Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 10, 1899, Image 4

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No. 2. : For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany i2:i;o p
" ' Corvallis 1:45 p. m.
Arrive Yaquina, 6:00 p. ra.
No. 1. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. m.
" Corvallis 11:40 a. m.
Arrive Albany 12:25 p. m.
For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis
Arrive Detroit
7:30 a. m.
8:05 a. m.
12:20 p. m.
Leaves Detroit 12:40 p. m.
" Albany 6:05 p. m.
Arrive Corvallis 6:55 p. m.
No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al
bany and Corvallis with Southern
Tactile trains irivintr direct service
-N-r t j .
i. ,-.!,,.
Train for the mountains at rive at
Detroit at noon giving ample time
to resell carjpir. prounds on the
Breitenbush and Santiam livers
same day
H. L. Warden, Edwin Stone,
T. F. & P. A . Manager.
Forced Sale of Watches
and Clocks.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
All work (ione
in lirst-class
WttKJp- hSyrk manner.
of anv kind,' call on
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Sweetest Candies,
The Freshest Nuts,
Nobbiest Stationery.
Toledo, Oregon.
Restorei VITALITY,
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of Belf
viS ubusCi or excess and indis
K?Vt(tJ crctio- Anervetonicand
VAT w DlOOll builder, Hr-inn-a tVio
pitik Flow tft linlp rlipplf a nnfl
restores tne lire of youth
. 1).. : l m.v , .y.
r $; with a written gtiaran-
Jii.v.tan Jackson Sts., CH9CACO, ILL.
Eorsale by O. O. Krogstad,
Druggist, Toledo, Oregon.
..A nmjM. nijinna
tk . Jld nrcii-.ND
.Ai Tnmr Kl.nua
Anrnnespniltnii askclrh and (lonciipllon nm
quli'klT iuuwIhIh our piiinn trw hii
HiToiitlim Is pnibnlilir pnli'iunltle. t'liimminlrH.
lliinsalrlollyniiilliUMitliil. lliiiKllumkon I'hIi'UU
out Iron. Olilom imonor for Hm-urintc puti'iitii.
ralmiiti titkxn Uiniimli Munu Co. rwolv
llrlut nutirt, wit limit clmrvo, til tlio
Scientific American.
A hnnclnnniotT llliiBtrnlod weekly, turnout dr.
riilmloii if iiny m-ii'iiuiin l.,uriinl. 'renin. ;i a
MUNN & Co.38,B"d-. New York
UrucB Ollloa, Ktt V 8U, Wathluntuu, U. U
Tottof, Siitv-r.!iMiiu ami 1:11.1,1 .
Thi) inU'iiHf iti'hinir mul HiuurtiriK, iiu-)
.b.u,i,t,l w Ki.r'C
chronic sore even. 25 cts. per box.
I'or mile v O. O. IT riii.i.i iy ;
A. 1 I
W. L. DAVIS, Editoh.
Official County Paper.
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1899.
One Year $1 50
Six Months - - 75
Three Months - 50
Entered at the poHtotlice at Toledo, Oregon, as
six'ond-class mail matter.
Advertising rate, made known on a.miitin.i.
, , ,
itusiness locals win ie inserted in these col-
Evurv postmaster in Lincoln comity is author-
ized to act as agent for the Leaps.;.
;U fti!
So Near And Yet-
Last week The Leader quite
confidently expected to record in
tins issue the passage of the Ya-
quina Bay appropriation amend
ment by congress, but and in this
vvorr hllt ls smothered all the
bright hopes, all the alluring, glit-
tenng, scintillating prospects of
four or five year's creation by a
ong waiting, ever expectant people
tollouing cheaper rates of freights
totho,e that market. Nor does
the injury cease here. The entire i
aulDDlUGr raritic X orr h 'pt in i
0 ,. . ;
opeauer Keen is severely strained-
is broken. The hidden influence
(and such an influence there cer
tainly was) is veiled somewhat in
mystery, but the world will always
know the means to obtain the end
was Speaker Reed and his Baby
Burton. Our oeoole of Oreo-nn
...,v .4. 1 I
muc Because tneja
appropriation appears not, but be-:
cause of the rude awakenintr to the !
fnof.t, a . t. .
fact that Speaker Reed is not the '
glided god ot their devout worship, j
out a veritable Human hide stufid i
with frailties and
Shortcomings ;
inherent in us all.
