mmtti Volume VI. gender. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, January 27, 1899. Number 47. Don't You Know That we give more groceries for one dollar than any other house in the city f If not it will pay you to call and be convinced. We always have on hand fresh goods. A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Foot Wear. A Trial Order Will Satisfy You. HENRY LEWIS, Next door to Postofflce. J. A. HALL, Land Commissioner, TOLEDO, OREGON. Special attention given to filings and final prools. Correspondence solicited. S. F. BILYEU, i 11 mm OFPOSITB T1IK POSlOrTH'K. Easy Shaves Shampooing. Hair Cutting. Toledo, Oregon. DIRECTORY. LINCOLN COUNTY. Joint Senator Joint Representative, county Judge (Herk Sheriff ' Treasurer School Huperiutendent Surveyor Assessor Coroner 'ommlBSioners J J. D. Daly G. E. Davis - J. F. Htewart Hurley Luti J. H. Ross J. L. Hyde Geo. Bothers '. M. Derrick J. W. Parrish Sam'l Van Pelt W. K. Wakefield F.A.Godwin Countv Commissioners Court meets on Wed nesday after the first Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December, CIRCUIT COURT. Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge (ieo. M. Brown Pros. Attorney Cunrt convenes on 4th Monday in July and fourth Monday in January of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. 3. F. Jones,. Mayor R. E. Collins : Recorder Tnos. Horning Marshal T. 1. Fish Treasurer C. B. Crosno, 1 C. j. Gowell, I Veern.Wliugh Aldermen L.M. Starr, f Kred Stanton, I Albert Waugh, J Council meets on the first Monday evening in each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Servic es at Toledo on 1st and 8d Sabbaths of each month at 11 oclock. Sabbath school every Sabbath at 10 oclock. ST JOHNS CHURCH-Piotesfant Episcopal Divine service on the 8d Sunday of every month at 11 oclock. All are invited to be present. I 0. 0. F. Toiedo Lodge Number 108, meets every eaiuraay evening m ii uau. uc visiting Jjrother be absent. I O. O. F. Elk Lodge Number 184 meets every aiuraay evening in us nan m Visiting brothers always welcome. $ OF INTEREST TO EVERYBODY. Bert and Herbert Trombley of Alsea were in the city Monday, witnesses in the Mcaker-Lewis cattle case. $ Cy Copeland, who has been back to his old home in Ohio for several months, , arrived home Friday evening. Cy has swung around the circle but came home to Ya quina bay just the same. Postmaster Stanton and wife re turned Friday evening after a fort night's visit at Corvallis and Salem. among their many friends while absent. Lee Wade acted as deputy during their absence. Mrs. George Buford and children arrived from Los Angeles Saturday night and will again, take up their residence at the Agency. Her husband dislikes that portion of California and is again off for the mines Mr. Buford informs us. The apples stored in the Grady building owned by Buoy &Landis, were loaded into freight cars Satur day. Monday Mr. Landis loaded about a car at Elk City and now the apple buying and shipping is completed and off their hands. Severt Anderson, who owns a farm on Big Elk, who formerly worked on the government works at Newport; came from Astoria Friday to look after his home, the title of which was before the court. He has been absent about six years, but has changed not at all. The Grady building is now occupied by a billiard and pool parlor conducted by C. W. Bogue It has been well patronized during the past week although not yet stocked or improved as the pro prietor intends to have it. This new business venture will doubtless be well patronized by our citizens who love these games to pass away a heavy hour. I 0. 0. F. Bay Lodge Number 116, of Yaqulna, meets every vveonesaay evening vibiuus brothers are always welcome. I 0. O. F. Newport Lodge Number 89 meets every raxuraay evening. vimuiiB nicmuio are cordially invited to attend. TWILIGHT REBEKAH Lodge No. 00 meets meets at Odd Fellows hall in Elk City on the 1st and 8d Thursday evenings of each month. Visiting members always welcome. DO GOOD Lodge No. 70, Rebekah Degree, I. O. O. F. meets at Odd FellowB hall in this ci y on Tuesday evening of each week. Visitors invited to attend. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Pocahontas Camp No. 29, Toledo, Oiegon, meets on 1st and 8d Fridays of each month In the Odd Fellows hall. Visiting neighbors always welcome. AF. A. M.-Newport Lodge No. 85, renular convocation on Tuesday on before each full moon. ViBitlng brothers are cordially wel comed. . AO. U. W. Western Star Lodge No. 78. meets meets in Odd Fellows hall, Yaqulna, on 1st and 8d evenings in each month. Visiting brothers are always welcome. C. S. Sullivan, superintendent of the Corvallis & Eastern, was a Saturday visitor in Toledo. He spoke very encouragingly of our city's past progress and hoped to see it continue. He wishes our people to bring such rock as he has placed on the depot grounds and cover Hill street from T. P. Fish's store to the court bouse and from the track on Third dreet to A. T. Peterson's residence. The cost will be but very little as the Company will load the cars and do the hauling at just the matter of cost to them. This will have to be done before our business streets can be anything but a raudh'ole in winter. UNITED ARTISANS. River Dell Assembly No. 92, United Artisans, meets on the 2nd Wednesday nights of each month in Odd Fellows hall, Elk City, Oregon. Visiting sis ters and brothers are always welcome. A. R. ABE LINCOLN Post No. 08, meets in iiaa f ellows nan on me inv aim ou oumi days of each month. WR. C.