FIFTY YEARS IN A CHOIR. Three Men Who Can Sing' Well at Seventy. After having sung for fifty years In the same church choir continuously, missing very few services, at Reading, Ta., says a correspondent of the Xew York Sun, Daniel Shanber, Jacob Shaa ber and James Hill sent in their resig nations because their voices were possi bly not as good as the large congrega tion had a reasonable right to expect. These singers are now nearly 70 years old, but are still young and active In mind and body, aud they still can sing in a manner that Is wonderful to those who hour them. The brothers Shaaber say that the vocal organs of the throat, hold out ns well, possibly better, than the eyes, ears, arms or limbs of the human body if they are properly exer cised and taken care of. They experi ence no difficulty in singing right aloug with the younger folks in the choir, but they now desire to quit because they Imagine the congregation may want to hear new voices. They have sung to five generations In the church and have kept it up so regularly that thousauds of people have been more than surprised. The Shaabers sang tenor and Mr. II111 bass. Besides tinging in the choir for half a century of years, they also sang at church festivals and private gatherings of the congregation, always without charge, as the church had no paid choir, and the singers oiiici&ied as a labor of love. Being comfortably situ ated in life, they desire no reward from the church. The church officers held a meeting, refused to accept their resignations and consented to relieve them of active ser vice In the choir, but reserving their places as long as they live, so that whenever they wish to occupy seats in the choir gallery their chairs will be there and their services will be gladly received. The scinl-centeimlal of theit connection with the choir was cele brated recently, and the occasion was a notable one. The brothers Shaaber in reality Joined the choir fifty-four years ago. Daniel Shaaber was leader of the choir for thirty years. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT -EASE, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-EaBe. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it lodan. Sold by all druggists and shoo r.tore.- for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm BtedLoRoy, N. Y. ITEMS OF INTEREST. A bill-board before a church in Pais ley, Scotland, contains this announce ment: "Only short se.imons delivered here. Excellent music. This is the place to pave your soul and be happy. Walk in." London is very much stirred up as to what it terms the "telephone mon opoly," and a recent resolution of the highways committee asks of the post- To Have Pleasure. ,a8ler.generai categorically whether Of course we live to have pleasure i, he doeB or doe8 not jntend to start "a and to avoid pain, and that is why so many use St. Jacobs Oil to cure Rheu matism, quickly and surely to get rid of it. It is the best cure. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chus. Montgomery. There arc certain times in our'life when every lot seems preferable to our own, yet we wouldn't change places if the opportunity were really given ua. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. really efficient telephone service in op position to the monopoly." English railway people have finally outgrown their prejudice aud are adopt ing the American "cowcatcher" in the front of their engines. A recent acci dent, caused by a truck falling in front of an engine, and which a cowcatcher would have swept away, accelerated the adoption of the American idea. Not long ago a Frenchman and a clause in iiis will set forth his desire to ba conveyed to his last resting place in a motor oar arranged as a hearse Also near Marseilles there was held an "electric christening," wherein the I party consisted of nine persons, who Queen Victoria has seen every throne , ;erff conTeyed to the church in an'elec n the world vacated at least once, some . . .: i of them several times. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Oregon, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel 1 X L windmill, sold by him, is unequalled. trio carnage. A device designed for the greater comfort of wheelmen is a spring hat- I pin. shaped similar to a hairpin and permanently attached to the rim of the i t. flirt ftinf. Mfllnpfinrt ' InWWrfl TIiav nrn Kplf-aptinc and Adinfit them- Fresh blood is one of the ingredients BelveB t0 the contour 0f the head. Locomotor Auxi&S Paralysis Can be Cured. , These extreme nervous disorders were tTed.ted with wonderful success by the dis coverer of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for PMe People, previous to his discovery being otter ed to the public generally. This remedy is the only Known specific in mny diseases that, until recent years, were pronounced in curable, ttere i. trie proof; James Crocket, a sturdy old Scotchman living in Detroit, Mich, a c88 Montcalm St., wan cured of Locomotor Ataxia by these pills. For many years he has been a chief engineer of one of those big passenger palace steamers plying upon the great lakes. This is a position of great respon sibility and the anxiety causes a great nervous strain. ' Mr. Crocket says : "For fifteen years I watched the big engines and boilers without a single