A board of engineers will call!
some dav look 11s nvpr TPt.,r 1
soiue Nuaj, ioou us oer, return,
port adversely, and all is over. i
What seems a hardship, if viewed '
properly, will prove a bles sing in 1
disguise. Let our neoole in . thi. !
immediate vipintitY- turn tlmir
.. lllll ill'
. '
tenttou to goats, cows, creameries,
hemp, celery, wormless Lincoln '
apples and labor, and this locality i
1. . . . ...
Will ornvv nnrl thrivu iba ... :
Bay tree. Take your eyes off the
... I
glHlering Government plum, turn
it sieautastly toward the plum which :
you can plant, water and nurse
into following bud,' blossom and '
, .. ...... ' U1UUIU lUU1 :
irilU ami ttllS blow Will prove an J
ultimate blessing.
Tin; Lkader begins its seventh
volume with this number. It lias,
during that entire lime, been the
best news journal in the county.
We have endeavored to advance its
standard and this shall be our con
tinual effort. Your co-operation
will assure us that our work is not
in vain. We shall try to merit vour
assistance, and believe we shall re-
ceiveonlyas we merit. For the
P-t we are grateful; for the future, j
Only a few more weeks must i
pass before our court house nro.
gram will be asserted and be beyond
conjecture. Some of the definite
work will naturally be done at the
next meeting of the county court
else the work of building cannot be
commenced by July as preliminaries
all take time.
v"' mg lur "ie assistance of
, t,,c Kvernment so far as the present
rmiinwmonu. nri:r
There is a shadow of a hope left
that our Yaquina bar may be im
proved soon and upon that shadow
some people will proceed to scantily
subsist. "Hope springs eternal in
the human breast."
Doubtless our efficient delegation
fo ontifrrps arp a r1f(nlv rlicnn.
pointed over the outcome of the
I appropriation as are our people.
! Their labor has been continuous in
t . . .
i arm olu 01 season, ana tneir work
hy. 'be majority of
! tne PeoPle who understand what
j ba(. bee thdr 0ppositimii
i Yaauina. with hH hinvsil In
with unmerited defeat, extends the
;j hand of sympathy to The Dalles
i also in a like condition. These two.
! joined by the people of this great CA&MVtiKl
I sta,e Proffer a sympathetic hand toMM
deeolv touched hv tlipHUc trMimont
ueepij tout uea Dy UieilKe treatment
for the Nirarafrna hill q.,mnfL ,1
tor ioe INlcaragua Dill. dvinpattiy
is onlv nnrlprtnnH anHannrwin I
omy "naerstooa and appreciated j
bv those who have snflFerH. Tl I
spectacle is sublime. But it is brief.
One of the most beautiful Calla
Hllies ever seen, exquisite in form
and tint, measurine:' nearlv ninp
r'""" , T , "e r
T,Z Z , " .l0W Zer" ,
. .
of flowers. This lillv is one nf.
. , 1n8enm. nn ' j
and is no larger or more beautiful
than its comrades, whom Mrs.
Dedrick loves as fervently as any
Ot Uer tamily of course, excepting I
Rite; he always was her favorite.
Knllnvvinor i n jtomi,n(K,n,l v...
i w ' u I Midi r II V
- J
Minnesota creamery company i
si,min a'm ;.,,.... . ' ' '
Z ' . .
own peopie. it was kindly ,
B u r v,-.
Pounds of milk received ltac
"eriai--- DU7Uli
""""i mi Hvurage lest.. 3.84
Hutter yield (pounds). . CO.TOi
rounds if milk required
to HiRki n iwtiitnl ..l
butr 22.1-10
h received from product sold
cash paid patrons
"unntng expenses.... lms.oo
- "," " 0UOM
'an- l8t i'
f mllk ,ul1
' . !
- ;i
ii,921. l
. $ 911.93
.. tiWl.Mi
Jan. isi iwj
,n . ,
Total, 9,K!1.40
sinking 'fund.
Rn, ..,
ii iiiiiu jun. isi 1
Received durinK the year ,
f'rmit.i Hat.
