers are always welcome.
' such a brieht. newsv oater in this
OF INTEREST TO $ field, but tbere are more items of
interest here than the appearance
of our little city would indicate to a
stranger. And then the price of
liberty and the price to the editor
of a paper is one and the same
thing eternal vigilance.
Frank Tillotson returned
Kings Valley Saturday.
The Ladies' Aid met with
W. L. Davis this week.
The Ladies' Aid meets with Mrs.
R. Dedrick. next Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stony Wells are
occupying the Lester Waugh residence.
Mr. Sharp of Nortons, spent Fri
day iiigut lii OUr City aud thoroughly
enjoyed the program at the social.
Doc Wakefield, the ever joyous,
returned to his Little Elk home
Saturday. He thoroughly enjoyed
the basket social Friday evening.
Mrs. Stonewall Wells returned
from her visit to her home near
Tangent Friday evening. Strange
though it may seem, Stony seemed
Elmer Seeley, superintendent of
the Albany and Springfield cream
eries, spent Saturday and Sunday
in this city, returning Tuesday
Charles Lillard of Big Elk, has
sold bis farm and will take his
family to Washington, where be
has an offer of $47 per month
Monroe Butler and Miss Emma
Brooks took the train for Newport
Saturday night, doubtless to visit
at the borne of Harry Fant on
South Beach.
TO. O. F. Newport Lodge Number 89 meets
every Saturday evening. Visiting members
are coraiauy lnvitea to aiiena,
From over work and excitment
Mrs. Rite Dedrick suffered a slight
attack of nervous prostration at
the social Friday night, but is fully
recovered now.
The Leader received a pleasant
call from Uncle Allen Parker Fri
day. He is not looking as hale
and hearty as usual, being ill a
part of the winter.
Uncle Joe Brouse departed for
Independence Saturday to look
after business interests there. He
is a worker and this community
will regret losing him should his
stay be permanent.
The Darnell-Schmeer law suit
was tried by jury in Justice Krog
stad's court Friday. It was highly
interesting to the audience and
decided in favor of Dr. Darnell.
Attorney Hawkins appeared for the
plaintiff and H. Denlinger for the
The engineer and fireman on
Saturday's train reported seeing a
dead man on the Olalla bridee as
Twilight rebekah Lodge No. go meets ' they came in in the evening. Fore
rneet at Odd Fellows hall in Elk City oni ' 6
man uannon repaired to tne scene,
but no man could be found. He
had disappeared. It was doubtless
some one caught on the bridge aud
badly frightened.
the 1st and 3d Thursday evenlntrs of each
month. Visiting members always welcome.
DO GOOD Lodge No. 70, Rebekah Degree, I. O.
O. F. meets at Odd Fellows hall in this el y
on Tuesday evening of each week. Visitors
invited to attend.
iW camp No. 299, To!
Visiting neighbors always
Camp No. 299. Toledo, Oiegon, meets on
manam rnaaysoi eacnmontn in ine
Odd Fellows hall
F. & A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
convocation on Tuesday on before each full
moon, visiting Drainers are coraiauy wei
.0med. 4 '.
O. U. W. Western Star Lodire No. 78. meets
meets in odd Fellows haii, Yaouina, on ist 1 greater convenience
and 8d AVAnlniri In iuh mmith vlitittnir
urumers are always welcome.
UNITED ARTI8AN8. River Dell Assembly
No. 92, United Artisans, meets on the 2nd
Wednesday nights of each month in Odd
Fellows hall, Elk City, Oregon. Visiting sis-
GA. R. ABE LINCOLN Post No. 68, meets In
Odd Fellows hall on the 1st and 8d Satur
, days of each month.
VI corps No. 49, auxilllary to the O. A. R.
meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each
niuuin in vaa f ellows nan, at 2 p. m
Wes Maple, who will make the
butter in our creamery, arrived
Friday night to lend his assistance
in placing and setting up the ma
chinery. The engine has been
placed in the main building for
Mr. Maple
has a good reputation as a butter
maker and will turn out an article
equal to any on the market.
