' V. itudn Volunie VI. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, February 10, 1899. Number 4q. Don't You Know HEYWORTH IN WASHINGTON. ee 5 That we give more groceries for one dollar than any other house in the city t If not it will pay you to call and be convinced. We always have on hand fresh goods. A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Foot Wear. A Trial Order Will Satisfy You. HENRY LEWIS, Next door to PoRtoflice. J. A. HALL, Land Commissioner, TOLEDO, OREGON. Special attention given to filings and final ploula. f Correspondence solicited. S. F. BILYEUf Tonsorial Aril, ffi OPPOSITK T1IK FOSI'OFFICK. Easy Shaves. Shampooing. Hair Cutting. Toledo, Oregon. DIRECTORY, LINCOLN COUNTY. Joint Senator Joint Representative, iionnty Judge clerk ... Sheriff Treasurer S-hool Superintendent Siirveyor Assessor Coroner Commissioners J. D. Daly G. E. Davis - J. F. Stewart Hurley Lutz J. H. Ross J. L. Hyde Geo. Bethers Z. M. Derrick J. W. Parrish Sam'l Van Pelt W. R. Wakefield F.A.Godwin Oregon Contractor Anxious to Go Ahead With Yaquina Improvement. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Mr. Heyworth, of the firm of Christy, Lowe & Heyworth, who contracted for the Yaquina improvement, is in Washington en deavoring to have the work carried on in accordance with the contract, which he claims was duly made. He desires to know why the contract has not been signed by the secretary of war. He says that both bonds and contract were signed and forwarded by the firm long ago, and that after five weeks' delay, were returned for the purpose of inserting the word "and" in the firm name after Lowe. That they were then retnrnM ith the statement that the contract was all right. Now the firm has received word that there is some imperfection in the contract. They feel that they are being dealt with unjustly, and the delay has been made purposely for the object of defeating the contract. Mr. Heyworth, with Representative Tongue and other members of the delegation, is going before the secretary of war tomorrow in the hopes of having the matter straightened up. Heyworth, being a personal friend of Secretary Gage, may receive some assistance from the treasury department. Oregonian, of the 7th. Here Do County Commissioners Court meets on Wed nesday after the first Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December. CIRCUIT COURT. Hon. J. W.Hamilton Judge (ieo. II. Brown, Pros. Attorney Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and fourth Monday in January of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. 3. F. Jones ...Mayor R. E. Collins Recorder Thos. Horning Marshal T. P. Fish Treasurer ',. If. Crosno 1 C. j. Gowell, I Ic"'eI" WauBh I Aldermen I.. M . Starr, I Fred Stunton I Albert Waugh, J Council meetB on the first Monday evening in each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUUCH-Servic es at Toledo on 1st and 83 Sabbaths of each month at lloclock. Sabbath school every Habbath at 10 oelock. ST JOHNS CHURCH-Piotcstaiit Episcopal Divine service on the ad Sunday of every month at 11 oelock. All are invited to be present. I O. O, F. Toledo Lodge Number 108, meets of Wu hnll T.PT. flO every oaiuruiiy evening iv m visiting brother be absent. i O. O. F.-Elk Lodge Number 134 meets every ruiuruay evening 1,1 ,n Visiting brothers always welcome. OF INTEREST TO $ EVERYBODY. Jack MeCullum passed through this place Monday evening enroute for Newport from the Valley. Siuslavv parties are trying to buy the mill machinery at Mill 4 to take the place of that receutly burned at Acme. Moses Gregson, our manufacturer of all grades of lumber, returned from a visit to Corvallis and Philo math Saturday evening. N. A. Gallatly, a Blodget cattle feeder, was in town Tuesday after a car of stock which Albert Meaker was to deliver to him. Fourteen ladies attended the Club Saturday night and enjoyed the evening immensely if counte nances are to be read as reflecting 1 emotions. Mr. rfogue is to De congratulated. Tas. E. Allen, was a this Know? Mrs. King, Mrs. C. B. Crosno's mother who has been visiting here for several weeks, returned to her Oak Creek home the later part of last week. 10. 0. F.-Ilay Lodge Number lift, of Yanuina, meets every Wednesday evening Visiting brothers are always welcome. 10. o. F. Newport Lodge Number 89 meets every Haturdav evening. Visiting members are cordially invited to attend. TWILIGHT RKBKKAII Lodge No. 90 meets meets at Odd Fellows hall in Elk City on the 1st and 8d Thursday evenings of each month. Visiting members always welcome. o -.-. r r v rn Oolml-nh Deereo. I. 0. II O. F. meets at Odd Fellows hall in this ol y on Tuesday evening of each week Invited to attend. Visitors rOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Pocahontas Camp No. '.299, Toledo, uiegon, mucin " 1.1 oi, a, l.