1 n.uu.,.
1)1 MIL' US
window in weiKh room
''"''i " note priuci:mi
New "rettm vut 'Z'.
l'aid Interest on loan to Jan. 1st 1.S9-, -.(! mi
To balance on hand Jan. 1st If) . 3
Toledo Public School.
The items this week are few and
far between. !
Loma Ewing, Effie Bridgban,
and Jesse Reeder are reported to be
quite ill. All hope they will SOOU '
recover and be aM mi.
""UJ ,
again. i
The seventh grade are takW 1
Pv,,i .i.:.. ... .... ?.
Z 7' . . J '
ZI L T ' tl
small cartilageous boxes."
, .
other said "the feminine to actor is
T?''', Th'S is quite eilco"gi,.g
i snouiu umik. But I trust there
-nun ui me end oi ttie term will be
compelled to remain in the HCLmeWZUVX
iTTnrU tiv ''il" ciiiilv. i,r.. , , . 0.lli". Llli-
Block IIkad.
A Call For Countv Warrants
-MUiee whereby irivon tlit
this date. ls cw" f"' !
1ilt t Toledo, Oregon, Mllr,h 3 ism I
r i
Tna(,urorofLineoln County, Orim. . '
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This remedy is intended especial-
s ... .
ly tor cougns, colds, croup, whoop
ine- cousrh and influenza. Tr ha
It has
become famous for its cures of these
diseases, over a large part of the
civilized world. The most flatter
ine testimonials have been received.
giving accounts of its good works;
01 me aggravating and persistent
coughs it has cured; of severe colds
' 1 '11, .. ..
have yielded promptly to its sooth-
nr .
ing effects, and of the dangerous
auoiM ui nuup 11 uas lureu,
attacks ot croup it has cured, often
saving the life of the child. The
extensive use of it for whooping
cough has shown that it robs that
disease of all dangerous conse
quences. Sold by Otto O. Krog
stad, druggist.
Notice of Settlement of Final Account, j
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for '
Lincoln Comity. I
inciii oi um accounts ot u. I,. I'aliner and Marv
Jmer. executors of the estate of Lottie li.
Paltr.or, deceased. And all person or persona
haviiig objections to said (inalaecounts now on
t, e in the County Clerk's ollice, are notitied to
JHe the same on or before saii date.
Dated at Toledo. 0eKon, March !i, lH'W
t,.. lu h I'Ai.MKH, maky I'ammek,
, i.Aotuuis IJk Lil li (-hl.iiiH III I.IIIIIU M. I'u iiiuk ilu.
li. K JONES & DePL'E & COOK, Attorneys.
Notice of Final Account.
These shoes are now beine intro-
i,... i .., .... j
i -rcn,
j Administrator of the estate of jack Lampoon,
Administrator of the estate of jack Lam.n.
Petition for Liquor License.
we the undersimied, lewal voters of Yanuina
vv .V 1 . n' " tnoist'e of Oiegon:
I Kon, respecttiilly petition you that n license be
Ifrailtpil tl, Kdutirrl U'ufla f ..t.i . ...
, .... ,,- iiiiiiiiy.sjaip ot ore
county and state to sell malt. ,.ir i.
yin('!ls li'liiors in less nuantities than one cal-
II I II in Bold rmii V 1i! t .
' ' nn ifh,i niui tiu, io, ttli 1 H(l 11 1T1H. I .it V tfr
miiedistant rr..m any rcmcceor i i?u"0 tv .
Petit.oners win:
j i i;,Kttn.
W L Watkins,
1) FSoott,
II C Wuli;
J 8 (iaither,
f Hoellein,
A M Scott,
Jos Shermer,
James Crai(,
Ous Italrnsifer-
W A Klein,
Thomas 1'uvey,
Steve Loan,
H D lleinrich,
K A Sie vens,
Joe Morris,
W E Han Ion,
Geo lilatner,
Ouv Down,
M Koddv,
John Vlnars,
It K llahaii,
E S Harrington,
A II Howe,
(1 C Emerson,
Tom Kairle,
(ieo Hoellein,
J K Miller,
KoKue Ditoller,
Mark Wimint.
Allien Mcnker,
Allen Parker,
it J Casteel.