accident, and only noticed that I was getting nervous. Suddenly without warning I was taken sick, and was prostrated. I had the best of physi cians but grew gradually worse. At a council of doctors, they said I had nervous prostration, and had destroyed my whole nervous system and would never recover. For three years I was unable to move from my bed. The doctor said I had locomotor ataxia, and would never be able to walk again. "The pains and suffering I experienced during those years are almost Indescribable. The friends that came to see me bid me good-bye when they left me and I was given up. The doctors said nothing more could be done. My wife kept reading to me, articles about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. We finally decided to try them. The first box gave me relief. I continued to use them for about two years before I could get strength enough to walk. I am nearly seventy-five years old and there is not a man in this city that can kick higher or walk further than I can and to-day I owe my present good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People for they saved my life." Detroit Evening Newt. The Genuine cr K Suiu of a new food for stock which is being manufactured in German factories. Tame snakes are used in Morocco to clear houses of rats and mice. Sure Cure for File. Itching Piles are known by moisture like per spiration, causing Intense Itching when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemedy, which BIG LOG OF WALNUT. ' Tree Seven Feet lu Diameter and Twenty-three Keet in ClrcuMiferonce. The picture shows a section o one of the black walnut trees recently pur chased by a Mlxbawnka, Ind., lumber company. There were fifty-one treen In the clump, located in Cass County, Michigan, and the price paid was $10, 000 in cash. The section shown In the acts directly on parts effected, absorbs tumors, al lots a permauei. Circular free. lays Itching and effects a 1 Druggists or mail. Philadelphia, Pa. ermanent cure. 60 cts, Dr. Bosanko, mm MONSTROUS I.OO OF WALNUT. picture Is 100 feet. long. T2.00 feet Ir circumference and 7 feet lu diameter Five men with arms exteJNcd can en compass the tree, and there are a num ber of others In Idlvc ouyvbc.ETAOfi ber of others of the same size In the clump. The treps are being felled, cut up aud 6hlppcd (o England. Jnat ITotr Jt la Pone. fcmin and Jonws were talking on day about their business interests Smith was a hotel man and Jones wai a manufacturer's agent. "I Bay, said Jones, "how ever d you use such an enormous quantity oi pears aud peaches?" "Well." replied Smith, "we eat wtial we can, and what we can't eat w can." "Indeed!" tsald the other, "we da about the same In our business." "How Is tliatr "We sell an order when we can sd! It, and when we can't sell It we cancel It." San Francisco Argonaut. Distantly Related to Wealth. At the wedding anniversary of railway magnate, one of the guests noticing a somewhat lonely look In, and rather shabbily attired man In on't corner of the parlor, walked over and sat down near him. "I was Introduced to you," he said "but I did not catch your name." "My name," replied the other, "1 Swaddleford." "Oh, then you are a relative of our hostf "Yes," replied the "poor relation,' with a grin. "I am his cousin $500,000 removed." Youth's Companion. The dead letter probably died at its post But few actresses are as bad as they Are painted. ' A Sicilian tribunal sentenced a noted forger to imprisonment for 189 years. Precious manhood Chronic, special and private diseases scientifically treated and CUBED by Dr. E. M. Katchffe, the cham pion specialist of the Pacific coast. Urin ary and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood, Varicocele. Rupture, treated according to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. E. M. Ratclifle, 2G5 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Gave Ills Consent. The city clerk at Lewiston, Me., who always demands the written con sent of parents before marrying minors, recently received the following unique letter: "Mr. Clek, that giilof min she want to be mary and I done care a darn. She got a feller and they earn ten dollars a week 'tween 'em. He good feller. She all right. You will mary them for me, and, be much obliged." Some wonderful stalactite caves have recently been disooveied eight miles from Krugersdorf, in the Transvaal. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best of all cough cures. George W. Lotz, Fabucher, La., August 26, 1895. In the Sanctum. The editor criticised his book- He scored it, page by page; He got him a stick and a loaded brick And called at the shop in rage. But the editor tumbled him down the stairs, And remarked, as he floundered around: "He isn't much of a writer, But he certainly covers the ground!" Atlanta Constitution. Scientifically Correct. "AncD.when I proposed to het she turned all the colors of the rainbow at once.' "How can yon make such a ridiculous assertion?" "All the colora at once, if you have not forgotten vour high-school lessons, you ought to know make white.' Indianapolis Journal. -r The Last Resort. "After all, a mother-in-law Is a pretty good thing to have sometimes." "What wonderful experience have you been having lately?" "My wife was afraid to discharge onr cook, and she