-ABE LINCOLN WOMAN'S RELIEF Corps No. 49, auxilliary to the G. A. II. meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each . mouth in Odd Fellows hall, at 2 p. m. Secretary Wilson, of the Agri cultural Department, had less to say oh the President's recent trip South than most of the other mem bers of the party. He did take occasion, however, to advise some of the colored people whom he met to plant clover and raise sheep and cattle. "The trouble," he said, "is that you keep too many dogs and too few sheep. The cost of feeding one dog would raise too sheep or one hog." Another economic statement was that if all the salaries received by the poli ticians were compared with the value of the eggs laid every year, it would be found that there was more money in hens than in politics. Youth's Companion. Court Notes. F. A. Godwin came down Mon day to look in upon court. Jack Porter returned from Port land Saturday and attended court several days this week. The genial J. R. Wyatt of Al bany came over Saturday to be present during court session. Attorney Ed Bryant of Philo math, transacted business in this place during the session of circuit court. Mr. Yokem of Portland, a stock man, attended court Monday, a witness in the Meaker-Lewis cattle case. The Trombly brothers, Sam Hill and wife, J. Blaser and others were present from the Ona neighborhood Monday. One moral to be learned from the late shooting affair is this: Never carry anything but a Smith & Wesson gun. Messrs, Bollen, Fred Chambers and Oscar Woods came over from Siletz afoot late Monday evening to attend court. An attorney should have his case well in hand before coming into court he will find no time to in form himself there. No time is lost in court where Judge Hamilton presides. He practices true economy. The tax payers will note this fact. Attending court from Corvallis comes Attorneys W. S. McFadden, A. L. McFadden, W. E. Yates, E. E. Wilson and J. H. Gibson. Robt. Chambers, . a Little Elk reader, was in town several days during the week doing business at the court house and elsewhere. No grass has grown or other velvety green growth has sprouted neath Sheriff Ross' feet this week, or on his head either for that matter. Treasurer Hyde has been con spicuous for bis absence this session, but Wm. Alexander and Chas. Crosno have occupied their usual positions. Those in attendance upon this court doubtless noted that Judge Hami'ton cared to hear nothing but facts; and they bad to be right to the point. Uncles Hutch and Jack did their utmost to uphold the dignity of the court. Neither cracked a smile throughout the session during "office hours." J. K. Weatherford attended court the latter part of the week, spent Sunday at Newport and Monday returned home to attend office duties. B, F. Swope, who formerly resided in this city but hails now from Oregon City, arrived late last week to attend to business before this session of court. Attorney W. S. Hufford of Port land, well known to all our readers arrived Saturday night to be present during circuit court. Looks as natural as an old shoe. Lincoln county from Summit to the sea and from Salmon to Yahats, was well represented at the court house Monday. It was also noted that the Leader readers were on all sides. Some localities always take premiums for their fine fowls, pure bred cattle, big pumpkins and un excelled cabbage heads, but our Alsea country never fails to produce a crop of the best jurors in Lincoln county and should take the bum. Hot Time IN THE OLD TOWN, AND SO IT IS WITH US. FROM NOW TILL JANUARY FIRST We will make a clean sweep, and mind you, we mean what we say. Men's and Boy's Ready-Made Suits At Cost. Will sell you same class of goods as you send for at $3.00 less a suit. Remember our freight on a suit of clothes is about 10 cents, while if you send off for it, you do not only pay from $1 to $1.50 freight or express, but you give the little profit there is in it to some one who cares not one farthing whether there is such a man living as you, or such a place on the globe as Lincoln county, or such a place on the map as Yaquina Bay. If you are American, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Do not send off to foreign countries for what you need when you can get it at home fully as cheap. - CLOTHING & OVERCOATS, BOX COATS & MACKINTOSHES For Cost Till January 1 Our Large Stock Must Be Reduced. Ask For Bargains And we will show you hundreds of things not men tioned which are eye-openers. Remember we carrv in stock all your wants from CASTOR OIL & PILLS ' to CHOP, BRAN & FLOUR. Remember we are the originators of Cut Prices. Our motto is 'LIVE, AND ILET LIVE." You are invited to call and get prices. Yours for Close Deals, YAQUINA WW Toledo, Oregon, TOLEDO HOTEL, A Strictly First-Class House Under New Management. -- . ... A House for Commercial Traveler! and the Public. Board and Lodging $1 and $1.25 per day. Fine Bath in connection with house. ED SCHMEER, Proprietor, 1 j THE LEADER, and " THE OREGONIAN. $8.80. $9.90. yhen in Corvallis, Call and examine our line of $8.80 and $9.90 suits. They can't be beat in Ore gon. They are made of Albany Woolen Mills' All Wool Cassimcrc. and made to wear. Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS' and CHILDRENS' CLOTHING. MENS' BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Suits Made to Order. F. L. DULLER, Corvallis, Ore. Special attention given to mail orders. MITi i 8.80. f 9.90 LINCOLISr COTJ2SrTY-Ss Real Estate fc Abstract Co. i Has a complete Up-to-date Abstract of Title to all property in Lincoln county. Also has a larr'e list of Tide lands. Farm lands and City property, improved and unimproved, for sale on good terms. Address ' . 8 7, Toledo, Oregon.