J Kenolds.
L J Uetfcnbiicher,
A S CaHtell,
E Meakcr,
L Matthews,
Wm Wever,
I A Shermor,'
.1 0 Huntsucker,
Wm Alexander,
Of Collin.
.1 M Bowers.
W S Smiht,
EM Logan,
r ti .loniiKon,
.lames o Ileum,
W A i i MeriiiHii ,
P Wcssel,
H Conner,
A llaliermann,
P ltallnv.
C Huntsiirker,
" Woodinir,
V I) Itoone,
'ieurirn Lewis,
U Kckhard,
A Kowin,
I II Doty,
L f i'owell,
" "uritsucker,
.: M LoRim,
ank I'arker,
Mike Mackev.
.!hn w Hall.
John Stooker. '
A h Taylor.
To Whom it Mav iVk.
L'i mi e '" ne W K'ven that the ahove petition
1-1 77 be l-reseiited to the County Court of I in
l''.' coin eountv. Siatn 1 if (ir..i., ... 1. . "' J,"
term In At.Vil ,.n u.i, .;.?".' ' r. r.eB ar
?. '.'.'')!,!"3 Kel1 ""'''v I'lr'tuiius and M 11! !
Yi,!,'",. .re"in,enNV,, 1 Mn:),,,"",6 Ka!lon' i"
said license
Sheriffs Sale..
iU'limt'Sf Bihf7!iculW,;ai,1 or,,,'r "f "
issilea out of the Circuit Court nf ih siaiu . .f
tt mor, i u
the ho,, V,? front door
! . "in ! wty of 'Toledo! u-
the hi I., v:.:e v ';"-" ... to
criiic.i r,.r, , ;r.uA"'5 ,( 11ow'ik !
!'"- .2'
S i ...rS i. -li milt i-w.t. "
I 'li
L.,.cd , loU.lio vmou thlB 18th ,
Sheriff ol Lincoln county, S
OI. i , . .
1 sis
.'Ir (lilni I ..ii .
li.'l.lHI I
iirsements 1
' of Febv. '
Scd The Leader to a friend
lu menu,
EDBAIgia curot,
Puxs. "Onocent ftUaw.- At -li d
At all druggists.
If you want the best brands (,f
flour in the state, get the Snow
Flake or the Stavton at Yah ...
- X. ".IV
I Merc. Co.
If you want a Suit made to nrrio.
just come in, select your goods and
we guarantee a r.t. whether you
are thick or thin, tall orshort. '
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
To the Public.
We are authorized to guarantee
every botlle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and if not satisfactory "to
refund the money to the purchaser
I ?here is no belter medicine made
- j tor la Sr,PPe. colds and whooping
- icou2n - Price, 25 and 50c per hot-
tle- Try it. O. O Krogstad,
' druggist.
Hygienic Shoes .for
Shoes for WcneiL
innrnlilo onH nronar..1 CU
j s,u, maue,
! Maf,e of specially tanned "Vel-
vetta" kid, which is as soft and
fine as its name implies.
Cut on scientific anatomical prin
ciples and fit the feet as nature
. . 61 -vwuiiucim
We UnUtrSltatincrlv ronnmmpnil
tnem and guarantee them tn (rite-
r . -
Only to be had by us in the city.
Button and laced,
Mail Orders Solicited.
Corvallis, Oregon.
, Dr. Cody's Condition 1'owders, are
just what a horse ueeda when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood
' l.'SG-
inev are not food Imfc
the best in use to nut n
1,eaii:le an
111 Vr
ime condition. Price 23
fenta per package.
For Bate by 0. 0. Krogstad Druggist.
Made to order by
S. J. Stewart, Drift Creek.
Itif Leave orders at this ollice.
It "Takes Down."
"Inch barrel, weight 4J pounds.
wareiuny oored and tested. For
.22, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridKes.
M 1 IT 0
1 Plain Open Sights, $6.00 1
No. 18.
1 arget Sights, $8.50'
RHL. If he doesn't keep it we
price pfepaid on rec'P' ot
Send stamp for complete cata
X 8.hwlnK our full line, with val
uable informat.on regarding rifles
ami ammunition in general.
r. j. box 10H0.
Auuvtmtiiun ui ine , i unions