wouldn't go for me, so we sent for Birdie's mother and turned her loose in the kitchen. They smauhed some of the furniture, but the cook's gone." Chicago News. Teacher of the Future Who can tell me who was Hobson? One of the Countless Generation as Yet Unborn Please, he was the hero of the meny smack. Indianapolis Journal. An English syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of all Mexican breweries. They are hailed with delight by the male escorts, who have heretofore gal lantly played the role of "hat chasers Wild Rush of Diamond Miners. A wild rush of excited miners is reported at Kullagine, Western Australia, where diamonds have been discovered in large quantities, and it is feared that many will lose their lives in the mad strugglt for riches. In this country the rush for gain Is causing many other men to break down in health ana sirengin. ner vousness, sleeplessness, loss of flesh and appe tite and general debllitv are the common symptoms Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters will cure them all. A law suit generally wears out at the pockets. Will Get There. It is deep down to the Sciatio nerve, but St. Jacobs Oil will get there by vigorous rubbing, and will soothe the affected nerve and drive out the tor menting pains. The worst cases have been promptly cured. TZ2 4jjL3$&"& ' 50 cents ((((. I n,yin lg 8r i Jj "1 druggists i )) Like & Tj&llr direct ,f x This L froo& ftviwaw iiA tr Tome yC? by rYUii. j Address th Dr-William MtoiciNt Company, SchenccUdy, NX( A Literary Note. "Your majesty," said the prime min ister, "this is the page who has been remiss in his duty." "Aha!" exclaimed the king, "we'll have to bring him to book. "He! he!" laughed the page; "a noble jest, I'll be bound." Thereupon the king's heart softened, for he marveled that a man so voung could make so old a joke. Catholic Standard and Times. Chinese Commercial Methods. It is often said no European can un derstand Chinese commercial methods. Here is a curious instance of the celes tial's inversion. A Chinese hotel keeper had contracted to board and lodge a visitor for a dollar a day. As time went on he found- it impossible to get his weekly acoount settled. So he offered to maintain the guest for half a dollar a week. He said he would lose less. London Chronicle. Some women weary trying to look young. themselves gray To Cure a Cold in One Pay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money u laus w cure. 25c. An ounce of flattery goes further with some women than a pound of ad vice. pit Permanently Cured. No fltsor nerrousnes ilia after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Restorer. Bend for KKKK S.OO trial bottle and treatise. DR. R. U. KLtNii, Ltd., M0 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. Even a poor writer can put a little style into his chirography by using a stub pen. Vn household is comnlete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It For 30 Days You Can Try It for 25 Cents. RHEuW Sfil 42 YEARS ! CURED UY TRADE MARK. Spent Hundreds of Dollars Trying to Get Well, but all in Vain, Used "6 DROPS" for Two Months and Is Now Completely Cured. Thousands of Grateful Letters Received of Which the Following are Samples: GRINNELL, IOWA, NOV. 17, 1897. To the SW ANSON RHEDMATIC CURE CO., Chicago, 111.: Gentle men I will state that I had the Kheumatlsra over 42 years. Spent over IfiOO.OO In trying to get well, but all In vain, until my brother-in-law gave me one bottle of "5 DROPS" on trial last June. I used it for two months, and I am now a well man. I certainly believe it is all you claim for it, and fully worth the money to anyone. I hone the public will benefit by my statement of my own case, and anyone wishing to write me will "'jjj'rjvjfjj CRUTCHES DESTROYED AFTER ONE BATTLE. WKWiwns wE.anVibv REGENT, ILL., NOV. 12, 1897. 8WAN80N RHEDMATIC CURE CO., 167 Dearborn 8t., Chicago, 111. : Sirs My wife has been wc ui mo ii""i jvo .. -y. , gunning tWo years with Kneumatlsm. sue coma not get anoui at an. one nas uhcu bdoui one is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec-. tattle of "6 DROPS," and can now go about without crutches. I never have found anything omrnended by all physicians. Don't ne- that did her so much good, and I hope to be able to continue the treatment until she is entirely well. iAmro v As a positive cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Backache, Asth ma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Hleenlessness, Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Head aches, Heart Weakness, Toothache, Earache, Croup, Swelling, La Grippe, Malaria, Creeping; Numbness, etc., etc. "FlwS DROPS" hst never been eousled taken but once a day Is a duse of this great remt-dy and to enable all suflfcrers to fclect this necessity Why does a woman always try to make you believe that her last season's hat is a new one? Story Told on Liszt. There is a story told of Liszt to the effect that he was one day very hard on a pupil whose playing he condemned rathei severely. The pupil said she had studied the piece under Mnie. Schumann. To which Liszt replied: "Mme Schumann, Mme. Schumann I Yes, you have learned from her how one plays the piano when one has six children poor woman, six children 1 In Buch burgeois life any great inter pretation