Dr. Fred Vincent, called here by
the illness of his mother, returned
Saturday morning, leaving her
much improved. In speaking to a
Basket Social.
Although a heavy rainstorm was
in progress Friday night a large
number of people attended the
Basket Social given by the Ladies'
Aid. The church was over full,
fully one-third of those present
standing through the entire pro
gram. Miss Bessie Collison and her
troup of little ones from the public
school, together with Masters Shed
and Leon Rosebrooks, furnished
the entire program, which was
thoroughly enjoyed and appreci
ated. Such singing and acting
cannot be found in another primary
school in Oregon.. The Leader
would say more but does not wish
to flatter into, vanity . a disposition
so devoid of that failing.
There was all kinds of eatables
and baskets to be had and those in
attendance knew just what to do
with . them, and., they did it. The
proceeds were $27.50, everybody
enjoyed themselves and the church
debt is lessened by this hard work
of the ladies. May they continue
to succeed.
Church Notes.
A junior league has been organ
ized by Mrs. Bryant as .'president.
First vice, devotional department,
Vera Starr; second vice, mercy arid
help, Flora Stanton; third vice,
literary, Roy Bryant; fourth vice,
social, Faith Stewart; secretary,
Emma Flitcroft; treasurer, Gertie
Crosno; organist, Maud Horning.
With such earnest little workers
they are sure to succeed. Parents
are earnestly requested to send their
children. Services will be held
every Sunday at 2 p. m. A junior
league social will be given at the
parsonage Thursday evening,
March 23d. All juniors invited.
Services at the church Sunday
evening. A good attendance de
sired. Services at Eddyville Tuesday,
2 p. m.
Our Sunday school is a delight,
interest is increasing. New sup
plies have been ordered. Supt.
Kubler is always found at his post
of duty. .
Choir practice immediately after
prayer meeting next Wednesday
Regular meeting of L. A. S. at
Mrs. Rite Dedrick's Tuesday, 2 p.
Remember the Sabbath day to
keep it holy.
Watch for the Easter program.
Secretary Alger will soon resign
to make room for another whose
capabilities are greater in the line
of his duties. A great many repub
licans have censured President
McKinley for not causing a change
long ago, but it will be noticed that
he makes changes with due deliber
ation, which is not a fault but a
praiseworthy rule of action. Alger
is an able man, but his forte is not
along the lines necessary to this
office, hence his failure. The
Leader hopes his successor may
satisfy the wishes of the people.
Brine vour invalid incisors and
friend he said he could not under-1 molars to Dr. Tatom. He will be
stand how The Leader was made here the 20th and remain a week.
1 uu
Do you know of any better goods
than those offered for sale by t lie
Yaquina Bay Mercantile Company?
Do you know of any more liberally
advertised goods than those kept
by the Yaquina Bay Mercantile
Do you know of any better prices
for the same quality of goods than
those given by the Yaquina Bay
Mercantile Company?
If you do know these things -you
will take advantage of them and
buy your groceries, provisions,
clothing, underwear, head wear,
foot wear and everything else you
need at the store of Yaquina Bay
Mercantile Company.
A Strictly First-Class House
Under New Management.
A House for Commercial Travelers and the Public.
Board and Lodging 1 and f 1.25 per day.
Fine Bath in connection with house.
hen in, Corvallig,
Call and examine our line of $8.80 and
$9.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore
gon. They arc made of Albany Woolen
Mills' All Wool Cassimcre. and made to
Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS' and
Suits Made to Order.
F. L. MILLER, Coryallis, Ore.
Special attention given to mail orders.
8.80. f:
Real Estate & Abstract Co.
4 Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all
y property in Lincoln county.
Also has a large list of Tide lands, Farm lands and
City property, improved and unimproved, for sale
on good terms. Address
JBOX 2 7, Toledo. Oregon.