-rMnvunf each month in the Odd Fellows hall. Visiting neighbors always welcome. vistor 111 city fron Waldport the latter part of last week, too late for publi cation. He will tell you that we have one of the most accommodat ing railroad agents "what is." T. W. Gorman visited our city Monday, returning in the evening. He has been without The Leader for several weeks and on this visit) it was ordered sent to him for an other year. He said his girls could not get along without the Leader. Ladies accept our sincere thanks. The Leader cannot keep track of Dr. Carter these days unless he follows the section foreman's form of reporting derailed trains on a certain portion of his section which was something like tlrs, "Onagam, on again, gone again, Finigan." He came from Elk Monday evening. A F. A. M,-Xewport WgeNo 85 regular n convocation on 1 uesuny uu - - - moon. Visiting brotners are curumiij coined. n tt r iv..t.i.n at., r isiAua No. 73. meets A meets in Odd Fellows hall, Yaquina, on 1st and 8d eveniiiKB in each month brothers are always welcome. Visiting U NITED ARTISANS. River Dell Assembly No. 02, Unltea Arusans, ineew ... Wednesday nlKhts of each month in Odd Follows hall. Elk City, uregon. i""8 ters and brothers are always welcome. n A. R. ABE LINCOLN PostNo. W, meets In IT Odd Fellows hall on tne isi anu 0 days of each month. WR. C.-ABE LINCOLN WOMAN'S RELIEF Corps No. 49, auxilliary to the O. A. K. meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each month in Odd Fellows hall, at 2 p. m. Twenty-seven drummers were down with la grippe in one hotel at Walla Walla last week. The hotel man's life was not all roses those days, we'll warrant. Jno. Forgaity; Sr., of Far Far, came to our city Tuesday to trans act business before the probate court connected with the estate of Herman Benke, whose lunacy and subsequent death at the asylum is well known to a majority of our readers. He reports everything quiet in his vicinity. He is of the opinion that our government ap propriation is a lost cause, and believes it is so partly because of impotent labor and negligence of Mr. Thos. H. Tongue. Mr. Forgarty returned the same even ing to his home. Bro. Soule is putting too much stress upon the truthfulness of Tug items. Why, bless his soul, there isn't a democratic or populistic paper in the county: how can he - expect anything but the purest, unalloyed, glittering, quintessence of truth in a republican paper. Of course, Bro. Van says funny things that need a little fiction to make them sound well, and Bro. Mathews says cutting things about Alsea people and division questions, but Bro. Sober of The Leader deals in nothing but absolutely bald headed truths. At the general meeting of the Bellamy Co-Operative Association last week the following officers were elected : President, B. Tonder; vice president, Nils J. Matre; sec retary, O. A. Tveitmoe; treasurer, mem- Do you know of any better goods than those offered for sale by the Yaquina Bay Mercantile Company ? Do you know of any more liberally advertised goods than those kept by the Yaquina Bay Mercantile Company? Do you know of any better prices for the same quality of goods than those given by the Yaquina B.iy Mercantile Company? If you do know these things you will take advantage of them and buy your groceries, provisions, clothing, underwear, head wear, foot wear and everything else you need at the store of Yaquina Bay Mercantile Company. eeoc TOLEDO HOTEL, 0 A Strictly First-Class House Under New Management. A House for Commercial Travelers and the Public. Board and Lodging 1 and $1.25 per day. Fine Bath in connection with house. ED SCHMEER, - Proprietor. I THE LEADER, and Dthe oregonian. O. A. Pederson. Two new nnAv mnrnin auite a number bers were admitted, and theresigna of our citizens were nursing bland- lion of one member accepted , The and-blne spots which were liberally Board or uireors o. .w over their limbs tion is composed of nine members sv.ai.vcit. ......... . - r c..., pio-Mt or mem ueuiK uw iwiucuw dy, in consequence ui o-- - ...... J . . .. r rworrnn anA the ninth is at dav's coasting down tne uemers v6-.. - ua a o , . ,.:c:i tn "NTnrwav. hilt hill. There was. a goodly crowd prwcm - :..-f.u..i;f- f .he ritv. a' will arrived here early next summer. Si7t small W and 'Financially the Association has sPriI1KU1 & . . . i j rrt tn hie show in t? the - t 1 plenty of noise. One ot our leaning attorney's boys was out early Mon day morning in quest of a pair of crutches. But it was a "glorious victory." made a very creditable showing the last year, and it starts out on its second year with renewed determin ntinn trt ell nrped and it will sue- UllVt V rf - - ceed. $8.80. y$9.90 yhen in Corvallis, Call and examine our line of $8.80 and $0.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore gon. They arc made of Albany Woolen Mills' All Wool Cassiincrc. and made to wear. Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING. MENS BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Suits Made to Oixler. F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Ore. Special attention given to mail orders. if"- - 8.80. f 9.90 LENCOLlsr COUNTY Real Estate & Abstract Co. Alan a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all property" in Lincoln county. Also has a large list of Tide lands, Farm lands and City property, improved and unimproved, 'for sale on good terms. Address BOX 27, Toledo, Oregon. u J. .. t i " i '.' T.-. r"" i t i I i !. I : .1 ; ; i i V I)