is impossible. You must play this piece differently when I am your master. Thank God, I have not six children." make a trial or Its wonderful curative properties, we will send out during the iieut thirty Wild Justice. First and last the words "Revenge is a kind of wild justice" have been quoted hundreds of times probably in extenuation of the lynching habit. The context is never quoted. What Lord Bacon wrote was "Revenge is a kind of wild justice which the more a man's nature runs to the more ought law to weed it out." So stout has Senator Lindsay, of Kentucky, grown (he must weigh con sideralby over 800 pounds) that his step has become slow and awkward. Apparently his tailor has given up all idea of fitting the ponderous Eentuck ian. who looks as though he had been harnessed country fashion, not dressed. "5 DROPS" iiora im nm nmni hfittln. 23c each. nreDaid bv mall. Even a samDle bottle will convince you of its merits. Best ana cheapest medicine on earth. Large bottles (300 doses) l.00 for 30 days 8 bottles for fZM. Sold only by us and our agents. Agents wanted In new territory. Write us today. 8WANSON KHKUMATIO CUKE CO., 167-169 Dearborn St.. CHICAGO, ILL. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Hoots Crowned. Bridges Made. Tainlesg filling- and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, mvF GUTLER'S GARBOL&TE OF IODINE Guaranteed cure for Grip, Catarrh and Con sumption. All Druggists, $1.00. W. U. Smith, Buffalo, N. Y., solo proprietor. V-- jf In burins: seeds oroy in extra-' o f baoauae the ooet ' cultivation wanted on inferior .i... I.,,.lw axoaede til original ouat oi toe Deal eseaa to be bad. The beet is alwaya the cbeapeat. Pay a trifle more for FERRY'S and SEEDS always ge yonr money1 J V best. Sfed Annual free. Jr riv 1.M. FKKHY CO., f X As THE TRESTLE BOARD," $1 PER ear: weekly, 5 cents; monthly, 10 cents, Id bv all newsdealers. Ofllce. 40b Uall fornla St., Baa Francisco, Cal. , -T In 1 u 6 dayl. M jTJ Ouaraolted V efew noi to ftrtoiuro. P-"4PrTffDU eottuiion. CINQINMATI.O .f """1 CURE YOURSELF! Vhk lll for unnatural i)lHi:liarKn, iiilluimnatiuns. Irritations or ulcerations of in 11 co us mtmibraues. I'aiiileHs, ami not aatrin- ItheEM8 CHEMICI f!0. S1'"' or poisonous. Hold by nruKalaU, or sent In plain wrapper, hy exploits, prepaid, for !., nr 3 bottllts, Circular soul on request. 0R.GUI1NS IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, Remove l'im pies and Purify the Blood, Aid Oigrstlon andPrevent Biliousness. I)o not Gripe orBlcken. Toconvince tou,w will mall sample free, or full hot for 25c. I)K. HOSANKO CO., Phllada., fauna. Bold by Druggists. YOUNG MEN! For Qonorrhoj and Oleet get Pabst's Okay Bpedfla. It Is the ONLY medicine which will cure each and erery oaM. NO CAME known It haa ever fallrd to core, no matter how serious or of bow long stuidlnR. Reeulta from its nae will astonish you. It is aliaolutely safe, preTenta stricture, and can be taken without InconTe nlcnce and detention from bunlmM. THICK. iS.00. For sale by all reliable drurirbU, or sent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by PABHT C11EM 1CAL CO., Chicago, IU. Circular mailed on request. N. P. N. V. NO. -'99. WHEN writing to advertiser please mention this paper. llee3 WHAT ALABASTINB IS. Alabastine Is the original and only durable wall coating on the market. It Is entirely different from all kaUomlne preparation. Alabastine is made ready for use in whit or twelve beautiful tint by the addition oi cold water. It Is put up in dry powdered form, In flve-pound package, with full direction on vry package. It takes the plac of scaling kalsomlnes, wall paper ana paint lor Alabastine can be used on plaster, brick, x canvas, and a child can brush it on. walls wood WHAT "KALSOMINES" ARE. Kalaomlnc are cheap and temporary prepar ation, manufactured from whiting, chalks, clay, etc. They are tuok on th wall with decaying animal glue. Alabastine 1 not a kalsomine. It is a rock-basa cement, which eta, and It harden with age. It can be re coated and re-decorated without having to wash and scrape off its old coat. Beware of a large four-pound package of light kalsomine, told to dealer for four pound and offered to customer as a five-pound package. CHURCHES AND . BCHOOL1IOUSE8. The interior wall of churches, achoolhouses and all publlo hall should never be coated with anything but the durable and pure Ala bastine. So evident ha this fact become, that hundreds of tons are used annually for thl work. The genuine Alabastine doe not rub or scale off. It is cleanly during the long period of it usefulness. Every owner of a building should use It. Ask your paint dealer or druggist for card of tints, and write for free copy of our paper, Alabastine Era, to Alabastine Co., Grand Rapid, Mich. REJECT THE "JUST AS GOOD." The dealer who toll you that he can sell you the "same thing" as Alabastine or "something just as good," eitherU not posted or is trying to deceive you. In offering something he ha bought cheap and is trying to sell on Alabas tine's demands, he may not realize the danger to himself a well as to you. Boware of all new substitutes. Dealer risk a suit for damages by selling and consumer by using an infringe ment. Alabastine Co. own the right to make and svll wall coatings adapted to mix with cold wale-